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Ronin Warriors to Amrs or Sailor Scout Power
Chapter 6 : Team Work
By SAW458

"Aw, we're not getting anywhere with this," Sailor Moon sighed. "You'd think that we would have found some way down by now. Can't we rest for a sec?"

"Well, I certainly don't want to spend anymore time than I have to on this mountain," Luna said firmly.

"Yeah, but unless this fog lifts, there's not much chance of us finding a way off this thing," said Rowen. He had been sure that there would be some sort of path or trail off this mountain, but there was no such luck. Then this pea soup fog had descended upon them. Damn, he thought, frustrated. The longer they were stuck up here, the more danger their friends could be in. He glanced over at Sailor Moon. Earlier she had gained back her lighthearted demeanor, according to Luna. But now she walked along silently, dragging her feet in a half-hearted manner.

He was sympathetic, knowing why she was upset. Luna had given him a quick explanation when Sailor Moon hadn't been listening. Not only were her friends missing, but from what he understood, she also had a boyfriend that was lost here. He couldn't say he understood though, because then he'd be lying. Rowen had never had a girl care about him that much. Being so smart, he had usually been referred to as the brainy guy in his school and most girls weren't interested. It had bothered him, of course. After all, he wouldn't mind having a date once in a while. But he tried not to let it get to him. That guy is really lucky, he thought, feeling a little envious. Though Sailor Moon was a bit of a klutz, he had to admit she was a beauty. However, his interest in her was only that of a friend. She was nice, but definitely not his type.

Sailor Moon was very depressed. She missed her friends, Darien, Reenie..... She bite her lip in an effort to feel a different kind of hurt then the one in her chest. She was so worried about Reenie she could barely stand it. The others could deal with any problem that might come up; she knew that. But Reenie was so young! She was just learning how to be a Sailor Scout and she had never fought a real battle by herself. Sailor Moon lowered her head and sent up a silent prayer. Reenie, please be ok. She felt better after that. She could almost imagine Reenie frowning at her stubbornly. I'm not a baby, you know, Serena! I can take care of myself.

Sailor Moon stumbled slightly as the ground suddenly began trembling under her feet. "Hey, what's going on?" she said worriedly.

"In this place, who knows?" Luna said.

Rowen steadied himself as the shaking became more violent. "It might be an earthquake," he suggested. Then, as if deliberately proving him wrong, the ground on the other side of the mountain exploded and everyone was thrown off their feet. Rowen skidded on his side and after a moment sat up, unhurt. He looked up to see a huge geyser of lava break through the thick fog and shoot into the sky.

Sailor Moon also saw the lava, her eyes widening. "We're sitting on a volcano! We got to get out of here!"

Rowen agreed with that idea and was already on his feet. As he searched for any possible way to get off the mountain, he suddenly felt an intense energy. He blinked, startled by it.

"Rowen? What's wrong?" Luna asked, noticing his stunned expression.

He stared at where the lava had just blasted from. The aura he had detected was gone, but he had caught enough of it. It was Wildfire! "We've got to get over there."

"What? Are you crazy?" Sailor Moon exclaimed. "We got to get off this volcano before it erupts or something!"

Rowen spoke insistently. "No! Ryo is nearby! I can sense his armor!"

"Ryo?" Sailor Moon said in surprise, "That's one of your friends, isn't it? How do you know he's here?"

"The Ronin Warriors' armors are all connected, and they react to each other. I'm not quite as sensitive to it as much as the others are, but I know that the armor of Wildfire is here." Rowen's eyes narrowed. "And if I can sense his armor that means Ryo must be fighting. We've got to help him!" With that, Rowen took off running and disappeared through the fog.

"Hey, wait!" Sailor Moon and Luna hurried to keep up with him. They nearly lost him in the haze, his dark-blue body armor barely visible as he raced ahead of them. Then they almost collided into him as he halted abruptly. A hot wind blew against them, making Rowen and Sailor Moon cover their faces with their arms. "Where are we going?" she asked.

"We need to get into the volcano," he said.

Sailor Moon faced away from the heat, holding Luna in front of her to shield her cat. She spoke loudly over wind. "How? There's no way of climbing down! We'd be killed if we just jump in there!"

Rowen was very much aware of that, but he had a plan. Bracing himself against the heat, he shouted the words he had called out countless times before. "Armor of Strata!" Sailor Moon looked over at him in surprise when she heard his voice. She wondered why he was saying that again. She had figured that his previous transformation was his only one. Well, she was in for a big surprise.

"Tao Inochi!" Blue energy surrounded him as his armor appeared. His bow materialized and he pulled it from the air, attaching to the pack on his back. Then he turned to Sailor Moon to see her response.

She was speechless as she stared at Rowen. His armor was dark-blue as expected, with two yellow horns on either side of the pointed helmet. "Wow," she said to Luna, "that must be what you where sensing, right?"

Luna wasn't quite as startled as Sailor Moon, but she was still relatively astonished. "So this your power," she said to Rowen in rather matter-a-fact tone.

"It's only part of it," he said, not trying to boast or anything. "Come on, I can get us down there safely." Sailor Moon timidly stepped next to Rowen and immediately gasped as his armor began to glow. He closed his eyes and the symbol of life flashed on his forehead as blue energy bubble formed around him and Sailor Moon. She clutched Luna in fear, not knowing what was going on.

"Not so tight!" Luna cried out.

Sailor Moon quickly loosened her grip, but kept a firm hold on her cat as the bubble rose into the air. They floated over the ground, moving slowly until they were above the opening of the volcano. Sailor Moon could see the lava through the smoke that rose up. "Rowen....?" she began, frightened that she would fall somehow through the floor of the bubble into the crater. When he didn't answer, she looked and noticed his eyes were still closed. A vein pulsed in his temple as he clenched his teeth. He's almost in pain, she realized. She gulped and kept quiet.

The bubble descended into the opening, directed by Rowen's will. It was a slow process for him, who usually only utilized this power to carry himself. After they had been lowered down enough, he opened his eyes and scanned for a place to set down. There was an intense pressure in his head from having to concentrate, and he knew he couldn't maintain it much longer. He spotted solid ground off from the crater and steered for it. He knew he had to get them far enough away from the heat. Finally, the force on his brain overwhelmed him and the bubble vanished. Everyone crashed to the floor, which was luckily only a few feet away.

"Ow!" Sailor Moon said, having landed on her butt. "Couldn't you have gotten us closer to the ground?" She glanced over at him for a response and saw he was on his knees, breathing hard. His head was pounding as wave after wave of dizziness hit him. "Rowen, are you all right?" Sailor Moon asked, concerned as she knelt next to him.

Rowen put a hand to his forehead, wincing slightly. "Yeah, I've just never done that with other passengers before." The throbbing in his brain eased off after a minute, and he was able to stand up. "Sorry about the rough landing," he said apologetically.

"It's ok, but now what?"

Luna looked around, her pupils expanding to let in more light. Being a cat, her vision was much better than Sailor Moon and Rowen's. Her ears twitched as she heard a scurrying sound. "Watch it, you two! Something's here!"

"What? Where?" Sailor Moon and Rowen searched around for anything strange. A blur of movement caught Sailor Moon's eye, but when she turned her head in that direction, it was gone. "I saw it over there!"

"No, over there!" Rowen said, catching sight of a dark form. Then he saw another one, and another one. "Guys, I think we're surrounded."

The three of them backed up into a small group as several of the forms came into the light, clacking their pinchers together. "Oh, gross! Bugs!" Sailor Moon was disgusted as insects the size of German Shepards appeared in great numbers all around them.

"Looks like we'll have to find Ryo later," Rowen said, jerking back his foot as one of the bugs jabbed at it. He reached for his folded bow, the ends of it snapping out as he held it in front of him. He held his other hand over the hole in the pack on his back and a flash of light flew out, forming into an arrow. He strung his bow and fired at one of the insects. It reeled back with a screech as the projectile plunged into its compound eye and then it toppled to the ground. Its companions gathered around their fallen comrade, making weird wailing noises. Then the enraged insects turned and advanced on the three intruders.

Rowen retaliated by shooting a barrage of arrows with rapid speed. He brought down several of them, but most of his arrows merely glanced off the insects' hard exoskeletons. Sailor Moon took off her tiara and it shined as it transformed into a discus. "Moon Tiara Magic!" She hurled her weapon into the air and directed it as she smashed it into many bugs, vaporizing them. But she could only hold her concentration for so long and she got tired after a while. Her discus stopped in midair and went back to its original form, clattering to the floor. She quickly grabbed it and put the tiara back on her forehead, but more insects were circling her, Luna, and Rowen. Sailor Moon raised her hand and her Spiral Heart Moon Rod appeared in it. "Moon Spiral Heart...." Suddenly, a bug leapt at her and slashed her arm. She cried out in pain, dropping her rod. Another insect snatched it in its mouth and darted away. "Hey, come back!"

Rowen kept firing round after round of arrows, but seemed that every bug that he killed, three more took its place. "There's too many!" he shouted, lashing at an insect that lunged at him with his bow.

Sailor Moon picked up Luna and stayed close to him, seeing as how he was the only one with a weapon. "What are we going to do?"

"I'll blast them," Rowen said. He drew back an arrow, the tip glowing with power. But he was stopped as Sailor Moon put a hand on his arm.

"No! One of those things has my Moon Rod! If you blast them, you'll destroy my weapon!"

"She's right," Luna agreed. "We need to get that rod back first."

Oh, great, Rowen thought. He struck at another bug that tried to attack him. There looked like there were hundreds more of these things. It didn't look good for them, but Rowen had one more idea. He closed his eyes once more and focused his thoughts, the symbol of Life flaring up on his forehead again. Ryo, come on, I need your help!

Virtue....... Ryo woke with a start, bolting upright. His sudden movement caused Mars to stir. "Huh? What's going on?" She blinked sleepily and looked questioningly at Ryo.

The sign of virtue was burning on his forehead. Ryo touched the symbol with his hand, his eyes wide as he felt the heat under his fingertips. "No way," he whispered, stunned.

"Ryo?" Mars said his name, watching him anxiously.

He stood up, staring at one of the tunnels. "It''s Rowen!" He pulled Mars to her feet, motioning for her to follow him. She didn't argue and they both ran through the passage. As they hurried along, Mars and Ryo began to hear what sounded like a battle. They rounded a corner and skidded to a stop as they were confronted with a disturbing sight. Miniature versions of the huge insect they had fought earlier were attacking two people and a black cat with a crescent moon on its forehead. There was a girl with her hair in ponytails that came up in two buns, and she was wearing a sailor outfit similar to Mars. The difference was her clothes were in shades of red and blue and her hair buns had a smooth red stone attached to the front of each of them. The boy with her was wearing a dark blue armor, but his helmet didn't cover up his blue eyes. A strand of blue hair hung over his forehead as he used his bow to land whacks on insects that jumped at him and the girl.

Mars was shocked to see that the boy's armor was sort of like the armor she had seen on the strange being who killed the huge bug before. But she didn't have time to dwell on it, as she recognized the girl and cat. "Sailor Moon! Luna!" The two looked up at the sound of her voice.

"Sailor Mars!" Sailor Moon said, her voice full of gladness.

Mars didn't waste time in taking a running leap into the circle of insects. She kicked off a bug that went for Sailor Moon's throat. Ryo joined her, punching away another bug on Rowen's back. "Sorry to keep you waiting," he said to his friend.

Rowen grinned as he continued firing arrows. "Better late than never," he declared.

Luna noticed a suspicious looking insect inching itself away from the group toward one of the exit tunnels. It had Sailor Moon's weapon in its mouth claws. "Oh, no you don't!" Luna launched herself at the little thief, clawing at it's back and biting into one of its legs. It squealed, dropping the Moon Rod. Luna seized the handle with her teeth and made her way back to Sailor Moon, dodging in between pinchers.

Sailor Moon quickly knelt down and her cat dropped the rod in her hand. "Thanks Luna!"

"Rowen, let's book it!" Ryo grabbed Mars and jumped out of the barrier of insects, followed by Rowen who was carrying Sailor Moon and Luna. They both landed near the passage and set down their loads.

"Hurry, we can escape this way!" Rowen said in an urgent tone.

Ryo glanced back at the horde of pests that screeched threateningly at them. "Do you really think we can outrun them?"

"We don't have a choice!"

Nodding in agreement, Ryo grabbed Mars's arm and pulled her toward the tunnel. But instead of going with him, Mars shook off his hand and stepped toward the bugs. "Mars, what are you doing?" Ryo asked incredulously.

"I am so sick of this!" Mars turned to Sailor Moon. "Come on, Sailor Moon! We can moon-dust these roaches!"

Sailor Moon looked at her in surprise, then smiled. "All right!"

The insects swarmed along the ground, skittering toward the two scouts. Mars brought her fingertips together. "Let's double team up, ok?"

"Got it. Moon Tiara........" Sailor Moon's tiara turned into a discus.

"Mars Fire....." Flames gathered on Mars's fingertips.

"Magic!" Sailor Moon threw her weapon at the bugs.

"Ignite!" Sailor Mars launched a stream of fire at the discus. It engulfed the projectile and fused its power into the tiara, causing its color to change to a fiery red. It zipped around the insects, disintegrating one after another before they could move. Soon there was nothing left but smoking piles of dust.

The two girls stood in mute shock, realizing that they had won. Then they both let out a cheer and slapped their hands together in a high five. "Yea!"

Sailor Moon reached up and plucked her tiara out of the air as it flew over her head. "We did it!" she said happily, replacing tiara back on her forehead.

"Yeah," Sailor Mars said. "You weren't half bad, meatball head."

Sailor Moon lost her smile and glared at Mars, seething. "Don't call me meatball head!" Suddenly Mars winced and Sailor Moon noticed an ugly scorch mark on her arm. "Mars! What happened to your arm?"

Mars promptly hid her injury from view. "It's nothing," she insisted. But Sailor Moon knew how stubborn Mars could be. She quickly ripped off part of her right sleeve from her uniform.

"Let me see," she said in a firm tone. Sailor Mars reluctantly showed her wound and Sailor Moon gently wrapped it with the cloth. "There! Now it won't get infected, at least until we can get you to a doctor."

"Sailor Moon....." Mars looked at her friend with a grateful expression. She often teased her leader and they did fight a lot, but she knew that Sailor Moon truly cared about her and the others. She put her hand on Sailor Moon's shoulder. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it," she said.

Sailor Mars then saw a small trickle of blood running from Sailor Moon's arm and realized that she also had a nasty gash on her arm. "Sailor Moon! Your arm!"

Sailor Moon glanced at her arm in surprise. "Huh? Oh, that. One of the bugs slashed me." She shrugged sheepishly. "I guess I forgot about it."

Mars immediately tore off part of her left sleeve and bandaged Sailor Moon's cut before her teammate could say anything else. "There, now you won't get an infection either!"

Sailor Moon smiled appreciatively. Though Mars could be bossy and mean sometimes, she was a true friend. "I guess we're even then," she remarked in a good-natured tone.

"Well then, that means I can call you meatball head again!"

"For the last time, DON'T CALL ME MEATBALL HEAD!"

"Hey!" A voice abruptly broke through their argument. Sailor Moon and Mars suddenly remembered that they weren't alone. Ryo and Rowen waited rather expectantly for the two to recall that they were still there.

"Uh, sorry," Sailor Moon said, turning to the two boys.

"Yeah," Mars added sheepishly.

Luna sighed. "Just like old times," she said, not bothering to hide the fact that she could talk from Ryo.

Ryo stared at Luna in bewilderment, and spoke to Rowen. "Talking cat?"

"What, are you surprised?" Rowen asked.

Ryo thought for a moment, then shook his head. "No, not really."

Mars looked warily at Rowen, his armor reminding her too much of that strange dark figure that had defeated the huge bug before. "Who are you?"

"That's Rowen," Sailor Moon said, introducing him to Mars. "When we got separated, me and Luna woke up on top of this volcano with him. You wouldn't believe it Mars, but he got special powers like us! This neat little crystal appeared in his hand out of nowhere, and he transformed into this body armor. Then he transformed again into the armor he's wearing now, and made this bubble that surrounded us and we floated down here." Sailor Moon finished this explanation in one breath and stopped for a moment to take in air. Then she looked expectantly at Mars. "Cool, huh?"

Mars didn't really agree. She had a few questions she wanted answers to. But Ryo seemed to know this guy, which was one of the things she wanted to ask about.

"Wow, Rowen, you managed to carry two other people with you?" Ryo said in an amazed tone, saying this more as a statement than as a question.

Rowen shook his head tiredly. "It wasn't easy, believe me. But do you know what's going on with all those bugs?"

"Well, we ran into one of those earlier. This place must be some kind of hive for them." Ryo observed his friend a moment. "Man, you look beat!"

"Yeah, a little." Rowen sighed, closing his eyes. His armor disappeared and he ran a hand through his blue hair, trying to fix it. "Dang, I hate helmet hair."

"You hate it? I wonder how Sage deals with that kind of thing."

Rowen laughed and Sailor Moon let out a giggle. She already knew about Sage from Rowen's description. She was eager to meet the rest of Rowen's friends and see what powers they had.

Mars suddenly spoke up in a quiet tone. "Can I ask something?"


"Why does that guy have body armor almost exactly like yours? And why did he have armor that was like the weird thing that saved me from that giant bug?" She glared at Ryo, anger beginning to burn in her voice. She also threw an icy glance at Rowen that actually made him cringe. "When I woke up before, I was so relieved to see you that I never asked how the hell you were able to get out of that volcano without getting killed. I'm tired of this charade, so you'd better have some answers."

"Out of the volcano?" Rowen was confused. "What's she talking about?"

Ryo had been hoping to avoid this conversation, but he realized he did owe Mars an explanation. "We were attacked by a huge bug, like the ones we just saw. I tried to fight it, and it threw me into the crater."

Sailor Moon was about to scoff at the impossibility of that, but was silenced as Rowen said, "Let me guess: you were able to transform into your armor and use the heat from the lava to power up and destroy the offending creature, right?" This assumption was greeted by a gaping expression from Sailor Moon, a startled look from Sailor Mars, and a mortified look in Ryo's eyes. "Doesn't she know?" Rowen asked uncertainly, making a mental note to himself to just keep his mouth shut the next time this kind of thing came up.

Mars stared at Ryo with apprehensive eyes. "What's he talking about?"

Ryo took a breath, hating every minute of this. He'd finally gained Mars's friendship and now she was back to suspecting him. But he supposed he should have known that this would happen. If he had just told her in the first place, it wouldn't have come back to blow up in his face. "Well," he began, trying to think of a good way to explain this. He got one word out when suddenly a loud explosion occurred near them.

"Jupiter Thunder Crash!"

"Venus Crescent Beam Smash!"

An electrified beam of light slammed into the mountain and blew up the wall. Smoke billowed from the hole as a few extra rocks crumbled from it. Mercury stood off to the side, looking at her two teammates objectively. "Do you really think that's the best way to go about getting inside?"

"We don't have time to look for another entrance. We wasted enough just climbing halfway up the side of this thing." Jupiter waved the dust away from her as it rose from the rubble. "I want to find the others as soon as possible."

Venus nodded in agreement. "You got to admit Mercury, this place is pretty dangerous. And after all, there's safety in numbers, right?"

Artemis, who was hanging over Venus's shoulder, chimed in. "I bet once we find everyone, we'll get some answers about what's going on."

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Kento said. "We get everyone back together and then we find out who dragged us here and then I'm going to pound the jerk's head!"

"Cool it, Kento!" Cye reprimanded his friend. "Even if we were brought here against our will, whoever or whatever did it might have had a good reason for doing so. Maybe they need our help."

Kento looked at Cye skeptically. "Oh, sure, they just crossed us over dimensions to have us help with the laundry."

Sage shook his head, the lock of blond hair over the side of his face briefly moving aside to reveal his other indigo eye before falling back into place. "There's no sense in trying talk Kento out of a fight. It's what he lives for."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Kento snapped, offended.

Cye stepped in at this. "Yeah, Sage. That's not fair. Kento's got more on his mind than just battles, you know." Kento grinned gratefully at his friend, giving Sage a 'You got proved wrong' kind of look. Then Cye added, without missing a beat, "Like eating."

Jupiter and Venus burst into laughter. Mercury attempted to stay quiet, but a giggle escaped from her. Sage was surprised at Cye's quick-witted response. If fact, that's something he would have said! He glanced over at Mercury, who held one hand over her mouth to cover up her quiet laughing. Maybe this girl is bringing out a new side of our little Torrent, he thought with a chuckle. "Bravo, Cye."

Kento turned away from the group, sulking. "Fine, be that way. Some friends you guys are."

"Oh, come on, Kento! It was just a joke." While Cye tried to apologize to Kento, Jupiter went over to the new opening in the mountain side and peered in.

"Pretty dark in there," she commented.

Venus poked her head into the hole, squinting through the blackness. "I think I see some light over there." She pointed to a faint red glow several feet beyond them.

Mercury activated her visor and scanned the area. Three dots, two of them red and pink, flashed on the screen, accompanied by two blinking squares. "Hmmmmmm..."

Sage, seeing her confused expression, came over to her. "Anything wrong?" Cye and Kento joined him, having resolved their argument.

Mercury frowned, touching her earring to make the visor in front of her eyes disappear. "Well, according to this, they should be right here."

"Hey! Anybody in there?" Kento called, his shouts echoing and fading away. Everyone listened for a reply, but none came. "Where are those guys?" he said worriedly. Then a weak voice came from the darkness.

"Right here." Everyone whirled toward the hole to see Ryo emerge in the opening, hacking violently. Rowen appeared behind him, followed by Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and Luna. They all were obviously rattled, but they seemed ok.

"Is everyone all right?" Mercury asked, concerned at their dazed expressions.

"We're fine," Rowen said with a cough. He had a large scrap near his eye. "What in the world happened?"

Jupiter and Venus were horrified at what they had done. "God, I'm sorry! Venus and I used our powers to blow open the wall." Jupiter came over and helped Sailor Moon out of the hole, who had Luna in her arms.

Venus was busy assisting Mars through the opening. "We were just trying to get inside the volcano. We didn't know you guys were there!" Artemis leapt off Venus's shoulder and Sailor Moon set down Luna. The two cats touched noses in greeting and Artemis fretted over the wound on Luna's paw.

Venus and Jupiter stood looking ashamed and guilty. "This is all our fault," Jupiter said miserably. Venus nodded, crestfallen.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Rowen gingerly touched the cut on his forehead, wincing.

"Yeah, no one's dead. We just got the wind knocked out of us," Ryo said, shaking his head to get rid of the ringing in his ears. But he had a huge smile as he saw his three other friends.

Meanwhile, the Sailor Scouts gathered around their leader. "Mercury! Jupiter! Venus!" Sailor Moon cried joyfully, hugging her teammates. "I'm so glad to see you guys!" She searched around excitedly. "Where's Reenie and Darien?"

The three other scouts glanced at each other with troubled faces. "They're, uh, not with us."

"Neither are Mia, Yuli, and Whiteblaze," Sage said. Ryo and Rowen were dejected at this.

Sailor Moon wilted slightly, the hope in her eyes fading away. Mercury quickly spoke up. "We've located Reenie, though. She's not that far away. And Darien, wherever he is, is still alive." She turned to the Ronins and said, "And also, I've picked up three other life forms that should be your friends. Two of them are with Reenie. The other one is with Darien."

"Ok, we have hurry and find them too." Ryo looked at the rest of his group with a grin. "So, you guys have any trouble getting here?"

"Not really," Cye said.

"Hardly," Sage replied.

"Piece of cake," Kento declared.

Luna and Artemis, after finishing their hellos to one another, stood together as they usually did. "All right, everyone," Luna said, sounding a little bit like a drill sergeant. "Let's get moving!"

"Every second counts! Think you can get us there, Mercury?" Artemis asked.

Mercury already had her visor on and her computer out. "Follow me," she said with a smile. As she headed off, Cye ran up and walked next to her. Jupiter and Venus gave each other a knowing look as they and the rest of the group walked along.

"Awwwww!!!! Aren't they cute?"

"Huh?" Sailor Moon said, confused. "What do you mean?"

Jupiter and Venus motioned for Sailor Moon and Mars to join them so they could tell them the juicy gossip. Sailor Moon raced to join them, but Mars took her time. Ryo avoided her inquiring glances and she eventually gave up in giving them, but she swore she was going to find out what was going on. Sailor Moon continued to worry about Reenie and Darien. As the crowd of people traveled off the mountain, Mars and Sailor Moon were not the only ones who were plagued by troubled thoughts of what might lying in wait ahead of them.

Yeah! It's finally done! Now only 50 more chapters to go. Kidding! But there still are more chapters to write, and I'm far from done. We've almost got our whole group back together, so stay tuned for the next chapter. I would like to say thanks for all the wonderful comments and compliments from people who have read this. I love the feedback. And on my very first fanfic! To think people are actually losing sleep waiting for the next part of this story. (Grace, Chris, you know who you are! I'll probably be getting a nasty IM from them when they read this. Oh, well! I'm sure that somehow they will forgive me.) See ya!

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