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Ronin Warriors to Arms or Sailor Scout Power
Chapter 14 : Betrayal of Trust
By SAW458

"Dynasty soldiers..." Kento ground out in anger. Rowen didn't speak and the emotions on his face were unreadable. Cye remained silent as well.

Serena had no idea what these things were, but she could tell they weren't good news. "Sailor Scouts, transform!" She grabbed her brooch and raised it into the air. "Moon Cosmic Power!"

"Mercury Star Power!"

"Mars Star Power!"

"Jupiter Star Power!"

"Venus Star Power!"

Darien pulled out a rose that immediately began shimmering. His clothes vanished as his tuxedo formed on his body. He took off his mask and hat, tossing them aside. He wouldn't be needing them.

Ryo, after getting over his shock, shouted to his friends. "Let's arm up, guys! Armor of Wildfire, Tao Jin!"

"Armor of Halo, Tao Chi!"

"Armor of Strata, Tao Inochi!"

"Armor of Hardrock, Tao Gi!"

The battle began as the dynasty soldiers spread out. Kento wasn't going to waste time, and immediately prepared to unleash his sure-kill attack. But he was stopped as Rowen shouted at him.

"Don't do that, you idiot! You nearly killed us the last time you did that here! If we tried our special powers, we'd bring the entire forest down on us!"

Kento was startled at Rowen's sharp tone. The archer usually kept a cool head in battle. But he realized that Rowen was right, as did the other boys who heard this. None of the Ronins could risk their attacks in this forest; it would be too dangerous. Oh well, Kento thought with a grin, I'll just have to do it the old-fashioned way.

Two dynasty soldiers threw their spears at him, but they were deflected as Kento spun his staff in front of him. Then Kento transferred his weapon to his other hand and thrust it forward, shooting out the blunt spiked end. It streaked through the air and rammed into one of the soldiers, knocking it down. Kento reeled the projectile back into his staff as he raced forward. He turned the staff around and stabbed the standing soldier with the blade side. A familiar looking mist seeped out of the wound, to Kento's satisfaction. Without wasting a second, he brought his foot down hard on the chest of the dynasty minion on the ground and crushed it. Kento was triumphant for a moment, but the two dynasty soldiers he had beaten suddenly evaporated into nothing. Kento stared in disbelief at where the empty armors had just been. "Hey.....these aren't normal dynasty soldiers! What's going on?"

Rowen was viciously attacking the dynasty soldier coming after him. He slammed his bow into its chest, leaving a huge dent. The soldier staggered back, and then tried to take off Rowen's head with its sword. But the blue-haired teen ducked it quickly and fired three arrows simultaneously. They pierced its chest with deadly accuracy, and discolored smoke leaked out of the holes as the empty armor toppled over. Rowen's expression was hard as the soldier vanished out of sight.

Tuxedo Mask dodged out of the way of a sword jab and leapt into the air. He pulled out two roses and held them between his fingertips. Taking aim, he flung the flowers at the dynasty soldier below him. The roses sped toward their target, and their razor sharp tips pierced its armor effortlessly. By the time Tuxedo Mask landed, the soldier had already collapsed and disappeared.

"What do you have under that suit, a bouquet or something?" Ryo inquired as he slashed through one dynasty jerk.

Tuxedo Mask gave him an irritated glare. "Do I insult the way you fight?"

"Point taken," Ryo apologized as his enemy crashed to the ground.

Sage blocked a spear with his sword, then delivered a devastating blow across the dynasty soldier's stomach, taking it down. All the while his mind was bewildered. What the heck was going on? Why was the dynasty here in this world? The Ronin Warriors had killed Talpa, hadn't they? Sage didn't really have time to think about as Kento suddenly shouted out.

"Rowen! What are you doing?!"

Sage whirled around and his eyes widened in shock. Rowen was standing a few feet away, his bow strung with an arrow that was pointed straight at him. Sage couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Rowen?"

Rowen's voice was cold and steely. "Don't move, Sage."

"Rowen, stop it!" Sailor Moon pleaded. She had just finished off one of the weird armored things attacking them with her tiara. The sailor scouts' powers were less wide range than the Ronins, so they could use them to some extent.

Mercury and Jupiter sent an electrified blast of water at one soldier, totally destroying it.

"Why is he doing that?" Mercury asked in confusion. Jupiter was horrified; she wanted to run to Sage's defense, but she didn't know if she'd make it in time.

Mars and Venus shot a combined barrage of fire rings and a chain of hearts at another dynasty soldier. They turned away from it as it faded away like the others. Mars rubbed her temples as she watched Rowen. "That evil force is still here. It might be affecting him somehow!"

Sage didn't know what to do. His best friend was apparently ready to kill him. Why? He and Rowen had been through so much together; all the battles, fights, and the good times. Sage took a step forward, trying to reason with him. "Rowen, please..."

As soon as Sage moved, Rowen's eyes narrowed and he released the arrow. It streaked through the air and hit its target at full force. The tip of projectile shattered through the back of the helmet, protruding visibly. A thud was heard as the body crumpled to the ground. No one moved; everyone simply stared in a stunned silence.

Hicoyu had been observing this performance with more than a little enjoyment, but he straightened up slightly as a voice rang out sharply in his head. Stop playing around with those children and kill them! Trem's words literally bit into his brain. Hicoyu winced slightly and nodded at the command. "As you wish, master," he whispered. He smiled coldly; he had only been having fun with the teens, but now it was time to get serious.......

Rowen lowered his bow with a relieved sigh and asked, "You okay, Sage?"

"Yeah," Sage replied, a bit shaken. He looked over his shoulder to see an evaporating dynasty soldier that had crept up behind him without his knowing. Rowen's arrow clattered to the ground as the soldier disappeared. Sage turned back to the archer, his expression full of gratitude. He felt silly now for thinking that his friend would ever betray him. "Man, Rowen. For a minute there, I thought......"

"I know," Rowen said apologetically with a nod. "I saw that thing was ready to slash you. I thought if I tried to warn you, it would kill you for sure." He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry I scared you like that."

"It's okay. You saved my life."

Jupiter shook her head in disgust at the finished battle. "What the heck were those?"

"Dynasty soldiers." Rowen replaced his bow on his back as he spoke. "Talpa sent them out regularly for us to fight." He shuddered at the thought. "I really hate those things."

"You had to fight those things?" Venus asked in disbelief. "And I thought the sailor scouts had it tough!"

"But we made it though," Tuxedo Mask interjected pointedly.

Mars spoke up abruptly, shivering. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm still sensing evil here."

Sage grimaced as he felt it too. The bad vibes made his skin crawl. "She's right. This fight isn't finished yet."

Ryo began to respond, but he was interrupted by the sound of clapping. Bewildered, he and everyone else turned toward the noise. Cye stood off from them, his back leaned against one of the trees and his eyes closed. He appeared to be applauding for his friends. To the Ronins and scouts shock, they saw his armor was not on at all. He was still in his regular clothes.

"Well, you all survived," he said, complimenting the others. "I was a little surprised that you were able to beat those soldiers so easily. But I suppose that I should have checked on that before I created them." While he was talking, uneasiness began building up inside of Mercury. Cye's voice didn't sound right. It was the same accent and tone, but it was void of the kindness and gentleness he usually had.

"Cye? Have you been there the whole time?" Kento asked in incredulous outrage. He had missed an important part of what Cye had just said, but he was too angry to catch it. "Why didn't you help us?"

The English boy shook his head, sighing in an almost pitying manner. "Honestly, you really are as dense as this person came to believe. I do not understand how you, or any of you for that matter, have been able to stay alive this long."

"What?!" That insult caused Kento's temper to flare up, but his leader held him back. Something wasn't right; Ryo could tell.

"What do you mean, `this person`?" Ryo asked. "Cye, what's with you?"

"Oh, that's right, I forget to tell you." Cye snickered haughtily as he spoke. "Your friend, Cye is it? Well, he's indisposed at the moment." He finally opened his eyes and Mercury's heart turned ice-cold with dread at the sight of them. They were not their usual warm sea-green color, but instead were a metallic gray shade. "My name is Hicoyu, and I'm afraid you will now have to deal with me."

"That evil energy," Mars said, staring at Cye, "it's coming from him!"

"It can't be. Cye isn't evil!" Kento protested. He wouldn't believe his best friend had turned against them. It just wasn't possible!

Sage already knew the answer. "Hicoyu must have possessed Cye!"

"Possessed? What a vulgar way of putting it," Cye, or rather Hicoyu, said in mock offense. "I am merely borrowing his body for a while, until my task is complete."

"Where is Cye?" Mercury demanded angrily. Her voice had been frozen in shock, but now she shouted in fury. "What have you done with him?"

Hicoyu scrutinized her for a moment before answering. "He is still here, so to speak. I have buried his personality deep within his own mind, where he cannot bother me."

"Then what's going to happen to him?" Mercury asked.

"Nothing. Yet." Hicoyu chuckled at her obvious worry over Cye. "Besides, Amy, I think you should be more concerned about your own welfare than his right now."

Mercury gasped in shock when he said that. "How do you know my name?"

Hicoyu scoffed. "I know who all of you are. Anything your friend knows, I know. All I had to do was scan his mind. And I learned quite a bit about the Ronin Warriors and your various abilities. In fact, I think I already have a handle on Cye's powers." Hicoyu raised his hand and the Torrent trident suddenly materialized. It shined in a sparkling light blue color as he pulled it from the air, but when he touched it, the glow it gave off dimmed dramatically. He smiled as he brought the trident down, showing it to the teens like a prize.

"That's....that's impossible!" Rowen exclaimed in stunned disbelief. "How could you do that without calling on the armor?"

"Your minds are incredibly simple. It was easy to understand your friend's energy." He spoke laughingly as if it was some kind of private joke. "You children have no idea the power you have at your disposal. I can probably use Cye's armor and weapon to a fuller extent than he was ever able to."

"You monster!" Kento had been seething in anger at this creature that had taken over his teammate. Now he barreled into Hicoyu and knocked him down forcefully. He raised his staff, preparing to slam it down upon the parasite. But he faltered, unable to strike him. True, this person wasn't technically his friend, but...Kento couldn't do it. He couldn't hurt Cye.

When Hicoyu saw that Kento was hesitating, he quickly brought up his hand and an unseen force threw Kento back. He was knocked into Sage and they both crashed to the ground. Hicoyu stood and sneered mockingly at them. "What's the matter, Hardrock? Can't attack your friend?" Kento glared at him, but he didn't say anything.

"I've had enough of this!" Jupiter wasn't about to put up with this anymore. "Jupiter Thunder, Crash!" For the sake of Cye, she didn't use her strongest move. She only wanted to knock some sense into him.

Venus joined her. "Venus Crescent Beam, Smash!"

Mercury wanted to say something, to scream for them to stop. But she couldn't get her vocal cords to work. She only watched as a lightning charged beam of light raced toward Hicoyu.

Hicoyu smiled coolly and lifted the trident in front of him. Spinning it in a fast circle, he blocked the attack. Then he pointed the weapon at the two scouts and shouted, "Super Wave Smasher!" A stream of water was blasted at Jupiter and Venus, who dodged out of the way. It missed them and pummeled into a tree, tearing it to pieces. Lowering the trident, he twirled it leisurely with his hand. "Care to try again?" he asked casually.

"Stop this!" Sailor Moon begged. "Cye, you can't let him control you!"

"Don't bother trying to talk to him. He can't hear you. You children are really starting to bore me." Hicoyu sighed, then an evil glint appeared in his eyes. "I think I'll go kill your friend now. My master will be pleased if she dies." With that, Hicoyu phased out and disappeared.

"Wait!" Ryo ran to the spot where Hicoyu had been and swore in frustration under his breath. "Crap! What did he mean?"

Rowen had think a moment before he suddenly understood and gasped in horror. "He's going after Alosha!" He took off running in a dead heat. The other Ronins and Scouts quickly followed.

Mercury lagged behind somewhat. She was slightly numb, not wanting to believe what she had just heard and seen. But there was no way to deny it. Why? Why of all people did it have to be Cye? The one person she truly....Mercury shook her head stubbornly; wallowing in self-grief wouldn't help anything. Somehow, she would have to bring Cye back.

What's going on? Where am I? It was totally dark and silent in the place Cye was in. He desperately tried to remember what had happened. I was walking with the others and then....I don't know. He was drowsy and his body wouldn't move. He couldn't even feel it.

He could sense strange beings around him, holding him down. They spoke soothing words into his mind, telling him not to worry. Everything is all right, they said. Your friends are fine. You can rest now, you've done enough fighting.

Cye didn't resist and closed his eyes. He couldn't do anything else; their urging and coaxing was too strong to ignore. But he couldn't help but feel that he was missing something. Something important...

Alosha sat near the fire, waiting patiently as she could for her allies to return. It had been way too long since they had left; where were they? She was getting apprehensive. A premonition of danger swept over her, but she ignored it. Rowen was her main concern right now. She felt guilty for being worried the most about him, but she couldn't help it. Whiteblaze nudged her and growled softly, causing her to smile. The wise animal knew she was upset. As she reached over and patted the tiger's head, Rowen's voice suddenly rang out in her head. Alosha! She jumped, startled for a second by the abruptness of his shout. Alosha, answer me!

Rowen, what is it? She was relieved that he was all right, but the anxiety in his voice confused her. What's wrong?

It's Cye! I can't explain right now, but he's coming to kill you!

Alosha was bewildered at this information. Why would Cye be coming to kill her? Then Whiteblaze suddenly snarled menacingly, and she turned to see a blast of water headed straight at her. She had just enough time to bring up a protective magic shield around herself and the tiger before it struck. The attack rammed into the barrier hard, and Alosha was barely able to maintain it. The water finally died away and she fell to her knees, exhausted.

"That was quite impressive," a familiar voice commented.

Alosha looked up at the sound, searching the darkness beyond the trees around her. She could feel the evil energy and was almost immediately able to pinpoint where it was. Focusing her sights up at the branches of a tree, she shouted, "Come out! I know you're there!"

The person she knew as Cye leapt down from the tree top and landed in front of her, holding the Torrent trident. "As you wish."

Alosha narrowed her eyes angrily at him. She already could tell that someone was inhabiting the teen. "You are one of my brother's minions. I demand you leave this boy's body at once!"

"You're not in any position to be making demands," Hicoyu retorted, pointing his weapon at her. "Super Wave...." He was interrupted as Whiteblaze leapt at him, snapping threateningly. "Stupid tiger!" he said angrily. He raised his hand and Whiteblaze was flung back by an invisible force. The animal slammed into a tree and slumped to the ground.

"Whiteblaze!" Alosha jumped up to help the tiger, but Hicoyu stopped her by placing the sharp tip of the trident at her throat.

"I'm afraid I must kill you now," he informed her, almost as if he was apologizing. But there was no mercy in his expression as he prepared to slash Alosha. Then he cried out and the weapon fell from his hand as an arrow grazed him in the shoulder.

"Alosha, get away from him quick!" Rowen had another arrow trained on Hicoyu, ready to fire if he made any false moves. She nodded and hurried over, getting behind the Ronins and Sailor Scouts. Ryo went to check on Whiteblaze, who got up shakily and growled to show he was all right.

Hicoyu held his shoulder, blood trickling out from the wound. "You'll regret that," he said in a deadly tone, stooping down and picking up the trident. His entire body began glowing in a dark green light, and his eyes responded in kind. Everyone backed up carefully.

"This is bad," Sage said grimly. "We can't attack him without hurting Cye."

"There's got to be a way to get him back!" Kento protested.

Mercury suddenly stepped forward and began walking toward Hicoyu. "Mercury, no!" Sailor Moon grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "It's too dangerous!"

"I don't care," Mercury said calmly. She shook off her friend's hold and kept going. "I have to do something."


"Let her go," Tuxedo Mask interrupted. He and the others watched Mercury anxiously went off by herself. "She knows what she's doing."

Mercury stopped a few feet away from Hicoyu and stood there. "Cye, listen to me. I know you're still in there. You've got to fight him!"

Hicoyu looked at her in annoyance, then swung his trident up and struck her in the face with the end of it. He laughed as she crashed to the ground, crying out from the impact. He loomed over her and aimed his weapon at Mercury, ready to kill her. "You know," he mused, "it's almost sad that I have to use this boy's body to destroy you, considering how much he cared for you."

His words hit Mercury like a lightning bolt, totally taking her off guard. "What?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot. You didn't know, did you? He seemed to love you very much. But he was afraid you didn't feel the same way." Hicoyu paused for a moment, as though he was contemplating it. Then he shrugged indifferently. "Oh, well. Any last words?" he asked as he raised the trident for the final blow.

Mercury got to her knees and stared at Hicoyu, tears pooling in her eyes. She remembered how she and Cye had first meet, how he had protected her countless times without regard for his own safety. The quiet talks they had shared, and the laughter. The wonderful smiles he gave her, his beautiful eyes that always seemed to look at Mercury with such affection. Emotion rose in up in her as she made the realization. How could she have been so blind? Cye did love her! He had been showing it all this time in his own innocent way. And she knew that she also felt the same way. But Mercury let her stupid shyness stop her from saying anything about it. Oh, God, she thought. Cye, I'm so sorry! She looked Hicoyu in the eyes and spoke from her heart. She didn't care anymore if she died. Mercury only wanted Cye to hear her words. "Cye, I...I do love you. More than anyone else in the world." But she saw no response in this person's face. All she could see was a cold-blooded demon. So she lowered her head and waited to be killed. But what she didn't know was that her words somehow miraculously found their way to Cye...


Cye stirred slightly, a voice catching his ears. Amy? He fought his tiredness so he could think. Yes, it was Amy. He was sure of that. Was she here? The other beings began speaking, trying to convince him that it wasn't, that he should go back to sleep. Cye would have believed them, but even they could not block out the next words that reached him. I do love you. More than anyone else in the world...

Cye's eyes snapped open when he heard that. "Amy..." he whispered. He wasn't sleepy anymore, and those soothing voices didn't sound so nice. In fact, they sounded downright evil. The darkness around him faded away, and he could finally see the demonic creatures around him. They were holding him down, trying to keep him here. Now that he knew what they were doing, he merely had to focus his will. "Let me go!" he shouted, and they all vanished, screeching. He was free from their influence. Cye somehow knew everything that had been happening, and he knew he had to get out of here. Amy, don't worry, he thought with determination. I'm coming.....

Sneering at Mercury's tears, Hicoyu raised his weapon to impale it into the girl. Then he froze, his expression turning shocked and the trident falling from his grasp. His face contorted with fury as he stumbled back. " can't be!"

"What's happening?" Sailor Moon asked in confusion and bewilderment.

"It's Cye!" Sage exclaimed, sensing his friend's energy.

"He's fighting Hicoyu for control," Mars added urgently.

"Come on, Cye! You can do it!" Kento urged.

Hicoyu's eyes began changing color; one second they would be gray, the next they would be sea-green. He spoke, and two voices were talking as the spirits fought each other. "This is my body, you sicko! Get out!" Cye said defiantly.

"Hah! You can't stop me," Hicoyu declared haughtily, coming back. "This form is mine now. I use it to kill your friends and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Black energy began surging around him, and Cye cried out in agony as he was pushed back. No, he thought frantically, I can't let him win. My friends, Amy....they'll all suffer because of me! I've got to beat him! Then suddenly, an idea came to him. A last ditch plan formed in his mind. He had to do it, despite the heavy price he was going to have to pay. And Cye would only have one chance to pull it off.

With a surge of strength, he took control, and in those few precious seconds that he had, Cye snatched up his trident. "If you won't leave," he said, resolved in his final decision, "then I'll make you get out!" He quickly turned the blade part of his weapon toward his body. Then he braced himself and in a swift motion, plunged the trident into his chest.

"NO!" Mercury screamed as Cye stabbed himself.

"Cye!" The Ronins shouted in horror. But they were all too late.

Cye staggered backwards, gasping in pain. But he felt a great deal of triumph as he sensed Hicoyu falling back, giving Cye total control. And he knew he had won. Cye gripped the trident's handle, and with no small amount of tolerance for the agony he was going through, pulled it out of himself. Letting it clatter to the ground and vanish, he gingerly touched his wound and drew back his hand, almost looking surprised to see the blood on it. Cye glanced over at the stunned and aghast Ronins and Sailor Scouts. There was a small trace of sorrow in his expression. "My friends, forgive me. I didn't have a choice," he stated softly. Then his legs gave out and Cye collapsed to the ground.

"Cye!" Mercury jumped up and raced to the fallen boy's side. "Cye, no!" In the midst of her panic, she forced herself to remember everything she knew about first aid. She immediately placed her hand on Cye's chest, applying pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. But she may as well have tried to stop a dam from breaking; the blood just kept coming. However, she still clung to hope, as useless as it seemed at this point. "It'll be okay," she whispered in a choked voice, trying to convince herself more than Cye. "You're going to be fine, Cye. Don't worry."

Cye gazed at her intently, his half-closed eyes sparkling as they radiated warmth and affection. He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't get any words out. Instead, he weakly lifted his hand and gently caressed Mercury's tear-stained cheek. Smiling faintly, his peaceful expression told Mercury that he had no regrets, even though he was in an extreme amount of pain. Then he took a shuddering, ragged breath and his hand dropped limply to his side, his eyes falling shut. A cold wind blew through the area, rustling the leaves and slightly breaking the silence that had descended.

Mercury stared at Cye's still form, watching as the breeze tousled his hair. It did nothing to dry the tears that were streaming down her face, but strangely enough, she wasn't even aware of them. With a small sigh, she leaned forward and wearily laid down, resting her forehead on Cye's chest. She didn't remove her hand from his wound. Her brain had shut off and reality was meaningless now. The entire universe could go to hell for all she cared. Mercury became aware of another sound, an odd crying noise. It took her a moment to realize that it coming from herself. They were her own soul-wrenching sobs, and they caused her entire body to shake as they ripped through her. But she didn't mind; she merely kept weeping. And she didn't think she would ever stop. Frankly, she didn't want to. It was the only thing Mercury could do that made sense anymore.

::sniff:: I got so sad every time I reread this part. Oh, I just know people are going to hate me for this. You're probably asking why I would do such a thing. I don't know really; as I said, this story comes to me at random and I write it that way. Ugh, I hate myself now, and I'm depressed. Cye is my favorite anime guy, after all. Well, if you aren't going to be flaming me terribly for this chapter, see ya next time.

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