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Ronin Warriors To Arms, Or Sailor Scout Power
By SAW458

A small figure stood in a circle of stones, each one a different color of the rainbow. The figure raised her hands to the sky and each stone lit up, one after the other. From each stone shot a different colored beam of light. The energy gathered in the figure's palms and two golden energy orbs formed and rose from her hands. The person spoke in a quiet but strong voice.

"Go now. Find those worthy of this task and bring them here. The world, even the universe, depends on them to save us." The orbs brightened and flew up into the sky. Each shot into a different direction and disappeared in a flash of light. The figure watched as they went. She had done all she could for now. She would have to wait to regain her power before she could do anything else. Until then, all she could do was hope that the ones being summoned could hold their own until she was strong enough to help. She wondered if she was doing the right thing bringing others into this situation. Then again, she thought, I don't really have a choice.

"Serena! Wake up!"

Serena mumbled something inaudible, then turned her head away from Raye. Luna sighed heavily.

"Forget it, Raye. You'll never get her up that way."

"You may as well be talking to a brick wall." Artemis agreed.

"We're supposed to be figuring out about our enemies and she's sleeping!" Raye said in annoyance. "How did this meatball head become our leader in the first place?!"

Lita looked at Raye disapprovingly. "Come on, Raye, she's doing better. Serena's come a long way when she first became Sailor Moon."

"Yes," Amy added, "and she is the moon princess after all."

"And she's going to be Neo Queen Serenity," said Mina.

Sighing, Raye plopped down into her seat. Sometimes she wondered why Serena wasn't taking her job more seriously. "Ok, ok, I know. I wonder though if she's going to be able to handle this new transformation. Can Serena keep control of the Holy Grail?" Raye wasn't used to the idea of Serena now being Super Sailor Moon. She worried about Serena, despite her previous comments.

"Serena's always pulled through before. I'm sure she can do it now." Lita gave Raye a confident grin.

Raye cast a glance at Serena. Serena turned her head and began to snore. Raye suppressed a giggle. "Yeah, you're right. But she's still a major clutzoid."

Amy took out her computer and began entering data. "I'm going to try and make a program to track down these enemies before they attack. Maybe that way we can get one step ahead of the them. Hopefully we can get to them before someone else gets hurt."

"Doesn't seem like the Sailor Scouts ever get a break." commented Mina. "There's always some jerk we got to take out."

Mina was interrupted as someone knocked on Raye's door. "Come on in!" Raye called. The door slid open and Darien stepped inside. "Hey, glad you could make it, Darien."

Suddenly Serena's head shot up and she jumped to her feet. She barreled across the room, overthrowing the table everyone had been sitting at and knocking them down in the process, and threw herself into Darien's arms, sending him to the ground. "Darien! I'm so glad to see you!" she giggled happily.

Darien carefully picked himself off the ground and loosened Serena's grip on his waist. "Uh, yeah, thanks Serena." The others were trying to untangle themselves from chaotic pile they'd been thrown into.

Raye rubbed her elbow where she'd crashed into the table edge. "Well, at least she's awake."

"What would you expect from Serena?" Reenie said as she stepped into the room, followed by a levitating Luna Ball.

Serena immediately let go of Darien and confronted Reenie. "What's that suppose to mean?!"

Reenie regarded her smugly. Future mother and daughter or not, Serena and Reenie had not gotten over their consistent arguing. "It means no matter where you are, you somehow manage to cause a disaster."

Flames appeared in Serena's eyes. "Take that back, you little fungus!"

"I'm not a fungus!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

Sweat drops appeared on everyone's foreheads. "Sometimes I wonder how it is these two got along in the future." Darien said.

Everyone was nodding in agreement when a particular jolt of energy ran up Raye's spine. She gasped in surprise and stumbled back.

"Hey, what's the matter Raye?" Mina asked in concern.

Raye stood up shakily. "I just felt something weird." Some kind of power, and it's heading straight here!"

"Huh? What kind of power Raye?" Serena asked nervously.

"Is it the negaverse?" Lita asked.

Placing a hand on her forehead, Raye concentrated. "No, it's something else. But it's very powerful. I can't pinpoint it." She turned to the window. "There!"

Everyone looked out the window. A small, yellow light was in the distance, but steadily approaching. No, not just steadily. Incredibly fast! "Get down!" Darien shouted, grabbing Serena and Reenie and pulling them to the floor. The rest of the group followed suit as the golden orb shot through the window right over their heads. It jerked to a stop just a few inches shy of the wall and floated there. Everyone slowly got up.

"What is that?" Lita asked in amazement.

Amy quickly pulled out her computer and began analyzing the orb. "Hmmm...... It's some form of energy. Not solid or gaseous. I doubt it's any kind of matter we know of."

Mina went to the window. "And look! It passed right through the glass and didn't make a single crack!"

Reenie moved towards it. "It's so pretty," she exclaimed, reaching out her hand towards it.

"Don't touch it!" Serena grabbed Reenie and pulled her away. "We don't know what that thing is. It could be dangerous."

Reenie squirmed out of Serena's grip. "You're such a chicken! It's not doing anything but floating there."

At those words the orb began moving. "Watch it guys!" Amy said. The orb floated to the middle of the room, then it started pulsating. It expanded in size and then a figure appeared inside it, like a video screen.

"What the.....?" Artemis stared in astonishment at the small person. It looked like a young child, a girl no more than 7 years old. She had shining green eyes and chestnut brown hair down to her shoulders. "It's a kid!"

Serena cautiously stepped forward. "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The girl's angelic face was set in a solemn expression. "You have all been chosen to save us," she informed the group in a calm, gentle voice, " please come now. My world is depending on your help." With that, the girl vanished from view and the orb shrunk back to it's original size.

"Wait!" Serena exclaimed. "What do you mean? Save who? Huh?" She said the last as the orb began to glow again. It's light filled the room and it's shine grew so bright Serena had to cover her eyes. When the glare faded she was able to open them and look around. For a second, Serena thought something was wrong with her vision. The walls around them had turned golden. Then she looked again and realized it wasn't the walls of Raye's room she was looking at, but the walls inside the orb! They had been shrunk to fit inside of it. "Hey," she cried out, pounding on the wall of the bubble, "what's going on? Let us out of here!"

The orb paid her and her friends no heed, but instead floated up and out the window. It sped into the sky and then disappeared in a burst of light. Back in Raye's room, there was no one left, not even Reenie's Luna Ball. They were gone.

Mia Koji wiped her hands on her apron and busied herself in setting the table. Let's see, she thought, should I use the good china? This is a special occasion. Then again, with Kento's manners.......

She smiled at the thought. She was so excited about tonight. She hadn't seen the guys for such a long time. Mia went to the cupboard and began pulling out the china. What the hey, Kento could pay for what he broke. Mia began placing plates on the table. As she worked, the stone she was wearing bumped against her neck. Mia paused and took a hold of it. The Jewel of Life, which she usually wore so she wouldn't lose it, glittered in the light. It brought back some unpleasant memories. Memories of Talpa, of the evil dynasty, that horrible Badamon. There had been so many close calls, yet somehow the Ronins had still managed to save the world. But occasionally, she would get a feeling of uneasiness. Mia stopped and shook her head. She shouldn't be thinking this way. The battle was over, Talpa was gone for good, and the world was safe. Now it was time to celebrate.

Mia turned as Yuli burst into the room. "Are they here yet? How much longer?" He was also looking forward to seeing the guys again.

"Calm down, Yuli," Mia laughed, "they should be here any minute."

Yuli grinned. "Do you think they'll bring White Blaze?"

Mia went back to setting up the dishes. "I doubt White Blaze would miss this for anything!" Suddenly she heard the sound of a car pull up. "That's them! Hurry, Yuli, get the door!" Mia hurried to the kitchen, as Yuli ran to the door and threw it open.

No one was there. Confused, he stepped outside and looked around. Kento took this opportunity to step out from the side of the house where he'd been hiding and hoist Yuli into the air upside down. "Hey, Yuli! Been awhile, huh?"

"Kento! Come on, put me down!" Yuli laughed.

"Yeah, give the kid a break." Cye said as he came up the walk. "You should pick on someone your own size."

Kento carefully turned Yuli right-side-up and set him down. "Aw, you're no fun, Cye."

"You guys made it!" Yuli said happily. "But, where are the others?"

"Right here." Yuli turned to see Rowan, Ryo, Whiteblaze, and Sage standing behind them. Ryo stepped up on the porch. "It's great to see you again."

"Alright! You're all here!" Yuli raced inside the house. "Come on, Mia's waiting!"

The group followed Yuli, except for White Blaze, who stopped just outside the door. He lifted his nose in the air and sniffed, then began to growl. "White Blaze, come on!" Ryo called. White Blaze headed in, casting one last glance outside. His instincts had told there was some kind of presence nearby, but tiger obeyed Ryo, despite his misgivings.

After dinner, everyone sat around the table chatting. "Man, that was great, Mia!" Kento said.

"Well, it must have been," Sage said with a smirk, "you had 3 helpings."

"So I was hungry!"

Mia smiled as she collected the plates. "Hope you still have room for dessert."

"Ah, yeah, you bet!"

Cye laughed. "I guess Kento hasn't changed much since we last saw each other."

"Yeah. I still can't believe it's all over." Rowan leaned back in his chair. "I still expect the dynasty to show up again."

"No kidding." Ryo agreed. "That was a rough battle."

"But you guys totally toasted Talpa!" Yuli gave White Blaze the last roll and turned to the table. "There's no way he's ever going to come back, right Ryo?"

"Right, Yuli," Ryo said confidently. "Talpa's gone for good. And now everyone can get back to their lives again."

Kento crossed his arms restlessly. "Yeah, but what do we do? It's been pretty boring lately. I wouldn't mind taking out some bad guys again."

"But at what price?" Rowen said, speaking sharply. "Or have you forgotten all the close calls we had and all the people who suffered?"

Kento looked at Rowen, startled. "I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying I'm bored, that's all."

Rowen sighed, shaking his head. "Sorry, I guess I overreacted." He stood and walked to the window, looking out at the sky. "The dynasty wasn't a stroll in the park. We were lucky that we won, and even luckier that we didn't lose Ryo in the process. It's a good thing the Jewel of Life activated when it did." He lowered his head, speaking wearily. "I'm going to be glad to have some peace and quiet for a while." Rowen felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see Ryo standing next to him.

"Hey, come on, Rowen. Don't get so down. The Ronin Warriors destroyed the dynasty. There's nothing to worry about anymore." Ryo glanced back at the others. "And if Talpa ever does come back, I'll fight beside you and the guys until the end."

"Yeah, the Ronins are an unbeatable force!" Kento said, punching his fist into the air.

"We'll take out any evil that threatens the world!" said Cye.

"And we'll never back down!" said Sage.

Rowen looked at his teammates, his friends, and smiled. "Thanks. I can't think of anybody else I'd rather have on my side than you guys."

"Hey, what about me?" demanded Yuli.

Ryo chuckled. "How could we forget about you?"

Everyone laughed, but suddenly Whiteblaze leapt to his feet. His ears twitched and he uttered a menacing growl. "Whiteblaze?" Yuli hurried over and held on to Whiteblaze's neck, trying to calm him down.

"What's wrong, Whiteblaze?" Ryo knelt by his tiger. "Come on, what is it?"

Mia went to the window and looked out anxiously. "Maybe there's a burglar outside."

Ryo's eyes narrowed. He stood and walked to the door. "Ok, Whiteblaze," he said, throwing open the door, "Go get it!"

Whiteblaze headed out the door and raced towards the back of the house. Everyone followed the best they could. Ryo was the first to reach Whiteblaze, who had stopped and was facing the woods, snarling. "Whiteblaze, what....?" He stopped too. His eyes widened. Ryo could see a golden light was glowing in the trees and getting brighter. The others reached Ryo and Whiteblaze, and all stared at the light.

"What the heck?" Sage said.

"What is that?" Cye asked, shocked.

Yuli hid behind Mia. "I'm scared! What if it's the dynasty?"

Rowan clenched his fists in anger. It had better not be, he thought. He'd had had enough of those jerks.

The Ronins readied themselves to attack, expecting dynasty soldiers to come crashing through the trees. What they didn't expect was the golden orb that came floating out towards them. Kento watched at it for a moment, then straightened up from his attack position and looked at the others. "Ok, what that is supposed to be? Some kind of mega lightning bug?"

The orb floated in place. It glowed, then expanded and an image appeared. "You have all been chosen to save us. Please come now. My world is depending on your help." The little girl faded from the orb and went back to its normal size.

"Huh? What did she mean?" Mia asked, confused. That's all anyone got out. The orb grew brighter and in a flash of light, the group was inside the orb.

Yuli uncovered his eyes and gasped. "Ryo, what's happening?"

"I don't know Yuli," Ryo peered out through the orb's walls, "but it looks like we're going for a ride."

The orb drifted up into the sky and in a burst of light was gone. The dice had been cast, the players were chosen, and now the battle was about to begin.

Hey, readers! It's me, the author! I hope you're enjoying my fan fic. I just want to tell you that all themes and characters from Ronin Warriors and Sailor Moon are property of their rightful creators, not me so don't sue. I write this out of my own enjoyment.

It's my very first attempt at a fan fic, so if it sucks, you know why. This started out as a DBZ/Sailor Moon crossover, but after many attempts I realized that DBZ is far to different for me to try to combine. Then I saw Ronin Warriors on Cartoon Network for the first time. I saw that Ronin Warriors and Sailor Moon had many parallels to each other and so I wrote this. It's probably going to be pretty long, and I have school to work on, so I can only write in my free time. But I hope you'll stay tuned for my next part of the story. Next will be Chapter 1: Partnerships. See ya!

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