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Tomorrow's Heroes
Prologue - Chapter 3
By Tyler

Tomorrow's Heroes Prologue

 Who the heck are you? Is this a dream? Well......yes, you could say that. Hello my children, my name is Futura, and, as you probably guessed, I am the High Queen of the flow of time. And you, my children, Sam, Nik, Tai, Alex, and Matt, are the future Ronin Warriors. You will adapt to your powers of the future and add them to the powers I am here to give you. And you, Jennifer, are the future Sailor Moon. However, I don\'t have the strength to sustain your friends and companions in this dimension, so you must seek them out yourself. My power is wearing thin, I have to leave you but soon you will find your physical power, but the true power of the angels is already deep within you.........


Tomorrow's Heroes Chapter 1 

"What a strange dream," yawned Tai. Aww, I don't wanna go to school today......why me?! As he stood up, he slipped on something hard and round. Ow, what the... Ok, I don\'t remember leaving a giant marble on my floor, I don\'t even own one of these. As he picked it up, the "marble" began to glow and vibrate. Whoa, too weird. The crystal\'s power inhabited his body, and the words echoed through his head and out his lips,"Armor of the powers of Moonfire.........UNLOCK!! The crystal glowed at an amazing rate, and an enormous beam of hot, white fire rose into the sky. Seconds later, a beam of golden electricity shot into the air, followed by three more beams spread out throughout the city. One of bright crystal blue water, one of pure red light, and one of tornado winds whirling in stones.All at once, the beams exploded, creating a magnificent light show. When everything cleared, five thirteen year old boys, in five glowing armors, sat in five different houses throughout the city. Whoa, this is way weird, get off of me! Instantly, the armor of Moonfire disappeared, and Tai was back in his normal clothes. He fainted.:) Meanwhile, Nik was experimenting with his armor of Aquaflow, finding it could give him the power to lift his bead up with one hand. Alex was what you would call...... a non-believer. He had moaned and groaned until his armor of Lightningflare had disappeared, and then he had gone on as if none of it had ever happened.:< Sam had the hardest time controlling his armor, it seemed to be controlling him. He would scream at until it would fade away, and then he would mutter "Armor of Solarslam, Gon Chi! And he would be back in the same boat. Matt, who lived for anything destructive, began to pick things up and twist them in half. He did this until his armor's spirit became so disgusted with him that it broke the rules and disappeared into a crystal orb again without he command. Oh well.:) So that is how it happened, we got our armors. If you had told us then we wouldn\'t have believed the great adventures, powers, allies and enemies we would have to face in the future. See ya' soon.


Tomorrow's Heroes , Chapter 2

   Well here it is folks, my (hopefully) long awaited second chapter. I promise, it is a lot longer and full of action. I don\'t own Sailor Moon or Ronin warriors so pretty please don\'t sue me! Enjoy the fic.

    So yo wuz up? Oh, not much.... Ok, you got that voice again, is something wrong? Alex, did you notice anything strange at your house today? No, not really.... why? Did you?......Spill! Oh nothing, it was nothing really.Look, I\'m your BF, you can\'t hide this kinda crap from me, so don\'t bother trying, K? Oh, hey Sam, whats up?! Yo Matt, oh hey Nik. Nik looked strangely pale, and all the boys wondered if he was sick, but, not wanting to affend the blond haired teen, they said nothing.


    Ok, great, I accept the fact that I've been given incredible new powers, but what do they mean," I do not have the strength to bring all of your companions here, you must find them on your own..........." This really, really sucks MAJOR! Maybe transforming into Sailor NeoMoon will give me some answers, "Neo....Moon....Power! Hot pink light fill the room, and Jennifer is surrounded in pink ribbons. Soon, the enhancedly beautiful Jennifer emerges. Ok, what do I do now? Umm, uh, "Power of the Neo Moon, tell me things from now......till......noon?"Ok Jen, you can do this, uhhh,"Powers of the great moon of the future..............give me some stinking answers?"....AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH! Why doesn't it work! Dang it! ooooooohhhhh........................humph!


   "Class, wake up!"" I am happy to inform all you wonderfully enlightened dozers that it is now time for lunch, so get off your lazy butts and head down to the cafeteria, and maybe, when you get back, you will have the will power to stay awake through Mrs. Castle\'s English lecture!" Meet you guys at the cafeteria, I need to use the bathroom, K? Ok, ok, see ya' in a few. As Tai enters the bathroom, something jumps out from behind a stall and attacks Tai. What the.... Oh great, what next?!!!!! Ok, wait, I've been given amazing unbeatable powers, right? Ok, here we go, "Armor of Moonfire, Tao Inoachi!" Pure white fire shoots in all directions and Tai, in his platinum silver armor, emerges, an image of pure power, coordination,  and strength. He takes one step, trips over a role of toilet paper, and falls flat on his face. (Ok, maybe you can leave out the part about coordination...:) Whoa baby, how do you work this thing? The monster, better known as Inferna, takes a leap at him. He dodges and struggles to maintain his balance with the weight of the armor and the power it contains. Inferna continues to attack, and Tai begins to realize that his power may be slightly limited. Finally, the impatient Inferna steps back, powers up, and shouts,"Super Fire Beam.........STRIKE!" The armor protects Tai, but even so it can\'t properly sustain a direct hit of that velocity, and Tai finds himself losing consciousness...........
    Where....where am I?" Here" Well where is here? "Here" Look, I don\'t know who you are, but I don\'t have time for games! Look deep within, find the power of the Angels................Look deep within..........................
Tai awakens to find Inferna fully powered up and ready to finish him off. He stands, and a bow and arrow materializes in his hand. Pointing it at Inferna, he feels a new power deep within him, rising. "Moon......Flare........SHOCK! At that same moment Inserna releases several rings of fire. The two collide, and the pawn to the future Dynasty is destroyed. Tai, exhausted from using his sure-kill attack, faints



 Well here it is, my (hopefully) long awaited third chapter. I promise, it is a ton  longer and has just as much action(maybe more). I don\'t own Sailor Moon or Ronin warriors so pretty please don\'t sue me! Enjoy the fic.

 Tomorrow's Heroes ,Chapter 3

 "Hey Jen, what's up?" "Yo girl" Jen was lost deep in thought as she strolled down the hallway of her school, Paris Junior High. "So, how do I find the other members of my team, and even if I do, how do they receive their powers? Why do I need to find them in the first place. This is all so confusing...!"


" Whoa dude, where were you?" Umm, in the bathroom..." "For 20 minutes?" "I guess I had to go pretty bad, huh." "I guess so!" "Look, Alex, I need to talk to you, k? I've been having a lot of strange things happen to me lately......Things like you'd never believe, strange, mysterious powers,................and....and I can tell by the look on your face that I don't really need to continue, do I.?" "Well, maybe it's just coincidence?!" "Look, I can feel strange, dark energy patterns covering the face of the earth, and we don't figure out how to properly harness our powers, it could mean doom for everyone. In the bathroom, I met a demon, she was like a private in the army,....a pawn, and she almost killed me. And, when I was done, I fainted from simple exhaustion of using my sure-kill attack. Let's face it, we need to get the other guys to believe in all this, and we need to find out the reality of our true mission." "Look, I'm not admitting that I really believe in all this, but I'll try to help you to the best of my ability, k?" "Thanks bro, you got it!"


"Oh my ----, what is this power I feel?" "What are you talking about?" asked Jayne. "Come with me after school, to my house, and I'll show you."  "Okay...." After school that day, Jayne and Jennifer walk home together, and Jayne is about to get one big surprise. "Jayne, I want you to hold up your hand, and clear your thoughts, ok?" "Yeah, whatever..."  "Now concentrate on raising all of your inner power." After about a minute, the tiniest trace of light blue energy begins to circle Jayne.  "Now say, "Neo Mercury Power!" "Ok, here goes, Neo Mercury Power?!" The light begins to intensify, then dies out completely. "Ok, that was fun, now what do you want to do?" "Jayne, Hold up your hand again, and raise your power again!" Ok, but this is the last time, it\'s starting to get kind of boring."  "Oh, just do it!" The pale energy begins to form around Jayne again as Jen encourages her to keep going, after almost ten minutes, Jennifer tells Jennifer to scream those words again, as loud and with as much energy as she can. "Ok, here goes, NEO MERCURY POWER!!!" The energy grows higher and higher, until it is too blinding to look at. Then, a small wand materializes in Jayne's hand, and her nails turn bright blue. Suddenly, she tilts back her head, and ribbons fly all around her, and then, standing in the place of Jayne, is Neo Sailor Mercury.


"What the? What\'s going on?" Outside on the front lawn of the Paris Middle School, another monster, this one at least 20 feet tall and made of rock, was attacking. "Oh great, what now," thought Nik. "Look everyone, I know all about your special powers, and we have got to go help!" All at once, the five boys jumped up and ran outside. Ok, Lets do it!!! Armor of Moonfire, Tao Inoachi! Armor of Aquaflow, Ta Gi! Armor of Lightningflare, Tao chi! Armor Solarslam, Gon chi! Armor of Windstone, Gun hui! "Lets kick butt!" Together, the five boys raise their power, and punch with everything they have. The punches barely phase the monster, but at least he turns his attention from smashing trees to them. They continue to dodge and attack, but nothing seems to hurt him at all. "Ok everyone, stand back!" " The bow and arrow of Moonfire  materialize in his hand."Moon......Flare........SHOCK! The attack hits the too-slow-to-doge-it monster, and for a second, the five boys think that they have beaten him. But then, a weakened but still active golem-monster emerges. "Tyler, I thought that was a sure-kill attack!"  "Yeah, me too. I guess my armor isn't strong enough yet to take on anything but a low class monster!"  "You guys are all going to have to learn your sure kills, or at least one of you."  "And how, pray tell, to you recommend we do this?"  "Just focus and try to bring up every ounce of power in your body, ok."  "I would like to, but big and ugly here has other plans!!! Yikes!"  "Oh come on, you can do it!" Finally, the enraged golem-monster has had enough, and raises his energy to blast the school to smithereens. He's preoccupied, Nik and Alex, come on, you can do it!"  "Ok, we'll try.."  "Oh no, we've got to do it now!!! There are still innocent people on campus!"  "Moon......Flare........SHOCK!" The attack knocks the golem off balance, but not for long. Tyler struggles to hang on to consciences "Now, you too, now!" "Ahhhhhhhh"  "Aqua......Wave....Crash!"  "Lightning.....Pressure......Smash!" The two attacks hit dead on. The monster never stood a chance.


Well, there it is, chapter 3. I hope you like it, E-mail me a review at

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