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The Ties That Bind
Chapter 03
By Girl-Chama

Notes: Sorry this chapter has taken so long to get out. I suppose it should be expected by now. Regardless, it’s short (for me, at least) and on the whole I don’t like it. Anyway, here it is.
The small group woke nearly at the crack of dawn, and was on the road again shortly there after. None of them had slept well, but there had been no camp to take down. They had only to wait for their pet tiger to squeeze into the back of Mia’s Suzuki Samurai before they were on the road.
It was Mia driving this time and Makoto had taken her customary spot in the back with White Blaze, leaving Ryo to the passenger seat. No words passed between them, and no one exchanged sly glances, save Ryo who was trying to gauge the emotions of the female members of the group. Neither had spoken a word after being woken, which was severely disturbing. He could understand their actions because of the circumstances, but not hearing a barbing remark from Makoto or an encouraging word from Mia was beginning to become disturbing.
When he glanced to the rearview mirror, he saw Makoto was leaning against the tiger, eyes open, but breathing steadily through her nose. She seemed lost in thought and did not seem aware to the fact that he was staring at her.
That’s probably for the best, too…
Then when he glanced to Mia, he saw the same vacant look in her eyes. She seemed to be running on autopilot. Her hands methodically gripped the steering wheel while her eyes slowly moved back and forth, maintaining their course by the road signs offered.
He wondered if it was because of his lingering gaze that she finally spoke, “We’re going to the Akidoshi Plateau… Grandfather’s poem,” she rolled on without a hitch, “spoke that 'the darkest prison sheds the light.' Beneath the plateau lie the Kanasota Gulch Pinnacles. If there’s a dark prison around here somewhere, it’s got to be there. Besides, compared to Shinjuku, it’s got to be in the middle of nowhere…” She spoke, and yet even as she said the words they seemed uneasy and hollow in their sentiments.
I wouldn’t count on it,’ Makoto thought silently, releasing a sigh before closing her eyes and trying to sleep. It was not the first time, but every time she had tried to do so the vision of her grandfather, possessed by some demon from The Dynasty, came back to her; his kind blue eyes replaced by red while a nasty snarling expression was embedded on his face.
She didn’t cry. She didn’t feel like she could cry anymore, and still she knew that wasn’t the case.
I just want all of this to be over,’ she thought silently and sighed, dropping into White Blaze’s soft, warm fur, causing him to give a rumbling purr beneath her. In response she reached up and scratched his jaw line gently.
“It’ll be okay, White Blaze,” she spoke. Even as she said so her stomach rumbled and she held her free hand against it tightly, saying nothing. Makoto sighed and rolled onto her back, staring at the roof of the SUV before glancing to the front.
When they reached the pinnacles, it was colder than Makoto would have liked. Mia had time to change clothes and not only was Ryo wearing his armor, it held the essence of fire. Of course he would be warm. She had not had a chance to change clothes in the past few days they had been running around, and she probably looked like a complete mess. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she climbed out of the SUV and another growl escaped her stomach.
Ryo’s sympathizing expression caught her eye and he smiled slightly and she returned it, but the smile did not reach her eyes. She didn’t bother to wait until she turned away before dropping it.
“What I wouldn’t give for a rat, right about now…” Makoto spoke calmly, stretching her arms over her head. Just at that moment Mia came walking around from the other side of the vehicle and eyed the girl strangely. When Makoto lowered her arms, she looked at the strange looks she was receiving from both of them, and reached over to pat White Blaze’s head… “When you’re on the street and you’re hungry… You’ll eat just about anything.”
The words caused both of the older two to gain horrified expressions and Mia murmured quietly, “You ate rats?”
Makoto’s head snapped upward and with a mortified expression, she said, “EW! No! I’m just saying I might eat one now if I had one!”
Ryo and Mia stared at her for a moment before she turned away and they broke into small chuckles. At their laughter she turned back to observe them, and smiled gently. “Where do we go from here, Mia?”
Mia smiled again, her heart feeling lighter from her cousin’s antics and she nodded. Then she glanced up, her face somber, though her heart was not as heavy, and cast her eyes in the direction of the front of the vehicle.
“That way,” she said and the rest of the group turned to look with her. A large cave mouth stood in front of them. Beyond it was an even larger rock that the cave was carved into, but the rock dipped into the ground quickly and leveled out with the ground beyond them.
Must be a steep drop once inside,” Ryo thought as he studied the mouth of the cave.
'The darkest prison sheds the light…' This is the darkest place around. Give me a minute and we’ll go in.” Mia spoke while Makoto and Ryo nodded. As Mia stepped back to the vehicle, Ryo and Makoto took a few steps toward the cave and then paused.
Makoto stared at the cave with solemn eyes. Her right hand moved upward to grasp her left elbow as her left arm dangled at her side. She could imagine just how cold it was going to be in the cave, not that the wind chill wasn’t cold enough already. With a sigh she bowed her head as a shiver passed through her body. Wincing, she paused for a moment, gritting her teeth, and then completely closed her eyes.
“Okay, we can go. Makoto?” Mia asked stepping forward and placing a hand on her cousin’s shoulder. “Are you all right? You’re trembling violently.”
“Huh?” Ryo’s voice penetrated her thoughts and Makoto could hear the loud footsteps of his armor coming toward her before she cast her eyes upward. When their eyes met, he gasped and lifted a hand quickly to her brow, brushing her bangs away from her forehead. “Mia…” he spoke and her cousin stepped around to face her quickly.
She wanted to pull away from them, show them that she was fine, but she knew she wasn’t fine. Something was terribly wrong about this place. Makoto wasn’t aware of what. The only thing she could feel was the spasmodic tremors that were wracking her body and the fact that was it was terribly cold in this place.
“I’m fine,” Makoto spoke, though her voice betrayed what everyone was thinking. She looked up and gave a poor attempt of brushing Ryo’s hand away. Mia’s hand immediately replaced it, brushing the hair away from her forehead, but it was comforting. “Just cold…” Makoto admitted finally while Mia pulled her hand away. The eleven year-old reached up to her ponytail and pulled the elastic out, letting her hair fall around her shoulders. It was messy and uneven, due to its dirtiness, but she took a moment to arrange it so that it covered her neck and blocked some of the wind. She then lifted her eyes, smiling gently. “That’s better…” she trailed, hoping to alleviate the looks she was still getting.
They continued to stare though, and Makoto sighed inwardly. “Different tactic…” she thought quickly and smirked up at them. “If Sage is waiting for us, then what the hell are we waiting around for?”
They relaxed slightly as she pushed by them, but she could tell they were not completely convinced. “Too bad for them…” she thought and then sighed aloud. White Blaze took a step next to her and she dropped a hand to his back, masking the fact that she was leaning on him with the small strokes she ran over him.
“She’s right about that much. Come on,” Ryo spoke to Mia solemnly and then continued after the girl.
When their eyes could no longer see her expression, Makoto sighed and dropped them to the ground. She could feel warmth emanating from her forehead, but she was sure it wasn’t a fever. She had had those before, and it didn’t feel the same. This was more comforting and soothing. Still-
The warmth diminished and she heard Mia and Ryo behind her scream, causing her to look up sharply. Planning to turn back to them, she abruptly stopped, facing Sehkmet directly before her. The Warlord of Venom grinned down at her suddenly terrified expression, but made no advancement toward her, causing a brief flash of confusion in her mind. It was quickly replaced with terror once more.
“No…” she spoke, lifting a hand up quickly to block him from her. Snake-like eyes peered down at her through the shadow created by the demon’s helmet. It lifted an arm out to grab her and she screamed again, “NO!”
A gasp ripped through her as brilliant, lime green light surrounded her body, sending a flurry of warmth through her body, causing her skin to tingle all over as she accepted it. At the same time, she could see Sehkmet being forced away- violently, forced away. She screamed again, though she was no longer scared. Sehkmet was now cowering on the ground and Mia and Ryo were standing before her, protecting her from whatever might have come her way…
Then again, I protected myself…” she thought and she lowered her arm, feeling the warm glow and the green light leave her. Mia and Ryo were still staring at her as if she had grown another head.
“What- “ Sehkmet gasped and coughed, saliva flying from his mouth with the force of the action. “What is this power you hold?” His already dilated eyes narrowed as he stood to his feet and lowered his swords to his sides, standing wide open for an attack. “This is not over. For now, though, I’ll leave you to yours.”
He disappeared as swiftly as the wind as though he’d never been there, and Makoto dropped to her knees, only slightly aware that he had vanished, and even less so that Mia and Ryo were still standing over her gawking down at her.
Is this- Is this why the other family members wouldn’t take her?” Mia thought suddenly, reaching out to touch Makoto’s shoulder. She pulled back though, almost worried about what would happen. Were her strong emotions the trigger for the power that attacked Sehkmet? “The trigger for what power? Where did it come from?” Ryo took the stand opposite Mia next to Makoto and laid a hand on Makoto’s shoulder.
“You okay, Makoto?”
The girl was silent a moment before she nodded and brought two hands to her face, rubbing her eyes tiredly, while mumbling, "I’m fine… I’ll be fine…” Makoto stood then, but she made no move to walk forward and away from them. This time she simply stood there.
“Okay…” Mia spoke gently, and Makoto was glad that she was dropping the subject, though she silently wondered if it would be nice to have Mia fawn over her more.
The quartet moved on, no one saying anything of Makoto’s episode or the fact that she had just saved them all. The girl walked slightly ahead of the group, with White Blaze moving at her side, nearly as tall as she was. While no one said anything about it, Ryo and Mia still thought about it and Makoto tried to push it from her mind.
We can’t keep running from the Warlords…
They were right, I am a freak…
I’ll have to fight them. I have to keep the others safe…
As they took their first step into the cave, Mia switched the flashlight on. It wasn’t that bright at first but as they moved further in, its light seemed to grow brighter. The tension between them began to fade away, though none of them could deny the apprehension they were still feeling over Sehkmet’s disappearance. He hadn’t reappeared and they had seen no Dynasty soldiers as of yet.
Don’t think like that, Mia,” Mia told herself as they began another steep decent, holding hands while Makoto took a thick tuft of White Blaze’s fur in her hand and pulled him along after her. Despite the sometimes, rough jerks she gave at a drop or when she slipped, he followed her along and did not try to pull away as she used him to steady herself.
“It’s getting colder as we go down… and wetter,” Makoto observed.
“Yes it is. Do you want to ride White Blaze?” Ryo replied, glancing ahead to her while he picked up the rear.
“No,” Makoto spoke simply, feeling a sudden surge of fear run through her. The pain of everything that had happened; the capture of Shinjuku, the loss of the Ronin, the constant running in fear, and now the death of her grandfather; it all came back to her in a swift rush. She paused for a split second, gasping for silent breath, and then she walked on as her eyes began to itch. She glanced away and thought of something else quickly, like what she was going to do when all of this was over. The emotion slowly drained away and she blinked a few times, to get her eyes to return to normal.
Sehkmet disappeared awfully quickly. It must mean that Sage is here… Right? Or are they just trailing us to get to Ryo?” Mia wondered silently. “He’ll be back before this entire journey is over. I am sure of that much… Has Ryo recovered enough to protect all of us?
Ryo watched Makoto for a moment. The split-second pause did not go unnoticed, but he said nothing. The girl probably had enough on her mind as it was. He looked up again, casting blue eyes to the front of the line where Mia was guiding them; every now and then issuing a warning for a dip or an exceptionally slippery surface.
“Watch out here, there’s a drop off to the left… Not sure how big it is, so be careful,” Mia spoke and emphasized her words by slowing. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness sometime ago, even with the presence of Mia’s flashlight and he could make out stalagmites growing up from the ground and even a few lower stalactites hanging from the ceiling.
“I can feel him…” he spoke suddenly to the darkness, not entirely aware that he had said anything until the other three stopped and turned to face him.
“What?” Makoto asked, more for him to affirm what he had said than questioning that he said anything.
“Where is he?” Mia asked, turning around quickly and accidentally shining the flashlight into the other pair’s eyes.
They both jerked back, bringing an arm up to shield them from the lights and Makoto swore, “Dammit, Mia!” She took another step backward, hearing a sharp squeak from the rubber soles of her shoes against the slippery rock beneath her. Makoto could feel only her toes still touching the rock, and a short scream escaped her throat
“Makoto!” Ryo and Mia screamed, but only Ryo was in the position to catch one of her flailing arms. His armored hand caught her wrist and he clamped down as she caught his wrist tightly in return. Her strength was severely underestimated, though, because when she gave a sharp tug to pull herself back she ended up pulling Ryo into her. The girl grunted as his larger armored body rammed into hers, sending both of them sprawling even farther backwards.
“Mako! Ryo!” Mia screamed as the two toppled over the edge.

- - - - -

The fall was not nearly as long as she would have thought it to be, and very shortly after slipping from the edge, she found herself on the receiving end of a rough landing, complete with grunt and groan. For a span of time, Makoto did not look forward to moving. The sudden fall, followed by an even more sudden landing, had caused her entire body to start aching.
Cuts and scratches from the exploding glass when the helicopter landed stung as if they were fresh, and the cut above her eyebrow from Anubis' stellar entrance was throbbing. She chose to ignore the pounding in the back of her head from the contact with her grandfather’s office door. The less she thought about her pains, though, the more chance she had to think about her surroundings; like the fact that her clothes weren’t wet from landing on the slippery rock and her fall area seemed warm, not feeling as rock should.
When Makoto chanced to open her eyes she could not see any better than she could when Mia had blinded her, though now it was completely dark, reminding her of why she had fallen in the first place. Another span of time passed before she moved a hand to help prop her so she could move into a kneeling position. She had fallen on her stomach, but surprisingly enough that wasn’t as sore as the rest of her.
Her hand moved directly beneath her and when she pushed down she heard a grunt of protest, revealing the fact that something with sentience was beneath her. She pushed down again, and there was another grunt.
“Ryo! He must have taken the fall for me!” she thought suddenly and despite the darkness, her eyes widened. She was surprised, to say the least.
“Ryo,” she choked out and then was suddenly exhaling a mouth full of dust, the origin of which she was a bit unclear. When he did not respond, she used the same hand that had found him to feel for his face. Upon finding it she slapped him hard, causing his head to escape from her searching fingers as it lolled in the opposite direction. The strike worked, though, because Ryo groaned and began coughing roughly so that Makoto crawled off of him and sat on the ground, wincing as she felt another spike of pain run from head to toe.
“Makoto?” he asked and sat up slowly, without the wait that she, herself, had taken. For a split second she wondered if she should try and make him rest, then decided that he had enough common sense to gauge his injuries by himself.
“Yeah, it’s me,” she spoke and then sat back fully, not bothering to cross her legs beneath her. She glanced over to him, wondering if her eyes were able to adjust better when there seemed to be no light whatsoever. Still, she could see Ryo flexing and moving his limbs as he crawled to his knees.
“You okay?” she questioned nervously. If he could be concerned enough to take the fall for her, she could at least return the courtesy. “One good turn deserves another and all that…” she thought silently. Still, it felt strange to even pretend to worry about someone that was not close to her. “Maybe by the time all of this is over, Ryo and I can be friends…” Makoto thought as she waited for Ryo to respond.
“Yeah,” Ryo answered quickly before taking a short, quick breath, and rocking onto his backside. “My armor did a good job of absorbing most of the fall. Are you okay?” he asked. She was surprised to hear that he sounded sincere, despite the weariness in his voice. She couldn’t fault him, though. The young girl nodded in the darkness, knowing that if she could discern Ryo’s movements, he should be able to clearly discern hers.
There was a span of silence from the time that she began to stand, feeling something wet roll over her eyebrow and down to her eye. Blinking, she wiped it out of her eye quickly, feeling something decidedly warm smear over her temple. Lifting her hand to her nose she inhaled deeply but she could not smell anything. Then she cautiously raised her fingers to her mouth and ran her tongue over them. The taste was coppery. Blood. Makoto spat quickly and raised her hand back to her eye quickly. It stung only a little, proportionate to the bleeding, and thank goodness. She could already feel the re-opened wound trying to scab over itself.
“Makoto?” Ryo asked again, as if he was waiting for something.
“What?” she asked, and her voice was clearly strained, testament against her earlier nod.
“I asked if you were all right…”
“I nodded,” She replied and then looked forward, feeling her way along the floor to move back to his side. While her motions were clumsy, and often impeded by the troublesome stalagmites that found their way into her path, she made it back to his side, finding that he had moved slightly from their original landing spot. “It’s too dark in here. I can’t see anything.” Looking up she could faintly see the light of Mia’s flashlight far above her head. “Wait,” she spoke as she saw it. She grasped out and grabbed Ryo’s arm, then pointed upward, despite the darkness. “I see the light from Mia’s flashlight up there… Do you think it would do any good to shout?”
For a moment he did not answer. It seemed as if he was still trying to get his bearings.
“No,” he spoke very suddenly. “We’re in a cave… There might be bats or it might cause a cave in to shout to her. We’ll just have to go-“ he stumbled slightly, causing Makoto to grasp his arm tightly as his weight pulled her with him. He caught himself firmly, and held a gauntlet to his head, breathing raggedly.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked lowly, suddenly more worried than she would have allowed him to know.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he spoke quickly. There was tension in his voice that told her he was not okay, but she would not question him, yet. Save, having fallen more than twenty feet, and being tracked by demons that were trying to take over the world, they were in no real danger. He sighed, and placed his free hand over the hand on his arm and spoke, “We’re going to have to keep going to find Sage; with or without Mia’s help… ” He swallowed and Makoto began to pull them both down to the floor to sit for a while as she listened to him. “Mia’s smart, though. She’ll probably get up in a few minutes and go look for Sage by herself… White Blaze will be with her, anyway…”
“Yeah, I guess,” Makoto murmured and looked back up. They waited a few moments in silence. Makoto used the excuse of vertigo to keep Ryo off of his feet for as long as possible. “Guess your armor’s not so hot, after all,” she thought silently, reaching up to gingerly touch the scab over her eyebrow.
He wouldn’t stay down for long, though, and Makoto suddenly found herself on her feet and walking side by side with the bearer of Wildfire through the Pinnacles. More often than not, she found herself to be leading him more than following.
“Hey Ryo,” Makoto said, holding onto Ryo’s arm with one hand, while the other felt around in the dark for possible obstacles. Her earlier assumption about Ryo being able to see better was not proving to be true. Not that she could blame him, but he seemed as blind as a bat… “Thanks for taking the fall for me back there…” A sudden feeling of gravity swept over her and she chuckled to lighten it. “I’d probably be a stain on the ground, if you hadn’t…”
“Nah,” he spoke, laughing himself, “Your head’s too thick for that…”
She snorted at the comment, but could not suppress a grin as she paused and began to climb up a steep rock shelf.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right about that much… Watch your step,” she minded, helping to pull him upward through the darkness. He stumbled, even with her help and was sent sprawling to his knees. Makoto gave a small cry of surprise as she tumbled backward to avoid him, only to crash back into one of a growing line of stalagmites she had become acquainted with.
“What the hell was that all about?” she demanded shortly, pain running through her already tired body as she looked over in his direction. He was silent, and for a moment fear swept through her. “Ryo?” Makoto whispered softly, sitting up and balling her fists at her sides. She was suddenly very aware of how dark it was within the cavern and how alone she was… She was cold, and hungry, and now she didn’t have anyone to share her misery with. “Ryo!” she called out, louder this time and more desperate.
“We’re here…” his voice came back, causing her to release a shaky sigh, then feel around in front of her with her hand. Much the same way that she had found his face after their fall, she found it again. Her small, slender fingers ran over his eyes and his nose, then finely drawn lips. He was not smiling, and he did not seem to be responsive to her wandering hand. “Bastard!” she snapped, and promptly slugged her fist out, aiming in the darkness for his jaw.
But her fist never reached its' target… Instead, his armored hand caught her fist and gave it a light squeeze, sending a slightly painful tremor through Makoto’s arm. She was silent as Ryo released her hand, placing it gently at her side.
“Makoto,” he spoke calmly. “We’re here…”
“What are you talking about?” she demanded, trying to forget the exchange that had just gone on between them. It was as if it had never registered in Ryo’s mind.
“Sage- he’s here. He’s very close to us. I can feel the call of his armor; it’s calling out to mine…” Ryo spoke gently. Makoto jumped to her feet and looked around quickly, holding her hands out to keep from running into anything. She could hear Ryo situating behind her, and she wondered if he was trying to stand. Her eyes were searching as well as her hands, but she couldn’t sense anything, not like Ryo was admitting to be able to do.
She had nearly given up hope, when there was a sudden blast of hot, fresh air on her back. It was strong enough to blow her hair over her shoulder and it smelled like cherry blossoms. With a deep breath, she seemed to be frozen in place for a moment, captivated by the fresh air. They could not have been in the caverns more than two hours, but the sudden fresh air made it seem as though it had been an eternity. Just as she was about to turn and inspect the source of the air, a warm red light began to glow behind her as well, wiping away all of the warm feelings that the sudden gust of air had brought on. It cast a coral-colored glow to the large rock mass before her, and for a moment she winced, able to clearly distinguish her shadow from the light.
The heat radiating onto her back broke her from her stupor and she turned slowly back, fear rising within her. Was it another warlord?
Her eyes quickly found Ryo, head bowed, wearing his full armor. It was the source of the light, the source of warmth.
I didn’t hear him say the words. Am I getting deaf as well as blind, or did he really not say them?” Makoto stared at him and licked her lips nervously, tasting the salt of sweat and dirt on them. Breathing deeply, she called, “Ryo?” and once more found herself in the position of waiting. “He said that he could feel Sage’s armor calling to his own, but wouldn’t his under armor be sufficient to finding him? The only times he’s needed his full armor is fighting the Warlords.
“Sage?” Ryo asked, ignoring Makoto to find his friend. “SAGE!” he shouted and then raised a fist, covered in a red and white gauntlet. Makoto’s eyes widened as he drew it back and then released it. She tumbled out of the way, falling hard on the wet rock floor beneath her. The air was knocked from her lungs as she felt the ground rumble beneath her, caused by the impact of Ryo’s fist against the massive rock in front of him. She groaned and wheezed deeply for a moment, trying to catch her breath, then glanced back to where Ryo was standing.
He was still glowing, more brightly this time. A red, hazy glow had been cast to everything. Even his own black bangs seemed reddish in the light that his armor was giving off. It reminded her of…
What does it remind me of? I can’t- I can’t remember… Was it at the volcano? I fell in- and then Mia was hugging me, like nothing had happened…” she thought silently while still panting. She crawled to her knees and looked at the indention Ryo’s fist had made within the rock. It was crumbling, but not enough to get Sage completely out of the rock. “RYO! He’s in the rock!” Makoto screamed, causing Ryo to pause in another effort to strike the rock. “Can’t you see?! He’s in the rock!” Somehow, though, this still seemed easier than having to get Ryo out of a volcano. Something about the rock, the earth… It just seemed easier to have to deal with than molten lava.
“Makoto,” Ryo spoke, not moving as he rested his hand against the rock before them. “I can’t see… I can’t see anything,” he admitted. His voice was shaking and she could see his shoulders heave, then fall shakily, but she couldn’t do anything. She simply stared at him.
It was not the first time that she had felt fear and hopelessness growing within her. Ryo was blind? How? When? What were they going to be able to do? Ryo had found Sage, but he was blind, what good was armor and weapons if you couldn’t see to use them? Makoto could see, but even if she could take one of Ryo’s swords, what good would it do? Even with this news, rescuing Sage still seemed easier than having to go into the depths of a volcano…
If Mia were here, she’d know what to do… But she’s not here, and Ryo’s blind. A blind warrior and a helpless girl… ” She felt tears begin to prick in her eyes at her frustration…
“Makoto, did you hear me?” Ryo choked out. “I’m BLIND!”
“DON’T TELL ME THAT!” she shouted at him angrily, her own voice nearly choked, but clear enough to echo back to them throughout the caverns. “I won’t be powerless!” she thought angrily and began to climb to her feet once more. It was a good attempt, but her stubbornness could not fight her weary body and she stumbled back to the ground. The effects of two days without food and being constantly battered were beginning to take their toll on her; almost like the days when she had roamed the streets freely. “I can’t do anything about you being blind!” she continued and crawled towards him. “I can’t do anything about you being blind… But you can’t give up! If you give up, what are Sage and the others going to do! Mia and I can’t find them alone in time to stop the Dynasty. You know that!” Her voice was becoming more raw. Makoto paused as the first tear dribbled down over her face, causing her to bow her head despite Ryo’s blindness. “Ryo, you can’t leave this place without getting Sage, and I can’t leave this place without both of you, but frankly I don’t want to be here anymore. I’m begging you, please don’t make me stay here!” she cried.
Ryo paused, turning in her direction with closed eyes. Behind his closed eyelids he could see a brilliant lime green aura that caused him to wince involuntarily. He reached out and placed a hand on her head, causing her sniffling to stop momentarily, though he could still feel her body racking quietly.
“I never said anything about giving up, Makoto,” Ryo spoke. He didn’t need to admit the fact that he had been thinking about it. What she did not know would not hurt her, and she was already hysterical enough.
A smile lit Makoto’s face and she nodded, causing Ryo to smile as he felt the action. He removed his hand from her head and sighed, resting both hands against the rock next to him. He could definitely feel Sage’s spirit here, strong and calling out to him silently.
Makoto watched this display, silently glad that Ryo had agreed. Her ploy had been entirely sincere, though she wasn’t sure spilling her heart would have changed his mind. She didn’t want to stay in this damp, dank, filthy cave for one more minute, even if it was to save Sage’s life.
She reached over and hugged Ryo’s leg; too weak to stand and too weak to care that she could not stand.
“Thank you, Ryo. Thank you…” she murmured, once more feeling tears running over her face.
Ryo opened his eyes, still seeing only colors as he felt Makoto’s hug. The very idea that she was depending on him was strange, drawing his mind away from the more desperate matters at hand. Was she that scared or that desperate? Both?
“How sweet…” someone hissed from behind them, alerting the pair immediately to the identity of the figure. Makoto looked swiftly behind Ryo, the red glow of his armor illuminating Sehkmet’s bulky figure. She clutched his leg tightly, and clenched her jaw as her tears ran dry.
God, this can’t keep happening. Things can’t keep going from bad to worse like this. Why can’t we ever have a break?!” she thought as she released Ryo’s leg and placed a hand on the rock next to her to steady herself. “Sage, wake up,” she whispered, trying to grip the smooth rock to stand.
“Sehkmet,” Ryo growled and reached behind him swiftly to pull his right katana from its scabbard. “Sehkmet,” he said again, this time louder. “Get out of here now… You have no place here.”
“But that is where you are mistaken, rat! I very much have a place here. Lord Talpa wishes you and your friends dead as well as to learn what power the child may possess, and it is my wish to carry out his will,” the warlord spoke calmly. Ryo felt the heat of his armor flare, causing a bead of sweat to appear on his forehead. Even being blind he could see the light of his armor swell. The lime green aura at the edge of his vision dimmed slightly and he realized that Makoto had moved away from him.
He heard her gasp and he balked as she cried out, “Mia! They’ve got her!”
Makoto stood shakily, panting with the effort, and watching as Ryo turned slowly, eyes open, to face their enemy. All false pretenses, much like her bravado, were gone. She no longer had the will to make biting remarks in the face of the enemy. The tin soldiers, much like the one that had captured her and Mia in the middle of the street, were now holding her cousin by the throat. The older, but still young, woman looked like she was on the verge of passing out, but there were no visible bruises on her body.
They’re choking her!” Makoto thought and her vision began to blur with tears. “Mia, I’m sorry that I’ve always been so mean to you! I’m sorry that I never did what you told me to! I’m sorry that I’ve always been such a pain, but please don’t leave me! Don’t leave me!” She took a deep, heaving breath before taking a shaky step forward.
She passed Ryo who she could falter at her movement, but she held her head up bravely.
God, I am so scared. Please let me be doing the right thing. Please, God, don’t let them hurt Mia or Ryo or Sage. Oh, God, please take care of them,” Makoto thought silently as she stood midway between Ryo and Sehkmet. For the briefest moment she found it ironic that during the majority of her life she had been a-religious, relying only on herself to get by. “Please let me be enough, God,” she muttered under her breath, clenching her hands tightly at her sides.
“Sehkmet!” she barked, but the cry sounded pitiful and weak even to her ears. The warlord turned to face her and she could sense him grin, even at this distance. “I’ll come with you, but you have to promise not to hurt the others.”
“Makoto, NO!” Ryo cried, taking a step forward. Makoto winced, but pushed her emotions back behind an invisible wall. She frowned solemnly.
“Child, are you trying to bargain with me, the Warlord of Venom?”
“I’m sure as hell not trying to milk a snake,” she snapped, her desperation allowing a trickle of bravery to flow through her. Sehkmet’s humor vanished and he grunted.
“You’re walking a thin line, girl.” He lifted a hand, keeping his eyes on her. She watched as Mia was dropped to the ground carelessly. She didn’t move from the spot where she fell, but her chest rose and fell in great heaves. Makoto blinked back a fresh set of tears and swallowed a rising lump in her throat as she watched her cousin struggle for breath. She looked back to Sehkmet as he crossed his arms over his chest, one saber dangling from one of his hands.
Now I know why they call them the tragic hero… Sage, why couldn’t you just have woken UP?! That’s what is supposed to happen, right?!” her mind screamed as she glanced over her shoulder slowly to Ryo. He was grimacing and his eyes were closed again, but he was facing her directly. “Ryo, you know what you have to do… Find the others, and take care of Mia, all right?" She had said nothing, but he straightened up and seemed to relax a bit, causing her to smile faintly. He knew what to do.
Makoto’s smile vanished and she took a step forward and then another, surprised at how easily her body obeyed her brain, while her heart was crying out in agony. “God, give me strength. Give me the strength to pass whatever comes my way. You’ve been with me all of the way and you haven’t let me down yet… I’ll admit I don’t know why you didn’t take care of my parents, but I am trying to be a little humble here. Please don’t let me down.
She was arm’s length away from Sehkmet when she lifted her dirty, bloody face up to his and saw two snake-eyes meet hers. Her bottom lip trembled and she felt a tremor run through her body. Sehkmet lifted an armored hand and placed it on her shoulder and terror seized her. He knew too, because he grinned as her entire body froze beneath his hand.
Makoto could feel her last ounces of strength being siphoned away as he held her firmly before him.
I can’t take this!” she screamed, her mouth betraying her thoughts. She turned savagely, hearing a savage crack in the shoulder beneath Sehkmet’s fist. A searing pain gripped her and she fell to her knees, screaming, “SAGE WAKE UP!”
Her vision was swallowed in a tremendous flash of green and she could feel her body go lax. Then black began to work its way in through the green before her, and before she knew it she had succumbed to the darkness.

End Chapter Three

Jade-san - thank you for my birthday wishes! Half a year since I have updated on this poor, poor story x.x I didn’t do very much for the crazy ol’ Warlord O’Venom this time, did I? Sorry bout that. ANTI-YULI! JUST SAY NO!

jupiterstarlight - tttttttttttthaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnkkkkkk youuuuuuu! XD!!

Dera-san - Mako? Legal age to drive! Pshaw! You think we’re running a clean show here?! Cackle But then again, neither is Mia, if you want to get technical x.x!

Elenheril - Elen sila lumenn omentievlo! Thank you for the compliment! It felt extreme O_O! I hope you are still around to read this meager chapter x.x

rhiannan - I plan on finishing it, but the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry…

JupLuna - Sankyuu for the birthday wishes =D! Second, YOU rock, too! Third, Mako owns. Yes, I know. She is very much off the chain. Lmao. Thanks again ^_^

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