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The Ties That Bind
Chapter 04
By Girl-Chama

Chapter Completed: 1.28.03

Notes: Good grief, hell must be freezing over. Two chapters of different stories within the span of two days. (Just for personal reference later, AE was updated on 1/26.) I think chapters are easier to get out when they are shorter. Someone reviewed AE and was like, “You call that short?!” And the answer is yes, it was short, just as this is short. When you are used to getting 20+ page chapters out, these are short, but they are easier to get out and they help me keep the story flowing. Plus, I guess all of you get tired of reading so much, which is not that great since I can get on tangents while I write. All of that to say that yes, this is a short chapter for me, and there’s no action… Really it’s only a transition chapter, but an important one. If you want to know why, read on…

Disclaimers: Don’t hate, congratulate. Ehehe, standard disclaimers apply throughout.

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There he was again- that horrible monster. It was a hideous beast with red, cruel eyes and a snarling face, showing beautifully white teeth. It was a demon- a demon that had taken the face of her grandfather.

His hand had clamped over her throat and she desperately clawed at that ever-so powerful wrist. This was the man that had given her hope where others could not. It was the man that had bridged the seemingly endless gap between her and her cousin. It was the man that-

No!” her mind shouted, still fiercely loyal to his memory, even in the face of death. “No! That’s not my grandfather! My grandfather was the most kind and loving and patient man ever to walk the earth! That’s not him! It’s a demon!” She was right, and it was the demon that had her now.

Even as this truth floated to the surface of her consciousness, her consciousness was sinking further into sleep. The demon snarled down at her, his hand closing even tighter around her windpipe, crushing her with startling pain. The pain was not so bad. She had suffered worse, at the hands of better… If only it had not been the face of her grandfather…

“Now, you’re nearly there,” it spoke. It used, and defiled, his voice while speaking its pleasure at her death. “You’re near, so near.”

There were screams at the edge of her hearing. So close. Was it-

Mia?” her mind wondered but her eyes could not roll that far to the side and they certainly could not see past the demon before her. It was encompassing everything- sight driving away sound and even feeling. “Grandfather…” her mind spoke fuzzily.

She blinked slowly. The sight of the demon’s face was becoming blurry. If she titled her head just so… Her grandfather was smiling at her. His hand was reaching out, welcoming her to him, and her hand… It was reaching back, reaching for him ever so gently. She was reaching for the comfort that he had always provided in the absence of her parents, guardians, friends… In the absence of everyone…


“You’re almost there,” he spoke gently, beckoning her to him.

“Grandpa!” was the very real cry of the young girl.

Makoto had woken and her body forcefully removed it self from the ground as she called out for him. She was staring up at a darkened sky that was beautiful for the stars that speckled it. Trees loomed in her vision, hovering and protecting, not threatening in the least. But she saw none of it. She only saw the fading vision of her grandfather, slipping so quickly and soundlessly away from her. One arm outstretched painfully tightly to reach for him and to grab him, to pull him back to her, but he was too far away, and she would never reach him now. “Grandpa, where are you?!” she called again, her hand still outstretched as she looked around.

“Mako!” another voice called.

Her cousin was above her, blocking the sight of the sky and the trees. As another head appeared behind her vision her eyes darted toward it. The hair color was infinitely lighter than her cousin’s. Maybe the night was playing tricks on her eyes. She squinted, hoping to see his gentle face once again, but it wasn’t him…

It was-


Was that his name? He was the ronin with the green armor. Mia was saying something to the blond- Sage, but Makoto could not bring herself to listen to it. She gave a frustrated and depressed sigh and turned back to Mia, grabbing the front of the girl’s sweatshirt.

“He was here! He was right here! Why didn’t you stop him from leaving?!” she demanded angrily, her eyes clear and bright, even in the darkness. The accusation hung in the air for a split second, going unanswered and then…

“Makoto?” Mia asked, desperately hoping that her cousin would not respond with what she was thinking.

“Grandpa! He was right here!” Makoto looked away as hot tears spilled over her face. Still holding to her cousin’s shirt, she took a deep shuddering breath and readjusted her jaw. “Right here…” she spoke, weaker this time.

Mia frowned and slowly wrapped her arms around the younger girl as she began to sob. She had been strong thus far, but she couldn’t keep up the appearance forever. The older of the two was glad that her younger cousin was finally giving way to some of her frustration and emotion, venting a little while, while there was still time to do so.

She tilted her head to the side, smiling gently to Sage over his concern. The blond ronin smiled gently and nodded, then crawled silently away from them. If he had created any noise with his movements, it would have been drowned out by Makoto’s crying, anyway.

As she did so, White Blaze appeared, nuzzling her back with his large, furry face.

The young girl pulled away from her cousin a few minutes later, her body shaking with hiccups and she laid back down on the makeshift bed that had been laid beneath her as they had waited for her to wake up. Mia watched as Makoto rolled away from her, burying her young face in the tiger’s fur, using him as a pillow while she continued to shake, at least feeling a little better. Then the older of the two continued to watch as her cousin’s breathing slowly eased off and continued into a rhythmic lull, showing that she had finally fallen into sleep again.

It was the first time she had woken up in two days, but at least she had woken up. Sage, Ryo, and she had waited, treading on eggshells to greet the girl as she re-entered consciousness. There was no point in waking the ebony-haired young man, though. He would see the little girl soon enough, and realize soon enough that there were going to be more bumps along there already treacherous path.

It wasn’t without a bit of apprehension and anxiety that Mia recounted what had happened those two days ago while they were waiting.



Though the words were not commanded for her, she had obeyed them as if they were. Mia lifted her heavy head from the floor, feeling a sudden and powerful strain in her neck and shoulders as she did. She could see that Makoto was lying on the hard, rock floor in front of Sehkmet. She wasn’t moving. Mia could sense the armored canon fodder soldiers standing above her watching the display…

Then all at once there was a tremendous flash of green light, so bright that Mia had to cast her eyes away. She grunted softly, her fingers tightening over a lump of rock embedded in the floor. She was cold and miserable, but in the presence of this light she felt warm, and almost good, despite the fear she had felt growing within her moments ago.

The light eventually dimmed and then faded and Mia forced herself to look back. She was still lying on the ground. Sage was standing there before Ryo, fully armored, holding a very mean looking no-dachi over his shoulders. As his eyes turned this way and that, even landing on her for a moment, they narrowed. Mia could see well at this distance, even in the cavern’s abysmal darkness.

Then the ice blue eyes of the green ronin of wisdom snapped towards Sehkmet and the no-dachi was removed from its resting place.

Sage’s face plate slid upwards into his helmet and he began to scream something, but it was hard for Mia to decipher the words. Almost at once another gloriously brilliant bolt of light filled the cavern, illuminating all sorts of stalagmites and stalactites, things Mia would have found very interesting under different circumstances. She could see Ryo’s blue eyes, hazy, staring upward to the roof of the great cavern, absorbing the light for all the good it would do him.


The light had somehow driven away Talpa’s forces, much the same way they had at Fuji. If she could remember the details, she had told herself later, she would have to record them for comparison.

A gaping hole had been created within the roof of the cavern, shedding twilight on them all. With the light, Sage had been able to maneuver around the cave, gathering Ryo and Mia together. She noted that his strength was as plentiful as Ryo’s had been. The presence of his element had seemed to strengthen him rather than diminish it, as Talpa had planned.

When gathered together Sage had somehow managed to heal Ryo’s blindness, with the help of his sword. Ryo had looked directly at him upon regaining it and had grinned with the graciousness of Jimmy Stewart, realizing that life is precious. Mia had declined, saying that she was fine, only tired. It was the truth, though from her viewpoint and Sage had moved onto Makoto.

As he had held the tip of his sword against the girl’s sternum, he closed his eyes and Ryo and Mia were able to watch as cuts, scrapes, and various bruises from the previous days’ activities vanish. By the time Sage removed his sword she looked incredibly healthy, save the general dirtiness of her person that Sage’s power had not been able to remove. They had waited for her to wake, but she had remained asleep.

It had taken a good deal of her will power not to demand that Sage try again, and even more for her not to be thrown into hysterics. Even without her request, Sage had tried to use his healing technique again, but again, for all practical purposes to no fruition. The only sign that appeared the second time around was the very literal Jovian sign on her forehead.

They had all been startled again, but Mia had begun to take it in stride.

After a few observations, it was decided that they would take her as she was and simply wait for her to awaken.

That had been two days ago. Since then Sage had been driving Mia’s SUV. Mia had been navigating while Makoto continued to sleep in the back seat. Ryo and White Blaze traveled at a close distance to the Suzuki and had managed to keep up. They were still making a game plan while trying to remain as close to unseen as possible.

Maybe I should have listened to grandfather that day… Maybe I would have been strong enough to hold off the demon… Ryo would have been able to protect him, and I would have been able to hold off the demon. He was so old… His frail body couldn’t have held it off… Or maybe I’m just letting my frustration run away with me…” Mia sighed as she let her thoughts run loose. “I just wish we could stop for a moment and catch our breath… Ryo and Sage might be able to take this pace, but me? And now Makoto?

With a sigh, Mia settled down behind and wrapped an arm around her dirty cousin’s small waist. She looked up at the stars, as if looking for a sign of divine inspiration.

She found none.

“Yes, I’ll definitely have to speak to them tomorrow about slowing down for a bit… If they’ll listen…” The young woman closed her eyes and tried to relax, listening to the sounds that were so familiar to her at home- running water, soft bird cries at night. She had little problems getting to sleep that night, knowing that her cousin was well.

- - - - -

When Ryo woke the next morning it was to a smoldering fire and a quiet that can be found only in twilight. Growing up in the country had made him a bit more familiar with nature than others of his age, but he enjoyed it thoroughly and would not have traded it for but a few things in the world. The current “camp out” would have been more enjoyable to him if it had not been for the fact that he and his party were constantly fleeing for their lives.

He lay on the ground for a moment, slightly chilled, but not enough to still him, and then raised up into a sitting position. Light blue eyes scanned their camp ground swiftly. It didn’t look like any movement had taken place the night before, except just within the vicinity of the campfire where he and Sage had been standing or talking.

Sage, himself, was still asleep, his breathing soft and very nearly silent. Ryo’s eyes flitted to Mia. She seemed to be the same way, her form curled around the spot Makoto had been laid the afternoon before when they had stopped to rest. Her chest rose and fell heavily, but her breathing was quiet. It was not likely that the three of them would draw much attention by themselves. As for Makoto…

Ryo stood and walked slowly to where Mia was laying, his eyes narrowing as he approached her.

Makoto was gone.

The same way they had when he sat up, his blue eyes deftly searched the area around the oldest human of the party. There were footprints that had scuffed the grass a bit in their movement, some large and some small, then overlapping so he uld not distinguish them and then diverging into two separate paths again. He followed the direction they moved in, not waiting but a moment before moving to Sage and waking the blond ronin. With a finger to his lips, the ebony-haired young man pulled his comrade to his feet and then looked over at Mia.

They left her sleeping. It would not do well to wake her right now after the grief she had been putting herself through for the sake of her cousin.

The two moved swiftly and silently, their heavily armored feet merely muffled footsteps on the thick blanket of grass. Ryo’s eyes had quickly picked up the tousled trail he had found a few moments earlier and they followed, darting through and around the thicket of trees.

Only a few meters from their camp site Ryo stopped, Sage just behind him. There was silence between them. Sage watched the young man in front of him, he had not been following the trail that had been seen like a runway in the dark to Ryo’s careful eyes.

“What is it?” Sage asked in a whisper. Ryo was silent for a moment as he looked at the ground and then upward. They had stopped just a meter or so away from the base of a thick oak trunk. The tree was massive, standing easily twenty meters tall.

“The trail ends here,” Ryo murmured back to him, more lost in thought than for the sake of being quiet. His eyes quietly took in the flattened grass, following it to its end, at the base of the massive tree before them. Looking to the left and right, the ronin then allowed his eyes to scan up the tree. Its trunk quickly disappeared into a mass of foliage and limbs which his eyes could not penetrate.

With a silent sigh he looked to Sage and jerked his head toward the tree. Sage nodded, but remained where he was, arms motionless at his sides as he gazed upward into the massive plant. Ryo circled around the base of the tree, taking a few steps before he saw the end of black and white striped tail which had been hidden from him on the other side of the trunk. Following the tail, confused, he soon saw the entirety of White Blaze’s body curled up beneath the tree, breathing slowly as if enjoying a very nice cat nap.

“Huh?” he wondered aloud, his quietness leaving for a moment. He squatted down, running an armored hand under the tiger’s chin to rouse him. Wild cherry-colored eyes opened to him and a deep and rumbling purr rose from the tiger’s throat. Ryo smiled and scratched behind his ears for a moment. Above him the sound of crunching foliage gained his attention and he looked up just in time to see a brunette head pop out of the trees.

He blinked in surprise, but did not lose is balance. He simply stared upward, calling, “Hey Sage, I think we’ve found her,” to the blond ronin.

In response, Makoto looked in his direction, obviously craning her head around. She wore an expression of confusion until she saw him and then her face was blank as if trying to gauge his expression. Ryo stood, still looking up at her. For a moment he wondered how someone so short, despite Makoto’s comparative height for her age, could have gotten a firm hold to climb into the tree in the first place.

Sage rounded the trunk of the tree and stood next to Ryo, looking over at the young girl. Though his mind was full of questions brought on by her state of being the night before, he remained silent, simply gazing at her in confusion, much the same way Ryo had done.

Ryo quirked a single brow at the girl and asked, “So are you going to come down or do we have to pull you out?” She continued regarding him for a moment, as if she hadn’t heard what he said. All of a sudden, her mind made up, she pulled her head back into the tree, disappearing from view once more.

Ryo turned and looked at Sage, worried, as the blond spoke, “How’s that for an answer?”

“Get real,” Makoto spoke coolly. They both directed their eyes upward once more as her feet appeared, dangling in the air, followed soon by the rest of her up to her elbows. She hung there for a moment until she dropped down, landing in a crouch. Makoto made to stand before she lost her balance and tumbled backward, landing on the large white tiger behind her.

Ryo watched carefully as she and the tiger both stood and took the same path back to the camp. Makoto was totally unresponsive, except for when it came to dealing with White Blaze. She said nothing to Sage or himself, not a barbed remark or a snappish comment to either of them. It worried him.

“Well, she’s a lot more complacent than I remember,” Sage spoke, walking past Ryo.

“Yeah, me too…”

Back at camp, they found Makoto poking the embers of the fire with a stick, stirring up Ash and smoke. Ryo continued to watch her before he moved toward Mia to wake her.

“Don’t,” Makoto spoke calmly. He turned to look at her and founding her eyeing him out of the corner of her eye. “She needs rest more than the rest of us.” With that said she rolled backward onto her seat and stretched her arms and legs out before her, studying them. She could perceive no scratches or bruises, and even a few old scars on her knees had vanished. It was curious to her, but she had no doubt that it was due to Sage’s arrival.

Who else could have done it? Ryo? He would have done it sooner, I think. Mia? Please… The Warlords might be able to. They seem to bounce back pretty quick, but the idea of them ever helping me makes me laugh.” She continued poking in the dead fire with her stick, not paying attention to anything around her, mostly lost in her own thoughts.

“So if not now, when do we wake her, Makoto?” Sage asked. He received no answer. Then he looked to Ryo and perked his single visible eyebrow.

I can still hear what he said. He said something about Talpa wanting me. Why me?” The thought beyond worried her. It terrified her.

Living on the street, even if it hadn’t been for a very long time, taught her that everyone has someone higher on the food chain than themselves, but never through choice. The next level always required someone with enough power to put the lower levels into submission.

Even trying to remain a solitary urchin had had its difficulties. She had run into several small cliques and gangs demanding a sort of fee from her. She had always managed to escape, though her former bruises had been part of her payment. It had taught her, though, that when a warlord, a powerful demon that even the Ronin could not defeat, announced that its master wished for her… Well…

She shuddered at the thought, all pride and arrogance leaving her in that moment. Would Sage and Ryo be enough to protect her? And even if they found the rest of the Ronin? Would they all be enough to protect her? Would they be too busy saving the world to protect one small girl? Ryo, himself, could not even stop the demon that had taken over her grandfather…

Makoto frowned and jabbed the end of the stick savagely into the coals, unleashing a whiff of smoke and stirring up ash. It stuck straight in the air, and she stared at it with cold eyes as she drew her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around herself.

I don’t need anyone’s help. I can take care of myself. I always take care of myself. Always.

Sage watched the little girl, her vicious stab with the stick, and her sullen expression afterwards.

Of course, just what we need,” he thought calmly, “…the brat of the entourage. Lovely.” How Ryo had endeavored to keep Mia and Makoto safe and still come out with his wits intact, Sage did not know. Mia, well, she was nice enough. She was cool-headed, pretty enough, and definitely one of the most intelligent people he’d ever met… But she was still cumbersome.

The single blond of the group walked to where Ryo gathering a few sticks and twigs to heap onto the coals. “Ryo,” he spoke lowly, causing the red ronin to look up at him, from his knelt position on the ground. "We need to get moving soon. Now that we’ve all rested and recuperated we need to find the others. If we’ve had time to reorganize then Talpa and the Warlords have as well.” After making his point, he crossed his arms over his chest and waited patiently for a response.

“Yeah, you’re right…” Ryo spoke after a moment to digest the words. “You’re right. Go ahead and wake up Mia. I’ll get Makoto and White Blaze and we’ll make for Yamaguchi.” Ryo lowered the bundle of sticks to the ground gently, and then began to stand.

“That’s another thing, I’ve been thinking about,” Sage spoke. His voice was quiet, and it was the volume and tone that caused Ryo to look back to him with a curious expression. Sage looked to his left where the other three were resting and he sighed. Still looking at them he spoke softly, “This may not be the best idea, but I think we should split up.”

“What?” Ryo demanded emphatically. His voice was nearly on normal speaking level as he spoke and Sage winced, raising a hand to calm him. “If we split up how are we going to survive out there? You forget that there are only two of us and four Warlords, not to mention Talpa. Besides, how would we split up? You and me? Leaving Mia and Makoto to go through the hell they’ve already been through? You know they’ve already lost a family member to this menace. We can’t ask them to sacrifice their own lives,” Ryo explained heatedly, turning away from the ronin in green.

“Ryo, stop. I don’t like it anymore than you, but we have to face facts. We’re short of resources and short on time. I’m perfectly aware of Mia and Makoto’s loss, but that’s nothing compared to what the rest of the world will lose if we don’t move fast. Besides, the warlords can’t come after us all together. They may be strong, but they don’t have the poem, and they don’t work as a team. If we split up we’ll have a better chance of finding someone else before we lose anyone else…”

Ryo grit his teeth as Sage finished. His back was still turned to him. He could only see Makoto’s blank face as she stared down at her feet, and White Blaze’s protective pacing of the camp site. No, he did not like this idea one bit, but it had merit. As much as he was a hothead, he would admit that, but he also didn’t want to risk everyone’s safety for the sake of… For the sake of the world?

Can I risk one or two people for the sake of the world? What am I thinking? Isn’t it just as wrong to put two or three people in jeopardy as to let seven billion people die? Damnit…” He looked over his shoulder and spoke, “We’ll ask them to see what they think. We need to wake Mia up, anyway, despite what Makoto might think…”

- - - - -

“No, no, no. You’re insane. You’re absolutely insane.”

The silent three watched as the short young brunette began to pace back on forth on the side of the campfire opposite them. For a moment she paused in her speaking and ran a hand through her bangs, trying to control her emotions. It was more restraint than she had shown in a long time.

Sage took advantage of Makoto’s silence to get his foot in the door, making his argument. He swiftly, but articulately, argued the points he had used with Ryo looking most at Mia while he spoke. He glanced out of the corner of his to where Makoto was staring at him sullenly. She might argue with him, but remaining clear-headed would make his point seem much more valid and ship his argument with much more authority than Makoto’s whining. In the end, he was sure that even she would agree with his point of view.

When he was finished, Mia glanced from him to Ryo, who nodded in agreement with his fellow warrior and then to Makoto who had looked away from all of them. The little girl’s entire body was tensed, as if ready to bolt- either that or to plant her feet firmly in the ground and not budge a muscle. She seemed to have given up arguing already. It was not like her at all. Ryo and Mia both took note, even going as far as to exchange glances with one another, but they said nothing.

Mia sighed and shrugged her shoulders, her eyes closing for a bit as she acquiesced with, “All right. We’ll split up.” She still wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea, especially since it meant that she and Makoto would be splitting up. Could Ryo even handle the girl without Mia around? It seemed doubtful, without getting physical. “Let me get my laptop and we can go ahead and start making routes.” She climbed to her feet easily with Sage’s help, him mostly pulling her. They stood for a moment holding the other’s hands before Mia coughed uncomfortably and pulled her hands, letting Sage lower his to his sides gently.

“Right,” he agreed and stepped around her in the opposite direction of the vehicle. She could hear him crunching away through the light peat, mingled with grass, on the forest floor. She nodded silently and began walking toward the jeep without looking towards Ryo or her cousin.

Ryo, for his part, took the whole exchange and cleared his throat, turning to look at Makoto.

The routes were drawn up with Sage and Ryo each memorizing the directions. They had no way to print them out. By the time they had their maps drawn up and memorized it was nearly noon. The un was high overhead and the heat of the day was beginning to be felt.

Makoto was still not speaking to anyone, and the only one she ventured near, voluntarily, was White Blaze. She would pat his head and scratch behind his ears. The tiger tried to be accommodating, but even he was beginning to lose his affect on her.

Mia sighed as Ryo and Sage continued talking with one another from the spot the trio had taken up a few meters away from the girl. Actually, Sage was doing the talking, throwing out facts that each of them already realized. They were all crowded around Mia’s laptop where a map, with several different blinking coordinates was shown. The silent pair was supposed to be supplementing Sage with information every few moments or so, but they were watching their young charge instead.

“I’m worried about her,” Ryo spoke, cutting Sage off without realizing it. Mia nodded, not looking at the annoyed expression on Sage’s face. She was not even surprised at Ryo’s words.

“I am too,” she whispered gravely, her voice laden with worry and incertitude. “This quiet… It reminds me of the way she used to act before grandfather…. She never spoke to us, unless hatefully, but at least then she spoke. Now, I can’t help but wonder…” Mia rocked back onto her heels before sitting, crossing her legs in the lotus position. “It just seems like the more we get into this the angrier and more distant she becomes. I can’t even spare any time from her to help her get over it…”

“I don’t even know what to begin to say to her,” Ryo added as he dropped into a seated position also.

As they watched Makoto, Sage watched them. It was obvious that they cared for the girl, though outside of Mia’s relationship with her, it was hard to see why. Still… He gave a mental sigh.

I’ll never get anywhere like with Mia if she’s constantly worrying over Makoto,” he thought before closing his eyes. As had other plans of his, a new idea came to him quickly. “Hey,” he spoke gently, catching their attention and effectively drawing it back to him. “I know you guys are worried about her, but Mia’s right we can’t keep stopping like this just because Makoto decides to throw a tantrum.” Ryo frowned and opened his mouth to defend the young girl, but Sage held up a hand gently. His eyes were lowered humbly, but they lifted as he spoke, “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think Makoto and I should take one direction and you guys should take the other…”

There was silence for about five seconds as Mia and Ryo both stared at Sage with wide, unbelieving eyes, and then…

“Makoto was right,” Mia spoke gently. “You are insane.”

Sage sighed and added, “You guys baby her-“

“She’s only a little girl-“

“…and she needs to grow up a little.”

“…who needs to stay with people that love her.”

Ryo watched as Sage tried to speak while Mia ignored him. It was unlike Mia to be so rude, but the bearer of Wildfire was beginning to learn that she was particularly sensitive in matters concerning her cousin. He sighed and continued being silent as Sage reached out and grabbed Mia’s shoulders.

“I can help her,” he spoke flatly. Mia was knocked out of her speech and shook her head a moment before her eyes focused on Sage.

“Huh?” she spoke intelligently. Sage chuckled and then released her, dropping back into a sitting position as the other two had.

“I used to be a lot like her,” he spoke calmly. His icy blue eyes ventured toward the object of their discussion and he watched as she lifted a rock and threw it mightily into the wood around them, anger in her stance and in her eyes. “Rude, emotional… My grandfather is a kendo master. When I was growing up with him he was able to help me control my anger and even channel it into my own kendo practices, giving me a lot more self-control… I can remember many of the methods he used as he taught me.”

Ryo looked from Sage to Mia, knowing this was her decision to make. As the new guardian of the young woman, it would ultimately be up to her to decide who Makoto would travel with. She hardly seemed happy on the idea, to the point of outright frowning at Sage. Then she closed her eyes and released a deep sigh.

“You have to understand that I am doing the best I can with her. It hasn’t been easy this past year, and now with Grandfather’s death it seems as though she’s just regressing,” Mia spoke, her eyes still closed and the frown still upon her face. Sage reached down, taking her hand.

“I understand, and I’m not blaming you for anything,” he spoke with a reassuring smile. “I just want you to understand that if we don’t do something she’s going to get worse and soon enough she’ll be to the point where we can’t do anything for her.” Mia’s eyes opened. Her frown had drowned in an expression of worry.

“Are you certain that you can help her?” she asked quietly, barely above a whisper.

“Nothing’s ever certain,” Sage spoke, the same smile on his face as he gave her hand a light squeeze, “but I have enough confidence in myself to be able to get through to her and to help her along a bit.”

Mia gave another sigh and slowly nodded, “All right.” She pulled her hand from within Sage’s gauntlet, feeling suddenly self-aware and self-conscious. Dropping her hands into her lap she mustered a smile, then glanced to Ryo and back to Sage. “What have we got to lose?”

“That’s the spirit,” Ryo spoke, slapping her shoulder lightly. He jumped to his feet with a reassuring smile of his own which quickly grew into a grin. “I’m going to go stretch a bit and then start packing up the few things that we have with us.” Sage agreed with his notion and offered to go help, which Ryo quickly accepted. Mia watched them walk away, her smile still on her face.

Her mind, though, was back at her previous question answered, “Everything.

- - - - -

Packing was completed, and the trio was standing a few meters away from the back of the jeep, huddled and quiet as they spoke in low tones. Makoto was sitting in the front passenger seat, twiddling her thumbs as she waited for Mia to get into the vehicle. The way she understood it, the four of them would ride together to conserve their energy until they reached a good splitting point. Then she and Ryo would take White Blaze, riding to wherever, and Mia and Sage would do the same, only with the SUV instead of an animal.

Fine,” she thought, not at all ‘fine’ with the idea. She was angry. Makoto had had plenty of time to think that morning, having shunned the group in order to get sometime to think, that and she just wasn’t happy with any of them ganging up on her. “So yeah Sage’s idea deserves some due, but hey if we all die from not sticking together who’s going to be able to give it?” She sighed and forced her hands into her lap, leaning back into her seat and looking out the window. She was not in the mood to see Mia looking cheerful and happy about this brilliant plan, even if it was only for a short while. “Why am I so angry? So I didn’t get my way, big deal. I should be used to that, and I’m used to being alone, so I should be able to deal with splitting up. It’s not like I have anything against Ryo, either, and definitely not White Blaze. Why am I so angry?

The wind blew on the other side of her window, rustling the tree limbs and leaves, and carrying her answer away with it. It totally escaped her.

She closed her eyes and tried to relax a bit, allowing her shoulders to droop as she waited on her cousin, “Maybe I just miss creature comforts, like TV and a toilet. Oh yeah, a toilet would be very nice right now…” She sighed again as the driver side door opened. “And a bath, mmmm. A bath would be very- whoa! Am I getting soft?” Her eyes snapped open and she stared with hard green eyes out the window. “I must be getting soft after having lived with Grandpa and Mia so long… Grandpa…

While she continued to stare out the side of the vehicle, Makoto reached a hand up to the window, placing it against the cool glass. Her hand was smudged with dirt. It was almost a shade darker than what she remembered her natural skin color being. “Oh yeah, that’s bad.” She lowered her hand and asked, “Hey Mia, do you think we could stop somewhere at the halfway point and maybe… erm, find a bathhouse or something? I know, I know… The bath is used for relaxing, not cleaning, but I’m sure-“ She had turned to see her cousin’s facial expression to this request, knowing she could decide what to say by what she saw, but what she saw was nothing she expected to see.

Her lips pursed and her eyes widened.

Sage smirked at her from the driver’s seat, saying only, “Hello.”

With an eerie calm she faced forward, strapping herself into her seat. Sage briefly watched as he jaw clenched behind her cheekbones.

Kids,” he thought with a grin. “Gotta love ‘em.

“You know,” she began, her outward calm belied by the malice in her voice. It startled the bearer of Halo to hear such hate from such a young person, “it figures. It just figures, but just for the sake of posterity, what the hell did I ever do to get stuck with you?”

Makoto crossed her arms over her chest and watched as Sage snorted behind his smirk, not taking his eyes off of the road. Her mind played over the possible things he could say, quickly compiling a list of retorts to whatever his response might be.

“I asked to be teamed with you,” was not on the list. He spoke so calmly and so quickly that Makoto could only doubt his sincerity, instead of flat out refusing to believe it. She looked away from him, doubts already in her eyes as she mulled over his words.

I… asked… teamed… you…” her mind replayed slowly, making sure she had gotten the words right. The brunette bit her lip as she continued thinking. Sage was still silently driving, shifting gears every now and then.

“You know, if you want me to pretend to be happy about this-“

“I wouldn’t ask that of you,” he broke in, smiling at her again. When she looked away from him he grinned, feeling very proud of his current self-control and patience. He had steeled himself for a tantrum, and even a possible escape attempt, but she was taking it incredibly well.

He spared another quick glance at her, wondering what was going on behind that passive face of hers.

“So can we find a bath or what?” she asked, without looking at him. He borrowed her actions for a moment and as she looked to him he kept his expression neutral with eyes on the road.

The is a good chance to make some ground. We can bargain that if she agrees to talks to me, I’ll stop.” He smiled inwardly and then quickly caught himself. “No. No bargaining. She has to learn that I’m in control, even if this is difficult for the both of us,” he thought as the corners of his mouth turned downward.

“I’m going to have to bathe sometime,” Makoto spoke testily, having studied him for his expression.

“”If you would let me speak instead of trying to assume everything, you might be surprised,” Sage retorted calmly while he downshifted to compensate for a turn in the road.

“Okay?” she offered, her tone only slightly more winning.

“We don’t have time to go out of our way for anything, not even a bath,” he began. Makoto waited, recognizing the introductory flow of his words. “But,” and he offered a smile with a glance from the corner of his eye, “if we see an inn alone the way, we’ll stop and make use of the facilities. How does that sound?”

He could see her smirk from the corner of his eye, making him wonder if he was perhaps being too indulgent. “No,” his mind answered for him. “Hygiene and luxuries might appear to be one in the same, but in this case the former is a necessity.” She had not begun to smell, but after learning the accounts of their travels from Mia, he quickly deduced that she hadn’t seen a bath in some five days. If she wasn’t smelling now, she would be all too soon.

“Okay, that sounds fair. But you do realize that by saying we you’re agreeing to help me break into an inn, right?” Makoto questioned. He cautioned a glance at her only to see a hefty smirk upon her face, her mouth slightly open. Oh, she did remind him of his older sister.

“I am agreeing to no such thing,” he spoke evenly and not without a bit of condescension. “I happen to have some money to leave for compensation.”

“Whoa, it’s not like anyone will be there to take it, anyway!” she exclaimed incredulously. Sage recognized another aspect of her character they would have to adjust: perception.

“That’s true,” he agreed, “but we would know, and so we’re leaving money.”

“You’re so weird,” she spoke with distaste, rolling back into her seat as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“It’s called chivalry.”

“You’re a samurai, not a knight.”

“Same difference.”


Sage fought to keep an annoyed snort from rising up in his throat. Whether or not her sarcasm could be attributed to independence, Makoto certainly was used to getting her way.

Her grandfather must have been a saint to make any kind of progress with her at all,” Sage thought as he regarded her from the corner of his eye, calmly fixing his demeanor. “Has anyone ever tried to teach you any manners?”

“Of course,” she spoke with a short laugh, “but it never took…” She was lazily tracing patterns on the window with her fingers, leaving small smudges in their wakes.

“What about Mia?” he asked, probing unknown territory. He was advancing cautiously, but he was advancing nonetheless. The more he knew from her perspective the more he could help her. The first response from Makoto was a snort.

“Mia tries, but she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She was probably born with manners. Besides, I don’t think she really cares, anyway. She’s always got her nose buried in some moldy old book and never really tries. Not that I care or anything,” she finished quickly, casting a furtive glance at Sage.

“Of course,” he answered as she turned away. The expression with which she glanced at him would have frozen lava, but he was still staring at the road, looking sincere enough that she relaxed. “So Mia’s not so hot… Sounds maybe like she thinks she’s baby-sitting.”

“Well tough, because I didn’t ask for anyone to baby sit me. You know, I didn’t ask to be dropped with people that I don’t know.”

“I didn’t know that, but thank you for explaining it to me. I’ll try to keep it in mind,” he spoke, retorting as she might have in the same situation; quickly and without a lot of pity. He sighed as Makoto dropped back into her seat, peeved once more.

“You know,” he continued softly, “Mia and your grandfather didn’t ask for the responsibility either…”

“I know,” she snapped. All too vividly was the memory of another rat social worker dropping her at the university the first time that she had met Mia and her grandfather. The reason she had gone there at all was because the pair had been too busy to get her from the orphanage. Just behind them were various other aunts and uncles that had been too busy with their own children, their own lives, to care about her. “That’s the way it always is. I had a cousin Shizuka that had a little brother and when they sent me to stay with her she treated her stupid cat better than me. At least it got food and toys. Man, I got to be like some whack Cinderella, because neither of them could cook…” Makoto shook her head as she looked out her window again, her face heavy with frowning as she shook her head. “None of them wanted me,” she added quietly; so quietly that Sage had to check his hearing to make sure he had heard her right.

Sage waited a moment, carefully weighing his thoughts. What he could he tell her? That her relatives had wanted her? For all he knew, her anger was justified. There were just some people in the world that weren’t meant to be parents or guardians of any sort, for that matter. Finally…

“Your grandfather wanted you.”

Makoto was silent.

“Mia was the only other person living with him, right?” he asked gently. When he got no disagreement he continued, “He didn’t seem like the type of person to have made such a decision without consulting her… She could have easily said no, that she didn’t want you there, but she didn’t.”

“She was just doing her duty…” Makoto answered weakly. It didn’t sound as if she herself believed that statement. Sage could not suppress a smile.

With the gentle smile still on his face, he continued, “I doubt that a girl of seventeen, even Mia, has such a sense of duty.” He heard Makoto sigh and for a moment he wished he wasn’t driving so that he could gauge her expression more thoroughly, as she was at liberty to do with him. He chuckled at a new thought that rose within him and was then encouraged to share the amusing notion. “I was just thinking,” he spoke, “that you have a tendency to grow on people, even if you are brash and uncaring.”

“Yeah, spores do that.”

“Does that mean I can call you fungus now?”

“Only if you want to lose your eye while you sleep,” she replied, grinning at him.


- - - - -

Calimetaure – I’ve tried to keep up characterization. I hope you like it, and thank you for the wonderful compliments. You know when they are from you they are most graciously received ^_^.

Beautiful Siren – Thank you for your compliment, as well. I seem to have lost contact with SRS, but I will try to pick it up soon (as long as you continue to update, that is =)

Sailor Emerald – I think (Technically this story was begun Dec. 02 and I don’t keep formal notes to refer to, so I am not sure…) she is just above 11 years old. Like 11, and four months. I hope that the point of being adopted is accurate (I am assuming that you yourself are adopted you wouldn’t have made that comment.) Lol, I hope you didn’t get caught in your review. And as for romance with Mako, I didn’t say it would be anyone that wore armor ^_~

JupLuna – LOL! She kind of is like Heero, isn’t she? Being all independent and whatnot… Hehehe, oh that was a “typo.”

girl of darkness – Uhm, okay, please no threats ^_^ We aim to please not sustain injury ^_^ Lol, j/k, myself (sort of O_o)

Mystical Jade – Can I get a “what, what?!” As in, “Itai! What was that for?” Of course she’s growing fond of Ryo, but we can’t have her turning into a little Yuli/Jun can we? shudder Besides, I don’t want her to fall in love with him. I just want her to be friends with all of them, as you might have deduced learned from this chapter. Yeah, I like the way she’s opening up to them too! After all, a lump of ice can only sustain itself so long in the presence of [love and] warmth… Thanks again for reviewing ^_^

I hope that the rest of you enjoyed and that’ll you’ll be patient with me while I trudge the next six months (haha, maybe not that long ^_~) before delivering another chapter. Ta ta!

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