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Digimon Fanfiction

All stories are archived by authors.


Dreamcatcher and Wulipix'sFrom The Depths

          Taking place before "02," the Digi-Destined are called back to the Digiworld 

           with four more children to fight a new evil.

Chapters : 01  02  03  04  05   06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13

Rated : G  --   Adventure   ---   Last Updated : 11/24/01


GameGirlWhen Friendship Becomes Love

         Begins two years before "02"  and ends after the defeat of Malomyotismon in

         "02."  A story delving into the beginning of the relationship between Matt and 


When Friendship Becomes Love

Rated : G   --   Adventure/Romance   ---  Last Updated : Finished


Keegon Feeling Loved

         During "01" Matt and Sora discover their love for each other. 

Feeling Loved

Rated : PG   --   Romance   ---  Last Updated : Finished


Lavender Can't Keep My Eyes Off of You

          AU with the Digi-Destined the 02 ages. Matt sees Sora at school and tries to get 

          a date with her...

Chapters : 01  02  03  04  05

Rated : G  --   Romance   ---   Last Updated : Finished


Patterpants Friend or Foe  NEW

          AU The story is about like the Digidestined going back to the real world to find 

          two new Digidestined (rather than Kari). As they search they meet up with a 

          friend of Matt's...

Chapters : 01  02  03  04  05

Rated : PG  --   Adventure   ---   Last Updated : February 16, 2003


You can read my Digimon fics here. ~DERA

Visit this Sorato/Yasora site!
It's off to a great start and is full of promise to become great! ^_^
And make sure you tell Kilua that!

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