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From the Depths
Part 3 : Panthramon's Razor Claw
By Dreamcatcher and Wulipix

A beep went off on Izzy’s laptop computer. “Hey, it’s Gennai!” Izzy exclaimed as the familiar animated figure walked across his computer screen. “Greetings, everyone,” the figure greeted. “Ahh, I see you found the four children. Excellent work!” The four kids looked at each other with puzzled expressions on their faces. “That must be that Gennai guy that Izzy was talking to earlier,” Marni whispered to Marisa, Yuuchi, and Zack.

“That’s correct, Marni,” Gennai replied. Marni jumped a bit when she heard Gennai say her name. “Man, this is freaky!” she exclaimed. “This is very urgent. You must come to Server right away. I’m afraid that’s where the real trouble lies,” Gennai explained. “Oh, shoot! I’m out of quarters! Tell them about the new threat, won’t you, Izzy?” “Of course,” Izzy replied as Gennai’s image disappeared from the screen. He closed his laptop and looked up at the other kids. “So, Izzy, what’s going on?” Tai asked.

“Earlier today, Gennai informed me of a new evil Digimon known as Armaggedamon. He’s apparently more powerful than any Digimon we’ve faced in the past, guys. That’s why it was necessary for us to bring four more Digi-Destined along this time.” His friends nodded as though they understood everything. “Now that everything’s settled, we need to figure out a way to get across the ocean to Server,” Matt muttered out loud as he and T.K. looked out at the seemingly endless stretch of blue water...

“Maybe we could build a raft?” Yuuchi suggested. Joe groaned as he remembered the last time they tried to do that. “Bad idea. The last time we did that, we were almost eaten alive,” he grumbled. “Aww, come on, Joe. Whamon didn’t mean to eat us,” Gomamon added. “Well, we certainly can’t swim there, can we?” Marni asked.

“Whamon?” Zack asked when he heard the name. “Yeah, he’s like a huge whale,” T.K. admitted. “I really don’t know what’s worse, being stranded in this strange world, or having to deal with my parents,” Zack muttered, shaking his head. “Why is that?” Sora asked. Zack closed his eyes and shook his head even more. “No reason, really. We just don’t get along very well. Ever since that one day...” Zack trailed off.

“Go on,” Yuuchi insisted whom was not going to let him off the hook that easily. “I didn’t want to mention it because I thought it wasn’t important. I don’t really know who I am. Not too long ago, something happened. I have no idea what happened, but my past just…slipped away,” he explained, staring at the ground the whole time. “A case of amnesia. How interesting,” Izzy muttered to himself loud enough for Zack to overhear.

“I know what it’s called. And it’s not interesting. With you being the nerd, of course you would think that. How would you like it if you forgot everything you knew?” Zack snapped, walking closer to where Izzy was. “Hey!” Izzy exclaimed as Zack forcefully pushed him to the ground. Before the fight could continue, Tai stepped in between them. “Stop this now,” Tai ordered, breaking up the fight. “He started it,” Izzy grumbled as he stood up with Tentomon’s help. “What we need now is a plan on how to get to Gennai, so we can help,” Tai explained to Izzy...

Zack felt he needed some time alone in order to cool off. He snuck to a rock near the shore a little bit farther from the rest of them. He sat down and looked out at the sun setting over the ocean. “I knew I should have stayed home, and I knew I should have kept my big mouth shut,” Zack muttered to himself. “You’re not very good with others, are you, Zack?” a familiar voice asked. He looked around to see Cheetamon sitting right next to him. “Not really,” Zack admitted. “I guess it doesn’t help that my parents wouldn’t let me interact with anyone,” he muttered, not really looking up at Cheetamon.

“Well, cheer up, Zack. You’re not alone anymore, cuz you got me now. And we’ll be friends forever, no matter what happens,” Cheetamon reminded him cheerfully. “Besides, I’m a lot like you in a way. I know what you’re going through.” Zack looked up at his Digimon and smiled a bit. “Thanks, Cheetamon. Let’s go see what the others have come up with,” he suggested as he and Cheetamon stood up.

Just as he climbed off the rock, a massive spray of water startled him and he fell to the ground. “Sorry about that, kid,” Zack heard a deep voice apologize. He looked up at a huge whale Digimon, which had swum up to shore. “Look, it’s Whamon!” Mimi exclaimed as she and the others joined Zack and Cheetamon. “Hello, kids. I heard you wanted to see Gennai,” the massive Digimon bellowed.

“Yeah,” Tai exclaimed. “Could you give us a ride, Whamon?” “No problem, Tai. Everyone get in,” Whamon announced as he opened his mouth. “You got to be kidding!” Zack exclaimed as Cheetamon helped him to his feet. “Going inside a whale? Are you crazy?” “You know, Zack has a good point there,” Marisa agreed. “There’s no need to worry,” Matt explained. “Whamon wouldn’t hurt anyone, unless it was an evil Digimon.” “Well, didn’t Joe say that you guys almost got eaten by Whamon?” Marni asked suspiciously.

“That wasn’t his fault,” Agumon explained. “A black gear was controlling him at the time.” “Come on, everyone! We’re wasting time just standing here!” Tai exclaimed. “All aboard, everyone,” Whamon announced. The eight original Digi-Destined and their Digimon willingly stepped inside Whamon’s mouth. Tai and Agumon turned around and looked at Marni, Marisa, Zack and Yuuchi, who were still standing on the shore with their Digimon.

“Come on, you guys!” Tai retorted. “For the last time, Whamon’s not gonna hurt you!” “Let’s go,” Marni told the others. “The others trust Whamon, so we should too, right?” Marisa and Yuuchi slowly nodded their heads in agreement. “Okay, so let’s go. Everyone’s waiting for us.” Marni and Snakemon headed inside Whamon’s mouth and disappeared. “Well, if my sister’s going, then so am I,” Marisa added a bit nervously as she and Chamelamon headed inside Whamon. “Hey, wait up!” Yuuchi exclaimed as he and Nanmimon ran after them.

Before he went inside, Yuuchi turned around and asked, “Are you coming, Zack?” Zack hesitated for a moment. “Doesn’t look like I have much of a choice,” he muttered out loud. Yuuchi smiled at Zack, then he turned around. As he continued going inside, Yuuchi sniffed the air in Whamon’s mouth and made a face. He yelled, “No offense, Whamon, but have you ever heard of Binoca?” Zack tried to muffle his snickers as he and Cheetamon followed Yuuchi and Nanmimon...

“This has got to be one of the most stupidest things I’ve ever done,” Zack muttered as he looked around. “I think it’s pretty cool,” Yuuchi admitted. “You would,” Zack muttered to himself. Most of the other kids were doing their own thing. Zack spotted Izzy typing away on his computer once again. Zack felt bad for the way he acted earlier, since it wasn’t really Izzy’s fault. Zack headed over to where Izzy was, with Cheetamon silently following behind.

“Listen, Izzy, I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier. I’m just not used to being around kids, and at times I can be a little too serious,” Zack apologized. Izzy looked up and smiled. “It’s okay. I don’t really mind much,” he replied. Zack looked at the computer. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Nothing, really. Just seeing what’s been going on in the Digiworld,” Izzy explained. Zack felt a tug on his pants and looked down at Cheetamon. “Zack, when’s lunch? I’m starving,” the cat Digimon asked. Yuuchi looked up at this. “Good question. Hey, what do these things eat anyway?” he asked. “Anything and everything,” Joe muttered under his breath.

“You know, I’m a little hungry, too, Marni,” Snakemon told her. “No kidding. You probably worked up an appetite after fighting that Rhynomon and that digivolving thing you did,” Marni admitted as she got up and started to dig through her pockets. “I think I have something in here...Ah-ha!” She pulled out a crumpled plastic bag from her pocket. “What isss that?” Snakemon asked as Marni opened up the bag. “Peanuts!” Marni pulled out a handful of the roasted nuts and handed them to Snakemon. “Anyone else want some?” she asked as she held up the bag. Suddenly, all of the other Digimon had crowded around her. “Uh, should I give them all some?” Marni asked uncertainly.

“Go ahead, Marni,” Matt insisted. “The Digimon need to keep up their strength so they’ll be able to fight and digivolve.” “All righty, then,” Marni replied as she started to pass out the peanuts to all of the Digimon. Gatomon walked back to where Kari was sitting with her paws full of peanuts. “Here, Kari, have some, ” she offered, holding out her paws. “Thanks, Gatomon,” Kari replied as she took some peanuts from Gatomon’s paws. “How much further is it?” Marisa asked Tai, who was sitting next to Kari. “Well, we should be at the mainland soon. Right, Whamon?” Tai asked, looking up. “I can see land right now, Tai,” Whamon replied. “We should be there in about fifteen minutes.” Everyone cheered when they heard this news.

“Did you hear that, Zack? We’re almost there,” Cheetamon told him with his mouth full of peanuts. Zack chuckled a bit. Cheetamon swallowed the peanuts and asked, “What’s so funny?” “You talk funny with your mouth full,” Zack explained. “Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?” “Umm, what’s a mother?” Cheetamon asked curiously. Zack arched an eyebrow as he was thinking, “You gotta be kidding me!” Before he could reply, there was a huge crash heard outside. The interior shook violently and everyone got knocked down.

“What happened, Whamon?” Gomamon asked. “Something ran into me underwater. I didn’t get a good look at it, though,” Whamon admitted. “I hope it’s not an evil Digimon,” Joe whimpered as he sat on his knees. “Come on, Joe! Don’t be such a ‘fraidy cat,” Gomamon exclaimed. “Watch it!” Gatomon retorted, holding up her fist. Gomamon chuckled nervously. “I’m going up to the surface now, guys,” Whamon explained. “We’ll find out what I hit.” “Okay, let us know when you reach the surface, Whamon, and we’ll come on up,” Tai added.

“And how are we gonna do that?” Marni asked a bit sarcastically. “We’ll go through there,” Tai explained as he pointed up at Whamon’s blowhole. “Are you kidding?” Zack exclaimed. “And I thought going inside a whale was stupid! Now you expect us to climb through its blowhole?” “Okay, I’m up at the surface now, Tai,” Whamon interrupted. “Great! Let’s go,” Tai announced. “You first, Mimi,” Palmon told her. Marni, Marisa, Zack, and Yuuchi watched in astonishment as Palmon used her Poison Ivy to lift Mimi up to the blowhole...

“What’s taking him so long?” Tai asked no one in particular. Everyone was on top of Whamon, except for Zack, Cheetamon, and Palmon. He and Matt were waiting near his blowhole for Zack and Cheetamon. Matt noticed the blowhole twitching a bit. “Here he comes,” he told Tai. Just then, Zack emerged from Whamon’s blowhole. Palmon’s vines were wrapped around his waist, and he was holding Cheetamon in his arms. Tai and Matt helped the two of them onto Whamon’s back.

“Well, it’s about time, Zack!” Tai exclaimed. “What took you so long?” “Well, I was wondering, how is Palmon going to get out of there?” Zack asked, looking back at the blowhole. Palmon’s vines could still been seen. Suddenly, Palmon pulled herself out of the hole. “Way to go, Palmon,” Mimi exclaimed as she hugged her Digimon. Zack walked over to the others, who were looking out at the ocean. It was nighttime now, but the full moon and the stars provided enough light for them to see. “So, has anyone seen anything suspicious?” Zack asked. “Nothing out here but water, water, some more water, and that land that Whamon mentioned,” Yuuchi explained, pointing at a distant stretch of land.

Suddenly, Whamon hit something, causing everyone to fall down on his back. “Sorry about that,” he apologized. “What’s that?” Marisa asked, pointing at a metallic gray shell that was peeking out of the water a distance away. “That could be Shellmon,” Sora muttered out loud, “but his shell looks different. Looks like it’s made out of metal.” “Hmm, I wonder...” Izzy muttered thoughtfully to himself as he sat down and opened up his laptop.

“What are you doing this time, Izzy?” Zack asked dully. “I’m looking up this Digimon on my computer,” he explained. “If I’m right about this, then we could be in serious trouble.” Izzy’s suspicions were confirmed as two images came up on his screen. One was of Shellmon, and the other looked a lot like Shellmon, only it had a metal steel-gray shell complete with two missile launchers, dark green tentacles on its head, and a metallic pink body.

“Watch out, guys!” Izzy exclaimed. “That’s Metal Shellmon!” “That’s what?” Yuuchi asked. “You mean, Shellmon digivolved?” Tai exclaimed as he and Matt joined the others. “How is that possible, Izzy?” Matt asked. “Well, we never officially destroyed Shellmon, so given the eleven-plus years that have passed here in the Digiworld, Shellmon managed to digivolve to the next level,” Izzy explained. “Terrific,” Zack muttered as Metal Shellmon rose out of the ocean...

“Come on, you guys,” Agumon told the other Digimon. “Let’s send him back to the bottom of the ocean!” The other Digimon nodded in approval. “Spiral Twister!” Biyomon shouted. “Fire Spin!” Chamelamon shouted. The two attacks nailed Metal Shellmon on the head, but it didn’t even faze him. “Poissson Sssting!” Snakemon shouted. “Boom Bubble!” Patamon shouted. Patamon’s Boom Bubble sent Snakemon’s Poison Sting flying straight at Metal Shellmon. It hit him right on the snout, which made him even angrier.

“I think you just ticked him off even worse,” Marni exclaimed. “He wasss ticked off in the firssst placcce,” Snakemon retorted. “Pepper Breath!” Agumon shouted. “Super Shocker!” Tentomon shouted. “Psybeam!” Nanmimon shouted. All three attacks nailed Metal Shellmon right on the chin. Gomamon jumped off of Whamon into the water. “Go, Marching Fishes!” he shouted. A small army of several differently colored fish flew out of the water and hit Metal Shellmon everywhere.

Gomamon’s attack just irritated Metal Shellmon even more. Two white missiles with ice blue tips appeared at the missile launchers on his shell and were both fired. One of the missiles exploded within the flying fish, creating a shower of white mist. When the mist cleared away, the kids and their Digimon were shocked to see the now frozen fish dropping from the sky and hitting the water like rocks. “That’s gotta be his Ice Missile attack,” Chamelamon exclaimed. “He turned all those poor fish into icicles!”

“They aren’t the only ones that are gonna be turned into icicles,” Zack exclaimed. He pointed at the other missile, which was heading straight toward them! “Duck!” Joe yelled. Everyone did just that, but it was obvious that the missile would hit Whamon and his passengers. “Joe!” Gomamon shouted. Suddenly, Zack noticed that Joe’s digivice was reacting. “Gomamon digivolve to...Ikkakumon!”

Zack glanced up to see a huge white walrus with a black horn on his forehead knock the missile away just in time. It hit the water, creating a small glacier where it landed. “What the...?” he muttered as everyone looked up. “All right, Ikkakumon!” Joe cheered. His Digimon nodded and focused his attention on Metal Shellmon. “Harpoon Torpedo!” Ikkakumon shouted, shooting two torpedoes from his forehead. Both torpedoes nailed Metal Shellmon. He yowled in pain as he sank into the water. “Yeah!” the kids and Digimon, except for Zack and Cheetamon, cheered.

Zack gasped when he saw the crop of dark green tentacles rising out of the water. “Don’t celebrate yet!” he exclaimed. Joe and the others looked up to see Metal Shellmon ram Ikkakumon. “We gotta help him,” Marni exclaimed. She looked down at Snakemon. “Think you’re up for digivolving again?” she asked. “I’ll try,” Snakemon replied. He grunted and groaned, but nothing happened. “Hey, what gives?” Marni exclaimed. “It doesn’t work like that, Marni,” Tai explained.

“Well, someone has to do something,” Zack muttered. “Let me try, Zack,” Cheetamon suggested. “Are you crazy?” Zack exclaimed. “I gotta try. Have some faith in me, Zack,” Cheetamon told him. Suddenly, Zack felt his digivice reacting. He looked back at Cheetamon, who was bathed in a bright white light. “Cheetamon digivolve to...Panthramon!”

“We’ll take care of this,” the black cat growled. Panthramon was the biggest cat Zack had ever seen in his whole life, bigger then him even. It looked like a normal panther with razor sharp claws and a red gem on his forehead, and he still had the gold bracelets on his front paws. Zack watched in awe as Panthramon jumped into the air and landed on top of Metal Shellmon. The monster thrashed about violently, causing Panthramon to lose his grip. He flung himself off and landed on the same ice patch that Metal Shellmon created earlier.

“Razor Claw!” he shouted, jumping into the air and slashing the protective metal shell with his claws. Panthramon’s claws managed to tear a hole in Metal Shellmon’s shell, revealing his soft, vulnerable pink body underneath. “Now, Ikkakumon!” Panthramon shouted after returning to the frozen platform. “Harpoon Torpedo!” Ikkakumon shouted, shooting a couple of torpedoes at Metal Shellmon’s exposed body. The huge shell Digimon howled in pain as Ikkakumon’s torpedoes exploded inside its shell. As Metal Shellmon disintegrated, a large black walkie-talkie fell into the water...

“That was incredible!” Zack exclaimed. As he watched Panthramon, he was surprised to see him de-digivolve back to Cheetamon. “What...just happened?” Zack asked slowly. “He just returned to his Rookie stage, Zack,” Marni explained. “Same thing happened with Cobramon. According to Izzy, when our Digimon get used to digivolving, they’ll be able to stay in their Champion stages longer than before. Is that right, Izzy?”

“Precisely, Marni,” Izzy confirmed. “But, how is Cheetamon gonna get back here?” Zack asked. “Hop on, Cheetamon. I’ll give you a ride,” Ikkakumon boomed as he swam by the small glacier. Cheetamon jumped on Ikkakumon’s back and held on as he headed back to Whamon. When Ikkakumon reached Whamon, Cheetamon jumped off and landed right in front of Zack. “See, Zack? Like I told ya before, you just need to have a little faith in me,” he reminded Zack. “You did good out there, Cheetamon,” Zack admitted, patting his Digimon on the head.

“You, too, Gomamon,” he heard Joe say. Zack looked up to see Gomamon and Joe. “Aww, Joe, stop it!” Gomamon complained. “Well, now that that’s over,” Tai announced, “let’s go back inside and get some shut-eye.” Everyone nodded their head slowly, obviously showing signs of drowsiness.

As the kids started to head back inside of Whamon, Zack yawned and stretched out his arms. He looked out at the distant stretch of land. The sun had barely peeked over the white sandy beach and the barely visible forest. “Zack, are you coming?” he heard Cheetamon ask. Zack looked at his Digimon, smiled, and said, “Yeah, I’m coming.” He took one final look at Server before joining Cheetamon and the others...


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