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From the Depths
Part 5 : Neo Nanmimon at the Digi-Carnival
By Wulipix and Dreamcatcher

“Whew!” Yuuchi panted as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. The Digi-Destined had left the stretch of forest hours ago and were now crossing a seemingly endless desert. Suddenly, Yuuchi noticed something unusual in the distance and stopped walking. “What’s the matter, Yuuchi?” Nanmimon asked. “Hey, why’d you stop?” Marni asked as she, Marisa, Zack and their Digimon stopped to see what Yuuchi and Nanmimon were staring at.

“Do you guys see that?” Yuuchi asked, pointing at an upside-down pyramid in the distance. “Either my head’s on the wrong way, or whoever built this thing had his head on the wrong way!” he remarked. Marni laughed at his remark. “You’re definitely right about that, Yuuchi,” she admitted. “Hey, what’s the holdup?” Tai asked. Yuuchi and the other kids looked at Tai and his friends, who were looking at them curiously.

“I can’t believe you guys just walked right past this without even looking,” Yuuchi exclaimed, pointing at the pyramid. “It’s not every day you see an upside-down pyramid!” “Yeah, I guess, but we’ve already seen it before,” Tai explained. “Now, let’s get going!” As Tai turned around, he suddenly tripped over a crumpled up ball of paper and fell flat on his face. “Are you all right, Tai?” Agumon asked as Tai got up and shook the sand out of his hair. “Just terrific,” he muttered.

Out of curiosity, Kari picked up the crumpled ball of paper and opened it up. “What is it?” Gatomon asked as she looked up at Kari. “It looks like a poster,” Kari replied. Tai and the other kids looked over Kari’s shoulders to see what the fuss was about. “What the heck is a Digi-Carnival?” Marni asked. “I’m guessing it’s a carnival here in the Digiworld,” Yuuchi replied a bit rudely. “ ‘Digi-Carnival: Reopened. Free admission! Free rides! Free food! And a magic show!’ ” Tai read aloud.

“Sounds cool!” Yuuchi exclaimed. “Hey, Patamon, do you think that the carnival’s at that place where we first ran into Demidevimon?” T.K. asked. “Hmm…I think you’re right, T.K.,” Patamon replied. “And where is this place, T.K.?” Marisa asked. “Over there,” T.K. told her, pointing at a patch of woods in the distance. “How about we all go to this Digi-carnival?” Marni suggested. “Yeah!” Yuuchi exclaimed. “Hold on,” Izzy interrupted. “This carnival could be a trap to lure us out in the open.”

“Izzy does have a good point,” Joe agreed. “Who made you two deputies of the Fun Police?” Yuuchi retorted, referring to both Izzy and Joe. “I got an idea. Since we’ll be passing this carnival anyway,” Tai explained, “we’ll at least check it out. If it looks suspicious, like there’s no one there, we’ll leave. If not, we’ll stay for a while. Everyone okay with that?” The other kids nodded in approval. “Okay, let’s go!” Tai shouted as he led the way...

The kids have finally arrived at the Digi-Carnival. Next to the entrance was a ticket booth. Yuuchi peered inside the window. Sleeping on a chair was a green blob-like Digimon with purple spots and big bug eyes. “What the heck is that?” Yuuchi whispered to Tai and Mimi, who were also looking through the window. “It’s a Numemon,” Mimi whispered. “Hey, wake up!” Tai shouted as he knocked loudly on the glass. The Numemon woke up with a start and fell out of its chair. “What did you wake me up for, kid?” it asked as it rubbed its eyes.

“Tell us, is this for real?” Tai asked as he showed the Numemon the crumpled poster. It looked over the flyer and replied, “Sure is, kid. This is the first day the Digi-Carnival reopened, so everything today is free.” “Come on, guys. Let’s check this out,” Tai announced to the others as they cautiously entered the carnival. As they passed the ticket booth, the Numemon opened its window, popped its head out, and shouted, “Don’t forget to check out our magic show! It’s the best one in the Digiworld!”

As the twelve kids and their Digimon walked down the stone path, Yuuchi, Marni, Marisa, and Zack were taking everything in. Yuuchi looked back at Tai and his friends, who were obviously tense about the situation. “Come on, guys! Loosen up a bit, will ya?” he retorted. “We’re just trying to be careful, Yuuchi,” Matt replied. “This whole thing could be a trap, you know.” “Someone grab a fire extinguisher!” Zack exclaimed as he, Marni, and Marisa stopped dead in their tracks. “That guy’s on fire!” He pointed at a tall fiery Digimon, whom the original Digi-Destined and their Digimon recognized

“Don’t worry, Zack. That’s just Meramon,” Biyomon explained. “He’s a fiery Digimon, so he always looks like that.” Meramon was passing out hot dogs and peanuts to a group of Yokomon. “Look, Tai. Koromon!” Agumon exclaimed, recognizing his In-Training form. The small group of Koromon were gathered around the dunk booth game. The Digi-Destined stopped and watched as one of the Koromon hopped on top of a small crate. “Come on, Koromon! Hit me with your best shot!” a Numemon taunted the Koromon from inside the dunk booth.

The Koromon ignored the Numemon as he focused on the target. “Bubble Blow!” he shouted before spitting out three pink bubbles. The first two bubbles missed the target, but the last one nailed it head on. The Numemon gasped as the seat dropped below him and he landed in a pool of water. The Koromon and the kids laughed. “He’s all wet,” Yuuchi remarked. “Here you go!” another Numemon announced as he handed the winning Koromon his prize: a small stuffed Monzaemon toy. “Congratulations!” the other Koromon chorused as they all left the dunk booth game.

“Lookit! It’s Frigimon!” T.K. exclaimed. “Looks like a walking snowman,” Marni muttered out loud as the Frigimon walked past them, pushing an ice cream cart. “So, Tai, can we stay for a while?” Yuuchi asked cautiously. Tai was thinking quietly about it. “Well, since there are so many of our old friends here, I don’t see why we can’t stay, Tai. We could use the break,” Izzy informed him. “Well...okay,” Tai finally replied. “Yeah!” the rest of the group cheered.

“How about we meet by the entrance in three hours?” he suggested. The other kids nodded in agreement. “Come on, Marisa! Let’s go on the roller coaster!” Marni exclaimed, dragging her sister away from the group. ”Wait for usss!” Snakemon shouted as he and Chamelamon tried to keep up. “Matt, can we play some games, please?” T.K. pleaded. “Sure, T.K.,” Matt replied as the two of them, followed by Gabumon and Patamon, headed for the game booths.

“I’m going on the Ferris wheel,” Sora announced as she headed toward the Ferris wheel in the distance, followed by Biyomon. “Mind if Palmon and I join you, Sora?” Mimi asked. “Sure, Mimi,” Sora replied as the two girls and their Digimon headed for the Ferris wheel. “Tai?” Kari asked. “What is it, Kari?” Tai asked. “Can we go to this magic show?” she asked. “Sure, Kari,” Tai replied as they walked away.

Cheetamon’s stomach suddenly growled loudly. “Zack, I’m hungry,” he told his human friend. “That’s kind of obvious,” Zack muttered. “Come to think of it, I’m kind of hungry, too,” he admitted. “We’ll get some hot dogs.” “What’s a hot dog?” Cheetamon asked as they headed back toward Meramon. Izzy, Tentomon, Joe, and Gomamon groaned. “Looks like we all agree with Zack and Cheetamon,” Izzy replied. They ran in the same direction Zack and Cheetamon went, leaving Yuuchi and Nanmimon by themselves.

“Should we go with them?” Nanmimon asked. “Nah! Let’s check out the carnival,” Yuuchi suggested. The two of them continued down the path. “You know, I haven’t been to one of these in a long time,” Yuuchi admitted as he looked around. “Looks like fun, Yuuchi,” Nanmimon added as he looked around. But something about this place didn’t feel right to the Digimon. “However, I’m getting a bad feeling about this place,” he admitted, looking up at his human friend.

“You know, sometimes I think Joe and I accidentally got our Digimon switched. You worry too much,” Yuuchi retorted, grinning at Nanmimon. “Are you saying Gomamon’s more fun than me?” his Digimon asked. Yuuchi realized that he just hurt Nanmimon’s feelings. “I’m sorry, Nanmimon. I didn’t mean that,” he apologized. Nanmimon looked up at him and smiled. “Thanks, Yuuchi,” he replied. “Now, come on! This is a carnival, so let’s have some fun!” Nanmimon galloped ahead as Yuuchi tried to keep up with him...

Meanwhile, Tai, Agumon, Kari, and Gatomon were sitting on a long wooden bench inside a small tent. There were a few more long benches, which were mostly crowded with Yokomon, Koromon, and Numemon. In front of the benches was a stage with red curtains. A spotlight appeared on stage, revealing a Numemon dressed in a red-and-white pinstriped jacket and white wide-brimmed straw hat. “Ladies, gentlemen, children, and Digimon!” the Numemon yelled. “Presenting the greatest magic act in the entire world, please put your hands together for...Houdinimon!”

Everyone applauded as the Digimon stepped on stage, pushing a small table covered by a tablecloth with him. He was dressed in a deep violet tuxedo with matching cape, and a top hat. A white mask with a black diamond on the cheek covered half of his face. He also carried a black cane with a silver handle. “Welcome, everyone!” Houdinimon greeted. He tapped the handle of his cane against the table, and a bouquet of flowers appeared. Everyone applauded as Houdinimon handed the flowers to a Yokomon in the front row.

As Houdinimon got back on stage, he took off his top hat, revealing slicked-back, reddish-brown hair. “As you all can clearly see,” Houdinimon announced as he showed everyone the empty hat, “there is absolutely nothing inside. But, if you watch very carefully...” He placed the hat on the table and stuck first his hand, then his arm inside the hat. “How can he do that, Tai?” Agumon whispered. “It’s just a trick, Agumon,” Tai whispered. “You see, that table has a hole in it, and whatever he’s gonna pull out of his hat is right underneath the table.”

To Tai and Agumon’s surprise, Houdinimon no longer had the hat on the table. It was still halfway down his arm, though. Using his other hand, Houdinimon slowly removed the hat from his arm. Balancing the hat in one hand, Houdinimon removed his hand from the hat, pulling out a Gazimon by its ears. Everyone gasped and then applauded. Houdinimon let go of the Gazimon and they both bowed. As the Gazimon stepped off of the stage, Houdinimon announced, “For my next trick, I’ll need a volunteer.”

The Koromon and Yokomon bounced up and down on the benches. “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!” they chanted as Houdinimon looked over the audience. “How about…you? The young girl sitting next to the Gatomon,” he announced. “Me?” Kari asked, pointing to herself. “Yes, you. Come up here, please,” Houdinimon insisted. Kari got off of the bench and joined Houdinimon on stage. “What’s your name?” he asked. “Kari,” she replied. “Please give a hand for Kari, everyone,” Houndinimon announced.

As everyone applauded, the same Gazimon from earlier brought a large blue box decorated with gold stars on stage. “As you all can plainly see,” Houdinimon explained as he opened the door, “there’s nothing inside this box. No trap doors, no secret chambers.” He took his cane and hit it against the walls inside the box to prove his point. “Will you please step inside, Kari?” he asked. Without hesitating, Kari stepped inside, and Houdinimon closed the door. He spun the box around clockwise, held up his cane, and tapped the top of the box. A puff of smoke appeared and the door popped open.

Tai, Agumon, Gatomon, and the other Digimon gasped when they saw that Kari had disappeared. “Did you see that?” Agumon exclaimed. Tai slowly nodded his head. “He’s gonna bring her back, right, Tai?” Gatomon asked, who was obviously a bit worried. “Of course, he’ll bring her back,” Tai assured his sister’s Digimon. “As you all know, this trick is only halfway done,” Houdinimon announced as he closed the box and quickly spun it around counterclockwise. Once again, Houdinimon tapped the top of the box with his cane. The door popped open, and there was Kari, standing inside.

Everyone applauded as Kari stepped out of the box with Houdinimon’s help. “See, Gatomon? Kari’s fine,” Tai told Gatomon as they clapped. “Give a hand for my assistant, Kari,” Houdinimon yelled. He and Kari bowed to the audience. “Here, Kari. This is for you,” Houdinimon whispered as he extended a closed fist in front of Kari. The young girl watched as he opened his fist. She gasped when she saw the violet-blue rose resting in Houdinimon’s hand. “It’s pretty,” Kari commented. “This is a gift from me, for being such a good assistant, Kari,” Houdinimon explained. “Thank you, Houdinimon,” Kari thanked him as she took the rose from his hand. She got off the stage and joined Tai, Agumon, and Gatomon...

The group headed out of the tent after the show was done. They looked around the crowd of mostly Digimon until they saw two familiar faces. “Hey, Yuuchi! Nanmimon!” Kari shouted, waving her hand. Yuuchi looked around until he found them and ran to Kari and Tai. “Hey, having fun?” Yuuchi asked them. “Yeah, we saw this magic show just a little while ago,” Tai admitted. “And Houdinimon gave me this flower,” Kari added, showing the flower to Yuuchi before smelling it. “Smells...nice,” she murmured before falling to the ground. "Kari?" Tai asked as he immediately came to her side and lifted her up into a sitting position.

Yuuchi looked curiously at the violet-blue rose, which was now lying on the ground. He bent down and was about to pick it up when Nanmimon shouted, “Yuuchi, don’t!” “Why? What’s wrong, Nanmimon?” Yuuchi asked. “I recognize that flower. Its scent can put any human or Digimon to sleep,” Nanmimon explained. “Wait until I get my claws on that magician…” Gatomon muttered angrily. “I wonder why that guy would want Kari asleep,” Yuuchi muttered out loud. “Maybe he didn’t know that flower could put people to sleep,” Agumon suggested.

“Hold on. Did Kari say the Digimon’s name was Houdinimon?” Nanmimon asked. “Yeah, that’s him. Why?” Tai asked. “Believe me, Houdinimon knew that rose would put Kari to sleep,” Nanmimon muttered out loud. “Don’t tell me. Houdinimon’s an evil Digimon working for Armaggedamon, right?” Yuuchi guessed. “Afraid so,” Nanmimon replied. “Houdinimon is very powerful. He can create illusions so real that anyone could be fooled.” Yuuchi suddenly realized what was going on. “You mean this whole thing is an illusion?” he exclaimed.

“Must be. He did it to draw us out,” Nanmimon explained. “I’ll bet everything we saw was not real, like the Koromon. Houdinimon created them to fool you and your friends, Tai. To make things worse, everyone’s scattered all over the carnival. Houdinimon might have already captured them.” “You’re just full of good news, aren’t you, Nanmimon?” Yuuchi retorted sarcastically. “Nanmimon, will Kari ever wake up?” Gatomon asked worriedly.

“Not on her own,” Nanmimon replied. “Then how are we gonna wake her up?” Tai asked. “The only known cure is a rare flower that grows in the desert. Come to think of it, I think I saw that flower on the way here!” “Don’t worry, Tai. We’ll get that flower for Kari,” Yuuchi announced. “Okay, but someone has to go find the others before Houdinimon does,” Tai muttered, looking down at his sleeping sister. “But, I can’t leave Kari by herself, and I can’t carry her all around the carnival.”

“Leave her here, Tai. I’ll look after her,” Gatomon told him. “Okay,” Tai agreed hesitantly. “We’ll be back soon with that flower, Tai,” Yuuchi assured him as he and Nanmimon headed for the entrance. “Let’s hurry, Agumon. We gotta find the others, and quick!” Tai exclaimed. He and Agumon ran out from the space between the two tents, leaving Gatomon to guard Kari...

“Hey, what’s going on?” Mimi exclaimed. The Ferris wheel had suddenly stopped, leaving her, Sora, Biyomon, and Palmon hanging on top of the Ferris wheel. “What’d you do that for?” Biyomon yelled down at the Numemon who had pulled the lever running the Ferris wheel. The Numemon looked up at them and disappeared into thin air. The two girls and their Digimon gasped. “I have a bad feeling about this,” Sora admitted. “Izzy might be right about this being a trap. Numemon don’t just disappear like that!”

“Maybe I can get the Ferris wheel started again,” Palmon thought aloud. “Poison Ivy!” She extended her vines as far as she could, but she couldn’t reach the lever. “Almost got it,” Palmon grunted as she leaned forward in the seat. Everyone screamed as the seat nearly tipped over. Palmon almost fell out of the seat, but Mimi, with Sora’s help, caught her and managed to pull her back in. “Thank you, Mimi,” Palmon exclaimed. “Looks like we’re stuck here,” Sora muttered...

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m stuffed!” Cheetamon exclaimed. “No kidding, Cheetamon! You had like a dozen hot dogs!” Zack retorted. “To be more precise, it was actually fifteen hot dogs,” Izzy added. “But, they were good,” Cheetamon remarked. “Why do they call them hot dogs, Joe?” Gomamon asked Joe, looking over the half-eaten hot dog in his paw. “Is it because they’re made out of dogs?” “No, of course not!” Joe shouted. “If that was true, I wouldn’t eat a hot dog ever again,” Zack muttered.

Izzy, Joe, Tentomon, Gomamon, and Cheetamon laughed at Zack’s comment. Zack eventually joined in. Suddenly, a huge net dropped down on them. “Hey!” Izzy exclaimed as he and his friends tried to get the net off. They only ended up getting tangled in it. The three boys and their Digimon watched helplessly as four Numemon grabbed the net and threw them into a nearby tent. “Oww!” Zack yelled as they hit the hard-packed earth.

“Excellent job. You’re no longer needed,” a voice replied from the shadows. To the kids’ surprise, the Numemon disappeared into thin air. “That’s impossible!” Izzy exclaimed. “Numemon can’t just disappear like that!” “Wise up, kid. That was just an illusion,” the voice replied again. A pair of glowing red eyes appeared from the shadows where the voice came from. They could barely make out the silhouette of someone dressed in a tuxedo, cape, and top hat.

The Digimon chuckled sinisterly as he stepped out of the shadows. “Who is that?” Joe asked. “Oh, how rude of me not to introduce myself,” he exclaimed sarcastically as he took off his hat and bowed. “The name is Houdinimon.” “I know that name!” Cheetamon gasped. “You’re one of Armaggedamon’s hench-mon!” “So true, so true,” Houdinimon gloated. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have other business to attend to, such as capturing the rest of the Digi-Destined. Farewell, for now.” With that, Houdinimon left, leaving Zack, Izzy, Joe, Cheetamon, Tentomon, and Gomamon alone in the tent...

“Aww! You missed again,” T.K. exclaimed. He and Matt were at the milk bottle game. Matt just threw his second ball at the stack of six metal milk bottles, but it barely nicked the top bottle. Now he only had one ball left. “I’m just a little tired, T.K.,” Matt explained. “We’ve been playing games for almost an hour now. Anyway, I heard they booby-trap this kind of game. They glue the bottles together so no one can knock them down.”

“Stop making up excuses, Matt,” Marni interrupted. Matt and T.K. looked up and saw Marni and Marisa standing next to them. “What are you saying, Marni?” Matt asked. “You’re just making up stuff ‘cause you throw like a girl!” Marni retorted. “I do not! You better take that back, Marni,” Matt yelled. “Stop it, you two,” Marisa interrupted, stepping in between them. “What? I’m just telling him the truth, Marisa,” Marni explained as she picked up the last ball.

She took a pitcher’s stance, looked carefully at the target, and pitched the ball as hard as she could. The ball connected and knocked down all six milk bottles. “Niccce job, Marni!” Snakemon exclaimed. Marni had a smug smile on her face. “Come on,” she told Snakemon as they walked away. Marisa noticed that Matt was looking down at the ground, his face red with embarrassment. “Don’t let her get to you, Matt,” she told him. “Marni likes to show off, even if she ends up embarrassing someone in the process.”

“Hey, guys! Listen up!” they heard Tai yell. Matt, Marisa, T.K., and Marni noticed Tai and Agumon running toward them. “What’s wrong, Tai?” Marni asked. “And where’s Kari?” T.K. asked. “Guys, this whole carnival is a trap,” Tai started. “There’s this Digimon called Houdinimon who’s running this place, and it turns out he works for Armaggedamon,” Agumon added. The kids gasped when they heard this. “To make things worse, that creep gave some weird flower to Kari that put her to sleep!” Tai muttered angrily. “Where is she, Tai?” Marisa asked.

“She’s in between the two tents near the entrance. Gatomon’s keeping an eye on her, and Yuuchi and Nanmimon are getting some flower that’s supposed to wake her up. We gotta warn the others about Houdinimon before it’s too late.” “T.K., I want you to go to where Kari is,” Matt told his little brother. “Someone needs to stay with her to protect her. Think you can handle that?” “I’ll do my best, Matt,” T.K. agreed as he ran off, followed by Patamon...

After T.K. and Patamon left, the four kids started to look for the others. They looked all over the place with no luck. “Where could they have gone?” Marisa asked, looking around. “Who knows?” Matt muttered. “Perhaps I know where your friends are,” a voice replied. The kids turned around and saw Houdinimon in the shadows. “It’s Houdinimon!” Agumon exclaimed. “Where are our friends?” Tai shouted angrily. The Digimon smirked a bit. “If you wish to find your friends, follow me,” he remarked, running off.

“I don’t know if we should trust him,” Chamelamon replied uncertainly. “We don’t really have a choice,” Tai muttered angrily, running off in the direction Houdinimon went. “Tai, wait up!” Matt shouted as he, Marni, Marisa, and their Digimon tried to keep up with Tai and Agumon. They eventually came upon a big building. “ ‘House of Mirrors?’ ” Marni read from the sign. “He went in there. I’m sure of it,” Gabumon added. “We might as well go in. We looked everywhere else,” Matt reminded the others. The four kids and their Digimon walked up the steps and into the House of Mirrors, only to find dozens of mirrors.

“Am I the only one who thinks this place is just screaming ‘TRAP?’ ” Marni asked sarcastically. Everyone ignored her as they carefully looked around at the surrounding mirrors. “Look out!” Matt shouted. The others turned their heads and saw Houdinimon standing in plain sight. “I’ll get him, Tai. Pepper Breath!” Agumon shouted. The ball of fire hit Houdinimon, or so they thought. “Aww, man!” Tai exclaimed as he stepped toward the mirror with a round black charred mark right in the center. “It was just his reflection. We missed him!”

Out of frustration, he punched the slightly charred mirror, leaving a noticeable dent in the glass. Just then, Houdinimon laughed abruptly. His sinister laugh echoed throughout the room. “Where did that come from?” Marisa asked fearfully. She backed up, constantly turning her head, until her back hit one of the several mirrors. Suddenly, Marisa felt herself being pulled into the mirror! “Somebody help me!” she screamed. “Marisa!” Chamelamon shouted as she tried to pull Marisa out. Unfortunately, both Marisa and Chamelamon were pulled into the mirror.

“Marisa?” Marni shouted as she examined the mirror. She looked at Matt and Tai, who were in shock. “Well, don’t just stand there!” she yelled angrily. “Help me out here, guys!” Tai and Matt approached the mirror and helped Marni look for any sort of lever or trap door. “Marni!” they suddenly heard Marisa shout from behind them. She was in another mirror right behind them. “Marisa? How did you get over there?” Marni asked as she walked toward the other mirror.

Snakemon eyed the entrapped Marisa uncertainly. “If that’sss really Marisssa, then where’sss Chamelamon?” he thought to himself. “Marni, get away from there! It’sss a trap!” Snakemon shouted. Marni stopped a few feet short from the mirror. As she turned her head, the reflection of Marisa became furious and changed into Houdinimon. He reached through the mirror, grabbed Marni’s arm, and pulled her into the mirror. Snakemon tried to grab her, but he got pulled into the mirror as well.

“Marni!” Tai shouted as he examined the mirror. “Don’t touch the mirrors, Tai,” Matt warned him. “That’s probably how Marni and Marisa got trapped.” Suddenly, Agumon saw Houdinimon stepping out of one of the mirrors. “Look, there he is!” he shouted, pointing at the retreating Digimon. “We got him now!” Tai exclaimed as he, Agumon, Matt, and Gabumon ran after Houdinimon. They headed down a short hallway, which led into another room of mirrors. They found Houdinimon inside yet another mirror, chuckling sinisterly.

“Come on out and fight, Houdinimon!” Tai shouted. “Why should I fight by your rules, Digi-Destined? You’re in my world now,” Houdinimon reminded him. “You can’t trick us into falling for your mirror traps,” Matt told him. “You’re out of tricks.” “Don’t be so sure. Hankie Wrap!” Houdinimon shouted. He opened his jacket, and four separate chains of colorful handkerchiefs flew out. The chains of handkerchiefs wrapped themselves tightly around Tai, Agumon, Matt, and Gabumon. As they each fell to the ground, Houdinimon finally stepped out of the mirror.

“Agumon, digivolve!” Tai shouted to his Digimon friend. “You, too, Gabumon!” Matt added. “Try if you wish, but your Digimon won’t be able to digivolve,” Houdinimon sneered. “And why not?” Tai asked as he tried to squirm out of the chain of hankies. “All of my traps are Digi-proof,” Houdinimon explained. “Now, with you two out of the way, I only have three more Digi-Destined kids to find. There’s your little sister, your little brother, and also that boy with the Nanmimon.”

Houdinimon laughed sinisterly as he walked past the two kids and their Digimon, who were still tied up. “Did you hear that, Tai?” Matt asked. “T.K., Kari, and Yuuchi are the only ones left. Houdinimon captured everyone else.” Tai nodded his head. “Problem is that with Kari asleep, Gatomon can’t digivolve,” Tai admitted, “and Yuuchi and Nanmimon are probably still out in the desert somewhere. Looks like it’s all up to T.K. and Patamon now...”

Meanwhile, Yuuchi and Nanmimon had returned to the Digi-Carnival. In Yuuchi’s hand was a small bright orange flower that looked similar to a poppy. “Do you see that, Yuuchi?” Nanmimon asked. Yuuchi looked around and noticed that the carnival was totally empty. A thin gray haze filled the empty streets, rides, and booths. The boy felt shivers going up and down his spine. “I sure do,” Yuuchi admitted as he shook off the feeling. “I knew there was something strange about this place,” Nanmimon muttered as they carefully made their way to Kari’s hiding spot.

“So, what are we supposed to do as soon as we get to Kari?” Yuuchi asked, looking at his Digimon. “All she has to do is smell it,” Nanmimon told him. “That’s it? Nothing harder?” Yuuchi asked surprisingly. “Nope, that’s it. Easy, huh?” Nanmimon asked. Yuuchi nodded. They approached where they had left Kari. “T.K.? What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with your brother, Matt?” Yuuchi asked. “He told me to come here and watch Kari until you came back,” T.K. explained.

“Yuuchi, you’re wasting time,” Nanmimon reminded him. “Sorry,” Yuuchi apologized. He walked over to Kari, and placed the bright orange flower under her nose. In a few moments, Kari slowly opened her eyes and looked around. “What happened? Did I fall asleep?” she asked. “Yeah. Houdinimon made you fall asleep with that rose he gave you,” Gatomon explained, pointing at the blue-violet flower lying on the ground. “Surprising such a pretty flower can be so troublesome,” Kari muttered. “Yeah,” T.K. added.

“So, this is where you’ve been hiding? At least I don’t have to look for you,” a familiar voice boomed. Standing before them was Houdinimon. “You could have hurt Kari!” Gatomon shouted angrily. “Oh, really? I’m SO sorry,” Houdinimon retorted sarcastically. His crude remark only made Gatomon more furious. “Lightning Paw!” she shouted as she leapt at Houdinimon. He snickered as he simply swung his arm at Gatomon, hitting her in the stomach.

“Gatomon!” Kari shouted as her Digimon sailed over their heads and went through the entrance of the main tent behind them. Kari stood up and ran into the tent, followed by T.K., Patamon, Yuuchi, and Nanmimon. “Gatomon!” Kari gasped. Gatomon was leaning against the tent’s support beam, obviously knocked out. “Oh, Gatomon. You’ll be okay,” Kari whispered softly as she picked up the cat Digimon and cradled her in her arms. Gatomon slowly opened her eyes. “Kari?” she mumbled, looking up at the young girl.

Yuuchi gasped when he saw Houdinimon hover inside the tent. “T.K., Kari, look out!” he shouted. “What’s wrong, my friends? Not enjoying the show?” Houdinimon asked sarcastically. “Time for a little Card Trick!” Three playing cards appeared in his hand and he flung each one at Yuuchi, T.K., and Kari. The card sent toward Yuuchi exploded above his head, causing a cloud of thick smoke to rain down on him and Nanmimon. They coughed as they tried to clear away the smoke.

“Oh, no!” T.K. exclaimed as one of the cards flew straight toward him. “T.K.!” Patamon shouted. T.K.’s digivice suddenly went off. “Patamon digivolve to...Angemon!” Using his gold staff, Angemon knocked the card away from T.K. The card exploded a good distance away from them. Kari gasped as the card flew right past her head, cutting off a few strands of her hair, and embedded itself in the support beam. “That does it!” Gatomon shouted as she jumped out of Kari’s arms. Through the smoke, Yuuchi could barely see a small dot of pink light. As the smoke cleared, Yuuchi noticed that the strange pink glow was coming from Kari’s chest. “Gatomon digivolve to...Angewomon!”

Yuuchi gasped when he saw the two newly digivolved Digimon. “No way! Angels?” he exclaimed. “Hand of Fate!” Angemon shouted. “Celestial Arrow!” Angewomon shouted. The two attacks nailed Houdinimon in the chest and, for a moment, it looked like he was defeated. “All right!” T.K. exclaimed. “Don’t get your hopes up, kid!” Houdinimon snapped as he stood up. “Danger Illusion!” He flung out his arms, and a gold powder spread from his hands and gathered together, forming a tall, thin figure.

When the figure was complete, T.K. and Kari gasped. “It’s Myotismon!” Kari exclaimed. The sinister vampire chuckled evilly as he eyed the young girl and Angewomon. “Don’t worry, Kari,” Angewomon assured as she prepared to attack Myotismon. “No! Don’t, Angewomon!” Nanmimon shouted. His warning came too late. “Celestial Arrow!” Angewomon shouted as she shot one of her arrows. To everyone’s surprise, the arrow nailed Myotismon, but he wasn’t fazed at all.

“I tried to warn you, Angewomon,” Nanmimon reminded her. “That’s Houdinimon’s Danger Illusion. He’ll create an illusion of an old enemy that looks just like the real Digimon. The illusion can’t hurt you unless it absorbs energy from one of your attacks.” “Attack, Myotismon,” Houdinimon instructed his illusion. The illusion of Myotismon nodded. “Crimson Lightning!” he shouted. The familiar bolt of red lightning appeared and struck Angewomon right in the stomach.

“No, Angewomon!” Kari shouted as her Digimon flew overhead and crashed right onto the stage. Myotismon then focused on T.K. and Yuuchi. “Grisly Wing!” he shouted, sending out his army of black bats. Yuuchi tried to swat away the bats around him and Nanmimon. “Hand of Fate!” Angemon shouted. His attack managed to disintegrate some of the bats. “How are we gonna get rid of this Myotismon if we can’t even destroy him?” Yuuchi asked as he continued swatting at the bats.

Nanmimon’s lavender eyes focused on Houdinimon, who was watching the battle with amusement. “You attack the source,” Nanmimon muttered out loud as he galloped toward Houdinimon. “Psybeam!” he shouted. The beam of light emitted from his forehead nailed Houdinimon in the chest. Since he wasn’t expecting the attack, Houdinimon lost his concentration and the images of Myotismon and the bats disappeared. “You’ll pay for that!” Houdinimon yelled angrily as he knocked Nanmimon over to one side. The horse-like Digimon hit the support beam hard, knocking him out cold.

“Nanmimon! NO!” Yuuchi shouted. He turned around and realized that Houdinimon’s cold eyes were now focused at him. “You’re gonna pay for what your Digimon did to me,” he yelled as he steadily approached the boy. “Hey, I didn’t even tell him to attack you!” Yuuchi admitted nervously as he backed away. His green eyes quickly glanced over at T.K., Kari, and Angemon, who was helping Angewomon get up. “T.K., Kari, get outta here now!” he shouted to them.

The two kids reluctantly left the tent. Angemon followed them, carrying Angewomon in his arms. “Those two won’t go far,” Houdinimon told Yuuchi. “But, for now, I’ll settle for you.” As this was going on, Nanmimon was slowly regaining consciousness. “Huh?” he muttered as his eyes steadily came into focus. He gasped when he saw Houdinimon about to attack Yuuchi. “Yuuchi!” Nanmimon shouted.

Suddenly, Yuuchi felt something vibrating like crazy on his waist. He quickly looked down and saw that it was his digivice going off. “Ahh! That light!” Houdinimon shouted as he let go of Yuuchi and shielded his eyes with his cape. Yuuchi looked up and noticed that the light was coming from Nanmimon. “No way! He’s digivolving!” Yuuchi exclaimed. “Nanmimon digivolve to...Neo Nanmimon!”

Yuuchi looked in astonishment at the huge gray horse standing where Nanmimon once was. He had bright yellow hooves, a navy blue mane and tail, and a dark turquoise stripe running down the center of his face. Neo Nanmimon still had the green triangle on his face, but his eyes have changed. They were now a deep violet. “Okay, Neo Nanmimon. Let’s get that creep!” Yuuchi shouted.

“A newly digivolved Digimon doesn’t scare me. Card Trick!” Houdinimon shouted, flinging two cards straight at Neo Nanmimon. “Psychic Blast!” Neo Nanmimon shouted. His eyes glowed bright and a beam came from them, destroying the cards. “Psychic Blast!” he shouted again, launching a blast of psychic power at Houdinimon. Houdinimon dodged the attack, reappeared behind Neo Nanmimon, and hit him hard with his cane.

“Are you all right?” Yuuchi asked. “Don’t worry about me!” Neo Nanmimon shouted as he kicked Houdinimon in the stomach with his hind feet. “You may have defeated me this time, kid, but next time, you won’t be so lucky!” Houdinimon shouted before he vanished into thin air. Neo Nanmimon glowed and shrunk as he de-digivolved. “Whoa! Are you okay, Nanmimon?” Yuuchi asked as he helped his Digimon stand up. “I’m fine, Yuuchi,” Nanmimon assured him. “Just a little tired.”

The two gasped as the tent surrounding them suddenly disintegrated. The thin gray haze was gone as well. “What happened?” Yuuchi asked uncertainly. “Since we defeated Houdinimon, he no longer has control over the carnival,” Nanmimon explained. “All of his illusions disappeared along with him.” “Yuuchi! Nanmimon!” they heard Kari shout. With the tent gone, they easily found Kari and T.K. As they ran to them, Yuuchi noticed that Gatomon and Patamon were back to normal.

“Are you guys all right?” Yuuchi asked. “Uh-huh,” T.K. replied. “What happened to Houdinimon?” Kari asked. “Don’t worry about him, Kari,” Nanmimon told her. “He’s gone...for now.” “Come on, guys. We better go find the others,” Yuuchi announced. As they walked down the path, Gatomon looked up at the Ferris wheel, which was peering over the other buildings. She was so focused on the Ferris wheel that she stopped walking.

“What’s wrong, Gatomon?” Kari asked. “Sora and Mimi went on the Ferris wheel, right?” Gatomon asked. “Yeah, so?” Yuuchi asked. “Do you think they’re still up there?” Gatomon asked, pointing at the ride. “Guess it wouldn’t hurt to check,” Yuuchi remarked as they ran toward the Ferris wheel. “Hey! Up here!” they heard Mimi shout. Yuuchi looked up and saw Mimi, Sora, Palmon, and Biyomon in the seat on top of the Ferris wheel, waving their arms at him.

“Hold on! We’ll get you down!” Yuuchi yelled up to them as he made his way to the lever. He pushed it forward, and the Ferris wheel started up again. As soon as the girls’ seat was at the bottom, Yuuchi pulled it back, stopping the ride. He ran over to the Ferris wheel, where Sora and Mimi were lifting up the safety bar. “So, let me get this straight. While we were fighting an evil Digimon, you two were just hanging out?” Yuuchi asked.

“It wasn’t our fault,” Sora explained. “Some Numemon pulled the switch on us.” “That wasn’t a real Numemon, Sora,” Nanmimon explained. “That was just an illusion created by Houdinimon.” “Umm, come again?” Mimi asked curiously. “Long story,” Yuuchi quickly stated. “Did you see anyone while you were up there?” “We didn’t see anyone,” Biyomon told him, “but we did hear some yelling from over there.”

She pointed at an old tent, which was still standing. unlike the other tents. “I’ll check it out,” Yuuchi muttered out loud as he ran to the tent, followed by Nanmimon. When they entered the tent, the twosome found Zack, Izzy, Joe, and their Digimon tangled in a huge net. “Lemme guess. Houdinimon?” Yuuchi asked. The entrapped boys and their Digimon nodded as Yuuchi and Nanmimon tried to untangle the net. Nanmimon bit through some of the net, creating a hole big enough for everyone to get out.

“Thanks a lot, guys!” Gomamon exclaimed as he got out of the net, following Joe. “How did you find us, Yuuchi?” Zack asked as they walked out of the tent. “Biyomon said that she heard some noises from in here,” Yuuchi explained. As they walked back to the Ferris wheel, T.K. was telling Sora and Mimi about what happened. “Houdinimon almost got Yuuchi, but then Nanmimon digivolved into Neo Nanmimon! He was so awesome!”

“You really think so?” Yuuchi asked, his face becoming flustered. “Uh-huh,” T.K. replied, nodding his head. “T.K.!” the kids heard Matt shout. “Kari!” Tai yelled. T.K. and Kari smiled as their older brothers ran toward them, followed by Agumon, Gabumon, Marni, Snakemon, Marisa, and Chamelamon. “Kari, you’re awake!” Tai exclaimed. “Of course,” Kari replied. “Then that must mean...Hey, Yuuchi!” “What’s up, Tai?” Yuuchi asked.

“I wanna thank you for helping Kari and T.K.,” Tai explained as he extended his hand to Yuuchi. “Gee, thanks, Tai,” Yuuchi exclaimed as he shook Tai’s hand. “But, I can’t take all the credit. Nanmimon was the one who knew about the flower, and he was the one who scared off Houdinimon.” Nanmimon blushed from the comment. “Thanks, Yuuchi,” he admitted. “Now that that’s over, let’s get outta here,” Tai ordered as he led everyone out of the carnival...

Houdinimon walked down a long dark corridor. As he approached Armaggedamon’s throne at the end, whispers were heard from either side of the corridor, coming from the other evil Digimon. Their glowing red eyes glowed brighter as Houdinimon stopped a few feet short of the throne. “Please forgive me, Armaggedamon,” he begged as he bowed to Armaggedamon. “You’ve failed to deliver the Digi-Destined to me, Houdinimon,” Armaggedamon’s deep voice retorted angrily.

Houdinimon kept his head down, waiting nervously for Armaggedamon’s orders for him to be destroyed for failure. “Since you’re a valuable and loyal servant, your life will be spared this time,” Armaggedamon replied. Houdinimon slowly lifted his head. “But, don’t think your failure will go unpunished,” Armaggedamon added as he snapped his fingers. Instantly, a pair of Bakemon appeared. “Escort him to the dungeon,” Armaggedamon ordered.

As the two Bakemon dragged Houdinimon down the corridor, the glowing red eyes of Armaggedamon looked back and forth at the other Digimon. “The same goes for the rest of you,” Armaggedamon’s deep voice boomed. “Failure is not acceptable, and will not go unpunished. I want those Digi-Destined kids captured and brought straight to me. Understand?” There were murmured approvals up and down the corridor...


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