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From the Depths
Part 08 : Heavy Metal
By Dreamcatcher & Wulipix

“I don’t think I can go another step, you guys,” Zack
complained as he leaned against a tree so he could
catch his breath. “Me, neither. I’m so tired!” Mimi
whined as she plopped down to the ground on her knees.
“Looks like we’re taking a break,” Matt remarked as
he, the other kids, and their Digimon sat down on the
ground. A day has passed since the Digi-Destined’s
first encounter with Cloakmon. They have done nothing
but walking ever since that morning without stopping.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not that tired,”
Yuuchi claimed, who was still standing. “You’re
kidding, right?” Joe asked out of disbelief. “It’s
kinda hard to tell with Yuuchi,” Nanmimon admitted.

While everyone else was resting, Yuuchi looked up at
the surrounding trees. He spotted a tall one near
where Marni, Marisa, Snakemon, and Chamelamon were
sitting. As he approached the tree, Marni asked
suspiciously, “What are you up to, Yuuchi?” “I’m gonna
climb the tree. What do you think I’m up to?” Yuuchi
retorted. As he pulled himself onto the first branch,
Marni and Snakemon quickly stood up. “Come on, Marisa.
We better get out of the way,” Marni told her sister.
“What for?” Marisa asked. “If Yuuchi falls, he won’t
land on either of us!” Marni explained in a whisper.
Yuuchi obviously overheard her, because he looked down
and retorted, “I’m not gonna fall, Marni! I know what
I’m doing!”

Marisa and Chamelamon stood up and watched, along with
Marni and Snakemon, as Yuuchi continued to climb
further up the tree. When he reached the top, Yuuchi
gasped out of astonishment. He saw several tall
steel-and-concrete buildings, which looked a lot like
a city back in the real world, about a few miles away.
“Whoa!” he whispered to himself. “Yuuchi! Hey,
Yuuchi!” Yuuchi heard Tai shout. He looked down at the
other kids and their Digimon, who were all gathered
around the tree. “What’s up, Tai?” Yuuchi shouted as
he started to make his way down. “What’s going on?
You’ve been up there for a while!” Tai shouted back up
to him. “You guys are not gonna believe this!” Yuuchi
exclaimed as he sat down on the first branch of the
tree so he could catch his breath.

“What is it, Yuuchi?” Sora asked. “There’s some sort
of city about three, four miles away from us,” Yuuchi
explained quickly. “We should consider making a stop
at this city, Tai,” Izzy suggested. “Perhaps we could
find a place where we can get some necessary
supplies.” “Yeah,” Marni agreed. “Maybe they got like
one of those twenty-four hour mini-marts or
something.” “All right, we’ll check this place out.
Which way is it, Yuuchi?” Tai asked. “That way,”
Yuuchi replied, pointing to his right at the forest
ahead. “Great! Let’s go,” Tai exclaimed as he led the
way, followed by the other kids and their Digimon.
“Hey! Wait for me!” Yuuchi shouted as he jumped off
the branch and hurried to catch up with the others...

“Hmm…” Cloakmon muttered to himself. He was sitting in
a tree, watching the Digi-Destined kids and their
Digimon through his telescope. He was a bit startled
when his walkie-talkie beeped loudly. Cloakmon picked
it up and asked, “Yes, Armaggedamon?” “Do you have any
news for me?” Armaggedamon asked. “Sure do. It looks
like those kids are heading towards Mamemon City,”
Cloakmon reported. “Excellent work, Cloakmon,”
Armaggedamon admitted. “I’ll have the Mamemon Brothers
take care of those meddlesome brats. Keep an eye on
them for me.” “Of course, Armaggedamon,” Cloakmon
replied before he turned off the walkie-talkie. He
re-hooked it to his belt before leaping out of the

Meanwhile, somewhere inside the city, a rather small,
odd-looking Digimon was napping in a chair. He was
inside a control room with tons of TV monitors, which
showed different sections of the city via security
cameras. The Digimon’s body looked like a large steel
ball, with a rather cute, innocent-looking face. He
had long robotic arms with bright red boxing gloves,
and short robotic legs. “Mamemon!” a voice shouted.
The Digimon woke with a start and fell out of his
chair. Mamemon looked toward the entrance, where two
other Digimon stood. One of them looked similar to
Mamemon, only he looked more like an android, with a
massive energy cannon as his left arm and three curved
metal claws on his right hand.

The second Digimon was a floating dark purple head
with curved bullhorns, long metal arms with brown
gloves on his hands, and a devilish grin with sharp
teeth. In one hand, the Digimon carried a menacing red
chainsaw. “What do you two want?” Mamemon asked a bit
rudely as he stood up. “We have a little problem,
brother,” the android-type Digimon muttered out loud.
“And what problem is that, Metal Mamemon?” “Since when
do you have the most authority out of the three of
us?” Metal Mamemon asked. “Yeah,” the Digimon with the
chainsaw agreed. “It’s bad enough that we’re known
around the Digiworld as the ‘Mamemon Brothers.’ Now
you had to name the city that all three of us
discovered after yourself?” Mamemon glared at the dark
purple Digimon sinisterly. “Stay out of this,
Giromon!” he sneered. 

“I’m telling you!” Giromon shouted as he angrily
slammed his fist on the control panel, smashing some
buttons in the process. “We have to rename this city!”
“And what would you suggest we name the city,
Giromon?” Mamemon asked. “Well...Giromon City would
sound so much better than Mamemon City!” “No way! It
should be Metal Mamemon City,” Metal Mamemon argued.
“That’s way too long! We should just keep it the way
it is: Mamemon City!” Mamemon interrupted. “Well, I
think it should be Giromon City, since it has such a
nice ring to it,” Giromon admitted boastfully. “You
are so selfish, Giromon!” Metal Mamemon yelled. “Hey!
I’m not the only one who wants this city named after
him,” Giromon pointed out in a snotty voice. 

Just then, a phone on the control panel began to ring.
Giromon made a grab for the phone and picked it up.
“Yeah, what do you want?” he asked in an annoyed tone.
There was a furious garbled response over the phone,
loud enough for Mamemon and Metal Mamemon to overhear.
“A-Armaggedamon!” Giromon exclaimed out of surprise,
his cheeks turning red from embarrassment. “Nice
going, Giromon,” Mamemon retorted. “Please forgive me,
sir. I swear that will never happen again. Y-yes, sir.
I’m putting you on speaker right now,” Giromon
stuttered nervously as he pressed a red button near
the phone. “Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Giromon, listen
carefully. The Digi-Destined are coming your way. I
want you to keep an eye out for them.” 

“Yes, sir!” the three Digimon chorused. “They are
stronger then they look, so don’t underestimate them,”
Armaggedamon warned them. “I want you to take care of
them. Make sure that they don’t interfere with my
plans any further, got it?” “Yes, sir!” “Good. Now,
get to it! I don’t want any mistakes this time,” he
added before hanging up. Mamemon and Metal Mamemon
took seats in front of the control panel and carefully
watched the TV monitors, while Giromon hovered back
and forth, watching the monitors as well. Suddenly,
Giromon stopped and focused on a monitor that revealed
the southern border between Mamemon City and the
forest surrounding it. He gasped when he saw twelve
human children and twelve Digimon in the forest
heading towards the city border. 

“Hey, you guys! I found them!” Giromon announced. “You
did?” Metal Mamemon asked out of disbelief. “What’s
their location?” Mamemon asked. “Right on the southern
border,” Giromon replied, pointing at the monitor with
the kids and their Digimon. “All right! Let’s get
them!” Metal Mamemon yelled as he and Giromon headed
for the door. “Hold it, you two!” Mamemon shouted as
he cut them off. “Why are you stopping us?” Giromon
asked angrily, who was obviously itching for a fight.
“Let’s see where these kids go first,” Mamemon
explained. “Then, we’ll give them the traditional
‘Mamemon Brothers’ welcome.” Sinister grins slowly
spread on Metal Mamemon and Giromon’s faces. “Good
plan, Mamemon,” Metal Mamemon admitted. The three
Digimon brothers laughed evilly as they headed back to
the control panel...

“Geez! This place is huge!” Marni exclaimed, looking
around at the tall steel-and-concrete buildings
surrounding the group of kids and Digimon. “This
city’s even bigger than Tokyo!” Zack admitted. “What’s
a Tokyo, Zack?” Cheetamon asked. “That’s a huge city
back in Japan, where we’re all from,” Zack explained.
“Tokyo also happens to be Japan’s capitol.” “Hey,
lookit!” T.K. exclaimed, pointing at a small building
on the other side of the street. “It’s a mini-mart,”
Kari announced. “Hey! We can totally pack up on grub
in that mini-mart!” Yuuchi exclaimed. “If grub means
food, then count me in, too!” Nanmimon added

The twosome was about to run across the street when
Tai cut them off. “Hey! What gives, Tai?” Yuuchi
retorted loudly. “Hold on a second, Yuuchi. You can’t
just go barging in,” Tai explained. “And why not?”
Zack asked. “In the past, we have learned that not
everything is what it appears to be in the Digiworld,”
Izzy explained. “This mini-mart could turn out to be
an illusion, or even a trap.” The four new kids
groaned when they heard this news and sat down on the
sidewalk. “Still...there is a chance that this
mini-mart is for real, right?” Marni asked. “Yeah,
maybe,” Tai admitted. “ about, instead of all
twelve of us kids going, we have like three or four
kids go check out this mini-mart?”

“I don’t know...” Tai muttered out loud. “Aww, come
on, Tai!” Marni complained as she stood up. “In case
you haven’t noticed, I’m not the only one who’s
starving here!” She gestured toward the other kids and
their Digimon, who were sitting on the sidewalk,
moaning quietly out of hunger. “Marni does have an
interesting proposition, Tai,” Izzy admitted. “Having
only a few of us entering the mini-mart would be much
safer than all of us going, in case it does turn out
to be a trap.” “Yeah, what Izzy said,” Marni agreed.
“I guess we could do that,” Tai muttered out loud.
“Who wants to go with me?” “I’ll go!” Marni
volunteered. “I guess I could go, too,” Matt admitted
as he stood up. “Hmm...I think we need one more,” Tai
muttered thoughtfully.

“And I know who that should be,” Marni boasted
knowingly. “Who, then?” Matt asked. “Marisa!” Marni
announced, pointing at her sister. “Who, me?” Marisa
asked. “No, the other girl named Marisa,” Marni
retorted as she pulled Marisa up by her arm. “Come
on!” she complained as she dragged Marisa by her arm
across the street to the mini-mart, with Snakemon and
Chamelamon following close behind. “Makes me glad I
don’t have an older sister,” Tai muttered out loud as
he and Matt watched Marni and Marisa. “Whatever,” Matt
retorted. They turned their heads and looked at the
other kids and their Digimon. “We should be back in a
few minutes, so stay put, everyone,” Tai announced as
he and Matt crossed the street, followed by Agumon and

When they reached the mini-mart, Marni, Marisa,
Snakemon, and Chamelamon were more or less waiting
patiently for them by the automatic sliding doors.
“What took you guys forever?” Marni retorted as Tai,
Matt, Agumon, and Gabumon joined them. “Hey! We’re
just trying to be careful, Marni,” Tai retorted back.
“This isn’t a video game! Believe me, I learned that
the hard way.” “Come on, you two. Stop fighting,”
Marisa pleaded. Tai and Marni reluctantly kept quiet.
“Well, what are we doing standing around here for?”
Matt asked. “Let’s go check this place out.” He was
about to try to open the doors when they automatically
slid open. “Maybe thisss cccity isssn’t abandoned
after all,” Snakemon reluctantly admitted.

Slowly, the four kids carefully looked inside the
mini-mart. All the lights were on, but the store was
completely deserted. “Lights are on, but no one’s
home,” Marni joked. “Ha! Very funny, Marni,” Tai
retorted dully. He, Matt, Marni, and Marisa carefully
entered the store, followed by Snakemon, Agumon,
Gabumon, and Chamelamon. “Hello! Is there anybody
here?” Tai shouted. The four kids and their Digimon
listened carefully, but Tai’s question was meet by
complete silence. “Yup. Definitely nobody here, except
for us,” Marni admitted. “No kidding, Marni,” Snakemon
muttered out loud. “What do we do now, Tai?” Agumon
asked. “Well, since there’s no one here, I guess
nobody would mind if we get some food to eat,” Tai

“All right!” Marni exclaimed. “Hold on a minute,
Marni,” Marisa interrupted. “We have to get enough
food for everyone, not just yourself.” “Oh, yeah,”
Marni reluctantly admitted. “Let’s look around and see
what we can find,” Matt suggested. The four kids
walked down the main aisle of the store, followed by
their Digimon. “Hey, idea!” Marni exclaimed loudly as
she picked up a loaf of bread from the shelf. “If we
can find some cold cuts or cheese in this place, we
can have sandwiches for lunch!” “Good idea, Marni,”
Tai admitted. “Hold onto that, just in case.” The kids
and their Digimon continued down the hallway until
they reached the large coolers for the cold food in
back of the store. 

“Looks like we’re in luck,” Tai admitted, pointing at
several packages of cheese, sliced turkey, ham,
salami, and other lunchmeats inside one of the
coolers. “You might want to get another loaf of bread,
Marni,” Marisa told her sister. “What for?” Marni
asked. “We’re going to have to make a lot of
sandwiches to feed twelve kids and twelve Digimon,”
Marisa explained. “Okay,” Marni agreed as she headed
back down the main aisle, followed by Snakemon. Marisa
turned back toward the coolers. Tai was packing
Agumon’s arms full of lunchmeat packages. “I don’t
think I can hold any more, Tai!” Agumon complained.
“Okay,” Tai muttered as he gathered as much packages
as he could hold in his arms.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Tai,” Matt warned
him. “Why not?” Tai asked as he tried to balance the
huge pile of lunchmeat packages in his arms.
Unfortunately, Tai lost his balance and fell on his
back, and all the lunchmeat packages that he was
carrying fell on top of him. “Tai, are you all right?”
Agumon asked as he carefully walked over to Tai. “No,
Agumon!” Tai shouted when he noticed that the pile of
lunchmeat packages that Agumon was carrying was
starting to sway. Unfortunately, the warning came too
late. The pile of lunchmeat packages that Agumon was
carrying came crashing down on top of Tai. “Oops!
Sorry, Tai!” Agumon exclaimed as he tried to help Tai
stand up. Matt and Gabumon laughed out loud over Tai’s
situation, whereas Marisa and Chamelamon tried to
muffle their giggling. 

“That was a smooth move, Tai!” Marni retorted. Tai,
Matt, Marisa, Agumon, Gabumon, and Chamelamon looked
up at Marni, who had just rejoined them. She was
carrying two loaves of bread in one hand. “I suppose
you had a better idea, Marni?” Tai retorted as he
stood up. “Well, I do have a better idea, Tai, and
unlike your idea, mine will actually work,” Marni
boasted. “Hey, Marni! I found them!” they heard
Snakemon shout. The snake Digimon was slithering
toward them, carrying some empty plastic bags with
him. “Good job, Snakemon,” Marni admitted as she took
the plastic bags from her Digimon. “No problem,”
Snakemon admitted.

Marni opened one of the bags and carefully placed the
loaves of bread in it. “Here,” she announced, tossing
the other bags to Tai and Matt. “You can put
everything in those bags. Much better than trying to
carry all that stuff in your arms, right, Tai?”
“Humph!” Tai huffed angrily to himself as he and Matt
picked up some of the packages from the floor. Matt
put the packages he picked up in the bag that Gabumon
was holding, while Tai put the packages he picked up
in the bag Agumon was holding open for him. “You know,
Marisa, this place reminds me of something,” Marni
muttered out loud. “What do you mean, Marni?” Marisa

Marni was obviously thinking long and hard about it.
She suddenly snapped her fingers. “Oh! Now I remember!
This place is like that little store in Highton View
Terrace that we used to go to every weekend!” Marni
exclaimed. Unknown to her, Tai and Matt stopped what
they were doing when they heard her say “Highton View
Terrace.” “Yeah, I remember that place,” Marisa
admitted. “You were always blowing your allowance on
candy and peanuts!” “Did you say ‘Highton View
Terrace?’ ” Tai asked. “Yeah, we used to live there.
So?” Marni asked.

“Well...we used to live in Highton View Terrace, too,”
Tai admitted, indicating himself and Matt. “Get outta
here!” Marni exclaimed. “What about Sora and the other
kids?” Marisa asked. “Well, we don’t know about Zack
and Yuuchi, but all of our friends used to live in
Highton View Terrace as well,” Matt admitted. “This is
so totally bizarre!” Marni exclaimed. “You know, I
felt like I knew you two from somewhere...did you guys
ever go to Westside Elementary?” “Yeah, we used to go
there,” Tai admitted. “Sora went to Westside
Elementary, too,” Matt added.

“I thought that Sora looked familiar, too,” Marni
admitted. “What are your last names? No, no, no. Let
me guess. Umm…Tai Katona?” Tai shook his head no.
“Okay, next one!” Marni muttered out loud. “Uh…Matt
Hajba? Lemme guess, no?” “Not even close,” Matt
remarked. “Tai Kamiya and Matt Ishida?” The three kids
looked at Marisa curiously. “Is that right?” she asked
uncertainly. “Yeah, it is,” Matt admitted, with a
slightly surprised expression on his face. “And is
Sora’s last name Takenouchi?” Marisa asked as they
started to head toward the doors. “Sure is, Marisa,”
Tai pointed out. “You’re already three for three!”
“You know, Marisa, you were always better at
remembering names than I ever was,” Marni reluctantly
admitted as the four kids and their Digimon left the

“Aww, man! This looks so good!” Yuuchi whined,
practically drooling as he stared at the sandwich in
front of him. “Well, you should thank Matt,” Marisa
pointed out. “He did make all the sandwiches for us.”
“Yeah, thanks, Matt,” Yuuchi muttered quickly as he
picked up the sandwich. He just took his first bite
when Tai spoke up. “Did you two ever live in Highton
View Terrace?” Tai asked. Yuuchi looked at him with a
surprised look on his face. He quickly swallowed the
bite he took before he spoke. “Yeah, a long time ago.
When my grandfather died, we moved to the outskirts of
town to take over the family business,” Yuuchi
confessed sadly. “What about you, Zack?” Marisa asked.
“I...don’t remember. My parents did tell me that we
used to lived there,” Zack admitted reluctantly.

“So, all four of you are originally from Highton View
Terrace?” Joe asked curiously. Zack, Yuuchi, Marni,
and Marisa all nodded their heads. “Hey, does that
have anything to do with us being chosen as
Digi-Destined?” Marni asked. “That’s part of it, but
there’s a more important reason why we are the
Digi-Destined,” Tai admitted. “And that would be...?”
Yuuchi asked as he stood up. “I’m sorry, but I can’t
tell you that part until you remember it for
yourself,” Tai told him. “Fine, get me all curious for
nothing,” he retorted. Shaking his head, Yuuchi walked
over to where the other new kids and their Digimon
were sitting and sat back down on the sidewalk next to
Nanmimon. They sat there quietly as they finished
eating. “Is it just me, or does Tai get on anyone
else’s nerves?” Yuuchi asked, just loud enough for the
other three kids to hear. “He’s got big hair and an
even bigger ego,” Zack muttered.

Yuuchi and Marni snickered over Zack’s comment, while
Marisa chose to stay silent. Suddenly, she heard a
loud noise in the distance, like an explosion. “Did
you guys hear that?” Marisa asked as she stood up.
“Hear what, Marisa?” Matt asked. “You sure you weren’t
hearing things?” Yuuchi asked. “No, I heard it, too,”
Chamelamon announced. Suddenly, the twelve kids and
their Digimon heard someone shout, “Smiley Bomb!” They
saw a large black metal ball drop from the sky and
land on the roof of the mini-mart. As soon as the
metal ball hit the mini-mart, there was a massive
explosion. The kids and their Digimon ducked for cover
as debris from the explosion flew over their heads.

When the Digi-Destined kids and their Digimon looked
up, they were surprised to see three Digimon standing
where the mini-mart once stood. “Aww, man!” Zack
exclaimed. “A triple threat!” “Greetings,
Digi-Destined!” Mamemon greeted mockingly. “I hope you
enjoyed your visit here, because this will be the last
place you’ll see!” Giromon shouted. “That is, before
we turn you over to our boss, Armaggedamon,” Metal
Mamemon announced. “What kind of Digimon are they?”
Tai asked Izzy, who was opening up his laptop in order
to identify the three Digimon. 

“Ah-ha! Found them,” Izzy announced. “The one on the
left is Mamemon, a mutant Digimon. He may appear to be
cute and innocent, but his Smiley Bomb and Sparkling
Blow attacks will change your mind in an instant! The
one in the middle is Giromon, who’s a machine Digimon.
Watch out for his Chain Saw and Big Bang Boom attacks!
And the last one is Metal Mamemon. He’s an android
Digimon with a powerful Energetic Bomb and Metal Claw

“That definitely doesn’t sound good,” Zack remarked
nervously. “Then you’re not gonna like this! All three
Digimon are at Ultimate levels!” Izzy exclaimed out of
shock. The other kids and their Digimon gasped when
they heard this news. “Did you have to tell us that,
too, Izzy?” Yuuchi retorted. “It’s bad enough knowing
what they’re capable of!” “Wanna learn firsthand,
Digi-Destined?” they heard Giromon ask sinisterly. The
twelve kids and their Digimon looked up at Giromon and
noticed that he was juggling a large red metal ball,
with several lumps protruding from it, in one hand.
“Get ready for a Big Bang Boom!” Giromon shouted as he
threw the red bomb at the Digi-Destined and their

“Ahh!” the kids and the Digimon screamed
simultaneously as they ran down the street as fast as
they could. Giromon’s red bomb hit the street and
exploded right on contact. There was a massive
explosion of thick smoke and flying debris. Mamemon,
Metal Mamemon, and Giromon snickered sinisterly. “We
got them for sure!” Giromon boasted as the smoke
started to clear. “No way they escaped my Big Bang
Boom!” “Guess again, Giromon!” Metal Mamemon retorted,
pointing at the street in front of them. To Giromon’s
surprise, the Digi-Destined kids and their Digimon
were nowhere in sight.

“Ha! My Big Bang Boom destroyed the Digi-Destined!”
Giromon cheered. “Like Metal Mamemon said before,
‘Guess again, Giromon!’ ” Mamemon retorted. He pointed
down the main street of Mamemon City, where the
Digi-Destined and their Digimon could be seen, running
as fast as they could. “WHAT?” Giromon exclaimed
loudly, his eyes literally bugging out of their
sockets. “Let’s get them!” Mamemon shouted as they ran
after the twelve kids and the twelve Digimon. As the
kids continued running down the street, Zack turned
his head around. He gasped loudly when he saw the
three Ultimate Digimon chasing after them. 

“Move it, you guys! They’re coming after us!” Zack
yelled to the other kids. “Let’s split up, you guys.
That way, we’ll lose them,” Tai suggested. Just then,
the kids and their Digimon reached an intersection in
the street. “Now, everyone!” Tai shouted. He and
Agumon, along with Kari, Gatomon, Sora, Biyomon,
Marni, and Snakemon, continued running straight down
the street. Matt, Gabumon, T.K., Patamon, Joe,
Gomamon, Marisa, and Chamelamon turned left at the
intersection, while Izzy, Tentomon, Mimi, Palmon,
Zack, Cheetamon, Yuuchi, and Nanmimon turned right. 

“Ha! Now we got them!” Mamemon sneered. “Giromon, go
that way,” he ordered, pointing to the left. “And
Metal Mamemon, you go that way!” Mamemon pointed to
the right, where Izzy, Mimi, Zack, Yuuchi, and their
Digimon could still be seen in the distance. “They
won’t get away from me!” Metal Mamemon claimed loudly
as he ran after them. Giromon giggled maniacally as he
headed after Matt and the others, while Mamemon ran
down the street after Tai and the others...

“I think he’s closing in on us!” Zack shouted as he
looked back to see Metal Mamemon getting closer. At
that moment, Izzy stopped running and turned around.
“Let’s fight him,” he suggested. “Are you crazy? That
guy’s an Ultimate!” Zack shouted. “Yeah, but there’s
only one of him and four of us,” Cheetamon pointed
out. “Yeah, he can’t be all that hard,” Yuuchi agreed.
“Why did I have to get stuck with these guys?” Zack
asked himself, giving up. “Let’s go!” Izzy shouted.
Tentomon, Palmon, Cheetamon, and Nanmimon nodded in
approval. “Tentomon digivolve to...Kabuterimon!”
“Palmon digivolve to...Togemon!” “Cheetamon digivolve
to...Panthramon!” “Nanmimon digivolve to...Neo

“You won’t get away from me, Digi-Destined! Metal
Claw!” Metal Mamemon shouted. “How about a Needle
Spray?” Togemon shouted as she released her needles.
“Razor Claw!” Panthramon shouted, releasing his claws
to counterattack Metal Mamemon’s Metal Claw. Togemon’s
needles only bounced off of Metal Mamemon, and
Panthramon wasn’t strong enough to do much damage.
“He’s too strong, Zack. There’s not much I can do,”
Panthramon growled. “Psychic Blast!” Neo Nanmimon
shouted. “Electro Shocker!” Kabuterimon shouted.
Again, the attacks didn’t do much damage. “What are we
going to do?” Mimi asked worriedly. “We’re barely
putting a ding in that guy.”

“Energetic Bomb!” Metal Mamemon shouted. He aimed his
energy cannon at the Digimon as a ball of orange
energy formed at the opening. As soon as the orange
energy ball was bigger than his body, Metal Mamemon
fired the energy bomb at all four Digimon. The four
Champion Digimon got thrown back by the powerful
blast, and Neo Nanmimon, Togemon, and Panthramon
de-digivolved back to their Rookie forms. “I’m sorry,
Mimi. He’s just too strong,” Palmon apologized as Mimi
helped her up. “You okay, buddy?” Yuuchi asked
Nanmimon. “I think so,” Nanmimon muttered. “How you
doing, Cheetamon?” Zack asked. “You can’t take down
this Mon so easily,” Cheetamon told his human friend.

“It’s time for us to take it to the next level,
Kabuterimon,” Izzy announced to his Digimon as he
stood up. “Right!” Kabuterimon agreed. “Kabuterimon
digivolve to...Mega Kabuterimon!” “Cool! He’s huge!”
Yuuchi exclaimed in awe as he and Zack gawked at the
enormous red beetle. “Horn Buster!” Mega Kabuterimon
shouted. The massive electric blast from Mega
Kabuterimon’s horn took Metal Mamemon by surprise and
sent him flying until he landed into an open dumpster.
Metal Mamemon quickly jumped out of the dumpster, and
it was obvious by the look on his face that he was
furious. “You guys get going! Mega Kabuterimon and I
will hold him off!” Izzy shouted. The three kids
nodded and started to run for it, along with Nanmimon,
Cheetamon, and Palmon...

“Oh, Digi-Destined? Come out and play!” Giromon
shouted. He had just entered a dead-end alley.
Although he couldn’t see anyone, Giromon had a gut
instinct that Matt, T.K., Joe, Marisa, and their
Digimon were hiding somewhere in the alley. “There’s
no use hiding from me, Digi-Destined! Why don’t you
come out and fight, you cowards?” Giromon shouted. “If
you insist! Howling Blaster!” Garurumon shouted as he
jumped toward Giromon. The Ultimate Digimon barely
avoided the blue blast. He turned around, but both
Ikkakumon and Dragomon were blocking the only exit.
Giromon turned back around and noticed that Angemon
had joined Garurumon. He also noticed that Matt, T.K.,
Joe, and Marisa were standing next to a dumpster
behind Garurumon and Angemon.

“If you wanna leave, you’ll have to go through us,”
Ikkakumon boomed. “Who says I’m leaving? I’m not going
until I capture those kids!” Giromon announced. “Then
you’ll have to go through us to get to them,” Angemon
proclaimed as Dragomon and Ikkakumon joined him and
Garurumon. “If you insist,” Giromon announced as a red
bomb appeared in his hand. “Big Bang Boom!” He threw
the bomb at the Digimon, which exploded as soon as it
hit the ground. Angemon and Dragomon managed to fly
out of the way, but unfortunately, Garurumon and
Ikkakumon were caught in the explosion. “Garurumon!”
Matt shouted. “No, Ikkakumon!” Joe shouted.

When the smoke cleared from the explosion, Garurumon
was lying on the ground unconscious, and Ikkakumon had
de-digivolved back to Gomamon. “Two down, and two to
go,” Giromon remarked sinisterly as he looked up at
Dragomon and Angemon. He suddenly started to fly up
toward the two remaining Champion Digimon. “Hand of
Fate!” Angemon shouted. “Inferno Blast!” Dragomon
shouted. Unfortunately, Giromon flew through both
attacks unscathed. “Chain Saw!” he shouted. Giromon
revved up his chainsaw and struck both Digimon with
it. “Angemon!” T.K. cried out. “Oh, no! Dragomon!”
Marisa shouted. The attack caused the two Champion
Digimon to plummet to the ground. When Angemon and
Dragomon were almost halfway down, they both
de-digivolved to Patamon and Chamelamon.

Once he realized he was falling to the ground, Patamon
quickly flapped his wings to slow down his descent.
Unfortunately, Chamelamon couldn’t do the same. “Hang
on, Chamelamon!” Patamon shouted as he tried to help
the lizard Digimon. He grabbed her by the tail and
flapped his wings as hard as he could. Unfortunately,
Patamon lost his grip, and Chamelamon continued to
fall to the ground. “Chamelamon!” Marisa shouted. She
left the safety of the dumpster and ran out into the
alley. Before Chamelamon could hit the ground, Marisa
dived and caught her just in time. “Don’t worry,
Chamelamon. You’re gonna be okay,” Marisa whispered as
she sat up, holding her Digimon in her arms. 

“I wouldn’t say the same about you!” a familiar voice
shouted from above them. Marisa and Chamelamon looked
up and screamed when they saw Giromon advancing toward
them, wielding his chainsaw. “Marisa, no!” Matt
shouted. He quickly turned to Garurumon, who was now
wide awake and standing. “Garurumon, digivolve!” Matt
shouted. “You got it!” Garurumon growled in agreement.
“Garurumon digivolve to...Were-Garurumon!”

Marisa kept her eyes closed, afraid that Giromon would
get both her and Chamelamon. When she felt something
huge run in front of her, Marisa quickly opened her
eyes and gasped loudly. She was surprised to see a
Digimon that looked a lot like Garurumon standing in
front of her, blocking Giromon’s Chain Saw attack with
his paws. The main difference between this new Digimon
and the Garurumon she was familiar with was that this
Digimon was standing on his hind legs like a human. He
was also wearing dark blue jeans, a brown shoulder pad
on his left shoulder, a leather strap across his
chest, a long dark blue left sleeve, spiked brown knee
pads, and two silver hoop earrings in his left ear.

“Is that...Garurumon?” Marisa asked uncertainly. “Not
anymore, Marisa. Garurumon digivolved to Ultimate,”
Chamelamon explained. “He’s Were-Garurumon now.” “Come
on, Marisa! Get out of the way!” Matt shouted. Marisa
quickly stood up and rejoined Matt, T.K., Joe,
Patamon, and Gomamon, still carrying Chamelamon in her
arms. “Whoa! Very big Digimon!” Giromon admitted
nervously as he looked up at Were-Garurumon, who was
probably a dozen times bigger than he was. He quickly
shook off the scared look on his face and stared at
the large wolf Digimon sinisterly. “You don’t scare
me, Were-Garurumon!” Giromon claimed. “Chain Saw!”
“Wolf Claw!” Were-Garurumon shouted.

Giromon got the shock of his life when
Were-Garurumon’s Wolf Claw attack overpowered his
Chain Saw attack. “Ahh!” the Digimon screamed as
Were-Garurumon’s attack struck him hard and sent him
flying. Giromon sailed clear out of the alley, over
the surrounding buildings, and disappeared from sight.
“Hooray! Were-Garurumon did it!” T.K. cheered. “That
was incredible!” Marisa admitted as she and Chamelamon
approached Matt, who was now standing next to
Were-Garurumon. “Thank you so much, Matt.” Matt
quickly looked down at the ground so Marisa couldn’t
see his cheeks turning red. Marisa looked over at
Were-Garurumon. “And thank you, too, Were-Garurumon,
for saving me,” she admitted.

Were-Garurumon smiled at the young girl as he nodded
his head. Suddenly, the Ultimate Digimon was engulfed
in a white light and de-digivolved. When the light
disappeared, Marisa gasped out of shock. Sitting where
Were-Garurumon once stood was not Gabumon, which was
what she was expecting. The unfamiliar Digimon was a
round head covered with orange fur, and had a pale
peach face and a long protruding dark gray horn on top
of his head. “Hi, Matt!” the little Digimon greeted,
looking up at his human partner with his bright brown
eyes. “Hey, buddy,” Matt greeted as he picked up the
Digimon. “How are you feeling?” “A little tired...and
hungry,” the Digimon openly admitted.

“Who is that?” Marisa asked curiously. “This is
Tsunomon,” Matt introduced. “Hi, Marisa,” Tsunomon
greeted. Marisa had a bit of a confused look on her
face, as though she was trying to figure out
something. “Is Tsunomon...Gabumon’s In-Training form?”
she asked uncertainly. Both Matt and Tsunomon nodded
their heads. “I guess digivolving to Ultimate takes a
lot of energy out of the Digimon, huh?” “Sure does,”
Matt muttered out loud. “Sorry to interrupt you two,
but shouldn’t we get going now?” Joe asked nervously.
“You’re right, Joe. Giromon might come back after us,”
Matt admitted. “All the more reason for leaving this
place!” Joe added. “Let’s go find the others,” Matt
suggested as he, Marisa, Joe, T.K., and their Digimon
left the dark alley...

“Keep it moving! He’s gaining on us!” Tai shouted when
he noticed that Mamemon was slowly catching up with
them. “I don’t know...about you guys...but I’m
sick...and tired...of running,” Marni gasped from
exhaustion. “We can’ this...forever.” “I agree
with Marni,” Snakemon admitted. “The only way out of
thisss predicament isss to fight Mamemon.” “What do
you say, Tai?” Sora asked. “Marni and Snakemon are
right. We’re gonna have to fight Mamemon,” Tai agreed.
“I’m ready whenever you are, Tai,” Agumon announced. 
The four kids and their Digimon stopped running and
turned around to face Mamemon. “All right, you guys.
Get ready,” Tai announced. Agumon, Biyomon, and
Snakemon nodded in approval. “Agumon digivolve
to...Greymon!” “Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon!”
“Sssnakemon digivolve to...Cobramon!”

“Nova Blast!” Greymon shouted. “Meteor Wing!” Biyomon
shouted. “Cobra Fang!” Cobramon shouted. “Lightning
Paw!” Gatomon shouted. The four attacks combined
nailed Mamemon, but unfortunately, it didn’t slow him
down one bit. “Sparkling Blow!” Mamemon shouted. He
raised both his arms up and both boxing gloves shot
from his arms like missiles. One of the boxing gloves
nailed Gatomon, while the other connected with
Cobramon’s stomach. “Gatomon!” Kari cried as her
Digimon fell on the street, along with Cobramon. 

“Come on, Cobramon! Get up!” Marni shouted. Cobramon
tried to get back up, but he couldn’t do it. “Sorry,
Marni,” he apologized. “I feel so weak.” Cobramon then
de-digivolved back to Snakemon. “Are you okay,
Snakemon?” Marni asked as she rushed to her Digimon’s
side. “I think ssso,” Snakemon muttered as he got up
with Marni’s help. “Aww, man,” Marni muttered out
loud. “Greymon and Birdramon are the only ones left.”
The four kids and their Digimon watched cautiously as
Mamemon’s fists reconnected with his arms. “Give up,
Digi-Destined?” Mamemon asked. “Dream on, Mamemon!”
Tai shouted. “Go get him, Greymon!”

“Nova Blast!” Greymon shouted as he charged toward
Mamemon. “Sparkling Blow!” Mamemon shouted as he
punched Greymon in the face, knocking him down to the
ground. “Greymon, no!” Tai shouted. Mamemon then
focused his attention on Birdramon, who was flying
above him. “Smiley Bomb!” he shouted, throwing one of
his bombs up at Birdramon. She tried to fly away
before the bomb reached her, but unfortunately, the
bomb exploded right below her, engulfing her in a
cloud of smoke. “No, Birdramon!” Sora cried out as she
looked up at the cloud of smoke, along with Tai, Kari,
Marni, Gatomon, and Snakemon. 

Suddenly, a small figure fell from the cloud of smoke.
Recognizing the figure as Biyomon, Sora reached out
and caught her before she landed on the street. “I’m
so sorry, Sora,” Biyomon mumbled weakly. “It’s okay,
Biyomon,” Sora told her. “What matters is that you’re
all right.” “ might wanna rethink that,
Sora,” Marni admitted nervously. Sora looked up and
gasped when she saw Mamemon heading towards them.
“Greymon, you gotta digivolve!” Tai shouted to his
Digimon, who had just gotten up. Greymon nodded in
approval. “Greymon digivolve to...Metal Greymon!”

“Whoa!” Marni gasped when she saw Greymon’s newly
digivolved form. He looked similar to Greymon, only he
was over twice as big. His left arm was made of metal,
the top of his head and his chest were covered with
metal, and he had three pairs of long violet wings and
long red-orange hair. “Go get him, Metal Greymon!” Tai
shouted. “Ooo, I’m so scared!” Mamemon retorted as he
turned around to face Metal Greymon. “Sparkling--!”
“Mega Claw!” Metal Greymon shouted. His metal hand
sprung out and struck Mamemon, sending him flying into
the air. “Giga Blaster!” Metal Greymon shouted. The
metal plates on his chest opened up and two large
missiles flew out.

“Ahh!” Mamemon screamed as the missiles flew straight
at him. The missiles exploded as soon as they made
contact with the Digimon, propelling him clearly to
the other end of the city. “That was so totally
wicked, Tai!” Marni exclaimed. “Gee, thanks, Marni,”
Tai admitted proudly. “Just don’t let it get to your
head. It’s big enough as it is,” Marni joked. Tai
groaned loudly, while Sora and Biyomon giggled over
Marni’s joke. Just then, Metal Greymon was engulfed in
a white light and de-digivolved. Marni was surprised
that the Digimon sitting where Metal Greymon once
stood was not Agumon, but a round pink head with long
thin ears and bright brown eyes. 

“Wait a minute. I’ve seen that Digimon somewhere
before,” Marni muttered out loud as Tai picked up the
little Digimon. Marni suddenly gasped when she
recalled seeing the same Digimon at the dunk booth
game back at the Digi-Carnival. “Hey, isn’t that a
Koromon?” Marni asked uncertainly. “That’s me!”
Koromon admitted with a big grin. “Come on, guys. We
need to find the others before Mamemon does,” Tai
announced. “But he’s gone, Tai!” Marni reminded him.
“Mamemon may be gone now, but he’ll come back, and he
won’t be happy about what we did to him!” Tai told
her. “Tai’s right,” Sora agreed. “We should leave this
place, along with everyone else,” Kari added. “Okay,
let’s get going,” Tai announced as he led the way...

“Do you see them yet, Yuuchi?” Zack shouted up into
the trees right on the border of Mamemon City. For a
minute, he didn’t think Yuuchi could hear him up
there. “Not yet!” Yuuchi shouted. “I can see some of
their Digimon! There’s one that looks like Greymon,
but he’s huge!” A few minutes later, Yuuchi jumped off
of a branch and landed in front of Zack, Cheetamon,
and Nanmimon. “They were over there,” Yuuchi
explained, pointing at the section of city north of
them. “I guess that’s where we should go.” “You know,
you’re gonna get yourself killed one of these days,”
Zack muttered, shaking his head. Yuuchi laughed at
that remark. “What? You mean climbing trees? Nah! I’ve
been doing it ever since I could walk, well at least
that’s what my dad said,” Yuuchi admitted with a
smirk. “Oh, yeah, I also saw a second Digimon that
looked kind of like Garurumon.” 

“Greymon and Garurumon must have digivolved to
Ultimate, like Kabuterimon did,” Cheetamon explained.
“Hey, I bet you’re right!” Yuuchi exclaimed. “Wait up,
you two!” Mimi shouted as she and Palmon joined them
from the surrounding forest. “Where have you been?”
Zack asked. “I had to use the little girls’ room,”
Mimi reluctantly admitted. “Did you find anyone yet?”
Yuuchi and Zack both nodded their heads. “It looks
like the others are up that way,” Yuuchi explained,
pointing in the same direction as before. “We better
hurry! They might need our help!” Nanmimon announced.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Palmon added. The three kids and
their Digimon quickly walked back into Mamemon City. 

“Mimi, you’ve been with the others longer then we
have. You probably know what their Digimon look like
at Ultimate, right?” Zack asked. “Yeah, that’s true,”
Mimi admitted. “Why do you ask?” “I saw a Digimon that
kinda looked like Garurumon, only different, and
another Digimon that kinda looked like Greymon, only
with a metal arm and wings,” Yuuchi told her. “That
was Metal Greymon and Were-Garurumon,” Mimi explained.
“Hey, look! Isn’t that them?” Zack asked, pointing in
the distance. The three kids could see Tai, Matt,
Kari, T.K., Sora, Marni, Marisa, and their Digimon
running towards them. “Hey, guys! Over here!” Zack
shouted, waving his hands to get their attention,
along with Mimi and Yuuchi. The seven kids and their
Digimon joined Zack, Yuuchi, and Mimi and stopped for
a few minutes to catch their breath. 

“Are you guys okay?” Mimi asked. “Yeah, just a little
tired,” Matt gasped in between breaths. “Where’s
Izzy?” Sora asked when she noticed that Izzy wasn’t
with them. “Last time we checked, he and Mega
Kabuterimon were fighting Metal Mamemon,” Yuuchi
explained. As he looked up, he could see the familiar
redhead boy running towards them. “Hey, here he comes
now!” Yuuchi shouted. As Izzy came closer, Yuuchi
noticed that he was carrying a pink blob with short
arms and round dark brown eyes. “What happened, Izzy?”
Tai asked. “Unfortunately, Metal Mamemon was much more
powerful than I anticipated, so we had to make a hasty
retreat from the battle,” Izzy explained. “That’s
Tentomon, isn’t it?” Zack asked uncertainly.

“Well, not exactly. This is Motimon, Tentomon’s
In-Training form,” Izzy explained. “There you kids
are!” a familiar voice shouted. The kids turned around
and gasped when they saw Giromon, Metal Mamemon, and
Mamemon surrounding them. “Oh, great! Not this again!”
Marni exclaimed. “You kids are in for it now!” Mamemon
muttered angrily. “He doesn’t look too happy,” Marisa
admitted nervously, noticing the look on his face.
“Let’s get them!” Metal Mamemon shouted. The Digimon
were about to attack when a familiar voice shouted
“Pixie Bomb!” The Mamemon Brothers stopped in
mid-attack, distracted by the bomb dropping in front
of them and the explosion that followed. Suddenly, the
Digi-Destined and their Digimon found themselves
encased in a giant pink bubble, which lifted them far
up in the air.

“Who did that?” Zack asked curiously. “That was me,
yep, yep,” the same voice replied from behind them.
The twelve kids and their Digimon turned around to
face whoever was talking to them. Marni, Marisa, Zack,
and Yuuchi gasped when they saw the small dark pink
Digimon with white wings, carrying a small gold staff.
“Whoa! It’s a powder puff with wings!” Yuuchi
exclaimed. “No, it’s Piximon!” Mimi exclaimed happily.
“Nice to see you all again, yep, yep!” Piximon
replied. “What are you doing here, Piximon?” Tai
asked. “I noticed you guys were n trouble, so I came
to help you,” Piximon replied. He looked up at Marni,
Marisa, Zack, and Yuuchi. “And I’ve heard quite a bit
about you four,” Piximon added.

Before Piximon could continue, the bubble shook
violently, causing everyone to fall down. “Oh, no!
It’s the Mamemon Brothers!” Sora gasped. The other
Digi-Destined looked up and noticed that Sora was
right. Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, and Giromon were
chasing after them, slowly catching up to the pink
bubble. “Looks like we don’t have much time,” Piximon
muttered. “Listen up, you four. You need to find a way
to help your Digimon digivolve to the next level.”
“But, how can we, Piximon?” Zack asked. “We have no
idea how to activate our crests, let alone know what
they mean,” Yuuchi added.

“That’s something you’ll have to figure out on your
own,” Piximon revealed. “Your friends here had to do
the same thing a long time ago, and now it’s your
turn.” Once again, Piximon was interrupted by the
bubble shaking violently, this time from Giromon’s Big
Bang Boom attack. “Man, this bubble of yours is taking
a lot of punishment from those Mamemon Brothers,
Piximon,” Marni remarked. “I just hope it lasts.”
“I’ll distract the Mamemon Brothers while you get
away,” Piximon explained as he left the safety of the
bubble. “Good luck to you.” With that, Piximon used
his staff to fling the giant bubble a good distance
away from the advancing Mamemon Brothers.

“They’re getting away!” Metal Mamemon shouted,
pointing at the retreating pink bubble. “No kidding,
Metal Mamemon,” Mamemon retorted. “What do we do now?”
Giromon asked. “I suggest you do nothing,” Piximon
interrupted. “There’s nothing you can do to stop the
Digi-Destined from saving the Digiworld from
Armaggedamon.” “Oh, yeah? Just watch us!” Mamemon
shouted. “Smiley Bomb!” “Big Bang Boom!” Giromon
shouted. “Energetic Bomb!” Mamemon shouted. The three
attacks flew above Piximon’s head and headed straight
for the retreating bubble that was carrying the twelve
Digi-Destined and their Digimon.

Yuuchi turned around and gasped loudly when he saw the
three Mamemon Brothers’ attacks flying straight at
them. “You think this bubble can handle three attacks
at once?” he asked nervously. “I’m not exactly sure,
Yuuchi. Why do you ask?” Izzy asked. “Because we’re
about to find out for ourselves, that’s why!” Yuuchi
shouted. The other kids looked up and gasped when they
saw the two bombs and the orange ball of energy
heading towards them. “Brace yourself, guys!” Tai
shouted. The twelve kids and their Digimon sat down
with their backs against the inside of the bubble and
curled up to protect themselves.

The three attacks struck the giant bubble
simultaneously. The kids and the Digimon screamed as
they felt the bubble stretch out to its limit from the
force of the explosions. Suddenly, they felt a quick
rush of air and then absolutely nothing. Tai slowly
opened his eyes and gasped when he noticed that he and
Koromon were all alone in a pink bubble just big
enough for the two of them. “Oh, no!” Tai exclaimed as
he looked down at the ground below, frantically
searching for his friends. “Kari!” he shouted. “Tai!”
Kari shouted from his right. Tai looked up and was
both surprised and relieved to see his sister and
Gatomon floating in another pink bubble. Looking
around even more, Tai realized that all of his friends
and their Digimon were all encased in their own
individual bubbles.

“How did this happen?” Zack asked, who was floating on
Tai’s left. “The force of the explosion, it must have
stretched out the bubble we were originally in to its
maximum limit!” Izzy shouted, who was floating ahead
of everyone else. “But how did we end up in these
smaller bubbles, Izzy?” Sora asked, who was floating
right behind Izzy. “The atmospheric pressure
surrounding us must have sealed us off in these
individual bubbles!” Izzy shouted loud enough for
everyone to hear. “What do we do now?” Marisa asked
worriedly. “Looks like the only thing we can do for
now is wait until these bubbles pop on their own,”
Marni responded as she punched the side of her bubble
a couple of times.

“But, what if these bubbles don’t pop on their own?
What if we’re stuck in them forever?” Mimi whined.
“That can’t happen!” Joe exclaimed. “It won’t happen,
you guys,” Matt announced. “We’ve been in one of
Piximon’s bubbles before, and we came out of it just
fine.” “Are you sure, Matt?” T.K. asked worriedly.
“Don’t worry, T.K. We’ll be all right,” Matt
reassured his little brother. “We’re gonna have to try
to stick together,” Tai announced. “ it just
me, or is it getting louder all of a sudden?” Zack
asked nervously. The twelve kids suddenly noticed that
they were starting to slowly drift away from each

“It must be the wind! It’s pulling us apart!” Izzy
shouted. He was suddenly knocked down to the bottom of
the bubble as a gust of wind blew him further away
from the other kids. “Izzy!” Sora shouted. Suddenly, a
huge blast of wind whirled like a tornado within the
group of eleven kids. The children and their Digimon
screamed as they quickly flew around in circles. When
the spinning finally stopped, Tai opened his eyes. He
was shocked to see that he was now by himself. In the
distance, Tai could see a few pink dots, but they were
too far away to tell who were in those bubbles. “Oh,
no. We’re all alone, Koromon,” Tai whispered sadly to
his Digimon as they continued to drift away from
Mamemon City...TO BE CONTINUED

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