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From the Depths
Part 11 : Wrong Side of the Tracks
By Dreamcatcher and Wulipix

“Are you sure you’re okay, Marisa?” Chamelamon asked.
“I’m just fine, Chamelamon,” Marisa replied as she
walked down the trail with her Digimon, alongside
Matt, who was carrying Tsunomon in his arms. “You’re
sure?” Chamelamon asked again. “Chamelamon, you asked
her like a hundred times already!” Matt retorted.
“That must be a new record!” Tsunomon admitted. “And
that doesn’t count all the times you asked about her
ankle yesterday! She’s walking, isn’t she?” Matt asked
Chamelamon. “If I want your opinion, Matt, I’ll ask
for it, but don’t hold your breath!” Chamelamon
retorted. “Chamelamon, stop it!” Marisa complained.
Chamelamon growled angrily to herself as she
reluctantly kept quiet.

“I think it’s good that you worry about me,
Chamelamon, but you’re kinda taking it a little too
far,” Marisa admitted. “A little?” Matt asked
sarcastically. “That’s putting it lightly!” “Matt,
you’re not exactly helping,” Marisa told him. Just
then, there was a loud beeping noise coming from
Matt’s digivice. “What’s going on?” Marisa asked as
Matt looked at his digivice. “My digivice just picked
up three of our friends,” Matt announced. “That’s
great, Matt! Where are they?” Marisa asked. “This
way!” Matt shouted as he ran down the trail, while
carrying Tsunomon in one arm. “Hey! Wait for us!”
Marisa shouted as she and Chamelamon ran after Matt
and Tsunomon. “We gotta hurry, Marisa!” Matt shouted
as he looked back at her. “They’re moving so fast that
we might lose them!”

“Matt, look out!” Tsunomon shouted. Matt quickly
looked up, but the warning came too late. He ran into
a wooden board that was stretched across the trail and
fell to the ground. “Are you all right, Matt?” Marisa
asked as she helped Matt stand up. “Yeah, I think so,”
Matt replied. He looked up and realized that the
wooden board he hit was part of a railroad-crossing
gate. The red lights were flashing and the warning
bells were going off. The two kids and their Digimon
could hear the train quickly approaching the railroad
crossing. Matt and Marisa covered their ears as the
old-fashioned train chugged across the rickety tracks,
repeatedly blowing its loud whistle. “Matt, do you
think that maybe our friends are on that train?”
Marisa shouted.

“I think you’re right!” Matt shouted as the train
finished going across the tracks. They slowly brought
down their hands and watched as the train continued
speeding down the tracks. “There’s no way we’ll be
able to catch up with that train now,” Matt
reluctantly admitted. “Maybe we can,” Chamelamon
muttered thoughtfully. “What do you mean, Chamelamon?”
Marisa asked. “There’s a train station not far down
these tracks,” Chamelamon explained. “I’ll betcha that
train will stop at the station, and that’s where we’ll
find our friends.” “What do you think, Matt?” Marisa
asked. “Might as well give it a shot,” Matt replied.
Just then, the railroad-crossing gate finally lifted
up. “Let’s go,” Matt announced as he, Tsunomon,
Marisa, and Chamelamon started to follow the railroad

Meanwhile, the train was indeed pulling up to an
antique wooden train station. Inside one of the cars
near the end of the train, Tai, Kari, and T.K. were
fast asleep, with their Digimon sleeping in their
laps. As the train screeched to a stop, Tai and
Koromon woke up from the shrill noise of the
screeching brakes. “Tai, I’m hungry,” Koromon
complained as his stomach began to rumble. “All right,
Koromon,” Tai replied with a soft chuckle as he stood
up. He carried Koromon into the next train car, which
had a table full of food, like a miniature buffet. Tai
placed Koromon on top of the table in front of a bowl
with a variety of berries. “All right!” Koromon
cheered before he started to practically inhale the
bowl full of berries.

While his Digimon was eating, Tai was a bit startled
to hear his digivice go off. He looked at it and saw
two red dots located outside of the train. Tai quickly
peeked into the other car to check on Kari and T.K.,
who were still sleeping with Gatomon and Patamon on
their laps. “It couldn’t be Kari and T.K. They’re
still asleep,” Tai muttered out loud. He approached a
side window and looked outside. He could see Matt,
Marisa, Tsunomon, and Chamelamon walking alongside the
train. “Koromon, Matt and Marisa are here,” Tai
announced with a big grin. “Really? That’s wonderful,
Tai!” Koromon admitted.

“Come on, Koromon! Let’s go!” Tai exclaimed as he
picked Koromon up and ran toward the door leading
outside. “Matt! Marisa! Over here!” Tai shouted as he
jumped off of the train and walked over to Matt,
Marisa, Tsunomon, and Chamelamon. “Hey, Tai. Good to
see you again,” Matt admitted. “Hello, Tai. Hello,
Koromon,” Marisa greeted cheerfully. “Oh, hey,
Marisa,” Tai replied. “Hi, Marisa!” Koromon greeted.
As this was going on, Matt remembered that there were
two other kids on the train. “Who else is with you,
Tai?” Matt asked curiously. “T.K. and Kari. They’re
still sleeping on the train,” Tai explained.

As the three kids were talking, Koromon noticed that
the train was slowly starting to pull away from the
station. “Tai, the train is leaving without us!”
Koromon shouted. “What?” Tai, Matt, and Marisa
exclaimed simultaneously as they looked up at the
departing train. Immediately, Tai ran after the train
and jumped on board, with Koromon in his arms. Matt
was the next one to jump aboard the train with
Tsunomon, followed by Chamelamon. “Come on, Marisa!”
Chamelamon shouted to her human friend, who was still
trying to catch up with the train. “Marisa, you gotta
jump!” Matt shouted. “I don’t think I can do it!”
Marisa shouted as she desperately ran after the train,
which was gaining more speed.

“Don’t worry! I’ll catch you!” Matt shouted as he
stretched out his hand to her. “I can’t, Matt!” Marisa
shouted. “You can do it, Marisa! You just have to
trust me!” Matt shouted. Marisa hesitated for a moment
and then jumped. She managed to grab a hold of Matt’s
hand, but found herself dangling above the fast moving
ground. “Come on, Tai! Help me!” Matt shouted. Tai
quickly ran to the open door, next to Matt, and
grabbed Marisa’s other hand. “Pull!” Tai shouted.
Together, the two boys pulled as hard as they could.
They managed to yank Marisa on board of the train, but
she ended up landing on top of Tai and Matt. “I don’t
think I can ever thank you two enough!” Marisa gushed
out. “Don’t thank me! Get off me!” Tai complained

“I’m so sorry, guys,” Marisa apologized as she quickly
got off of Tai and Matt. “Gee, thanks,” Tai muttered
out loud as he and Matt stood up and picked up their
Digimon. “What’s going on, Tai?” Kari asked. Tai,
Matt, Marisa, and their Digimon looked up and saw Kari
and Gatomon standing on top of the short flight of
stairs leading into the car. “Hey, Kari. Sorry if we
woke you up,” Tai apologized. “That’s okay. Did you
two just get on the train?” Kari asked. Both Matt and
Marisa nodded their heads. Kari turned her head and
announced, “T.K., your brother’s here!” T.K. and
Patamon soon appeared next to Kari and Gatomon.
“Matt!” T.K. exclaimed happily as he ran down the
stairs and embraced his older brother. “Good to see
you, too, T.K.,” Matt admitted...

“So, how did you find out about this train?” Matt
asked curiously. “The Gremlimon told us about it
before we left their village,” Kari explained. “But
before we could go, we had to fight this mean rock
Digimon called Golemon,” T.K. added. Tai, Kari, Matt,
T.K., Marisa, and their Digimon were all in the dining
car. “At first, I thought the Gremlimon were bad
Digimon, but it turned out they weren’t,” Tai
revealed. “It’s kinda hard to tell who’s on our side
here in the Digiworld, isn’t it?” Marisa asked to no
one in particular. “Yeah, it is. I almost fell for
Bansheemon’s trap because she tricked me into thinking
that she was one of the good guys, but it turned out
she was working for Armaggedamon all along,” Matt
reluctantly admitted.

“If it wasn’t for Marisa and Chamelamon, we would have
been locked up in Armaggedamon’s dungeon by now!”
Tsunomon announced. “Well, I don’t know about that,”
Marisa admitted, her cheeks turning slightly red. “I’m
sure you two could have figured it out on your own.”
“Man, Marisa doesn’t like to brag about anything,” Tai
whispered to Matt, who was standing next to him. “Tai,
you know Marisa’s not like that,” Matt whispered.
“Marni, on the other hand, would probably brag about
it to the world!” “I’ll bet you’re right about that!”
Tai whispered with a soft snicker. “What’s so funny?”
Marisa asked curiously. “Oh, nothing,” Tai lied, not
wanting to hurt Marisa’s feelings.

“Greetings, kids,” a familiar voice announced. The
four kids and their Digimon looked up at a familiar
elderly man wearing an old-fashioned train conductor’s
uniform with a matching hat. “Oh, hello, Gennai,”
Marisa greeted. “Sorry, but I’m not Gennai,” the
elderly man confessed. “Huh?” Matt and Marisa
exclaimed simultaneously, exchanging confused looks.
“Matt, Marisa, this is Victor,” Tai introduced the
Gennai look-alike. “He happens to be an old friend of
Gennai’s.” “Yup, Gennai and I go way back,” Victor
admitted. “He told me all about the original
Digi-Destined and how they defeated the four Dark
Masters and Apocalymon. I promise I’ll do everything I
can to help you kids out.”

“Thanks, Victor,” Matt admitted, while Marisa nodded
her head in approval. She stopped when she noticed a
strange look on Victor’s face, as though he was uneasy
about something. He quickly shook it off before he
announced, “I should head back to the engine room. Let
me know if you need anything.” “Okay, Victor,” Tai
admitted as Victor left. Marisa glanced over at T.K.
and Kari, who were sitting at the other end of the car
with Koromon, Tsunomon, Chamelamon, Gatomon, and
Patamon. She then looked back at Tai and Matt, who
were standing in front of her. “Umm...Tai, Matt? Did
it seem like Victor was upset about something?” Marisa

“I didn’t see anything wrong with him,” Matt admitted.
“I don’t know about this, guys. Something just doesn’t
feel right,” Marisa muttered out loud. “There’s
nothing to worry about, Marisa. Look, T.K., Kari, and
I have been all over this train, and we didn’t find
anything suspicious,” Tai revealed. “Well...okay,”
Marisa reluctantly agreed. “Umm, I’m going to get some
food for our Digimon, Matt. They haven’t had anything
to eat in a while. You don’t mind, do you?” “Go ahead,
Marisa,” Matt told her. Marisa nodded as she turned
around, walked over to the table, and started to load
up a plate with food.

Matt looked back at Tai, who had a mischievous smirk
on his face. “What’s with you, Tai?” Matt asked. “You
like Marisa, don’t you, Matt?” Tai asked suspiciously.
“Yeah, I guess,” Matt replied. “I mean, she’s pretty
nice and all.” “No, I mean you REALLY like her,” Tai
repeated. “What are you saying?” Matt asked. “I think
you have a crush on Marisa!” Tai accused Matt
teasingly. “You’re crazy, Tai! I don’t LIKE Marisa, I
just like her!” Matt denied, his face turning red from
embarrassment. “What’s the name of that river in
Egypt? Oh, yeah: DE NIAL!” Tai remarked with a little
smirk. “You better knock it off, Tai!” Matt warned

“What’s going on?” Marisa interrupted. Tai and Matt
looked up and noticed that Marisa was looking at them
curiously. “Nothing’s going on, Marisa,” Matt lied.
“It sounded like you two were fighting about
something,” Marisa muttered out loud. “Don’t worry
about it, Marisa. It was no big deal,” Matt tried to
convince her. “Well, okay,” Marisa eventually replied.
She turned around, picked up the plate full of food
from the table, and walked over to where T.K., Kari,
and all five Digimon were sitting on the floor. “Here
you go,” Marisa announced as she placed the plate of
food in front of Tsunomon and Chamelamon.

“Thanks, Marisa,” Tsunomon and Chamelamon replied
simultaneously before they started eating the food.
Marisa sat down on the floor and watched the two
Digimon as they ate. She glanced over at T.K. and
Kari, who were sitting next to her with Patamon and
Gatomon in their laps. “Are you two okay?” Marisa
asked when she noticed the tired looks in their eyes.
“We’re okay, Marisa. Just a little tired,” Kari
replied before letting out a quick yawn. “I’m really
glad that my brother’s here, but I’m glad that you’re
here, too, Marisa,” T.K. confessed. “You are?” Marisa
asked, a bit surprised by what T.K. just said. “I like
you, Marisa. You’re really nice to everyone,” T.K.
admitted. “Yeah, same here,” Kari added. “Thanks, T.K.
Thanks, Kari,” Marisa replied...

Marisa let out a deep sigh as she stared up at the
ceiling on the car. About an hour has passed since
she, Matt, Chamelamon, and Tsunomon jumped aboard the
train. After they had finished eating, the four kids
and their Digimon returned to the other car. Everyone
had fallen asleep, including their Digimon, except for
Marisa, who couldn’t sleep. She looked down for a
moment at Chamelamon, who was fast asleep in her lap,
and smiled a bit. Suddenly, Marisa was surprised to
hear faint harmonica music coming from somewhere
behind her. She looked behind her, but there was no
one else in the car.

Curious as to who was playing the music, Marisa gently
picked up Chamelamon, so she wouldn’t wake her Digimon
up, and slowly stood up. She carefully laid Chamelamon
down in the chair she was originally sitting in before
she headed for the back of the car. “Hello?” Marisa
asked a bit nervously as she walked into the next car.
To her surprise, the car was completely empty. As she
headed to the next door, Marisa could tell she was
getting closer since the music was getting louder.
When Marisa entered yet another car, the mysterious
harmonica player was nowhere to be seen. She looked up
and noticed a small sign over the next door that read

“Whoever is playing that harmonica must be in here,”
Marisa muttered thoughtfully to herself as she slowly
approached the door leading into the caboose. “Either
that, or someone’s playing a joke on me!” She took in
a deep breath before she started to slowly push the
door open. When she opened the door, Marisa was
surprised to see Matt sitting on a wooden crate,
playing a small silver harmonica. Sitting in his lap
was Tsunomon, who was obviously enjoying the harmonica
music. Marisa stood in the doorway for a while,
listening to the soothing sounds coming from Matt’s
harmonica. She decided to take a chance and started to
slowly walk into the caboose. Unfortunately, Marisa
stepped onto an old wooden board, which made a very
loud creak.

Matt stopped playing his harmonica when he heard the
noise and he and Tsunomon looked up at the doorway,
where Marisa was standing. “Oh. Hey, Marisa,” Matt
greeted, a bit surprised to see her standing there.
“I’m so sorry, Matt. I didn’t mean to interrupt you,”
Marisa stuttered quickly, her cheeks growing red from
embarrassment. “I’ll go now.” As she turned around to
leave the caboose, Matt shouted, “Marisa, wait! You
don’t have to go.” “I don’t?” Marisa asked as she
turned back around to face Matt.

“No, you don’t. You can stay, if you want to,” Matt
replied. “All right,” Marisa slowly replied as she
stepped back into the caboose. “Just go pull up a
crate. I would say pull up a chair, but there aren’t
any back here,” Matt remarked jokingly. Marisa giggled
a bit nervously when she looked around and noticed
that Matt was right. “So...what are you doing all the
way back here, Matt?” Marisa asked curiously as she
sat down on a small crate right across from Matt and

“Well, Tsunomon and I couldn’t sleep,” Matt explained.
“I wanted to play my harmonica, so we went back here
so I wouldn’t wake anyone up. I didn’t wake you up,
did I?” “No, you didn’t,” Marisa told him. “I couldn’t
sleep either.” “What about Chamelamon?” Tsunomon asked
curiously. “Chamelamon had no problem going to sleep,”
Marisa replied. “I left her in the car with the
others. I didn’t want to wake her up.” There was an
uneasy pause of silence that followed. “You play the
harmonica pretty good, Matt,” Marisa confessed.
“Thanks,” Matt replied. “How long have you been
playing?” Marisa asked curiously.

Matt chuckled a bit to himself as he looked at the
harmonica in his hand. “Feels like forever, but I’ve
actually been playing for about eight years.” “Eight
years? That’s a really long time,” Marisa admitted.
“Yeah, I know,” Matt remarked. “I’ve been playing this
thing all of T.K.’s life. He said a few times that he
actually remembers me playing my harmonica when he was
still a little baby.” “You and T.K. must be really
close,” Marisa muttered out loud. “Yeah, we are,” Matt
admitted. “I kinda figured that out, Matt. The way you
talked about T.K. over the past couple of days, I
could tell that you really care about him a lot,”
Marisa revealed. “And it’s obvious that T.K. feels the
same way about you.”

Another pause of awkward silence followed. “Excuse me,
Matt, but I have to go,” Marisa interrupted as she
quickly got off of the crate she was sitting on. “Go
where?” Tsunomon asked curiously. Marisa could feel
her face becoming flustered. “She means she has to go
to the bathroom, Tsunomon,” Matt whispered to his
Digimon. “Oh! I’m sorry, Marisa,” Tsunomon apologized.
“That’s okay, Tsunomon,” Marisa admitted. “I should be
back in a few minutes. That is, if it’s okay with you,
Matt.” “I don’t mind,” Matt replied. “Truth is, I like
talking to you, Marisa.” “Okay, Matt,” Marisa replied
with a small smile on her face. “I’ll be back soon.”
With that, Marisa left the caboose, leaving Matt and
Tsunomon behind...

After she was finished using the bathroom, Marisa took
in a deep breath before she started to head back to
the caboose. “Victor!” she heard a voice shout. “That
voice, it sounds familiar,” Marisa muttered
thoughtfully to herself. Suddenly, Marisa gasped when
it hit her. “That was Houdinimon!” She peeked into the
next car, where the voice seemed to be coming from,
and saw Houdinimon sitting at a table, studying a map
that was spread out in front of him. “Victor, you are
trying my patience,” Houdinimon warned in an annoyed
tone. There was still no answer from Victor, which
irritated Houdinimon even more.

Marisa watched as the Digimon reached into his jacket
and pulled out a doll that looked like Victor.
Houdinimon held the doll at arm’s length and slowly
pulled it towards him. Suddenly, Victor came into the
car, struggling as though invisible hands were pushing
him from behind. “What do you want, Houdinimon?”
Victor asked. “When will the train reach the next
stop?” Houdinimon asked dully. “In about an hour.
Please, I beg you, don’t hurt the children,” Victor
pleaded. Houdinimon let out a sinister chuckle. “It’s
not me who you have to worry about. Armaggedamon,
however, is another story,” Houdinimon revealed.
“Anyway, it’s none of your business. Now, be gone!”
When Victor chose to stand his ground instead,
Houdinimon forced him to leave by using the doll.

“Oh, no! What am I going to do?” Marisa asked herself.
“I better tell Matt about this.” As quietly as she
could, Marisa ran through the cars of the train until
she finally reached the caboose. “Marisa? What’s
wrong?” Matt asked when he saw Marisa at the open door
of the caboose, bent over and breathing heavily, as
though she had been running. “Matt...Houdinimon...he’s
on...the train,” Marisa quickly explained in between
gasps of air. “Houdinimon?” Matt and Tsunomon repeated
simultaneously as they got off of the crate and ran to
Marisa’s side. “How did he get on the train?” Tsunomon
asked. “I don’t know, but he’s controlling Victor
somehow,” Marisa replied worriedly. “What should we
do, Matt?”

“We better let the others know what’s going on,” Matt
announced as he headed back to the car where everyone
else was still sleeping, with Tsunomon in his arms,
followed by Marisa. “Wake up, everybody!” Matt shouted
loudly. Tai, Kari, T.K., Koromon, Gatomon, Patamon,
and Chamelamon all slowly woke up when they heard Matt
shout. “What’s going on, Matt?” Tai asked sleepily as
he stretched out his arms and yawned. “Marisa said
that she saw Houdinimon on the train!” Tsunomon
announced. “What?” Tai gasped as he stood up with
Koromon in his arms. “He is on the train, Tai. I saw
him,” Marisa revealed. “How come Victor didn’t tell us
about Houdinimon?” Kari asked. “He couldn’t, even if
he wanted to, Kari. Houdinimon has Victor under his
control,” Marisa told her.

“What are we gonna do?” T.K. asked worriedly. “I’ll
tell you what we’re gonna do, T.K. We’re gonna get
Houdinimon before he can get us,” Tai announced. “Did
Houdinimon see you at all, Marisa?” Chamelamon asked.
“No, he didn’t see me. I’m sure of it,” Marisa
replied. “That’s good. We’ll be able to spring a
surprise attack on Houdinimon without him knowing
about it,” Tai muttered thoughtfully. “Where is he,
Marisa?” “This way. Follow me,” Marisa replied as she
headed into the next car, with Chamelamon right behind
her. Tai, Matt, Kari, T.K., and their Digimon followed
Marisa and Chamelamon through a bunch of cars. She
finally stopped at a door that led into the next car.
Marisa peeked through the window and saw Houdinimon
still sitting at the same table.

“Well, Marisa? Is Houdinimon still in there?” Tai
asked a bit impatiently. Marisa turned around and
nodded her head. Tai and Matt approached Marisa and
looked through the glass window. “Where is he?” Matt
asked. “Right over there,” Marisa whispered, pointing
at the table where Houdinimon was sitting. Tai and
Matt both looked in the direction Marisa was pointing,
but all they could see was an empty table.
“Umm…Marisa? There’s no one there,” Matt whispered.
“What are you talking about? Houdinimon’s sitting
right there,” Marisa insisted. “You must be seeing
things, Marisa. There’s no one in the car. Here, I’ll
show you,” Tai announced as he took Marisa’s hand and
led her into the car.

“Tai, what are you doing?” Marisa asked a bit panicky
as she broke free of Tai’s hold. “Marisa, look around
you!” Tai shouted. “We’re the only ones in here!” “No,
we’re not, Tai! Houdinimon is right there!” Marisa
insisted. “What’s going on?” Victor asked as he
entered the car. “Hey, Victor. Marisa’s claiming that
Houdinimon is in this car, but as you can see for
yourself, there’s no one in here except for us,” Tai
explained. “But he is here, Tai! Why can’t you see
him?” Marisa asked, who was obviously becoming upset.
“Marisa, maybe you should sit down for a while,”
Victor suggested, leading the pig-tailed girl to a
table across from where she could still see Houdinimon
sitting. “I’ll get you a glass of water.”

While Victor headed to a counter with some empty
glasses and a water pitcher, Marisa looked over at
where Houdinimon sat, then over to her friends and the
Digimon, including Chamelamon. They all had looks of
concern in their eyes. “Maybe Tai’s right. Maybe I am
seeing things,” Marisa thought as she stared down at
the table. “Here you are, Marisa,” Victor announced as
he handed her a glass of water. “Thanks, Victor,”
Marisa whispered. As she took a sip of water, Victor
sat down on the opposite side of the table. “Listen
carefully, Marisa. I don’t know how this happened, but
one thing I know for sure is you’re not seeing things.
Houdinimon is on the train, in this very car,” Victor
whispered just loud enough for Marisa to hear.

“He is?” Marisa whispered. “Yes, Marisa. Before Tai,
Kari, and T.K. boarded the train, Houdinimon used a
spell on himself that made him invisible to the other
kids, the Digimon, and even to myself,” Victor
revealed. “Well, how come I’m the only one who can see
him, Victor?” Marisa asked. “I’m not exactly sure,”
Victor reluctantly admitted. “I have an idea, but I’ll
have to explain later. Right now, you have to prove to
your friends that Houdinimon is indeed on the train.”
“How can I do that?” Marisa asked curiously.
“Houdinimon may be invisible, but that doesn’t mean
that he can’t see, hear, or feel what’s going on
around him,” Victor explained. “I better stop talking
now. Houdinimon might get suspicious.”

Victor got up from the table and asked out loud, “How
are you feeling now, Marisa?” Marisa quickly caught on
that Victor was doing so in order to avoid getting
Houdinimon suspicious of anything. “Much better now,
Victor,” Marisa replied as she stood up with the
partially filled glass of water in her hand. As she
walked over to her friends, Marisa added, “I’m sorry
about getting you all up for nothing. You’re right,
Tai. I must be seeing things. Probably because I
haven’t been getting a lot of sleep lately.” Suddenly,
Marisa pretended to trip over a small snag in the rug
and the remaining water in her glass went flying
toward the table where she knew Houdinimon was

“Ahh!” a deep voice screamed. Tai, Kari, Matt, T.K.,
and the five Digimon were startled to hear the scream.
They were even more shocked to see the water that
Marisa spilled was trickling down an invisible, yet
familiar face. “It’s Houdinimon!” Tsunomon gasped.
“Marisa was right all along!” Matt exclaimed. Just
then, Houdinimon returned to his solid, visible form.
Tai noticed the Victor doll in Houdinimon’s hand.
“What’s the matter, Houdinimon? Running out of
tricks?” he asked sarcastically. “What?” Houdinimon
asked. “You must be running out of tricks of your own
if you had to steal them from other Digimon,” Tai
pointed out.

“Where did you get...?” Houdinimon started to ask
until he realized what Tai was talking about. “Oh, I
see. You and your other little friends fought and
defeated my old pupil, Puppetmon, didn’t you?” Tai,
Kari, Matt, T.K., and their Digimon gasped in
astonishment. “Did you really think that Puppetmon
learned such a complicated trick on his own?”
Houdinimon asked with a sinister smirk. “I could have
taught him so much more, but all Puppetmon wanted to
do was play games like some spoiled Digi-brat!” he
added angrily. “It was nice talking to you children,
but I’m afraid I’ll have to destroy you now. Card
Trick!” Houdinimon shouted as he jumped up and threw
six playing cards down at the five Digi-Destined, the
Digimon, and Victor. “Koromon digivolve to...Agumon.”
“Tsunomon digivolve to...Gabumon.”

“Pepper Breath!” Agumon shouted. “Blue Blaster!”
Gabumon shouted. The two Digimon destroyed the deadly
cards just in the nick of time. “Pepper Breath!”
Agumon shouted again as he aimed a second fireball at
Houdinimon. The attack struck Houdinimon’s hand,
causing him to drop the Victor doll. “That’s it,
Agumon! We got him now!” Tai shouted. “Come on,
Digimon!” Agumon shouted as he, Gabumon, Gatomon,
Patamon, and Chamelamon backed Houdinimon into a
corner of the car, followed by the five Digi-Destined
kids and Victor. “Back off now! Or do you want to see
my other trick?” Houdinimon asked. He stared coldly at
the Digi-Destined kids and their Digimon, but they
didn’t back off.

“Very well then,” Houdinimon replied nonchalantly as
he reached into his jacket. The five kids and their
Digimon gasped when he pulled out a second doll that
looked a lot like Marisa. Houdinimon chuckled
sinisterly as he lifted the doll high above his head.
Marisa gasped loudly when she was suddenly lifted up
into the air until her head almost hit the ceiling.
“Marisa!” T.K. gasped. “Let her go, you creep!”
Chamelamon shouted angrily. Houdinimon let out another
sinister laugh as he flipped the Marisa doll upside
down in his hand. “Please stop it!” Marisa cried out
in fright as she hung upside down in the air. “Better
watch what you say to me, little one. Don’t forget, I
literally hold your friend’s life in my hand,”
Houdinimon announced with a smirk.

Tai groaned slightly, knowing that he and his friends
had no other choice. “Fine, Houdinimon. Back off,
guys,” Tai reluctantly ordered the five Digimon. “I
knew you would see things my way,” Houdinimon admitted
as Agumon, Gatomon, Gabumon, Patamon, and Chamelamon
stepped away from him. “Listen up, Houdinimon. We did
what you wanted, so put Marisa down!” Matt demanded.
“Of course I will. Catch!” Houdinimon shouted. Tai,
Kari, Matt, and T.K. gasped out of shock as Houdinimon
threw the doll high over their heads. Marisa let out a
terrified scream as she went flying towards the other
end of the car. “Marisa!” Matt shouted as he quickly
ran after the doll. He caught the doll just as Marisa
was inches away from colliding with the wall.

Marisa was surprised when she stopped just a few
inches away from the wall. She quickly dropped down to
the floor soon after. “Are you okay, Marisa?” Matt
asked with concern as he helped Marisa get up. “Yeah,
I think so,” Marisa replied. “Thanks, Matt.” “You’re
gonna pay for that, Houdinimon!” Chamelamon
proclaimed. “And what are you going to do about it,
little one?” Houdinimon asked sarcastically with a
sinister laugh. His remark only made Chamelamon
angrier. “Chamelamon digivolve to...Dragomon!” “What’s
this?” Houdinimon exclaimed out of surprise as he
witnessed Marisa’s Digimon digivolving right in front
of him. Dragomon growled angrily at Houdinimon with
her eyes narrowed. “Inferno Blast!”

Houdinimon reacted quickly by rapidly spinning his
cane around in front of him like a baton. Acting as a
shield, Houdinimon’s spinning cane deflected
Dragomon’s attack. “Get down!” Tai shouted as he
pushed T.K. and Kari down to the floor. Agumon,
Gabumon, Gatomon, Patamon, and Victor quickly ducked
down alongside the three kids as Dragomon’s Inferno
Blast flew over their heads. The massive blast of fire
collided into the side of the car, burning a huge hole
in the wooden wall. “Sorry about that,” Dragomon
apologized as she looked back at her friends.
“Dragomon, look out!” Marisa shouted. Dragomon quickly
turned back around, only to be met by a blow in the
chin from Houdinimon’s cane.

“We have to get out of here!” Victor shouted as he,
Tai, Kari, T.K., and the four Digimon got up. “But how
can we?” Marisa asked as she and Matt quickly joined
them. Tai looked through the gaping hole left by
Dragomon’s attack. The train was crossing a long
bridge suspended high above a wide river. “We’ll fly!”
Tai suggested. “Okay!” Patamon and Gatomon agreed
simultaneously, quickly understanding what Tai was
getting at. “Patamon digivolve to...Angemon!” “Gatomon
digivolve to...Angewomon!” “Hold on!” Angemon
instructed as he scooped up T.K. and Victor, while
Angewomon picked up Tai, Kari, and Agumon. Angemon
approached the hole in the wall and flew toward the
distant shoreline at the ground below, followed
quickly by Angewomon.

“Don’t worry, Matt, Marisa! We’ll come back for you!”
Angewomon shouted as she flew away from the moving
train with her three passengers. “That’s okay,
Angewomon! I’ll get them down!” Gabumon shouted.
“Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon!” As soon as
Garurumon finished digivolving, Matt quickly jumped on
his Digimon’s back. “Come on, Marisa! Let’s go!” Matt
shouted to Marisa, who was watching the continuing
battle between Dragomon and Houdinimon. “I don’t want
to leave without Dragomon!” Marisa revealed. “Go with
him, Marisa!” Dragomon shouted as she quickly moved
out of the way of one of Houdinimon’s playing cards,
which embedded itself into a nearby table. “I have to
take care of this pesky magician first!”

“Are you sure, Dragomon?” Marisa asked. “Yes, I’m
sure, Marisa. Go now!” Dragomon shouted. “Hurry up,
Marisa!” Matt shouted. Marisa hesitated for a moment
before she quickly ran over to Garurumon and climbed
on his back with Matt’s help. “Hang on, you two!”
Garurumon growled in warning to his two passengers.
Matt quickly nodded as he held onto Garurumon’s
shoulders. He was a bit startled when he felt Marisa’s
arms wrap around his waist. “Marisa…” Matt started to
complain as he turned his head. He stopped when he
noticed how badly Marisa was trembling. “Yeah, Matt?”
Marisa whispered nervously as she opened her eyes,
which she had closed tightly earlier. “Uh…never mind,”
Matt muttered out loud.

“You two ready?” Garurumon asked. Matt looked back at
Marisa, who slowly nodded her head. “We’re ready,
Garurumon,” Matt announced. “Here we go!” Garurumon
shouted as he jumped off of the train. Matt could feel
Marisa’s arms tighten around his waist a little bit as
Garurumon used the steel beams of the tall bridge to
make his way down to the riverbank. He jumped from
steel beam to steel beam until he made one last leap
and landed safely on the riverbank. “Marisa, you can
let go now,” Matt told the pig-tailed girl. Marisa
slowly opened her eyes and realized that she, Matt,
and Garurumon were now safely on the ground. “All
right,” Marisa replied as she let go of Matt.

Matt slid off of Garurumon’s back onto the ground.
“Come on,” Matt told Marisa as he held his hand out to
her. Marisa took Matt’s hand and he helped her off of
Garurumon’s back. As soon as Marisa got off of his
back, Garurumon de-digivolved back to Gabumon. “Matt!
Marisa!” they heard Tai shout. Matt, Marisa, and
Gabumon looked up and saw Tai, Kari, T.K., Agumon,
Angemon, Angewomon, and Victor running towards them.
Realizing that he was still holding Marisa’s hand,
Matt quickly let go of her hand to avoid being teased
about it by Tai. Marisa was a bit confused and hurt by
what Matt just did, but she tried not to let it show
as their friends approached them. “Are you two okay?”
Victor asked. “Yeah, we’re fine,” Matt quickly

“Has anyone seen Dragomon?” Marisa asked. “There she
is!” T.K. shouted, pointing up at the sky. Tai, Kari,
Matt, Marisa, Victor, Agumon, Gabumon, Angemon, and
Angewomon looked up and saw Dragomon and Houdinimon
locked in aerial combat. “Hankie Wrap!” Houdinimon
shouted as he opened his jacket, releasing a long
colorful chain of handkerchiefs. The hankie chain
wrapped itself tightly around Dragomon, tying up her
arms and wings. With her wings restrained, Dragomon
started to plummet down to the river below.
“Dragomon!” Marisa shouted. “You gotta help her,
Angewomon!” Kari pleaded. Angewomon nodded in approval
as she quickly flew up in the air. “You, too,
Angemon!” T.K. added. Angemon nodded as well as he
flew after Angewomon.

“Angemon, you distract Houdinimon while I go free
Dragomon,” Angewomon suggested. “You got it!” Angemon
agreed before the two angel-type Digimon separated.
“Hand of Fate!” Angemon shouted as he launched his
attack at Houdinimon, who managed to move out of the
way. “There’s no way I can reach her in time,”
Angewomon muttered to herself as she desperately tried
to catch up with Dragomon. “I have an idea. I just
hope this works,” Angewomon thought to herself as she
stopped in mid-air and prepared to use her attack.
“Celestial Arrow!” Angewomon shouted as she fired her
glowing white arrow at Dragomon. The arrow of white
light sped past Dragomon’s side, slitting through the
hankie chain that restrained her.

Realizing what had just happened, Dragomon stretched
out her wings, which ripped through the remaining
handkerchiefs. “Way to go, Angewomon!” Kari cheered.
“Thanks, Angewomon,” Dragomon replied as she joined
Kari’s Digimon. “No problem, Dragomon. Now, let’s go
take care of Houdinimon!” Angewomon shouted as she
flew towards the ongoing battle between Angemon and
Houdinimon, followed by Dragomon. Houdinimon frowned a
bit when he realized that he was outnumbered. “Perhaps
I should bring back my old pupil to even the odds.
Danger Illusion!” Houdinimon shouted as he flung out
his arms, releasing thin streams of gold powder from
his hands. The gold powder gathered together, forming
a large wooden puppet carrying a sledgehammer.

“No way! It’s Puppetmon!” Tai gasped out of shock.
“Who’s Puppetmon?” Marisa asked. “Puppetmon was one of
the Dark Masters we told you about,” Matt explained.
“He was also one of the worst. Puppetmon even went as
far as kidnapping T.K. just so he could have someone
to play with!” “Don’t worry, guys. I’ll turn Puppetmon
into a giant bonfire when I’m through with him!”
Dragomon claimed. “Inferno—” “Dragomon, wait! You
can’t attack Puppetmon!” Angemon shouted. “Why not?”
Dragomon asked. “Just trust us on this, Dragomon,”
Angewomon announced. “Okay, if you say so,” Dragomon
reluctantly agreed. Down below, the kids watched the
five Digimon as they just glared at each other. “I
don’t get it. Why aren’t they attacking Puppetmon?”
Tai asked.

“They can’t fight Puppetmon, Tai. When we were at the
Digi-Carnival, Houdinimon used the same attack on me,
T.K., and Yuuchi, only that time, he created
Myotismon,” Kari explained. “As long as you don’t
fight the fake Digimon, it won’t hurt you. We learned
that the hard way,” T.K. added. After a while,
Houdinimon realized that Angemon, Angewomon, and
Dragomon weren’t going to attack Puppetmon. “If you
won’t attack Puppetmon, then I will! Card Trick!”
Houdinimon shouted as he threw one of his playing
cards at Puppetmon. Angemon, Angewomon, and Dragomon
gasped as the playing card entered Puppetmon’s body.
His eyes glowed sinisterly as he became energized by
Houdinimon’s attack. “Time to play,” Puppetmon
announced menacingly.

“Puppetmon, destroy Angemon, Angewomon, and Dragomon!”
Houdinimon ordered the illusion of Puppetmon, who
chuckled sinisterly in approval. “Puppet Pummel!”
Puppetmon shouted as he lifted up his wooden
sledgehammer and several small missiles flew out from
holes underneath the hammer’s head. The three Digimon
managed to fly out of the way of the oncoming
missiles. “Hand of Fate!” Angemon shouted. “Celestial
Arrow!” Angewomon shouted. “Inferno Blast!” Dragomon
shouted. The three attacks destroyed the rest of
Puppetmon’s missiles. “All right!” T.K. cheered. “Way
to go, guys!” Kari shouted.

“Don’t just stand there, Puppetmon! Get them now!”
Houdinimon commanded. Puppetmon responded by charging
at Angemon, Angewomon, and Dragomon, swinging his
massive sledgehammer at them. “Whoa!” Dragomon shouted
as she flew out of the way, barely avoiding a
dangerous blow from Puppetmon’s sledgehammer.
Unfortunately, Angemon wasn’t so lucky. “Ahh!” Angemon
screamed in pain as Puppetmon’s sledgehammer struck
him square in the chest. “Angemon!” T.K. shouted as he
watched his Digimon fall from the sky, weakened by
Puppetmon’s blow. He became bathed in a glowing white
light and de-digivolved back to Patamon. “I got you,
Patamon!” T.K. shouted as he stretched out his arms
and caught Patamon.

“I’m sorry, T.K.,” Patamon whispered weakly. “That’s
okay. You tried your best,” T.K. replied. “Look out,
Angewomon!” Kari gasped when she saw Puppetmon
sneaking up behind her Digimon with his sledgehammer
raised above his head. Before Puppetmon could strike
Angewomon, Dragomon quickly flew behind him and
grabbed the sledgehammer’s head, which prevented him
from striking Angewomon. “I don’t think so, you ugly
old tree stump!” Dragomon shouted. “Hey! Give that
back! It’s mine!” Puppetmon complained loudly as he
tried to pull his sledgehammer out of Dragomon’s grip.
“No way, Puppetmon!” Dragomon shouted as the
tug-of-war with Puppetmon’s sledgehammer continued.

“Just hang on, Dragomon!” Angewomon shouted.
“Celestial Arrow!” Her arrow of white light struck
Puppetmon’s back, but it didn’t cause much damage.
Enraged, Puppetmon managed to yank his sledgehammer
out of Dragomon’s hands, with the force pushing the
Champion Digimon back a few yards. “Puppet Pummel!”
Puppetmon shouted. “No! Angewomon!” Dragomon shouted
when she saw Kari’s Digimon being struck repeatedly by
the small missiles from Puppetmon’s sledgehammer.
Before Dragomon could reach her, Angewomon, who was
weakened from Puppetmon’s attack, started to fall from
the sky. As she plummeted down, Angewomon
de-digivolved to Gatomon. “Gatomon!” Kari cried out as
she helplessly watched her Digimon fall further down
to the deep river.

Before Gatomon could hit the water, Dragomon quickly
swooped down and caught the cat-type Digimon. She flew
to the bank where the others were and handed Gatomon
to Kari. “Thank you, Dragomon,” Kari replied. Dragomon
nodded silently as she looked up at Puppetmon and
Houdinimon. “They’re gonna pay for that!” Dragomon
growled angrily as she flew back up in the air.
“Dragomon, don’t! You can’t fight them all by
yourself!” Marisa shouted. “I have to try, Marisa. I’m
the only one left,” Dragomon shouted. She focused her
attention on the two Digimon floating in front of her.
“Inferno Blast!” Both Puppetmon and Houdinimon quickly
moved out of the way of the blast of fire.

“Get her, Puppetmon!” Houdinimon ordered. “Puppet
Pummel!” Puppetmon shouted. Dragomon managed to avoid
most of the missiles, but a couple of them struck her
in the chest. “Dragomon!” Marisa cried out. “I’m
okay!” Dragomon shouted as she shook it off. “Believe
me, you won’t be that way for much longer, Dragomon,”
Houdinimon retorted sinisterly. “This is bad! That
illusion of Puppetmon is really strong!” Tai admitted.
“There’s no way Dragomon can beat him and Houdinimon
on her own. Agumon, can you digivolve to Metal
Greymon? We can really use him right about now!”
“Okay, I’ll try,” Agumon replied. “Agumon digivolve
to...” The yellow Digimon tried his hardest to
digivolve, but nothing happened. “I’m sorry, Tai. I’m
too hungry to digivolve.”

“What about you, Gabumon?” Matt asked. “I can’t, Matt.
I used up all my energy getting you and Marisa off the
train,” Gabumon reluctantly admitted. Matt let out a
frustrated sigh. “Marisa, maybe you should tell
Dragomon to give up,” Matt reluctantly suggested.
“What?” Marisa asked. “Marisa, you know that Dragomon
doesn’t stand a chance against Puppetmon and
Houdinimon on her own,” Matt explained. “She’s your
Digimon, so she’ll listen to you.” Marisa looked down
and stared at her tag and crest for a few moments. She
then looked up at Dragomon, who was becoming exhausted
from fighting Puppetmon and Houdinimon.

“I’m sorry, Matt, but I can’t do that,” Marisa
replied. “Why not?” Matt asked. “I can’t give up on
Dragomon now. I know she can beat them,” Marisa
replied. “Marisa, every Digimon has his limitations,
and Dragomon has reached hers,” Matt tried to explain
to Marisa. “You have to tell her to back off, before
she gets hurt even worse than she is now!” “I know she
can win, Matt. Dragomon has never let me down before.
If she doesn’t want to give up, then neither do I!”
Marisa announced. The five Digi-Destined kids, Victor,
and the four Digimon looked up at Dragomon, Puppetmon,
and Houdinimon.

“You can do it, Dragomon! I trust you!” Marisa shouted
to her Digimon. As soon as she said those words,
Marisa’s crest started to glow. “No way!” Tai gasped.
“Marisa, your crest! It’s glowing!” Matt shouted.
“What?” Marisa exclaimed as she looked down at her
crest, which was indeed radiating a forest green
light. Simultaneously, her digivice started vibrating
like crazy and changed from white to forest green. A
small smile appeared on Marisa’s face as she looked up
at Dragomon, who was bathed in a white light.
“Impossible! It can’t happen, not now!” Houdinimon
shouted as he shielded his eyes with his cape, while
Puppetmon shielded his eyes with his sledgehammer.
“Dragomon digivolve to...Metal Dragomon!”

Marisa, along with the other kids and their Digimon,
stared in awe at the newly digivolved Digimon. She
looked a lot like Dragomon, but she was now over
double her original size. A steel helmet covered the
top of Metal Dragomon’s head. Metal Dragomon’s wings
were now large metal sheets, which were similar to jet
wings, and a pair of turbojet engines were attached to
her back. Metal Dragomon’s left arm was now a steel
robotic arm, and steel plates covered her chest.
“Whoa! That’s wicked!” Tai slowly exclaimed. The
astonished look on Marisa’s face soon became grim when
she realized what had to be done. “All right, Metal
Dragomon! Time to teach Houdinimon a trick of our
own!” Marisa shouted up to her Digimon.

“It’ll be my pleasure!” Metal Dragomon admitted as she
focused on the illusion of Puppetmon. “Dragon Fury!”
The steel chest plates opened up, releasing two large
gray missiles, with the tips of the missiles shaped
like deep violet dragon-heads. Before the missiles
reached Puppetmon, the dragon-heads’ mouths opened up
and released massive blasts of fire. “Ahh!” Puppetmon
screamed as the fire completely engulfed him. While
trying to beat out the fire surrounding him, Puppetmon
completely forgot about the missiles that were still
heading towards him. “Puppetmon, you fool! Get out of
the way!” Houdinimon shouted angrily.

Unfortunately, for Puppetmon, Houdinimon’s warning
came too late. The two missiles collided with
Puppetmon, exploding into a gigantic fireball. When
the fireball eventually burned away, there was nothing
left of Houdinimon’s illusion of his former pupil.
“That’s...impossible!” Houdinimon gasped loudly out of
shock. “Puppetmon was a Mega Digimon, let only one of
the Dark Masters! How could a newly evolved Ultimate
Digimon defeat him?” “Looks like the illusion isn’t as
strong as the original, huh, Houdinimon?” Metal
Dragomon asked sarcastically. “Now, it’s your turn!
Mega Claw!” Her massive metal claw sprung out and
struck Houdinimon square in the chest.

Houdinimon clutched his chest in pain and watched as
Metal Dragomon’s metal claw returned back to her
robotic arm. “The prophecy, it’s true!” Houdinimon
thought. “In that case, I better not stay around!”
“I’m taking you down, Houdinimon!” Metal Dragomon
shouted, bringing Houdinimon out of his thoughts.
“Sorry to disappoint you, but that’s not going to
happen! Time for my disappearing act! Hope you kiddies
enjoyed the show!” Houdinimon shouted as he vanished
into thin air. “Houdinimon escaped!” Tai complained.
“I know, Tai, but he’ll be back,” Matt remarked. “And
we’ll be ready for him. Right, Marisa?” T.K. asked.
Marisa nodded as she watched Metal Dragomon land on
the riverbank a safe distance away from them...

“I’m sorry, Marisa,” Chamamon apologized. “For what?”
Marisa asked. “For letting Houdinimon escape,”
Chamamon explained. “It’s not your fault, Chamamon.
You did good out there today. I’m very proud of you,”
Marisa admitted as she hugged her Digimon. “Thanks,
Marisa,” Chamamon admitted with a big grin. It was
late at night, and the five Digi-Destined kids, their
Digimon, and Victor were gathered around a roaring
campfire on the riverbank. “Hey, Marisa?” Tai asked.
“Yeah?” Marisa asked curiously. “I’m sorry I didn’t
believe you about Houdinimon,” Tai apologized. “We’re
all sorry we didn’t believe you,” Matt added.

“It was a good thing you got your crest to glow,
otherwise Dragomon wouldn’t have digivolved to Metal
Dragomon and scare away Houdinimon,” Kari confessed.
“Yeah! Metal Dragomon was really awesome!” T.K.
admitted. “Did you hear that, Marisa? T.K. thought I
was awesome!” Chamamon boasted proudly. “You sure
were, Chamamon,” Marisa admitted with a small smile.
“There’s just one thing that doesn’t make any sense.
How come you were the only one who could see
Houdinimon, Marisa?” Matt asked. “I honestly don’t
know, Matt,” Marisa confessed openly.

“I think I do,” Victor announced. “What is it,
Victor?” Tai asked curiously. “There’s been talk
around the Digiworld, about a special Digi-Destined
child that would come to our world one day,” Victor
explained. “This child would possess a special gift
known in the Digiworld as the Digi-Sight.” “What’s the
Digi-Sight?” Marisa asked. “The Digi-Sight is a rare
and special gift that very few Digimon possess. It
allows them to see things that others wouldn’t even
notice,” Victor explained. “What kind of Digimon have
this Digi-Sight?” Tai asked curiously. “I don’t know
all of them, but I do know about one Digimon that has
the Digi-Sight. I believe it’s called a Nanmimon,”
Victor explained. The five kids and their Digimon
gasped slightly when they heard this news.

“Nanmimon? That’s Yuuchi’s Digimon,” Tai muttered
thoughtfully. “That would explain some things about
Nanmimon, Tai. Yuuchi did tell us that Nanmimon had an
uneasy feeling about the Digi-Carnival when Houdinimon
set up that trap for us,” Matt reminded Tai. “There’s
one thing I don’t get, Victor. If I do have this
Digi-Sight, how come it didn’t work sooner, like when
we were at the Digi-Carnival?” Marisa asked. “I don’t
know, Marisa,” Victor admitted. “Maybe you had to
spend some time in the Digiworld first before the
Digi-Sight worked for you, since you’re not a
Digimon.” “I guess that makes sense,” Marisa admitted.

“Was this the first time that you experienced the
Digi-Sight, Marisa?” Victor asked. “There was one
other time,” Marisa muttered thoughtfully. As she
spoke, Marisa’s mind went back to that day when she
and the other Digi-Destined kids first encountered
Cloakmon. “It happened a few days ago, before we were
separated from each other by the Mamemon Brothers. We
ran into this Digimon called Cloakmon, who tried to
trick us by disguising himself as Matt. They might as
well have been twins. No one could tell them apart.
Then, something happened. For a split second, I saw
Cloakmon in his true form and Matt standing right next
to him.”

“So that’s how you did it,” Matt realized. Marisa
slowly nodded her head. “It happened so quickly, I
wasn’t even sure that what I saw was for real. I
just...followed my instincts.” “Well, it’s a good
thing you did,” Tai admitted. Suddenly, Chamamon let a
loud yawn. “You tired, Chamamon?” Marisa asked.
“Mm-hmm,” Chamamon murmured drowsily with her eyes
closed. “I think that’s a good idea for all of us,”
Marisa whispered. “Why don’t you kids get some sleep?
I’ll stay up and keep watch,” Victor insisted.
“Thanks, Victor,” Tai replied with a short yawn before
he lied down on the ground next to Agumon and fell
asleep, followed by Kari, Gatomon, T.K., Patamon,
Matt, Gabumon, Marisa, and Chamamon...



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