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From the Depths
Part 12: That Sinking Feeling
By Dreamcatcher and Wulipix

“Can we please slow down?” Marisa asked as she
continued following her friends. “We can’t stop now,”
Tai revealed, who was leading Matt, T.K., Kari,
Marisa, and their Digimon through the forest. “We need
to find the rest of our friends before Armaggedamon
does.” “Well, can’t we take a quick break?” Marisa
asked curiously. “We’ve been walking ever since we
woke up this morning.” Tai looked behind him and
noticed that Kari and T.K. were walking a bit
sluggishly. “All right, then. Break time, everyone!”
Tai announced. Everyone let out a deep exhausted sigh
as they plopped down on the ground.

Marisa looked down at her lap, where Chamamon was
lying fast asleep. “I’m worried about Chamamon, guys.
She’s been like this for almost a day now,” Marisa
reluctantly admitted. “Is this normal?” “It’s no big
deal, Marisa,” Tai told her. “Your Digimon’s just
wiped out from digivolving to Ultimate for the first
time. Same thing happened to all our Digimon when they
first digivolved to that level.” “Tai’s right,
Marisa,” Agumon admitted. “All Chamamon needs is
plenty of rest and food, and she’ll be just fine.
You’ll see,” Gabumon added. “Yeah, I guess you’re
right,” Marisa replied.

Suddenly, Chamamon let out a loud yawn and slowly
opened her eyes. “Morning, sleepyhead,” Marisa greeted
as her Digimon let out another loud yawn. “Good
morning, Marisa,” Chamamon mumbled sleepily. “How are
you feeling?” Marisa asked. “Tired...and hungry,”
Chamamon admitted. “Do we have any food?” “Hold on a
second,” Marisa replied as she dug into her pocket.
She soon pulled out a small bag of cookies. “I still
have these cookies from the train. Here you go,
Chamamon,” Marisa announced as she opened the bag and
fed the cookies to her Digimon, who quickly scarfed
them down.

While the other kids and their Digimon were resting,
Tai and Agumon were already on their feet, looking up
at the several trees surrounding them. “Okay, break’s
over, guys. Let’s get going,” Tai announced. Matt,
T.K., Kari, Marisa, and their Digimon quickly stood up
and followed Tai and Agumon until they reached a very
steep hill. “Looks like we got some climbing to do,”
Matt remarked. “Come on, everyone!” Agumon exclaimed
as he climbed up the hill with no problem. Gabumon and
Gatomon soon followed Agumon up the steep hill. “Hey,
wait for me!” Patamon shouted as he flew up the hill
after the three Digimon.

“Here, Kari, take my hand. I’ll help you up,” Tai
instructed as he held his hand out to his little
sister. “Thanks, Tai,” Kari admitted as she took Tai’s
hand. As Tai and Kari slowly hiked up the hill, Matt
asked, “You ready, T.K.?” “Uh-huh,” T.K. replied as he
nodded his head. “What about you, Marisa? Do you need
any help?” Matt asked Marisa, realizing that she had
to climb up the hill while carrying Chamamon. “I don’t
think so, Matt,” Marisa replied while looking up at
the steep hill. “You sure? I can always come back down
and help you out,” Matt offered. “That’s okay, Matt. I
think I can manage,” Marisa replied.

“Suit yourself,” Matt muttered out loud as he
carefully led T.K. up the hill. “Yeah, sure, I can
definitely do this by myself,” Marisa muttered
nervously to herself. “What was I thinking? I guess I
have no choice now.” Marisa took in a deep breath
before she started to climb the steep hill. She used
one arm to grab bushes and trees to help pull herself
up the hill while carrying Chamamon in the other arm.
“Come on, Marisa!” T.K. shouted to the pigtailed girl.
“You can do it!” Kari added. Encouraged by T.K. and
Kari cheering her on, Marisa continued making her way
up the tall steep hill. When she was only halfway up,
Marisa slipped on a patch of wet leaves and fell. She
would have slid all the way to the bottom if she
didn’t grab a sapling with her free hand.

“Marisa!” T.K. and Kari gasped simultaneously. “Hold
on!” Matt shouted as he slid down the hill on his
feet. He skidded to a stop when he reached Marisa and
Chamamon. “Take my hand, Marisa. I’ll help you up,”
Matt instructed as he held out his hand to her.
“Okay,” Marisa reluctantly agreed as she let go of the
sapling. Marisa screamed a bit when she found herself
sliding down the hill again. “I got you!” Matt shouted
as he grabbed Marisa’s arm, which stopped her from
sliding down any further. With Matt’s help, Marisa
managed to stand up and they hiked up to the top of
the hill together, where the others were waiting for

“Are you okay, Marisa?” T.K. asked. “Yeah, I’m okay,”
Marisa replied. She looked over at Matt, who was
brushing the dirt off of his jeans. “Thanks, Matt.”
“It’s no big deal, Marisa,” Matt admitted as he stood
up and joined Tai, Agumon, and Gabumon. “Matt and
Marisa, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Tai
muttered just loud enough for Matt hear with a little
smirk on his face. “Cut it out, Tai! I don’t have a
crush on Marisa, okay?” Matt muttered through clenched
teeth. “I was just helping her out. You would have
done the same thing, right?” “I would have, but you
got to her first,” Tai pointed out.

“Just leave it alone, okay, Tai?” Matt retorted a bit
angrily as he stormed off into the forest, with
Gabumon following him. “Hey, Matt! Wait for us!” T.K.
shouted as he ran after his older brother and Gabumon,
with Patamon riding on top of his head. “What’s going
on, Tai? Why did Matt run off like that?” Kari asked
curiously as she, Gatomon, Marisa, and Chamamon joined
Tai and Agumon. “I don’t know, Kari. It’s kinda hard
to tell with him,” Tai lied. “Well, we better go after
them,” Marisa interrupted. “We can’t afford to lose
anyone now, Tai.”

“Marisa’s right. Let’s go!” Tai shouted as he, Agumon,
Kari, Gatomon, Marisa, and Chamamon ran in the
direction that Matt, Gabumon, T.K., and Patamon
headed. After a minute or so of running, they finally
caught up with Matt, T.K., and their Digimon. “What’s
going on, Matt? Why did you two stop?” Tai asked
curiously. “Take a look for yourself!” Matt remarked
as he pointed at the land in front of him. Tai, Kari,
Marisa, and their Digimon looked up and gasped when
they saw the huge muddy swamp in front of them,
stretched out as far as the eye can see.

“Ugh!” Tai groaned out of disgust as he, Kari, Matt,
T.K., Marisa, and their Digimon quickly covered their
noses to block out the nasty decaying smells of the
swamp. “P.U.! What’s that yucky smell?” T.K. asked
curiously. “Believe me, T.K., you don’t wanna know!”
Matt remarked. “We have no choice. The quickest way is
to cut through the swamp,” Tai revealed. “Well, if
that’s our only choice, then I guess we’ll have to go
through the swamp,” Matt reluctantly admitted. “Then
let’s get going,” Tai announced as he started making
his way through the swamp, followed by the other kids
and Digimon.

“Uh-oh!” T.K. exclaimed as he pointed at a thick fog
that started to roll into the swamp. “We better hold
hands, guys,” Tai suggested. “That way, we don’t lose
each other.” The other kids and their Digimon nodded
in approval. Tai reached behind him and grabbed
Agumon’s paw, who reached behind him and grabbed
Gatomon’s paw. Gatomon grabbed Kari’s hand, Kari took
T.K.’s hand, T.K. reached behind him and grabbed
Gabumon’s paw, and Gabumon took Matt’s hand with his
free paw. “Here, Marisa. Take my hand,” Matt
instructed as he held out his free hand. When he
didn’t hear any response from Marisa or Chamamon, Matt
turned around and gasped when he saw no one behind

“Tai, we gotta stop! Marisa and Chamamon are gone!”
Matt shouted. “What?” Tai, Kari, and T.K. gasped
simultaneously as they and the Digimon stopped
walking. “Do you think she got lost?” T.K. asked
worriedly. “That’s probably what happened,” Tai
muttered out loud. “We have to find Marisa, Tai,” Kari
pointed out as she looked up at her older brother.
“You’re right, Kari. Come on, everyone,” Tai announced
as they started heading back the way they came to find
Marisa and Chamamon...

“Chamamon, I think we’re lost,” Marisa muttered
worriedly as she continued walking through the muddy
swamp, with Chamamon in her arms. “I could have told
you that, Marisa,” Chamamon remarked. “Tai! Kari!
Matt! T.K.! Can anyone hear me?” Marisa shouted. She
soon reached a small clearing with a large patch of
sand. The wet sand squished underneath her feet as
Marisa stopped in the center of the clearing. “Tai!
Kari! Matt! T.K.!” Marisa shouted again. She was
silent for a minute, hoping that she would hear one of
her friends calling for her, but she heard absolutely
nothing. “Marisa, it might be my imagination, but
either you’re shrinking or the swamp’s getting
bigger!” Chamamon announced.

“What?” Marisa exclaimed as she looked down to see
what Chamamon was talking about. She gasped when she
noticed that the wet sand was up to her ankles. “Oh,
no! It’s quicksand!” Marisa gasped. “Uh-oh! What are
we going to do?” Chamamon asked worriedly. “I don’t
know, but we have to get outta here!” Marisa shouted.
She tried to move her feet, but that only made her
sink faster into the quicksand. “SOMEBODY HELP ME!”
Marisa shouted at the top of her lungs before she and
Chamamon sank all the way down into the quicksand pit,
with Marisa’s tag and crest floating to the top...

“Marisa, wake up!” Chamamon shouted. Marisa slowly
opened her eyes and looked up at Chamamon, who was
sitting on her stomach. “Chamamon, are you okay?”
Marisa asked as she sat up. “Uh-huh,” Chamamon
replied. Marisa looked around her and realized that
she was in a dark, dank cave. “How did we end up here,
Chamamon? What happened to all of that quicksand?”
Marisa asked curiously. “It’s up there,” Chamamon
replied as she looked up at the roof. Marisa followed
Chamamon’s gaze and gasped when she saw a large circle
of quicksand suspended within the rock ceiling of the

“That quicksand is plugging up a hole in the roof,
kinda like a cork,” Marisa muttered thoughtfully as
she stood up and picked up her Digimon. “That must
mean we’re in some underground cave, Chamamon.” “Yeah,
but how do we get back to the swamp and our friends?”
Chamamon asked. “I don’t know, Chamamon,” Marisa
muttered worriedly as she looked around. She noticed a
pale light coming from one end of the tunnel that she
was in. “Hey, Chamamon, there’s some light coming from
over there. Maybe it’s a way out!” “Then what are we
waiting for?” Chamamon asked.

Marisa quickly ran to the end of the tunnel, praying
in her thoughts that she had found a way out.
Unfortunately, her hopes were dashed when Marisa and
Chamamon found themselves standing on the bank of a
massive underground lake. “I can’t believe it! It’s
huge!” Marisa exclaimed as she stared at the
never-ending pool of water. “There has to be a way
out, Marisa. All this water got in here somehow,”
Chamamon pointed out. “You’re right, Chamamon. If we
follow the bank, we’re sure to find a way out,” Marisa
suggested. “Good idea,” Chamamon admitted as Marisa
started walking down the bank of the lake...

“I have to take a break, Chamamon,” Marisa announced
as she took in several small gasps of air. “It’s been
almost an hour and we haven’t found anything.” “Yeah,
I know, and this mist isn’t helping one bit,” Chamamon
remarked as she looked out at the lake, where a thick
mist had gathered and started to roll in towards them.
Marisa let out an exhausted sigh as she slumped down
on the stone floor, with Chamamon sliding into her
lap. While Marisa was resting, Chamamon looked at the
cloud of mist that had gathered near them. “Hmm?”
Chamamon gasped when she heard a noise that sounded
like soft footsteps. “Marisa, did you hear that?”

“Hear what, Chamamon?” Marisa asked curiously.
“Something’s coming our way,” Chamamon whispered.
Marisa looked up and gasped when she saw a small
shadow heading towards them. “Don’t worry, Marisa!
I’ll take care of it!” Chamamon proclaimed as she
hopped out of Marisa’s lap. “Chamamon digivolve
to...Chamelamon.” “Be careful, Chamelamon,” Marisa
pleaded as Chamelamon stepped toward the creature
hidden in the mist. “Fire Spin!” Chamelamon shouted.
The creature gasped loudly when he saw the spiral of
fire heading towards him. He quickly jumped into the
water, avoiding Chamelamon’s attack.

“What was that, Chamelamon?” Marisa asked curiously as
she stood up. “I don’t know, but whatever it was, it
can’t stay underwater for long,” Chamelamon announced
as she and Marisa carefully watched the surface of the
water. “Unless it’s part fish, it’ll have to come back
up for air.” Marisa and Chamelamon gasped when they
saw a bunch of bubbles appear at the exact spot where
the creature jumped in the water. “Here it comes!”
Chamelamon whispered. The two girls carefully watched
as a head popped up at the surface of the water.
“Marisa? Chamelamon? Is that you?” a familiar voice

As the creature swam closer to the shore, Marisa and
Chamelamon gasped when they recognized the white
Digimon with a bright red-orange Mohawk and purple
markings. “Gomamon?” the two girls exclaimed
simultaneously as Gomamon climbed onto the shore and
shook off the excess water. “That’s me!” Gomamon
remarked. “I’m so sorry I attacked you, Gomamon,”
Chamelamon apologized. “I didn’t know it was you.”
“That’s okay, Chamelamon. I didn’t know who you two
were until now,” Gomamon admitted. “Joe’s gonna be so
happy when he finds out that you’re down here!”

“Where is Joe?” Marisa asked curiously. “This way.
Follow me,” Gomamon instructed as he headed down the
shore. Marisa and Chamelamon followed Gomamon for
about fifteen minutes until they reached a large
boulder. Sitting on top of the boulder was Joe, who
was lost in his own thoughts. “Joe? Hey, Joe! Look who
I found!” Gomamon announced as he, Marisa, and
Chamelamon approached the boulder. “Huh? Marisa!
Chamelamon!” Joe exclaimed as he jumped off of the
boulder. “Hey, Joe. It’s good to see you again,”
Marisa admitted. “How did you get down here?” Joe

“Chamelamon and I fell through some quicksand and we
ended up in this huge cave,” Marisa replied. “How
about you?” “Same thing happened to me and Gomamon,”
Joe admitted. “How long have you two been down here?”
Chamelamon asked curiously. “I’m not sure. It’s kinda
hard to keep track of time down here,” Gomamon
remarked. Suddenly, there was a loud grumbling noise.
Joe and Gomamon both turned red in the face when they
realized that the noise was coming from their own
stomachs. “Sounds like someone’s hungry,” Chamelamon
joked. “Hold on a second. I got some food right here,”
Marisa announced as she reached into her pocket and
pulled out two small bags of potato chips. “I know
it’s not much, but you guys need it more than we do.”

“Thank you so much, Marisa,” Joe confessed as Marisa
handed him a bag of chips. “Yeah, thanks, Marisa,”
Gomamon added as Marisa gave him the other bag. The
two boys ripped open the bags and quickly downed the
potato chips as though they hadn’t eaten in days.
“That sure hit the spot!” Gomamon admitted. “Did you
guys ever find a way out of here?” Marisa asked. “No
luck so far,” Joe reluctantly admitted. “Don’t worry,
Joe. Even if we don’t find our way out, I know that
someone will find us,” Marisa revealed. “How can you
be so sure?” Joe asked curiously.

“Well, back up in the swamp, I was with Tai, Kari,
Matt, and T.K. before I got separated from them and
ended up down here,” Marisa explained. “I’m sure they
noticed that I’m gone and are looking for me right
now.” “That’s good to hear,” Joe admitted. “So, what
do you think we should do?” Marisa asked. “We should
keep looking for a way out,” Joe replied. “I felt a
light breeze earlier coming from the lake, so the exit
must be on the other side.” “It’ll take forever to get
to the other side of the lake!” Marisa exclaimed.
“Yeah, I know,” Joe admitted. “What we need is a

“I got an even better idea!” Gomamon announced as he
jumped into the water. “Gomamon digivolve
to...Ikkakumon!” “That’s a great idea!” Joe admitted
as he climbed onto Ikkakumon’s back. “Ikkakumon can
carry us to the other side of the lake, and we’ll be
out of here in no time!” “Are you sure Ikkakumon’s up
to it?” Marisa asked curiously. “Of course he is!
Aren’t you, Ikkakumon?” Joe asked his Digimon. “You
bet I am, Joe,” Ikkakumon replied. “Well, okay,”
Marisa replied as she climbed onto Ikkakumon’s back
and sat down behind Joe, followed by Chamelamon. “Hang
on, everyone! Here we go!” Ikkakumon announced as he
started swimming across the seemingly endless lake...

“MARISA! CHAMAMON!” Tai shouted at the top of his
lungs as he walked through the swamp alongside Agumon.
In the background, Matt, T.K., Kari, Gabumon, Patamon,
and Gatomon were also calling out for the pigtailed
girl and her Digimon. “Marisa! Chamamon! Where are
you?” Agumon shouted as he looked around. When Agumon
looked down, he spotted some familiar tracks in the
mud. “Hey, Tai! I think I found Marisa’s tracks!”
Agumon announced. The other kids and their Digimon
immediately stopped what they were doing and ran over
to where Tai and Agumon were standing. “These are
definitely her tracks,” Gabumon admitted.

“So she has to be nearby! MARISA!” T.K. shouted as he
broke away from the group and ran further into the
swamp, with Patamon flying behind him. “T.K., wait!”
Matt shouted as he ran after his little brother,
followed by Gabumon. T.K. was so eager to find Marisa
that he didn’t notice the tree root sticking out of
the ground. “Look out, T.K.!” Patamon shouted when he
saw the tree root in front of T.K. Unfortunately,
Patamon’s warning came too late. T.K. let out a
startled cry as his foot got caught in the tree root,
causing him to fall towards a giant patch of wet sand.
Suddenly, T.K. stopped falling just inches away from
the wet sand when Matt grabbed T.K. by his backpack.
“You gotta be more careful, T.K.,” Matt told his
little brother as he pulled him back on the bank.

As Tai and Kari caught up with Matt, T.K., Gabumon,
and Patamon, Tai noticed an old wood sign covered with
vines a few feet away from the two brothers. Tai
pulled the vines off of the sign and gasped slightly
when he saw what was written on it. “It’s a good thing
Matt caught you when he did, T.K.,” Tai muttered out
loud as he shook his head. “Why is that, Tai?” Matt
asked curiously. “Because this sign says ‘DANGER:
QUICKSAND,’ ” Tai replied as he reluctantly showed
Matt and T.K. the weatherworn sign. T.K. started to
cry when he realized what had happened to Marisa and
Chamamon. “Are they...gone?” T.K. asked. “I don’t
know, T.K. I don’t know,” Matt whispered with a hint
of sadness in his voice.

“Just because Marisa’s tracks lead to this quicksand
doesn’t mean that she’s gone forever,” Kari pointed
out. “It doesn’t?” T.K. asked as he wiped his eyes
with his sleeve. “Marisa could have made it to the
other side, couldn’t she, Tai?” Kari asked. “I don’t
know, Kari. Maybe she did make it across,” Tai
muttered thoughtfully. Suddenly, the four kids and
their Digimon heard some voices coming from the other
side of the quicksand pit. “That could be them! Come
on, everyone!” Tai shouted as he ran along the bank of
the quicksand pit. Agumon, Kari, Gatomon, Matt,
Gabumon, T.K., and Patamon quickly ran after Tai as he
followed the sound of the voices.

“Hold it, guys!” Tai whispered loudly as he skidded to
a stop. “Why did you stop?” Matt asked as he, T.K.,
Kari, and the Digimon caught up with Tai. “Those
voices I heard, they’re nearby, but I don’t think it’s
Marisa and Chamamon,” Tai reluctantly revealed. “Maybe
it’s someone who can help us, Tai,” Kari suggested.
“They’re coming from behind those bushes,” Tai
whispered as he, Kari, Matt, T.K., and their Digimon
slowly crept up to the bushes. “Gimme that!” a voice
shouted. “No way! It’s mine!” a second voice shouted.
Tai silently warned everyone to keep quiet as he
slowly parted the bushes with his hands.

When Tai parted the bushes, the four kids and their
Digimon could see two familiar Digimon fighting over
something. One was a tall, thin green frog-like
Digimon with webbed fingers and toes, bugged out eyes,
and a yellow musical horn wrapped around his neck. The
other was a small purple tadpole-like Digimon with
four short legs and a large flat lavender tail. “It’s
Gekomon and Otamamon!” Agumon whispered. “Why are they
fighting, Tai?” Kari asked. “I don’t know, Kari. I
thought those Digimon were supposed to be friends.
Hey!” Tai shouted loudly to the two Digimon.

Gekomon and Otamamon stopped fighting when they heard
the familiar voice and turned around. They gasped out
of surprise when they saw Tai, Kari, Matt, T.K., and
their Digimon. “Look! It’s Tai and Agumon!” Gekomon
exclaimed with his slobbering lisp. “Hi, guys! We
haven’t seen you in a long time!” Otamamon added.
“Good to see you, too,” Tai admitted as he and his
friends joined Gekomon and Otamamon. “What are you two
fighting about?” Agumon asked curiously. “I thought
you were friends.” “Well, we were taking a shortcut
through the swamp when I found this pretty necklace!”
Otamamon announced as he showed the four kids the
necklace dangling from his neck. Tai, Kari, Matt, and
T.K. gasped when they recognized Marisa’s tag and

“Where did you find this?” Tai asked curiously. “It
was floating on top of the quicksand, and since I
found it, I get to keep it!” Otamamon announced. “No
way, Otamamon! I had to get it, so I should keep it!”
Gekomon argued. “That’s not fair! You were the only
one who could get it anyway because you have webbed
toes!” Otamamon disagreed. “If I tried to get the
necklace, I would have sunk like a rock!” Gekomon and
Otamamon looked up at the four kids and their Digimon
and were surprised to see them all with sad faces.
“What’s wrong?” Otamamon asked curiously. “Why are you
so sad?” Gekomon asked.

“That’s not a necklace. It’s a tag and crest that
belonged to a friend of ours,” Tai explained. “She got
lost in the swamp and we were looking for her.” “Well,
if it belongs to your friend, then we have no right to
keep it,” Otamamon admitted as he stepped forward and
bowed his head down, allowing the tag to slide off his
neck and drop to the ground. “You can give this back
to your friend when you find her.” “Thanks, guys, but
I don’t think we’ll ever be able to find her,” T.K.
confessed sadly as tears ran down his face. “What are
you talking about? Your friend is probably wandering
around in the underground cave somewhere,” Gekomon

“What underground cave?” Tai asked. “That quicksand
leads to a huge underground cave with an enormous
lake,” Otamamon explained. “Then that means Marisa’s
alive?” T.K. asked with a hint of excitement as he
wiped away his tears. “Yeah…hopefully,” Gekomon
reluctantly admitted. “What do you mean, hopefully?”
Matt asked suspiciously. “There’s a very dangerous
Digimon called Pukumon that lives in the lake. He’ll
attack anyone who ends up down there,” Gekomon
explained. “How powerful is this Pukumon?” Tai asked
curiously. “Very powerful, Tai. He’s a Mega Digimon!”
Otamamon revealed.

The four Digi-Destined kids and their Digimon gasped
loudly when they heard this news. “We gotta help her,
Tai!” Kari announced. Tai nodded his head in approval.
“Is the quicksand the only way to get into that cave?”
Matt asked. “Uh-uh. There’s a hidden entrance over
there,” Gekomon replied as he pointed to his left.
“Just follow us!” Otamamon instructed as he and
Gekomon ran off into the swamp. “Come on, guys! Let’s
go!” Tai shouted as he, Agumon, Kari, Gatomon, Matt,
Gabumon, T.K., and Patamon followed Gekomon and
Otamamon further into the swamp...

“Can you see anything yet, Joe?” Marisa asked Joe, who
was looking over Ikkakumon’s head at the water spread
out all around them. “Yeah, Marisa. In fact, I can see
the other side now. We’re almost there,” Joe revealed.
Suddenly Ikkakumon jerked around violently, sending
the two kids and Chamelamon to their knees. “Did you
hit something?” Chamelamon asked. “It’s the other way
around, Chamelamon! Something hit me!” Ikkakumon
remarked. “What if there’s some bad Digimon in the
lake?” Joe asked nervously. As soon as Joe said that,
a large round blue fish jumped into the air. The
Digimon wore red gloves, complete with steel knuckles
covered with sharp spikes, and a steel helmet that was
also covered with spikes.

“Why did I have to open my big mouth?” Joe asked with
a groan as the Digimon landed back in the water.
“That’s Pukumon, a Mega mutant Digimon. He’s very
dangerous,” Chamelamon explained. Just then, Pukumon
jumped out of the water again and punched Ikkakumon in
the face. “Are you okay, Ikkakumon?” Joe asked. “I’m
okay, Joe,” Ikkakumon replied as he quickly shook it
off. “Come on, Ikkakumon! Just try and hit me!”
Pukumon taunted. “Harpoon Torpedo!” Ikkakumon shouted,
firing one of his torpedoes at Pukumon. The torpedo
struck the Digimon right in the head, but it hardly
fazed him.

“Uh-oh!” Ikkakumon gasped as he started to swim as
fast as he could to get away from Pukumon.
Unfortunately, Pukumon caught up with him and punched
him in the face again, leaving a huge red mark on his
face. “What’s the matter, blubber boy? Afraid to fight
me?” Pukumon asked sarcastically. “Joe, why isn’t
Ikkakumon fighting back?” Marisa asked. “Because
Ikkakumon doesn’t want to risk getting us hurt,” Joe
reluctantly admitted. “Don’t worry, I’ll take you two
to the shore. That way, Ikkakumon and I can fight
Pukumon,” Chamelamon announced. “Chamelamon digivolve

As soon as she finished digivolving, Dragomon hovered
above Ikkakumon and scooped up Joe and Marisa in her
arms. “Hang on, you two!” Dragomon instructed the two
children. Marisa and Joe both nodded in agreement as
Dragomon headed towards the shore as fast as she
could. “I’ll be back soon, Ikkakumon! Until then, hang
in there!” Dragomon shouted back to Joe’s Digimon, who
was doing his best to fight off Pukumon. “I’ll try,
Dragomon!” Ikkakumon admitted as he watched Dragomon
fly towards the shore in the distance with her two

“It’s gotta be around here somewhere,” Gekomon
muttered thoughtfully as he and Otamamon looked around
the area. The two Digimon had led Tai, Kari, Matt,
T.K., and their Digimon to a small clearing in the
swamp. “Don’t tell me that we’re lost!” Matt retorted.
“Okay, we won’t tell you that we’re lost!” Otamamon
replied nonchalantly. The four kids and their Digimon
groaned loudly out of disappointment. “Look! There it
is!” Gekomon exclaimed as he pointed at a large tree
stump a few yards away from them. “But that’s just an
old tree stump,” Kari pointed out as Gekomon ran to
the tree stump.

“Don’t forget: not everything’s what it seems in the
Digiworld,” Otamamon announced as Gekomon pulled on a
small twig on the side of the tree stump. The four
kids and their Digimon gasped when a small section on
the top of the tree stump sprung up like a trap door.
“This is the hidden entrance we told you guys about!”
Gekomon admitted. Tai and Agumon approached the tree
stump and looked down into the opening. “It’s a long
way down,” Agumon admitted as they looked at a dark
gaping hole leading underground. “Come on, guys! Let’s
go!” Gekomon shouted as he jumped into the hole,
followed by Otamamon.

“I’ll go first, okay?” Tai announced. Matt, T.K., and
Kari silently nodded in approval. Tai took in a deep
breath as he swung his legs into the gaping hole,
while holding on to the edge of the tree stump. “Okay,
here I go!” Tai shouted as he let go of the tree stump
and disappeared into the hole. “Tai, wait for me!”
Agumon shouted as he jumped in after his friend. Tai
and Agumon found themselves sliding swiftly down a
narrow spiraling rock tunnel. “AHHHH!” Tai and Agumon
screamed simultaneously as they sped down the slide. A
few seconds later, the tunnel straightened out, and
Tai and Agumon found themselves slowing down as they
reached an even wider tunnel, where Gekomon and
Otamamon were waiting for them.

“You guys okay?” Gekomon asked curiously when he
noticed that Tai and Agumon were walking around a bit
strangely. “I’m fine, just a little dizzy,” Agumon
confessed as he held his head. “Yeah, me, too,” Tai
admitted as he also held his head. “Hey, Tai!” Kari
shouted, whose voice echoed throughout the tunnel.
“What’s going on down there?” Gatomon asked. “We’re
fine, Kari!” Tai shouted. “Come on down here!” “Is it
safe?” Kari asked curiously. “Don’t worry, Kari! It’s
like going down a slide!” Tai shouted. “Okay, Tai,”
Kari replied hesitantly. A few moments later, Tai,
Agumon, Gekomon, and Otamamon could hear Kari and
Gatomon’s screams echoing off of the stone walls as
they went down the spiraling slide.

“You all right, Kari?” Tai asked as he helped his
sister stand up. “Yeah, I’m okay,” Kari replied.
“Gatomon, you don’t look so good,” Agumon pointed out
when he noticed that Gatomon’s face was a little
green. “Excuse me, but I think I’m gonna be sick!”
Gatomon mumbled weakly as she quickly ran down the
tunnel out of everyone’s sight with her paw over her
mouth. “Don’t hack up a furball, Gatomon!” Tai joked.
“Very funny, Tai,” Gatomon retorted. “WHOOOA!” Matt
and Gabumon shouted as they took their turn down the
slide. “WHEE!” T.K. and Patamon shouted as they went
down the slide after Matt and Gabumon.

“Wowee! That was fun!” Patamon exclaimed as he flew
off of T.K.’s lap after they reached the bottom of the
slide. “Can we go again, Matt?” T.K. asked as Matt
helped him stand up. “Maybe later, T.K.,” Matt
replied. “Right now, we have to go find Marisa.” T.K.
nodded his head in approval as the four kids and the
six Digimon headed down the tunnel. “Hey, I just
thought of something. How are we going to get out of
here after we find Marisa?” Tai asked. “There’s
another tunnel that leads back up to the surface,”
Otamamon explained. “So why didn’t we go that way
instead of going down that crazy slide?” Matt asked.

“Well, first of all, the entrance to that tunnel is
all the way on the other side of the swamp,” Gekomon
explained. “And second, going down the slide is much
more fun!” Otamamon added. “It sure was!” T.K. agreed
as he and Patamon nodded their heads. As the group of
ten walked down the tunnel, Tai took out his digivice
to see if he could pick up Marisa’s signal. “That’s
weird,” Tai muttered out loud. “What’s weird, Tai?”
Matt asked curiously. “Either my digivice is broken,
or Marisa’s not alone,” Tai revealed. “I’m picking up
two signals.” “Let’s hurry up and find out who else is
down here,” Matt suggested. The other kids and the
Digimon nodded their heads in approval as they all ran
down the tunnel.

A few minutes later, the group of ten reached a huge
underground lake blanketed in mist. “Which way, Tai?”
Matt asked Tai, who was studying his digivice. “That
way!” Tai announced, pointing to his left. Before they
could get moving, T.K. shouted, “Wait!” “What’s the
matter, T.K.?” Matt asked. “I heard something, out
there,” T.K. revealed as he pointed out at the lake.
Matt, Tai, Kari, and the Digimon looked out at the
lake and could see two dark figures fighting each
other. Tai took out his mini-telescope and focused it
on the two figures in the distance. “Who is it, Tai?”
Kari asked. “I can’t tell...Wait a minute! That looks
like Ikkakumon out there!” Tai announced. “Ikkakumon?”
Gabumon repeated. “Then that means Joe is down here,
too,” Matt realized.

“Who’s Ikkakumon fighting, Tai?” Agumon asked
curiously. “I’m not sure, Agumon,” Tai replied as he
continued to watch the fight through his
mini-telescope. “I’ve never seen this Digimon before.”
“What does he look like, Tai?” Otamamon asked. “It’s
this big blue fish with spikes on his head,” Tai
replied. “It’s Pukumon!” Gekomon and Otamamon gasped
simultaneously. “Lookit! There’s Dragomon!” T.K.
announced as he pointed at the dragon-type Digimon
flying towards the battle. “If what you guys said
about Pukumon is true, then Ikkakumon and Dragomon are
gonna need our help!” Tai muttered out loud. “Well,
are we waiting for?” Matt asked. “Let’s go!” “Right!”
Tai agreed as he, Kari, Matt, T.K., and the six
Digimon ran down the bank...

“Please hurry, Dragomon! Ikkakumon needs your help!”
Marisa shouted as she stood on the bank with Joe.
Dragomon nodded her head as she made her way back
towards Ikkakumon and Pukumon. “Inferno Blast!”
Dragomon shouted. Pukumon became engulfed in the blast
of fire from Dragomon’s attack. “Thanks for the help,
Dragomon,” Ikkakumon admitted. “You’ll have to do
better than that to take out Pukumon!” Pukumon shouted
as he jumped out of the ball of fire unscathed.
“Needle Squall!” Pukumon inflated himself like a
blowfish until he was well over triple his size, with
several long blue needles poking out of his skin. In
an instant, Pukumon quickly deflated himself,
releasing all of the needles at Dragomon and
Ikkakumon, striking them all over their bodies.

“This is not good!” Joe reluctantly admitted.
“Ikkakumon and Dragomon can’t stop Pukumon on their
own! He’s too powerful!” “Maybe they can. Dragomon,
digivolve!” Marisa shouted. Joe gave Marisa a
surprised look. “What? Dragomon can digivolve to
Ultimate?” Joe asked out of shock. “Yes, she can, Joe.
Dragomon digivolved to Metal Dragomon just yesterday,”
Marisa admitted. “Something’s wrong, Marisa! I can’t
digivolve!” Dragomon revealed as she tried to
digivolve with no luck. “I don’t get it, Joe. Dragomon
should be able to digivolve,” Marisa muttered to
herself with a frown. She looked down for a moment and
gasped when she saw that she was missing something.

“Oh, no! My tag and crest are gone! I must have lost
them in the quicksand!” Marisa gasped loudly. “This is
bad, this is really bad,” Joe muttered nervously as he
shook his head. Suddenly, Pukumon jumped up high in
the air and slugged Dragomon hard in the face.
“Dragomon, no!” Marisa cried out as she watched her
Digimon fall towards the water. Before hitting the
water, Dragomon became bathed in a white light and
de-digivolved back to Chamelamon. The little
lizard-type Digimon hit the water with a loud splash.
Chamelamon came back up to the surface of the water,
flailing her legs about as she struggled to stay

“Hang on, Chamelamon!” Marisa shouted. “We gotta do
something, Joe! Chamelamon’s so weak that she can’t
even swim back to shore.” “Ikkakumon, you have to help
Chamelamon!” Joe shouted to his Digimon. “I’m a little
busy, Joe!” Ikkakumon shouted as he barely dodged one
of Pukumon’s punches. Suddenly, to Marisa and Joe’s
surprise, a flying figure skimmed over the surface of
the water and scooped up Chamelamon in his arms. “What
was that?” Joe asked. “I don’t know, but it looked
kinda familiar,” Marisa muttered thoughtfully. “Yeah,
I think I’ve seen that Digimon before, too,” Joe

Marisa and Joe carefully took a couple of steps back
when they saw the Digimon that saved Chamelamon flying
towards them. As the Digimon landed on the bank, Joe
and Marisa gasped slightly when they recognized the
angel-type Digimon. “Angemon!” the two children
exclaimed. “I believe this belongs to you, Marisa,”
Angemon announced as he gently handed a soaked
Chamelamon to Marisa. “Thanks, Angemon,” Marisa
replied. “If Angemon is here, then that means...” Joe
muttered thoughtfully. Joe was suddenly interrupted by
Tai shouting, “Marisa! Joe! Over here!” Marisa and Joe
looked up and smiled a bit when they saw their friends
and their Digimon running towards them, along with
Gekomon and Otamamon.

“Hey, guys!” Joe greeted happily. “Hey, Joe. Hey,
Marisa,” Tai greeted as he, Kari, Matt, T.K., and the
six Digimon reached Joe and Marisa. “Thanks so much,
T.K. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know what would
have happened to Chamelamon!” Marisa admitted as she
bent down and gave T.K. a hug. “That’s okay, Marisa. I
was glad to help,” T.K. replied as Marisa let go of
him. “Speaking of help, I better get back out there
and help Ikkakumon!” Angemon announced as he flew back
over the lake towards the ongoing battle. “I’ll help
out, too, Angemon!” Gatomon shouted. “Count me in,
too!” Gabumon added. “Gabumon digivolve
to...Garurumon!” “Gatomon digivolve to...Angewomon!”

“We’re coming, Ikkakumon!” Garurumon shouted as he
jumped into the water and swam towards Ikkakumon and
Pukumon, followed by Angewomon flying overhead. “Hand
of Fate!” Angemon shouted. “Howling Blaster!”
Garurumon shouted. “Celestial Arrow!” Angewomon
shouted. The three attacks struck Pukumon
simultaneously, causing a massive column of water to
shoot up in the air. When the column of water came
crashing back down, Pukumon was nowhere in sight.
“Thanks for the help,” Ikkakumon admitted as he looked
at Garurumon, Angemon, and Angewomon.

“Don’t thank us just yet, Ikkakumon,” Angewomon
announced as she pointed at a patch of bubbles coming
up to the surface. The four Digimon gasped when
Pukumon jumped out of the water. “You fools will never
defeat me! Globefish Poison!” Pukumon shouted. He spat
out several dark violet-gray bubbles at Ikkakumon,
Garurumon, Angemon, and Angewomon. “Ahh! My eyes!”
Ikkakumon shouted out of pain as two of the bubbles
struck him in the eyes. “Those bubbles have poison in
them! Watch out!” Angemon shouted as he and Angewomon
flew out of the way of the poisonous bubbles, while
Garurumon dove underwater to avoid the toxic bubbles.
“Look out, Ikkakumon!” Angewomon shouted when he saw
Pukumon sneaking up on the blinded Digimon.

“Where is he? I can’t see him!” Ikkakumon shouted as
he turned his head back and forth. All of a sudden,
Ikkakumon was punched hard in the face by Pukumon’s
fist, causing him to fall backwards into the water,
hitting it with a huge splash. “No! Ikkakumon!” Joe
shouted. Suddenly, at that moment, Joe’s Digimon
became engulfed in a brilliant white light. “Ikkakumon
digivolve to...Zudomon!” “Whoa!” Marisa gasped
slightly as she stared out at the enormous gray
walrus-type Digimon standing in the water where
Ikkakumon once was. He had bright red-orange fur
covering his paws, long white claws, a jagged white
horn on top of his head, and a huge dark green turtle
shell with spikes on his back. Zudomon also carried a
massive metal hammer in his paw.

“Let’s get him, guys! Vulcan’s Hammer!” Zudomon
shouted. He took his massive hammer and slammed it
hard in the water, creating a beam of yellow energy.
“Hand of Fate!” Angemon shouted. “Celestial Arrow!”
Angewomon shouted. “Howling Blaster!” Garurumon
shouted. All four attacks struck Pukumon
simultaneously, creating a huge explosion in the
water. “That did it!” Zudomon admitted. “Then again,
maybe not!” Garurumon announced as Pukumon came back
up to the surface. “You may have won this battle, but
I’ll be back!” Pukumon proclaimed as he dove back
underwater and disappeared. “Oh, no! Pukumon escaped!”
Zudomon complained. “I have a feeling we haven’t seen
the last of him!” Garurumon growled...

“Are we there yet?” Tai asked a bit impatiently as he
and his friends continued to follow Gekomon and
Otamamon down a dark tunnel. “Just a little bit
further, Tai,” Gekomon replied. As the five kids and
the seven Digimon walked down the tunnel, they noticed
that the tunnel was getting lighter. “There’s the way
out!” Otamamon announced as they soon reached an
opening leading into a forest. “It’s good to be back
on solid ground!” Joe admitted as he left the tunnel
with the other kids and Digimon. Following closely
behind Joe was a small gray Digimon that looked like a
small seal with a white belly, blue eyes, and a spurt
of bright red-orange hair sticking up on top of his
head. “What do you think, Bukamon?” Joe asked the
small gray Digimon.

“Couldn’t agree with you more, Joe!” Bukamon agreed as
he took in a deep breath of air. “Excuse me, Gekomon,
Otamamon, but do you know the way back to that
quicksand pit?” Marisa asked curiously. “I lost
something back there.” “You talking about this,
Marisa?” Matt asked as he pulled Marisa’s tag and
crest out of his pocket. Marisa gasped slightly when
she saw that Matt had the tag and crest that she lost
back in the swamp. “Thank you so much, Matt!” Marisa
replied as she took her tag and crest back from Matt
and put it around her neck. “You should be thanking
Gekomon and Otamamon, Marisa. They’re the ones who
found it,” Matt admitted. “Thanks, Gekomon and
Otamamon,” Marisa told the two Digimon.

“You two helped us out a lot today,” Tai added. “We
couldn’t have found Marisa and Joe without you.”
“Thanks, Tai!” Gekomon admitted as his cheeks turned
red with embarrassment, along with Otamamon. “We were
just glad that we could help you guys out,” Otamamon
announced. “We better get going, Otamamon,” Gekomon
revealed. “It’s getting late. This swamp can be spooky
at night.” “We should get going, too,” Joe suggested a
bit nervously. “I don’t want to stay here for another
minute!” The other kids and Digimon laughed a bit. “I
guess we can’t blame you for that, Joe,” Marisa
agreed. “Well, we better go now. Goodbye, Gekomon!
Goodbye, Otamamon!” Tai shouted as he and his friends
waved to the two Digimon before they left...


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