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From the Depths
The Teeny-Destined
By Wulipix and Dreamcatcher

“Come here, Minotaurmon!” Armaggedamon commanded, who
was sitting on his throne. The Digimon standing in the
dark hallway quickly moved out of the way of the huge
bull-type Digimon as he walked towards Armaggedamon’s
throne. “You wish to speak to me, Armaggedamon?”
Minotaurmon asked as he knelt down and bowed to
Armaggedamon. “Despite the valiant effort by the
Mamemon Brothers to separate the Digi-Destined, those
bothersome children are starting to find each other,”
Armaggedamon muttered angrily. “Cloakmon recently
reported to me that six of the children are back
together, including that pesky girl with the
Digi-Sight!” “You mean the one described in the
prophecy? The one who will defeat Houdinimon?”
Minotaurmon asked curiously.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Armaggedamon reluctantly
revealed. The other Digimon in the room gasped loudly
out of shock when they heard this unexpected news.
“Fortunately, according to Cloakmon, this girl isn’t
aware of the prophecy at all. This will give us the
opportunity to finish her off before she gets the
chance to take out my most valued servant.” “What do
you want me to do for you, Armaggedamon?” Minotaurmon
asked. “According to my sources, two of the
Digi-Destined will soon reunite with each other: the
girl with the Biyomon and the boy with the Nanmimon,”
Armaggedamon explained. “I want you to capture them
for me, Minotaurmon, and put all four of them under

“Not to offend you, Armaggedamon, but that sounds
impossible,” Minotaurmon hesitantly pointed out. “The
Digi-Destined and their Digimon are not small enough
to fit under glass.” “They will be when you use this,”
Armaggedamon explained as he tossed a small black
pouch to Minotaurmon. The Digimon caught the pouch in
his large paw and opened it up, pulling out a pair of
long crystals. One crystal was pale yellow in color,
while the other crystal was tinted aqua blue. “What
are these for, Armaggedamon?” Minotaurmon asked
curiously. “Those rare crystals have special powers,”
Armaggedamon explained. “The yellow crystal has the
power to shrink anything, and the blue crystal can
reverse the effects of the yellow crystal, but that
only happens when the rays of the sun are reflected
through them.”

“But what about the other Digi-Destined,
Armaggedamon?” Minotaurmon asked. “There is no need to
worry about them, Minotaurmon. Cloakmon is still
watching the six Digi-Destined that have already
gotten back together, and I have several of my
hench-mon searching for the other children as we
speak,” Armaggedamon explained. Minotaurmon looked at
the crystals in his paw before he put them back in the
black pouch. “I will not let you down, Armaggedamon!”
Minotaurmon vowed as he attached the pouch to his
belt. “You better not fail me, Minotaurmon, or you’ll
be spending some time in the dungeon!” Armaggedamon
reminded Minotaurmon...

“Have you picked up anything on your digivice yet,
Sora?” Birdramon asked her human partner. The
bird-type Digimon was flying over a seemingly endless
forest. Sora was riding on one of Birdramon’s clawed
feet, staring intensely at her digivice for any sign
of her friends. “Nothing yet, Birdramon,” Sora
reluctantly admitted with a frustrated sigh. “There’s
got to be someone nearby. I could have sworn I saw
another bubble pass us a few days ago.” She gasped
slightly when a red dot suddenly appeared on the
digivice. “Birdramon, I found someone!” Sora exclaimed
happily. “That’s great, Sora. Which way?” Birdramon
asked. “That way!” Sora shouted, pointing straight

Not too far away from where Sora and Birdramon were,
Yuuchi and Nanmimon were walking along a dirt path in
the forest. “It’s so quiet out here, Nanmimon. I don’t
like it,” Yuuchi muttered out loud. Nanmimon grinned
at his partner and shook his head. “I feel sorry for
whoever we meet first. You’ll probably talk their head
off!” Nanmimon joked teasingly. “Knock it off,
Nanmimon!” Yuuchi muttered through clenched teeth as
he glared down at the pony-type Digimon. Just then,
the two friends were suddenly blanketed in a dark
shadow. “What is this, an eclipse?” Yuuchi asked as he
looked up. “I’m not sure, Yuuchi. What’s an eclipse?”
Nanmimon asked curiously.

Yuuchi and Nanmimon watched the dark figure as it flew
high above them. “Hey! That’s not an eclipse! It looks
more like a Digimon!” Yuuchi realized. “That’s not
just any Digimon, Yuuchi. It looks like Birdramon,”
Nanmimon pointed out. “It is Birdramon! And there’s
Sora! Hey, guys, down here!” Yuuchi shouted as he ran
after Birdramon, frantically waving his arms to get
their attention. “Over here, Sora! Birdramon!”
Nanmimon shouted. “Look, Birdramon! It’s Yuuchi and
Nanmimon!” Sora shouted, recognizing the
blonde-haired, green-eyed boy and his pony-type
Digimon running after them. “Hold on, Sora!” Birdramon
instructed as she started to descend into the forest.

Yuuchi and Nanmimon stopped running and watched as
Birdramon circled around a clearing not too far away
from them and landed on the bare ground. After Sora
climbed off of her foot, Birdramon de-digivolved back
to Biyomon. “I knew there had to be someone down
here,” Sora boasted proudly as she watched Yuuchi and
Nanmimon walk over to her and Biyomon. “That was so
close! I thought you guys wouldn’t hear us. I am so
glad to see you again, Sora!” Yuuchi openly confessed
with a relieved grin on his face. “I’ll warn you now,
Sora, he’ll probably talk your head off!” Nanmimon
warned Sora with a small smirk.

“Nanmimon...” Yuuchi warned Nanmimon as he glared at
him once again. Sora giggled a little bit at the two
boys’ antics. “Well, I guess you guys haven’t found
anyone, have you?” Yuuchi shook his head no. “Nope,
sorry. You’re the first one I’ve seen since we got
separated by those Mamemon Brothers. What about you,
Sora? Have you seen anyone?” “No, we haven’t seen
anyone else either, Yuuchi,” Biyomon replied as Sora
shook her head no. Yuuchi frowned a bit out of
disappointment. “What should we do next? We should
probably find the others first, huh?” Sora nodded her
head in approval. “That’s a good idea, Yuuchi. But
where do we start looking?”

“Sorry to disappoint you, but you’ll never get the
chance to find your friends!” a deep voice boasted
from somewhere in the forest, followed by a sinister
chuckle. Sora, Yuuchi, Biyomon, and Nanmimon were
startled to hear the strange voice. “W-Who was that?”
Nanmimon asked nervously. “I don’t know, Nanmimon, but
I doubt it’s someone we know!” Yuuchi remarked. “Maybe
you don’t know me, but I’m sure some of your friends
would recognize me!” the deep voice announced. Sora,
Biyomon, Yuuchi, and Nanmimon gasped when they saw the
tall bull-type Digimon heading towards them.

“Uh-oh! It’s Minotaurmon!” Biyomon gasped. “That’s the
same Digimon that Matt and Marisa ran into underground
when we first arrived at Server!” Sora realized.
“Congratulations! Here’s your prize!” Minotaurmon
retorted sarcastically as he reached for the black
pouch attached to his belt. “Come on, Nanmimon! We
gotta stop him!” Biyomon announced. “I’m right behind
you, Biyomon!” Nanmimon shouted as he and Biyomon
charged towards Minotaurmon. “Spiral Twister!” Biyomon
shouted. “Psybeam!” Nanmimon shouted. The two attacks
struck Minotaurmon in the stomach, pushing him back a
few feet.

“That was pathetic! I’ll show you a real attack! Blind
Rage!” Minotaurmon shouted as he quickly pulled out
his ax and swung it at the Digimon, creating a
boomerang of yellow energy. Biyomon and Nanmimon
screamed out of pain as the boomerang of yellow energy
struck them both simultaneously, sending them sailing
further into the forest. “Biyomon, no!” Sora shouted.
“Nanmimon!” Yuuchi shouted. “Now, to take care of you
two,” Minotaurmon muttered out loud as he removed the
yellow crystal from the black pouch and held it high
above his head. The sunlight shone through the
crystal, forming a beam of white light. Yuuchi turned
around and gasped when he saw the strange white light.
“Sora, look out!”

Before the two kids could even move, the white light
suddenly engulfed both of them. “I feel kinda weird,”
Sora mumbled weakly as she held her head in her hand.
“Yeah, me, too,” Yuuchi muttered out loud as he looked
around at Minotaurmon and the surrounding forest
through squinted eyes. “Everything’s...growing?
Totally freaky!” “Umm, Yuuchi, I think you got it
backwards!” Sora stuttered out of shock. Yuuchi looked
around once again, his green eyes widening out of
surprise when he realized what was really happening to
him and Sora. “Oh, no! We’re shrinking!” Sora and
Yuuchi watched helplessly as they quickly shrunk down
to the point where even the grass was taller than
them. The two Digi-Destined kids soon stopped
shrinking, now barely an inch tall.

“I can’t believe this is happening! How did
Minotaurmon do this to us?” Sora asked in a
high-pitched voice. “I’ll bet it had something to do
with that weird crystal he had, Sora,” Yuuchi muttered
thoughtfully, whose voice had also become high-pitched
from the shrinking process. Suddenly, the two kids
were knocked down to the ground by what felt like a
powerful wind. “What was that?” Sora asked as she and
Yuuchi slowly lifted their heads. The two
Digi-Destined kids saw an enormous pink bird and a
peach-colored pony towering over them. “It’s Biyomon
and Nanmimon!” Yuuchi exclaimed. “BIYOMON! DOWN HERE!”
Sora shouted at the top of her lungs while frantically
waving her arms in the air. To her surprise, Biyomon
didn’t respond to her at all.

“I don’t think this is gonna work, Sora. We’re too
small for them to hear us,” Yuuchi reluctantly
admitted. “SORA! WHERE ARE YOU?” Biyomon shouted,
which was almost deafening to Sora and Yuuchi. “Keep
it down, Biyomon!” Sora shouted as she and Yuuchi
covered their ears. “Sora, we’re too small! She can’t
hear you!” Yuuchi reminded Sora. “What did you do with
our friends, Minotaurmon?” Nanmimon demanded. “That’s
for me to know, and you’ll never find out!”
Minotaurmon retorted with an evil laugh. “Yuuchi,
run!” Sora shouted when she saw Nanmimon lift his
massive hoof up in the air. Sora and Yuuchi ran as
fast as they could out of the way of the descending
hoof, which was just inches away from crushing them.

“Man, I never thought I’d be running away from my own
Digimon!” Yuuchi remarked. “This way, Yuuchi!” Sora
shouted as she ran towards a huge gnarled tree root
sticking out of the ground a few yards away from them.
Yuuchi nodded as he followed Sora to the tree root,
getting out of the way of Nanmimon as fast as he
could. “Psybeam!” Nanmimon shouted as he continued
charging at Minotaurmon. “Spiral Twister!” Biyomon
shouted. Minotaurmon simply blocked the Digimon’s
attacks with his ax. “I don’t have time to waste with
you two weaklings!” Minotaurmon retorted. “Weaklings?
I’ll show you who’s a weakling! Psybeam!” Nanmimon
shouted. The beam of energy struck Minotaurmon’s belt,
cutting off the black pouch with the two crystals

“Now look what you did!” Minotaurmon shouted angrily.
He quickly bent down and picked up the black pouch.
“See you weaklings later!” Minotaurmon let out a
sinister laugh as he left Biyomon and Nanmimon in the
forest. “We gotta hurry and find him, Biyomon, so we
can find out what happened to our friends,” Nanmimon
revealed as he started to head in the same direction
Minotaurmon went. “No, wait a minute, Nanmimon!”
Biyomon shouted. “What is it, Biyomon?” Nanmimon asked
as he turned around. “Look at this. I think
Minotaurmon dropped it,” Biyomon replied as she showed
Nanmimon the yellow crystal that was lying on the
ground where Minotaurmon was standing earlier. “What’s
it for?” Nanmimon asked as Biyomon picked up the
crystal with her paw.

“I’m not sure, Nanmimon,” Biyomon replied as she held
it up in the sunlight to see it better. Suddenly, a
beam of white light came out of the crystal and struck
a large boulder. To Biyomon and Nanmimon’s surprise,
the boulder rapidly shrunk down to the size of a
pebble “I think I know what happened to Yuuchi and
Sora,” Nanmimon realized as he blinked a bit out of
astonishment. Biyomon slowly nodded her head in
agreement. “Come on, we better follow Minotaurmon,”
Biyomon suggested. “But what about our friends,
Biyomon?” Nanmimon asked. “Minotaurmon probably has
them already. We better hurry or we’re gonna lose
them. Come on!” Biyomon shouted as she flew off in the
same direction that Minotaurmon went. Nanmimon frowned
a bit as he followed Biyomon deeper into the forest.

“Look, Yuuchi, they’re leaving. Let’s try to follow
them,” Sora suggested. “All right, Sora,” Yuuchi
reluctantly agreed, although he knew it wasn’t going
to be easy. “This is weird. Nothing normal ever
happens around here, does it?” he asked as he followed
Sora. “Not really, Yuuchi. Don’t forget: anything can
happen in the Digiworld,” Sora reminded Yuuchi. “Tell
me about it!” Yuuchi retorted. Sora giggled a little
bit at Yuuchi’s remark as they continued making their
way through the forest of tall grass. “What the heck
is that?” Yuuchi asked, pointing at a thick green
stalk that was much taller than the surrounding grass.
“It’s as big as a tree!”

“It looks like a flower, but to us, it might as well
be a tree,” Sora replied as she and Yuuchi approached
the thick, tall flower stalk. “I’m gonna climb up
there and see if I can see our Digimon,” Yuuchi
announced as he stepped closer to the huge flower,
wrapped his arms around the thick green stalk, and
started to climb up the flower stalk. “Be careful,
Yuuchi!” Sora shouted as she watched Yuuchi make his
way up the flower stalk. Yuuchi didn’t even get
halfway up the stalk when it suddenly started to sway
back and forth from the excess weight. “Maybe this
wasn’t such a hot idea!” Yuuchi shouted as he tightly
wrapped his arms and legs around the stalk as it
started to bend towards the ground below.

“Hang on, Yuuchi!” Sora shouted as she ran after the
teetering stalk. Suddenly, the stalk stopped just
inches away from the ground. “You can let go now,
Yuuchi,” Sora told Yuuchi, who had his eyes closed
tightly. Yuuchi slowly opened his eyes and realized
that Sora was right. “I knew that,” Yuuchi lied as he
carefully unwrapped his legs from the stalk and slowly
placed his feet on the ground. As soon as Yuuchi let
go of the stalk, it rapidly swung back and forth like
a catapult. “I guess that wasn’t such a good idea
after all,” Yuuchi reluctantly admitted. “You got that
right, Yuuchi,” Sora agreed.

Suddenly, Sora and Yuuchi found themselves encased in
a huge column of thick glass. “What’s going on?”
Yuuchi asked as he banged on the glass with his fists.
“Yuuchi, look!” Sora gasped loudly as she pointed up.
Yuuchi looked up to see what Sora was pointing at and
gasped when he saw Minotaurmon grinning sinisterly at
them. “Minotaurmon!” Yuuchi exclaimed loudly. “Did you
think I forgot about you Teeny-Destined?” Minotaurmon
asked sarcastically with a sinister chuckle as he
lifted the thick glass column, which turned out to be
a glass jar. Minotaurmon quickly grabbed Sora and
Yuuchi with his paw and dropped them into the glass
jar. “Ahh!” Sora and Yuuchi screamed as they plummeted
into the giant glass jar until they hit the bottom.

Minotaurmon snickered evilly to himself as he screwed
the metal lid onto the jar, which had a few air holes
poked into it. “Hey, let us outta here!” Yuuchi
shouted loudly as he banged his fists against the
glass wall of the jar that he and Sora were now
imprisoned in. “I don’t think that’s gonna work,
Yuuchi,” Sora reluctantly admitted. “Armaggedamon will
be pleased when I bring him two Digi-Destined children
under glass!” Minotaurmon boasted as he started to
head deep into the forest. “Did you hear that,
Biyomon?” Nanmimon whispered, who was concealed behind
a nearby bush with Sora’s Digimon.

“We better follow him so we can get our friends back!”
Biyomon announced. “But how do we unshrink them,
Biyomon?” Nanmimon asked. “I didn’t exactly see a
reverse switch on that crystal that Minotaurmon
dropped!” “We’ll have to worry about that later,
Nanmimon. Right now, we have to get our friends back
from Minotaurmon!” Biyomon pointed out. “You’re right,
Biyomon. We’ll find a way to return our friend to
normal, but for now, let’s get them out of
Minotaurmon’s clutches!” Nanmimon announced. “Come on!
Let’s go before we lose them!” Biyomon shouted as she
flew into the forest after Minotaurmon, followed by

“Armaggedamon, come in,” Minotaurmon spoke into his
black walkie-talkie. It was nighttime, and Minotaurmon
was sitting in front of a campfire in a small
clearing. Right next to him was the glass jar that
held Sora and Yuuchi prisoner. “What is it,
Minotaurmon?” Armaggedamon asked through the
walkie-talkie. “I have the two Digi-Destined children
under glass, Armaggedamon, just as you asked for,”
Minotaurmon revealed. “Excellent. What about their
Digimon?” Armaggedamon asked. “I’m afraid I lost
them,” Minotaurmon reluctantly admitted. “No need to
worry about them, Minotaurmon. With the children as
little as they are, their digivices are too small to
allow their Digimon to digivolve,” Armaggedamon

“I shall be heading back to headquarters in the
morning. Minotaurmon out,” Minotaurmon reported before
turning off the walkie-talkie. He lifted the glass jar
and stared at Sora and Yuuchi, who were sitting on the
bottom of the jar, with his huge brown eyes. “You two
should be honored. You will be the first among your
friends to be destroyed by Armaggedamon.” “Gee, thanks
a lot for the good news!” Yuuchi retorted. Minotaurmon
sneered a bit as he placed the jar back down and
reached for the black pouch resting next to the jar.
“Uh-oh!” Minotaurmon muttered to himself when he felt
only one crystal in the pouch. “If Armaggedamon finds
out that I lost one of these rare crystals, I’ll never
hear the end of it! I better find it now before I
leave for Armaggedamon’s headquarters tomorrow.”

Minotaurmon opened the black pouch and peaked inside
for a moment. “I’m missing that yellow crystal, the
one that does the shrinking. I still have the one that
reverses the shrinking, but Armaggedamon will kill me
if I only bring back one crystal,” he muttered to
himself. Minotaurmon glanced down at the glass jar as
he stood up. “They should be fine here. It’s not like
they can break out of that jar on their own!”
Minotaurmon chuckled sinisterly to himself as he left
the small campsite, leaving the black pouch next to
the glass jar. “He’s gone, Sora. Now’s our chance to
escape,” Yuuchi announced as he stood up. “But how are
we going to get out of here, Yuuchi?” Sora asked

“I got an idea. Help me push,” Yuuchi requested as he
started to push as hard as he could against the glass
wall of the jar. Sora quickly stood up and helped
Yuuchi push against the glass wall. Unfortunately, the
two Digi-Destined kids only succeeded in knocking the
glass jar on its side. “Well, that was a great plan,
Yuuchi!” Sora retorted under her breath as she
struggled to stand on the slippery curved glass
underneath her. “I never said it was a perfect plan,
Sora!” Yuuchi confessed as he slowly walked to the
metal lid, with his arms stretched out to help keep
his balance. “Whoa!” Yuuchi shouted as he slipped on
the glass and fell on his back. “Yuuchi! Are you
okay?” Sora asked as she crawled over to where Yuuchi
was. “Yeah, I think so,” Yuuchi muttered out loud as
he sat up and rubbed the back of his head.

“Look, there they are!” Sora and Yuuchi heard a
familiar voice whisper loudly. “That sounds like
Biyomon!” Sora whispered a bit excitedly as she and
Yuuchi carefully stood up. “Yuuchi! Sora!” Nanmimon
whispered happily as he and Biyomon approached the
glass jar holding their human partners. “Wow, Sora.
You’re so...tiny!” Biyomon confessed in awe as she
carefully picked up the jar and peered through the
glass at Sora and Yuuchi. “Enough small talk, Biyomon!
You gotta unshrink us before Minotaurmon comes back!”
Yuuchi shouted. “But how do we do that, Yuuchi?”
Nanmimon asked.

“The pouch, over there on the ground!” Sora shouted as
she pointed at the black pouch lying on the ground.
“There’s another crystal in there that reverses
shrinking!” “Are you sure, Sora?” Biyomon asked
curiously. “Yeah, we overheard Minotaurmon talking
about it,” Yuuchi revealed. “I’ll get it,” Nanmimon
announced as he picked up the pouch with his teeth and
shook it, causing the aqua blue crystal to fall out of
the pouch and land on the ground. “Hurry and use it on
us!” Sora shouted as Biyomon picked up the crystal
with her free paw. “Nothing’s happening, Sora,”
Biyomon reluctantly admitted as she shook the crystal.

“Maybe it only works with sunlight,” Yuuchi suggested.
“You’re right, Yuuchi!” Sora admitted. “It was pretty
bold of Minotaurmon to go after us in broad daylight.
He would probably prefer to go after us at night, when
we’re sleeping, but since these crystals only work in
sunlight, he didn’t have a choice.” “But the sun won’t
come out for another hour!” Nanmimon announced as he
looked up at the night sky, which was starting to get
lighter. “We better get away from here, Nanmimon,”
Biyomon suggested as she opened the jar and let Sora
and Yuuchi climb out of the jar onto her paw.
“Minotaurmon might come back any minute!”

“He already has,” a familiar voice retorted from
behind Biyomon and Nanmimon. “Uh-oh!” Biyomon and
Nanmimon muttered nervously as they slowly turned
around. The two Digimon gasped loudly when they saw
Minotaurmon towering above them. “It would be wise,
little Digimon, if you gave me back the crystals and
your little friends before I clobber you!” Minotaurmon
demanded as he glared sinisterly at Biyomon and
Nanmimon. “No way! Let’s get out of here!” Biyomon
shouted as she ran away from Minotaurmon, while
carrying Sora, Yuuchi, and the aqua blue crystal in
one paw. “Wait for me, Biyomon!” Nanmimon shouted as
he galloped after Biyomon.

“Quick, behind here!” Biyomon instructed as she ran
behind a nearby tree. Nanmimon quickly joined Biyomon
behind the large tree. In the distance, Biyomon,
Nanmimon, Sora, and Yuuchi could hear Minotaurmon
shouting threateningly while he searched for them.
“Nanmimon, you take Sora, Yuuchi, and the crystal, and
make a run for it. I’ll distract Minotaurmon,” Biyomon
whispered as she watched Minotaurmon come into view.
“And leave you to fight that big bull all by
yourself?” Nanmimon asked with a worried glance. “I
don’t know about this, Biyomon.” “It’s all right,
Nanmimon. Don’t worry about me, just get them out of
here,” Biyomon whispered. Nanmimon hesitantly nodded
his head with a reluctant sigh. “All right, Biyomon,
I’ll do it.”

“There you go, Sora,” Biyomon whispered as she gently
placed Sora and Yuuchi on Nanmimon’s back. “I’ll be
back soon, Biyomon,” Nanmimon promised as he started
to turn around. “Wait a minute, Nanmimon. Don’t forget
this,” Biyomon whispered as she held out the blue
crystal. Nanmimon quickly picked up the crystal from
Biyomon’s paw with his mouth. “Hold on, guys!”
Nanmimon instructed. Yuuchi and Sora both grabbed
tufts of Nanmimon’s thick hair before he ran off into
the forest. Biyomon waited for Nanmimon to disappear
in the thicket of trees before she finally came out of
hiding. “Hey, Minotaurmon!” Minotaurmon turned around
and glared at the pink bird-type Digimon. “There’s no
way I’m going to let you get my friends! Spiral
Twister!” Biyomon shouted...

Meanwhile, Nanmimon was still running through the
forest with his two tiny passengers on his back. “Hey,
Nanmimon, look! The sun’s starting to come up! You can
return us back to normal size!” Yuuchi shouted as he
pointed at the sun, which was barely poking up above
the trees. “Okay, I’ll try, Yuuchi. You’ll have to get
off of my back first,” Nanmimon mumbled loudly with
the crystal still in his mouth. Nanmimon bent down on
all fours so Yuuchi and Sora could slide off. Once the
two Digi-Destined kids were on the ground, Nanmimon
held up the aqua blue-tinted crystal in the air with
his mouth. The rays of the rising sun struck the
crystal, creating a beam of pale blue light. The pale
blue light struck both Sora and Yuuchi, and gradually
returned them back to their normal sizes.

“Yeah! Way to go, Nanmimon!” Yuuchi admitted
gratefully. “There’s no time to waste, guys. Biyomon
is still by herself with Minotaurmon,” Sora announced.
“You better digivolve, Nanmimon,” Yuuchi told his
Digimon. “Right,” Nanmimon agreed as he stepped back.
“Nanmimon digivolve to...Neo Nanmimon!” As soon as he
finished digivolving, Neo Nanmimon knelt down once
again and announced, “Sora, Yuuchi, get on my back!”
Yuuchi quickly hoisted himself onto Neo Nanmimon’s
back with both hands. “Here, Sora, take my hand,”
Yuuchi offered as he helped pull Sora up on Neo
Nanmimon’s back. “Hang on, you two!” Neo Nanmimon
warned his two passengers as he turned around and
galloped through the forest back to where they left
Biyomon and Minotaurmon.

“Hi-ho, Silver, away!” Yuuchi shouted loudly as he,
Sora, and Neo Nanmimon made their way through the
forest. “What are you talking about, Yuuchi?” Neo
Nanmimon asked curiously. “My name’s not ‘Hi-ho,
Silver.’ It’s Neo Nanmimon.” Yuuchi groaned a bit as
he shook his head out of disappointment. “Look, there
they are!” Sora shouted as she pointed at Biyomon and
Minotaurmon fighting in the distance. “Spiral
Twister!” Biyomon shouted, firing another spiral of
green energy at Minotaurmon. The bull-type Digimon
used his ax to block the attack. “Blind Rage!”
Minotaurmon shouted. Biyomon gasped when she saw the
boomerang of yellow energy heading towards her. She
quickly flapped her wings and flew up in the air,
barely avoiding Minotaurmon’s attack.

“Hang on, Biyomon! We’re coming!” Sora shouted.
Biyomon turned her head and gasped slightly out of
relief when she saw Sora back to her normal size,
along with Yuuchi, both riding on Neo Nanmimon. “Sora!
You’re big again!” Biyomon exclaimed a bit happily.
With her attention focused on her friends, Minotaurmon
took this opportunity to do a sneak attack. “Grappling
Chain!” Minotaurmon shouted. “Biyomon, look out!” Sora
shouted when she saw the long length of chain sailing
towards her Digimon. Biyomon turned back around to
face Minotaurmon, but it was too late. “Ahh!” Biyomon
screamed as the chain wrapped tightly around her body
and wings, causing her to crash down to the ground.

“You gotta help her, Neo Nanmimon!” Yuuchi announced.
“I’m on it, Yuuchi! Psychic Blast!” Neo Nanmimon
shouted. The blast of psychic energy from Neo
Nanmimon’s eyes struck the middle of the long chain,
breaking it in half. “You guys better get off now!”
Neo Nanmimon instructed. “Biyomon!” Sora cried out as
she jumped off of Neo Nanmimon’s back and ran to her
Digimon’s side, along with Yuuchi, while Neo Nanmimon
ran off to fight Minotaurmon. “Are you okay, Biyomon?”
Sora asked curiously as she and Yuuchi quickly removed
the chains from Sora’s Digimon. “I think so,” Biyomon
mumbled a bit weakly as she sat up with Sora’s help.

“Go, Neo Nanmimon!” Yuuchi cheered on his Digimon, who
managed to leap out of the way of Minotaurmon’s
Grappling Chain attack. “Psychic Blast!” Neo Nanmimon
shouted as he released another blast of psychic energy
at the bull-type Digimon. The attack struck
Minotaurmon hard in the stomach, causing him to fall
to one knee. “Have you had enough, Minotaurmon, or do
you want some more?” Neo Nanmimon asked as he took a
step towards the fallen bull-type Digimon. “Actually,
I was about to ask you the same thing,” Minotaurmon
retorted as he stood back up with his ax clenched
tightly in his paw. “Blind Rage!” “Neo Nanmimon, no!”
Yuuchi shouted as he helplessly watched the boomerang
of yellow energy strike his Digimon right in the head,
knocking him down on all fours.

“Hang on, Neo Nanmimon! I’m coming!” Biyomon announced
as she slowly stood up on her own. “Are you sure you
can fight now, Biyomon?” Sora asked a bit worriedly.
“Don’t worry about me, Sora. I can handle it,” Biyomon
reassured Sora as she flew towards Minotaurmon and Neo
Nanmimon. “Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon!” “So,
Birdramon, you’re back for more?” Minotaurmon asked
sarcastically as the large fiery bird-type Digimon
landed next to Yuuchi’s Digimon. Birdramon apparently
ignored Minotaurmon’s question as she glanced down at
Neo Nanmimon. “Are you all right, Neo Nanmimon?”
Birdramon asked. “Yeah, I think so,” Neo Nanmimon
replied as he slowly got back up.

“Then let’s take care of this overgrown bull!”
Birdramon announced as she flew up in the air. “Meteor
Wing!” “Psychic Blast!” Neo Nanmimon shouted. The two
combined attacks struck Minotaurmon simultaneously,
forcing Minotaurmon into a large tree. Minotaurmon
groaned out of pain as he struggled to stand up. “Now,
are you ready to give up?” Neo Nanmimon demanded as he
and Birdramon edged closer to the fallen bull-type
Digimon. Minotaurmon slowly lifted his head, narrowed
his eyes, and muttered, “I’ll never give up to the
likes of you!” With that, Minotaurmon quickly got up
and made a run for it. “Not so fast, Minotaurmon!”
Birdramon shouted as she and Neo Nanmimon started to
give chase. “No, guys, wait!” Sora shouted.

Upon hearing Sora, the two Digimon stopped pursuing
the retreating Minotaurmon. “What for?” Neo Nanmimon
asked curiously as he and Birdramon turned around to
face their human partners. “Minotaurmon gave up, so
there’s no need to go after him,” Sora explained.
“Besides, I’m sure we’ll run into him again sooner or
later.” “In Minotaurmon’s case, I’d prefer later over
sooner any day!” Yuuchi retorted. “Oh, Yuuchi!” Sora
replied with a slight laugh...

“Minotaurmon, how dare you show your face here!”
Armaggedamon shouted angrily, his red eyes glowing
like fire. He was glaring down at the bull-type
Digimon, who was kneeling down in front of his throne
with his head bowed down. “Please forgive me, Lord
Armaggedamon,” Minotaurmon pleaded, too afraid to look
up at Armaggedamon’s glowing red eyes. “Not only have
you failed to retrieve the two Digi-Destined children
you were assigned, but you also lost those rare
crystals! They’re irreplaceable!” Armaggedamon
shouted, his voice growing angrier with every word he
spoke. “I’m sorry, Lord Armaggedamon,” Minotaurmon

“I warned you about what would happen if you failed
me, Minotaurmon!” Armaggedamon announced as he snapped
his fingers. Instantly, two Bakemon appeared on either
side of Armaggedamon’s throne. “Bakemon, escort
Minotaurmon to the dungeon!” Armaggedamon ordered the
Bakemon. The two ghost-type Digimon silently nodded
their heads as they floated towards Minotaurmon. The
bull-type Digimon immediately stood up, turned around,
and headed back down the hall, with the Bakemon
floating on either side of him. Armageddon then turned
his attention to the other Digimon standing in the
shadows of the hallway. “The time has come to double
our efforts! I want those Digi-Destined brats captured
now!” Armaggedamon ordered his evil Digimon army...


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