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Can't Get My Eyes Off of You
(Part 3)
By Lavender

Disclaimer: I don’t own Digimon or any of its characters so don’t sue.

One week later…

“Nice serve Nikki, but I got that one, you’ll have to try again.” Sora said picking up the tennis ball. “Ha, ha that was just a warm up, Sora, the real things coming at you right now!” Nikki shouted from the other tennis court. She served the ball. Sora already ready hit the ball directly at her. Nikki swung the racket and hit it but the ball went out. “Nice trick, Sora.” Nikki said with a smirk. “I’ll get the it.” Sora said running after the ball.

Two girls ran up to a group of guys that were sitting near a tree. “It’s them I know it’s just them, come on hurry up Trina.” Lisa urged.

“Oh, great more hyperactive, too much makeup on fans. Just what we needed to add to our already frustrating day.” Luke said shaking his head. “Okay, we’ll just get this over with and continue with our struggle to write a new song.” Steve added.

The two girls quickly made it over to the tree to find four guys standing with plastered smiles on their faces. “See I told you it was them.” Lisa said. “Hi, can we help you?” Nicholas asked politely. The girls just nodded to awed to speak. “Autographs, I assume.” Matt said. They again just nodded their heads.

Just when Matt was about to autograph something hit him in the foot. He looked down and saw a tennis ball. Then he looked up and saw a girl running towards them. “She looks very familiar, I got it Sora!!!” He shouted to himself. He had to admit it he loved looking at her. He hadn’t seen her for a week! Forgetting all about the two girls he picked up the ball and started walking towards her, but Sora had already reached them. “Wait a minute, he looks oddly familiar, I wond- hey, that’s right, it’s Matt Ishida, hopefully I can explain the whole not being there at the concert thing to him.” She said to herself.

She walked up to him and said, “Hi Matt, it’s nice seeing you again.” “It’s Great seeing you again too Sora.” Matt said smiling. “You know, I’m really sorry about not making it to the concert it’s just that something came up and I had to attend to it, but I would have loved to come if I could.” Sora said stuttering a bit. “Yeah I know, your friends told me, and some days are just like that.” Matt said also stuttering a little. “Great then, can I have my ball, by any chance.” Sora asked looking at the tennis ball in Matt’s hand. “Oh, yeah, sure.” He stammered. Matt handed her the ball their hands brushing against each other’s. Matt could feel her smooth soft skin.

“Thanks, I guess I’ll see you around then, bye.” Sora said turning around and walking back to the tennis courts. “Yeah, no problem.” Matt replied. He then suddenly remembered the rehearsal they had tomorrow and he would love to see her there. He ran catching up to her and said, “Hey Sora!” She turned around to see Matt with a huge smile on his face. She thought the reason he was smiling was that she had something on her face to something like that. “Yeah, do I have something on my face that I don’t know of and that’s why your smiling that big smile?’ She asked eyeing Matt. “No, your face looks beautiful I just wanted to ask you something.” Matt replied. The remark made Sora blush a little, only a little.

“What is it that you want to ask me?” “Well, I was wondering if you would like to come to the rehearsal tomorrow after school, it’s only in the auditorium?” Mat said with a hint of hope in his voice. Sora thought about this for a moment and then replied, “Sure, why not, I would love to come oh can I bring some friends, only a couple?” She replied. “That’s fine, and I’m glad that you can come.” Matt added. He felt like he was going to shout out to the whole world, YES!!!!!! Sora continued her walk to the courts.

The whole time Steve, Luke, Nicholas and those to hyperactive, to much makeup on fans were watching them.

He walked back and quickly autographed their papers practically shooing those two girls away. “So who was the babe?” Steve asked in wonder. “No one.’ Matt simply replied. “Come on Matt spill or we will annoy you like no one has ever done before.” “Perhaps my future girlfriend.” Matt said looking up at the clear blue sky.

So what do you think???? I have decided to take this story slow, meaning I’m not going to rush into the whole mushy, I love you thing. I believe that a relationship such as in my fanfic doesn’t fit the whole I love you thing. It’s just too soon for I love Yous. I hope your not mad or disappointed but I think this would be the perfect thing for my fanfic, seeing as I am the author and all. Anyways please review, oh pretty please and no flames.

Love you all lots,


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