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Can't Get My Eyes Off of You
(Part 5)
By Lavender

Disclaimer: I don’t Digimon or any of its characters, so don’t sue!

After closing the door behind her Sora heard her mother say, “Sora is that you dear?” “Yes, mom, it’s me.” “Did you have a good time?” “It was wonderful.” Sora replied with a smile. “I’m glad to hear that.” Her mom said.

Sora went off to her bedroom and changed out of her dress and into her pajamas. She sat by her window looking up at the sky thinking to herself, “I really like him, he’s a great guy, I had a blast tonight and I even managed to give him a small kiss on the cheek, maybe he’s the one for me, or, maybe not.” She continued looking at the velvet sky above her thinking what was going to happen next.

Matt lay on his bed thinking about her. “She’s amazing, I never had a night like tonight in my life, she’s the one for me I just know it.” A smile ran across his face.

Monday, at school…

Sora was walking from her car to the school when suddenly she felt someone’s warm hands on her eyes, and then she heard a familiar voice, “Guess who?” She had the name right away, “Hi Matt.” A smile crept upon her face. She saw the light of day again when she felt strong arms around her waste holding her body close to his. She felt shivers run down her spine as she turned a slight pink.

Sora turned her head to the side to see a bunch of jealous girls looking at them with eyes that could kill. “Uh Matt, could you let go now, I feel like I’m going to be ripped to shreds in a few moments by those girls over there.” Matt looked at them and slowly but reluctantly peeled himself away from her. “Sorry.” Sora added. “It’s alright, I wouldn’t want you to be shreds anyway.”

The bell rang and Sora and Matt quickly walked to class together.

Sora’s house…

“Sora dear, can I talk to you?” Her mother called out. Sora walked into the living room saying, “Yeah, sure.” “This is great news, okay hear goes, and I was offered a great deal pertaining to our flower shop. They offered me a worldwide deal, meaning that I would have flower shops all over, and I took it of course because this means a better life for you and me, honey, but we have to move to America as soon as possible.” Her mother had on a great big smile. “What! We have to move to America, why can’t we stay here?” Sora yelled. “We can’t, the company is in America, and to make this deal I have to go there in person, and it would cost too much to go down to America each time they had a meeting or something so I thought we should just go live there to make it simpler.” Her mother explained. “But, I know this is the best for us, but I can’t leave, I just can’t leave him, I just can’t, it’s too hard.” Sora said tears welding in her eyes. “Oh, Sora, I know he means so much to you but you’ll get through it, promise, I’m sorry but we have to do this, for the sake of you and me, for you to have a future, a good future.” “How am I going to tell him, what am I going to say, mom please help me.” Sora pleaded as she sobbed in her mom’s arms.

“You’re leaving, you can’t leave, what about him, what about me, Joe and Izzy, you can’t leave us, Sora, I won’t let you.” Mimi cried. “Yeah Sora, you can’t leave us, we love you too much.” Izzy said looking down, he didn’t want to show his tears. “Sora, we all love you and wish you a wonderful life in America, we hope that you never forget us.” Joe said. He knew that’s what Izzy and Mimi were trying to say but couldn’t. “Thanks Joe. You always manage to say the right words. My flight leaves tomorrow night.” “What tomorrow night, that soon, oh Sora I don’t even get to spend time with you before you leave.” Mimi wailed. Sora had tears in her eyes as she said, “You all know that I won’t forget you guys, you are my buddies, my pals, best friends, how could I ever forget you guys, I will never, you are all so good to me, you guys were there when I needed you the most, there even to bug me, but no matter what I will cherish those times always and forever, you were the brothers and sister I never had, I’ll miss you guys dearly.” “I’ll miss you so much Sora.” Izzy choked out through his tears. They sat there hugging each other, thinking back about the many memories they had together.

Sora picked up the phone and dialed a number.


“Is Matt there?” She asked.

“Yeah, this is him.”

“Oh, hey Matt this is Sora, remember me.”

“Sora, hey!” Matt yelled into the phone.

“Uh, can you meet me in the park in about ten minutes, I have something to tell you, it’s really important.” Sora struggled trying to hold back the oncoming tears.

“Sure, no problem.”

“Great, I’ll see you in a bit then, bye Matt.”

“Bye Sora.”

Sora hung up the phone and let the tears stream down her face. “What am I going to do without him, how am I going to tell him?” She thought to herself. She didn’t feel like driving, she decided to walk.

At the park…

Matt sat on a bench waiting for Sora when he saw her approaching. He smiled his charming smile of his but he didn’t know what was going to happen.

“Hey Matt, I really need to tell you something so here goes nothing, my mom got a really good deal on her flower shop business but the thing is…” She took a deep breath and continued, “The thing is we have to move to America, in order for this deal to work, My mom needs to get there ASAP, so she booked a flight that is leaving tonight, Matt I am leaving tonight.” She took another deep breath. “What, you’re leaving me and tonight, Sora you can’t go, you can’t leave me, you mean too much to me, what about us, Sora, what about you and me?” Matt pleaded. Tears began filling his eyes as so did Sora’s eyes. “Matt, you mean so much to me too, I will never forget us, you and me, I will never forget that. Your eyes, your laugh, your every touch, I will never forget. But I have to go, I wish dearly that I can stay with you forever, be in your arms, but I guess that wasn’t meant to be.” Sora whispered to him.

Rain started to lightly drop from the velvet sky.

“I won’t allow you walk out of my life Sora Takenouchi, You are my life, even though we only just met each other a couple weeks ago, You’re the air I breathe, I can’t lose you, please Sora don’t go.” “Please Matt just let me go, I am only a girl who wishes to remain here with a boy but can’t.”

They remained there standing embracing each other as the rain slowly drizzled down upon them.

Sora brought her lips slowly to Matt’s cheek and kissed it softly and then whispered in his ear, “You will remain in my heart eternally, Matt Ishida, eternally, I will by no means at all ever forget you.”

She slowly started to part away from Matt. His hand still clutching hers. As she gradually walked away from him, their hands started to slip bit by bit, and they no longer had their hands connected.

Matt saw tears streaming down her face. He could feel himself inside slowly start to crumble away. He started towards her but saw Sora mouth, “Please let me go.” He came to a stop as Sora continued on, now picking up speed as he saw her turn away and walked out of his life forever.

He looked at his hand that had held Sora’s knowing that this was the last time he was ever going to feel her touch, to hear her soft spoken words, to get to feel the way he had felt with her.

The rain continued to drizzle down from the velvet sky as Matt Ishida let his one and only love slip away.

Oooooh! My surprise ending, dramatic no? Don’t you guys just hate me now! Please don’t, cause I ain’t gonna leave ya hang’ in like that. I’m not that cruel. Just to let you all know there will be a sequel to this series, although I don’t know when I’m going to start it. Expect it whenever. This ends this first part of the series. I’m gonna promise that there will be a sequel, so don’t worry! Anyways hope you all enjoyed and review, be responsible and I want no flames whatsoever or ya ain’t gonna get no sequel! ^_^

Love ya all lots,

Lavender ^_~


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