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Friend of Foe
Episode 1
By Patterpants

Tai-Help police my cats stuck in a tree I need a ride.
Matt-Tai it's not working. Get back here.
Tai-Oh like you could do any better.
   Matt walked up to the side of the rode he stood there a couple seconds
then started to turn around.
Tai-It's not so easy is it.
Matt-Well at least my cats not stuck in a tree!
Girl-Matt what you doin back from camp so soon?
   Matt turned around and looked at the girl.
Matt-Jordan you will never believe this but it snowed.
   The Digimon all acted like they were dolls and froze. Jordan was now
right next to Matt then she turned around and saw all the other kids holding
what looked like dolls. Jordan was about the same height as Matt. Her hair
was brown it went to her shoulders when it was up in a ponytail. It was
straitened and her light wispy bangs were blowing in the wind. Her eyes were
ocean blue. She was wearing a yellow bottom up shirt. On both of her wrists
were white sweatband with a red stripe. Her pants were a dark blue with some
faded spots. The shoes she was wearing were K-Swiss
Jordan-I thought you were to old to be playing with dolls Matt.
Matt-Me to.
   T.K ran to Jordan and jumped up in her arms.
Jordan-Witch one of you has there cat stuck in a tree?
Matt-That genius over there with the big hair.
Jordan-Who are all these people?
Matt-That's Tai, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and Sora.
Voice-Hay Sora do you and your friends need a ride?
Sora-Hay That's my cousin Dwain. Yeah we need a ride. Jordan you can have
one to.
Jordan-No That's ok my mom is waiting for me two blocks down but thanks
Matt-See yeah later.
Jordan-Call me ok.
The Digidestined filled into the car.
Tai-Was that your girlfriend?
Matt-No she's my best friend.
Tai Pov-Wow she was hot I wonder why Matt doesn't want to be more than best
friend I would love to go out with her.
Coramon-How long have you known her.
Tai-Shutup remember I told you not to talk.
Matt-Since she was born. My birthdays July 6th and hers is July 16th.
Tai-Aaaaaahhhhhh what is that.
Dwain-Hu what.
   He turned around and saw a little present left for him.
Dwain-Ok everybody out of the car.

<With Jordan and her mom>

Tammy-Ok what else do you need for school?
Jordan-Um just to go get the guitar and we are done.
Tammy-I still don't see why you took band instead of algebra?
Jordan-Because I hate math. Plus I am only going into the 6th grade and
That's high school math.
Tammy-You can only improve by challenging you skills.
Tammy-Your sounding like that Matt kid more and more everyday, I don't like
you hanging around him he's bad news.
Jordan-How do you know you haven't said two words to him in like a year.
Tammy-I think you should hang out with girls and be around them more.
Jordan-Mom I don't want to have this conversation with you. Hay theirs that
girls cousin.
Tammy-Oh stupid traffic.
Jordan-Mom your not listening to me. Hay he's picking on that Izzy kid.
   Jordan opened the car door and got out.
Tammy-Where do you think your going get back here.
Jordan-I'm just going to tell that guy to quit picking on Izzy.
   She walked over there Dwain was yelling at the little kid. Jordan started
to run.
Jordan-Hay leave him alone.
   Dwain accidentally pushed Izzy and almost fell in. Jordan dived and
caught the kid by his hand.
Jordan-I got you.
Izzy-I don't mean to sound pessimistic but who's got you?
   Before Jordan could pull up Izzy from over the edge of the bridge a
tentacle grabbed on to his leg and started pulling. Both of the kids were
pulled in.
   Tammy saw this and got out of her car and started running to her
daughter. She saw the Dwain kid trying to sneak back into the car.
Tammy-You stay right there and I will be back to have a talk with you as
soon as i get my daughter out of the mess you got her in.
Joe-Gomomon digivolve!

Gomomon digivolve to......... Ikakumon.

   Jordan had a hold of Izzy and was trying to swim away from the monster.
Then another got in.
Jordan-It's just raining monsters, and you know I thought Godzilla was bad.
Ikakumon- Harpoon torpedo.
The torpedo hit the monster and he went away.
Ikakumon-Need a lift.
Jordan-Sure I guess. Jordan dragged herself and little Izzy up on the ferry
sea animal.
   All the Digidestined hoped on the Digimon. (Ok I know the fight didn't go
like that but it's all I could remember about that episode)
Jordan-Mom go pick up my guitar and I'll meet you back home, Matt and his
friends will give me a ride.
Tammy-Jordan it's not safe get back here.
Jordan-What mom I can't here you, just tell me when I get home.
   Tammy went to give the Dwain kid a talking to when she saw him pull away
as fast as possible.
Matt-You herd what your mom said.
Jordan-I know but I didn't want to talk to her right now.
Izzy-Hay I appreciate your attempt at rescuing me.
Jordan-No prob.
Matt-I can't believe you did that.
Jordan-I couldn't let him fall in now could I.
Tai-If you ask me I think that was really brave. (Tai P.O.V)-Wow she is hot I
still can't believe Matt just wants to be friends with her. She's funny and
she's brave. (END)

Coromon-Hi my name is Coromon.
Jordan- Aaaahhhh, oh my god!
   Tai introduced all the Digimon to her. It started to get dark so Ikakumon
de-digivolved and they walked through town dropping each Digidestined off at
their condos. Until Tai and Jordan were the only ones left.
Tai-Are you sure you don't want me to finish walking you home?
Jordan-No it's fine I only life 4 blocks away.
Tai-Ok well hope I see you again.
Jordan-You probably will cause I know where you live and one night I might
cut your hair.
Tai-Yeah but you don't know that I like in number 153.
Jordan-hah hah now I do.
Tai- Oops.
Jordan-Talk to you later.
   Jordan was now a block away and Tai was standing on his balcony looking
at her. Then out out of no where a carriage appeared. A man with a dark cape
hoped out. Jordan started walking towards him. Tai couldn't make out who it
was then the moon came out from behind a cloud. Jordan was now a foot away
from Myotismon.
Tai-No Jordan stay away from him!
   He grabbed Coromon and ran down the stairs as fast he could. Lucky for him
he was on the second floor
Tai-Leave her alone.
   Myotismon dropped Jordan to the ground. lucky for Jordan he had only
started sucking on her neck. Then Myotismon disappeared to his carriage and
flew away.
Tai-God I knew I should of walked you home.
   He picked her up and carried her to him apartment.
Ms.Kamia-Oh is this why you ran out of the house so fast?
Tai-I don't know her number or where she lives.
Mr.Kamia-Who is she.
Tai-We don't have time for this call an ambulance.
   The Kamias called an ambulance and it was on it's way. Then Tai called
Tai-Hello, Matt this is Tai.
Matt-Hay what's up.
Tai-Jordan was attacked by Myotismon and the ambulance is on their way.
Matt-Witch hospital are they taking her to.
Tai-The one on 55th Street.
   Matt hung up the phone. The EMT's arrived and started taking her away.
E.M.T 1-Were you they boy who saw this happen.
E.M.T 2-You'll need to come with us.
   They were in the ambulance. Jordan was lying on the bed as pale as the
e.m.t 1-Who is she?
e.m.t 2-Jordan who.
Tai-I dunno.
e.m.t 3-She has a cell phone on her we can find call her mom.
   The man turned on the phone and went into the phone book the first name
was Mom, he dialed the number and he got 3 rings and her mother answered.
e.m.t 3-We have your daughter we are taking her to Mcay Dee hospital.
e.m.t 1-Why don't you tell us the story from the start.
Tai-Well I was on my balcony and I saw her then I saw a man get out of a
brown car and he grabbed her and  I ran out of my apartment and the man left.
   They arrive at the hospital. Tammy was stuck in traffic and Matt had just
barley made from his house. He grabbed his dirt bike from the storage room and
sped his way here.
Matt-Is she gonna be ok?
   He had his helmet in his hands and a pair of dirt bike boots.
Doctor-No children aloud in the operating room.
   Tai and Matt were left in the waiting room. Tammy came in the hospital
she saw Matt with his boots and his helmet and blamed him.
Tammy-Did you take for a ride on your bike and she fell off? You should be
more careful.
Matt-But Tammy...
Tammy-You know what I don't want you seeing her again.
Nurse-Are you Tammy Kater?
Nurse-I need you to fill out some paper work.
Tai-Geez that Tammy lady doesn't like you dose she.
Matt-Could ya tell.
   An hour later Tammy was still filling out papers and Jordan had come out
of surgery. The 2 boys were aloud to go see her. They walked down the long
hall. They entered room 519. There was a girl lying on a hospital bed. She
had a tube in her are that was putting blood into her system.
Matt-Hay how ya doin?
Jordan-All things considered I feel like a pile of crap.
Tai-Glad to see your ok.
Jordan-I guess, but what was that thing?
Tai-Well it was another Digimon, only this one was evil. His name is
Jordan-Well I am gonna get that thing if it's the last thing I do.
Matt-You don't have a Digimon and if you do go after him it might be the
last thing you do.
Jordan-Still I want to make him pay, has anyone seen where my mom is?
Matt-Um well she's filling out paper and I have a feeling that your gonna be
seeing a hole lot less of me.
Matt-Your mom thought that you fell off my motor bike and she said I can't
see you anymore.
   Tammy came into the room. She ran to Jordan then turned around and gave
Matt a dirty look.
Tammy-I thought I told you...
Jordan-Mom he didn't wreck with me on his motor bike. I was attacked on the
street. Tai saved me and Matt came to see if I was ok.
Tammy-Just get to sleep your head will be clearer in the morning.
Tai-She is telling the truth.
Tammy-I want all of you out of here now.

                                1 week Later

   Jordan was sitting in her bed and was watching TV when the nurse came in
and told her she could go home. The nurse handed her her clothes and pulled
the curtain shut around hr bed. Jordan was so tired, she had been sitting
down for the past week and her muscles felt like she could collapse on them.
Slowly she got dressed and the nurse came back with a wheel chair. Followed
by her mother. They loaded her into the chair and Tammy started pushing her
down the hall.
Tammy-How's my baby?
Jordan-Jessi is younger than I am, and I'm pretty good.
Tammy-How was your stay at the hospital?
Jordan-Oh other than the fact that it's a hospital it was good.
   Tammy took her home and helped her in to the house, Jordan walked into
her room and she went to jump on her bed but there was something already


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