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Friend or Foe
Episode 02
By Patterpants

      It was a Digimon. Her fur was orange with red spikes on her head and on the end of her tail. Her eyes were a deep brown like a puppy dogs.
"Oh Jordan I have been waiting here for a few days now I thought you would never come." Exclaimed the Digimon with joy.
   The Digimon jumped off her bed and attacked Jordan with her licks.
"Ok Ok nice to see you to." replied Jordan while laughing. She slightly shoved the Digimon so she would get off of her.
"I am Magnetomon." said the Digimon
"I have to tell Matt he's gonna be so surprised." Jordan said with amazement.
   She called Matt and told him the hole story. Then she told him to come over, he called the others and they were all on there way. Jordan walked out of her room and saw her older brother. Jade he was 16 years old and 6 feet tall. He had bleach blond hair and brown eyes like his dad and her twin sister Jessi. She looked like Jordan except for her hair it was shorter and blond.
"Well look at you were are the holes in your neck." Jade asked with curiosity
"I don't have any holes in my neck. I think you had a very bad dream and I was in it." Said Jordan while rolling her eyes.
"It's good to see that your ok." Said Jessi with the sound of relief in her voice
"Oh and a few of my friends are coming over to see if I am uh ok yeah that's it." said Jordan with a hint of panic.
"Ok, but dose mom know that there coming over?" asked Jade.
"What mom don't know don't hurt mom right." Jordan said with total panic "I mean if you tell than I won't tell mom how you were the one that pushed the laptop out the window."
"Jade uh your right what mom don't know don't hurt mom heh heh." said Jade.
   Jordan was waiting for a few minutes then doorbell rang she ran to the door and answered it, there were 7 kid standing there with little Digimon poking their heads out of bags and strollers it was the digidestined. Jordan led them to her room. Magnetomon was playing with one of Jordan's socks.
"She is so cute!" said Mimi excitedly.
"Wow she's cool looking." said T.k
   They were standing there disusing thing quietly and every now and then Jordan would hear things like "Dose Myotismon know." or "Has he already found the other one, maybe we are to late."
"Jordan you need to come and see this there is this giant monster on the news!" Exclaimed Jade with excitement.
   Jordan ran out of her room followed by Magnetomon.
"Ah what is that?!?" Screamed Jessi.
   Matt and Tai jumped on the Digimon and dragged her back in the room.
"I didn't see anything did you Jade?" Said Jordan quit coolly.
"No I didn't see anything I'm to busy watching this." Said Jade.
"Where is this happening at?" Asked Jordan with urgency.
"At the apartments about 6 or 7 block away." Said Jade with a flat voice.
"Ok I got to go be back be for dinner, later." Said Jordan while running back in to her room.
"What was that about?" Asked Matt.
"A Digimon about 7 blocks away from here we got to go and  stop it." Said Jordan with worry her voice because that's where her friends lived.
  So the humans left stopping only to slip on their shoes then left. They were walking as fast as they could to get there. They were a block away when this foul stench wafted their way.
"OH gosh that reeks like no other." Said Matt while coughing.
"Yeah it's making my roots turn brown." Said Palamon with disgust.
"They smell worse than T.k's socks." Said Patamon with a bit of airiness
"Oh what is that?" Asked Gabumon with disgust also.
   There was a blob type Digimon coming their way.
"Slimemon. He's a champion type and be where if he hits you with his sludge attack then you can't digivolve and you will be frozen. The only way to get unfrozen is to be put in the water." Said Magnetomon.
   They heard different screams from people coming form the apartment. The digidestined started to run towards the screams when Jordan fell. She grabbed her foot and started to whimper. Tai hearing this ran back to her.
"Are you ok?" asked Tai with worry.
"Yeah it's just my shoe caught on something and the sole of my shoe ripped, but I'll be fine." Said Jordan with a small amount of pain in her voice.
  Tai helped Jordan up Tai was helping Jordan ran to the where the other digidestined were. They stopped dead in their tracks and saw a giant green blob. The thing saw them and went to hit them with a slime attack when Matt ran into him and knocked off his aim.
"Agumon digivolve." Yelled Tai.
                             Agumon digivolve to.....Graymon.
"Slime attack." Yelled the evil Digimon.
   The blob hit Matt and froze him there he could talk and everything but he was stuck and couldn't move at all. Greymon attacked the creature but it just absorbed the blow. The thing just kept freezing all the humans and Digimon until Jordan, Tai, Greymon and magnetomon were left.
"You got to make magnetomon digivolve." yelled Ta.
"I dunno how to." screamed Jordan with panic.
"You won't get the chance to learn." Said slimemon "Slime attack."
   The thing was heading for Jordan when Tai pushed her and they both were covered. Jordan and Tai were stuck only inches from each other, they were lying on there sides. Tai had his arms around her and Jordan had her arms in-between her and Tai.
                        Magnetomon digivolve to...... Alexiamon.
   Magnetomon transformed to a Wolf the size of Gururumon, she was pink on top and white on bottom. There were two silver horns coming out from between her ears. Her eyes were orange and she had long silver claws coming out of her feet.
"What is that thing?" Asked Mimi in a muffled voice.
"That's Alexiamon, she may look like a giant puppy dog but she is fierce, she has the power to absorb another Digimon's power than shoot it at another one, and she can transform to discover her self to blend in better." Said Tentomon intelligently.
"I won't let you harm these kids. Lighting horns horns.
   Flames shot from her horns at the blob, they attack only phased the Digimon a little.
"Greymon attack me and I'll absorb then shoot them with the attack that will be twice as powerful." Alexiamon said.
   He attacked her and the attack went strait into her horns. Then she shot out the powerful attack
"Nova Horns!"
   The Digimon yelled her attack. It took care of the little creature. When it was blasted to bits a tag and crest flew out and landed in front of Alexiamon. Alexiamon de-digivolved to Magnetomon she was holding the crest in her mouth. Magnetomon jogged over to Tai and Jordan
"Hey Mags can you get all of us out of this well um sticky situation?" asked Jordan
   Magnetomon and Augmon started pushing their humans towards the water, it took them a while toe get them down there.
"Are your crazy were stuck like this we'll drowned?!?" Yelled Tai.
   Magnetomon didn't say a word she just kept pushing until they were at the edge of the water and Magnetomon gave one final push and the two kids fell in. Jordan was watching as the slime slowly dissolved. She could see Tai he was looking at her and their eyes were locked. Both of them were staring at each other until finally they both ran out of air and climbed out of the water.
"Are you ok Jordan?" asked Tai
"I'm ok, you?" said Jordan
"I'll live. Do you wanna do somthin' tonight like go to the movies?" asked Tai
"I'd love to but first I have to check in." Jordan answered
   Magnetomon was standing next to them when she dropped the crest at Jordan's side.
"What's this?" asked Jordan
"It's your crest." replied Tai
"Crest?" asked Jordan
"Yeah all of us have one." replied Tai
   He reached inside his shirt and pulled out a his.
"It's the crest of courage." said Tai with the sound of gloating in his voice
"Then what's mine?" Jordan asked curiously.
"You have the crest of honesty. Me and agumon are gonna go get the others to the water." Said Magnetomon
   Jordan picked up the crest and examined it closer. The crest was orange like Tai's only hers was lighter. The shape in the middle was 4 circles intersecting.
"Jordan your shivering." Tai pointed out
"It's ok I just need to get out of the water." replied Jordan.
   Tai hopped out of the water and held out his hand to help Jordan. She took is hand and used them to lift herself. Tai pulled her up and they were standing face to face and slowly they leaned in and kissed. They were standing there when Magnetomon came back with a couple other Digimon came from behind them.
"You two need to keep it pg rated." said Magnetomon with menace
"Hay shut-up." said Tai.
"Are you done because we could use some help?" asked Agumon
   Jordan let go of Tai's hands and walked back to the other digidestined. She found Matts frozen boty and started to laugh at him.
"What's so funny?" asked Matt
"You, first you saved me and now you look like a green blob." said Jordan while gigling
"Whatever just get me out of this." said Matt with anger.
"Fine Fine I will." said Jordan
   She pushed him in the water and the green sludge dissolved. Tai had pushed Sora in and the other Digimon had pushed everyone in and they were all climbing out.
"Oh that waters cold." said Matt while shivering
"Hay you lived thought you were a goner for sure." replied Jordan jokingly
"Me ha, I've been in worst fixes." said Matt in the same tone of voice
"Well someday when you can think of some real ones I'll listen to them," said Jordan
"You just wish you could be more like me." said Matt
"What a dumb blond, or conceited?" asked Jordan
"Just because I'm a sexy beast doesn't mean I'm conceited. Don't dis my hair, it's my pride and joy." joked Matt
   Jordan was sitting at the edge of the water next to Tai, she reached in and grabbed a handful of water and threw it at Matt, the water hit him right on the top of his almost dry hair.
"Ok that's it I'm gonna kill you." said matt
   Matt grabbed her picked her up and threw her in the water. The pay phone a little way down rang. Matt ran to it because Jordan was getting out of the water and she getting mad and he needed an excuse to get away from her.
"Hello." asked Matt while laughing
"I have been sent here to help you along the way." said a boy with a flat tone in his voice.
"Who is this?"
"My name is Marty, but we don't have much time to talk. I need you and the other digidestined to meet me at the park by the bench in front of the pizza parlor." said Marty with worry.
"How do you know we are Digidestined?" asked Matt wile getting a little freaked
"Duh I just told you I was supposed to help you, just meet me there and I will explain everything." yelled Marty on the phone.
Operator-Please deposit 50 yen to continue your conversation.
"Just meet me there and I got to go." said Marty with a  hurried voice
   Then the phone went dead.
"Who was that?" asked Jordan


  Who was on the phone and is it really a friend or is it someone sent o destroy the digidestined find out next time on Digimon Digital Monsters.

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