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Friend or Foe
Episode 03
By Patterpants

   The other end of the phone went dead, he hung it up and turned around to look at everyone else. Again Jordan asked, "Who was it Matt and what did he want?'
"Um I'm not exactly sure but I know his name is Marty and we got to meet him at the park along with everyone else." replied Matt
"Ok." said Sora while raising an eyebrow
"Why should we go and meet this guy, I mean what if he's just one of Myotismon's men and he is going to attack us as soon as we get there?" asked Joe with panic
"Don't wet yourself Joe you have us Digimon to protect you, ya know." said Gommamon
"Really don't freak out." said Mimi
"Well he has a point and what if he has one of those Digimon that can freeze us and out Digimon so we can't protect ourselves?" asked Izzy
"we can go in groups send a few of us in then at the first sign of danger the others will come in and kick the other guys ass." said Tai
"That works, is everybody ok with that?" asked Jordan
"Yeah?" everybody agreed.
   They left for the pizza place, they decided that Tai, Mimi and their Digimon would be the first to meet the kid and make sure everything's safe. They had only been waiting a few minutes when a boy showed up.
"Are you Marty?" asked Tai
"Yeah, I didn't think you would show." replied Marty
   He was the same height as Tai, he had brown eyes, brown hair and bushy eyebrows. He had on a red and navy blue striped old navy shirt. He was wearing baggy blue jeans and some old tennis shoes.
"Um how do you know who we are?" Mimi
"Well, Genii has giving me all the information and I know all your names and the types of Digimon you have and I am here to help you find the 9th Digidestined."Explained Marty.
   From behind a bush they could hear talking. Then Jordan was shoved out form the protection of the bush by Mimi.
"Hay quit pushing and shoving." said Jordan
"Weren't you listening he's Genni's friends he's safe." Yelled Mimi
"yeah but you didn't have to push her." said Sora
"It's not my fault she wasn't paying attention." said Mimi
  By now all three of the girls were out of the bush.
"Why don't you be a little bit nicer!" yelled Jordan
"Hay quit fighting!" yelled Tai at the three girls.
   They all stopped suddenly. Out from behind the bush came the rest of the Digimon and Digidestined.
"Anyways what were you saying?" asked Tai. 
   Marty was about to answer when Jordan pointed up the very large TV screen in the Pizza parlor, they looked over to it and saw the reporters with pictures of Digimon fighting in the background, and the Digidestined all standing there. Then they showed the picture from the other day and they had a picture of Jordan and Izzy being pulled into the water. They ran in to hear what they were saying.
"Now Jill this is some very interesting tapes we got we have one from yesterday, and one from about a half hour ago." said Reporter Bob.
"Yes Bob your right they are interesting, but what interests me most is that the same kids always seem to be there." Said reporter Jill
"Well our reporters try to interview them but they say that they don't want to get near them because they have smaller monsters following them." said Reporter Bob
"Well lets look at the tapes." said reporter Jill
  They showed the tapes and there was all of them. Joe making Gomamon digivolve, them riding away on Ikakumons back. Then they showed the one from today. There was Matt pushing the evil Digimon so the attack wouldn't hit Jordan and Tai. Then she saw him get hit. Tai trying to save Jordan and finally Magnetomon digivolving to Alexiamon.
"Now our phones have been ringing and we have got several calls telling us who almost all of them are." said Reporter Bob
"Now Bob who are they?" asked reporter Jill.
"Well we have a Jordan Kater, Tai Kamia, Matt Ishida, Joe and an Izzy." said Reporter Bob.
"We're screwed." said Jordan in a flat voice
"Hopefully my dad wasn't the reporter saying that, he would kill me when I got home." said Matt in an almost scared voice
"My teachers are gonna hear about this and they will give me bad grades because this summer I was fighting and I destroyed buildings and....and..." said Joe while panicking
"Relax, everything's gonna be ok." said Sora in a calming voice.
"Now I hear that a cartoonist had an idea about a TV show and he's gonna use these monsters and children for the idea." said Reporter Jill
"We're screwed." Jordan said in a flat voice
"Would you quite saying that?!?" Said Matt
"Yeah but were screwed it's the truth." said Jordan while staring blankly up at the screen
"Right, we need to find the last Digidestined." said Gomamon
"Ok lets split into groups, Mimi, Jordan and Sora you go look around the park. Matt and Marty you come with me we will look over by all the apartments and condos. Joe, Izzy and TK you go and look in the phone book that we all gave Joe to look at yesterday and call the kids in them and ask them if they saw any monsters when they were little." said Tai and a commanding voice
"Ok lets go, wait when should we meet back here?" asked T.K
"How about here in three hours." suggested Marty. "It will only be about 5:00 by the time we get back
"Ok." said everyone
   Sora and Mimi had their Digimon in a baby carriage and magnetomon was walking next to Jordan lots of people who walked by were giving Jordan and Magnetomon weird looks. Finally a cop was walking by and stopped them
"Now is that one of those monsters of destruction?" asked the cop
"Um no that's one of the good ones you know the ones that stop the evil." said Jordan
"I don't appreciate you lying to me, and it's a little early for Halloween don't ya think."
"Were making a monster movie."
"In the Tokyo tower." said Mimi
"Uh yeah were meeting our friends up there." Said Mimi
"Oh well have fun." said the cop
   The cop walked away.
"That was to close, mags we need to find you better costume, well better than just walking around in broad daylight." said Jordan "And I wasn't lying so there."
"Lets go to the Tokyo tower." suggested Mimi
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea we can see everything around here." agreed Sora
   They headed up to the tower The three girls were all standing up there when Mimi started making fun of a man in a trench coat.
"Would you look at him it's like only 90 degrees out side." said Mimi
"You shouldn't make fun of people like that cause one day they are going to hear you and get really mad." said Sora.
"Yeah he's really scary looking what if he hears you?" asked Jordan
"Oh what is he gonna do give me dirty looks." said Mimi  
 "I don't know he could be carrying a gun and just shoot us all." said Jordan with sarcasm.
   While they were whispering back and forth the air conditioning went off.
"Hay what's with the A.C." yelled Mimi
   Then the man they were all talking about ripped his coat off and it was an evil Digimon. He through off one of his chains to hit them but he missed.
"We got to get all of these people out of here." yelled Sora with panic.
"Right you get them all going down the emergency stairs and if anything happens get your Biyomon to digivolve and get them down safely." said Jordan.
   Sora started leading the people down the stairs. The evil Digimon knocked down one of the walls. Then he shot again, the two girls were pushed out the wall with the force of the chains. Magnetomon and Palamon digivolved and went to save the girls but the evil Digimon was too much for them. The girls were hanging on for dear life.
"I can't die I'm to cute to die!" yelled Mimi in dismay.
"I bet your e-mail address is I am a qt." said Jordan with sarcasm.
"How can you joke at a time like this?" asked Mimi.
"I have no idea but some one is going to save us." said Jordan hopefully.
   Then the could hear another Digimon. It was cobutarimon.
"See I told you so." said Jordan with relief.
"Jordan I can't hold on much longer. I'm slipping." cried out Mimi.
   Jordan looked over at Mimi and she could see that most of her finger had slipped off and then one of her hands slipped.
"AAHH Jordan I'm falling!" yelled Mimi.
"It's going to be ok!" yelled Jordan trying to calm Mimi.
   The her other hand slipped. Jordan let go of the wire and reached out for Mimi with her left hand while hanging on the wire with her right. Then from behind them they felt a powerful wind. It was Birdramon and there was Sora sitting on her foot.
"You guys look like you could use a lift." said Sora softly.
"Yeah it seams that way." said Jordan while straining to hold on to the wire and Mimi.
   Jordan's hand was slipping and it was either let go of Mimi or let go of the wire. She did the best she could but there was no way she could hold on until Sora could get Birdramon in a position to where they could grab on to, so she let go of the wire. They were falling, when Birdramon dived down and caught he two girls and here lives were saved.
"Oh that was to close for comfort." said Jordan with relief.
"I'm not dead, oh I am not dead, take that you evil Digimon you." Shouted Mimi towards the sky.
"That was pretty close but thanks to Birdramon everything's ok." said Sora with a smile.
   Birdramon landed on the ground, as soon as all the kids had slid off she de-digivolved back to Biyomon.
"Nice save Sora." shouted of voice from behind.
   Tai, Matt, and Marty had come out from the shadows and gave Sora a high five.
"You ok?" asked Matt
"Yeah were fine but did everyone make it out of there safely." asked Jordan.
"Yeah." replied Sora.
   Biyomon was looking around and she saw a video camera.
"hay what is that?" asked Biyomon.
"That's a video camera, oh crap this is gonna be on the evening news." answered Matt with worry.
"That's your dad!" said Jordan
"I got to get out of here my dad is gonna kill me." said Matt wile stricken with panic.
   Kabuterimon landed behind them with Magnetomon, Palamon, and Izzy on his back.
"Come on we got to be going before the news crew can get close to us." shouted Izzy.
   The Digidestined climbed on the bug type Digimon.  Tai sat down next to Jordan and they started to talk.
"So um would you like to well um I mean do you want to do something sometime." asked Tai whit red cheeks.
"I would love to." answered Jordan while keeping her cool.
   The giant bug landed on the ground with a sudden jolt. They hopped off and the Digimon de-digivolved to Tentomon.
"That is so cool, I am never gonna get used to that." said Jordan with amazement.
"You will, we all did." replied Tai.
   The kids all started to walk home when Tai yelled, "Meet back here tomorrow at 11:00!"
"Ok" everybody
   Jordan and Tai were walking together when she asked him, "Oh and Tai do you want to come over you can have dinner at my house?"
"Sure." answered Tai
   They went to Jordan's house. Magnetomon jumped through the window, both Jordan and Tai had to push Agumon through it. Jordan walked in the door followed by Tai.
"Hay I'm gonna go and change." said Jordan while walking into her room. "Oh and make yourself at home if you want anything just go grab it I don't care.
    5 minutes later Jordan came out of her room. Her hair that went to her middle back was down and was flipped out. She was wearing a blue muscle top with a V neck. Around her neck was a silver chain with three rings on it. Underneath it was a gold chain that led into her shirt. She had on a pair of cut off short shorts. Last of all she had on a pair of white socks and her white Adidas tennis shoes with navy blue shoes. As she came out she saw jade and Jennifer sitting at the bar. Jade was 16 years old, 6 foot tall and had bleach blond hair. His eyes were brown and he was muscular
"Hey Jennie, hey Jade this is Tai." said Jordan
"Hello" answered Jennie
"Hey Bro." said Jade
   The door opened and in came Tammy with a man carrying groceries.
"Hi um this is Mr. Motimya, he works with me and we bumped into each other at the store." said Tammy.
 With a shaky voice Mr. Motimya said, "Nice to meet all of you." Jade answered back, "Yeah nice to meet you to."
"Um hay I have a daughter around your age, Jordan and Jessica. Oh and I have a son that is in the 2nd grade your mom invited us for dinner there coming up the stairs with the rest of the groceries." said Mr. Motimya a little more relaxed. The two kids walked in the door.
"Hi I am Jordan and this is Tai we have to go now but we will see ya some other time."
"Be back by 9:00 ok." commanded Tammy with a stern voice. "And I am only giving you twenty so that's bus fair and food."
   She handed the 20 to Jordan then the two kids left. They walked by Jordan's window and she whistled. Out came Magnetomon and then agumon fell out.
"Jordan I'm hungry." said the little orange Digimon while looking up at Jordan.
"Yeah Tai so am I." complained Agumon.
"We can go eat at that burger place like 10 blocks away." suggested Jordan.
""All right we better go because it's going take us a while to get there." explained Tai.
   They left for burger place. The had been waling for about 10 minutes when a few older kids walked out from an ally.
"Hay look its one of those monsters lets get it." yelled one of the guys.
   Jordan and Tai started to run followed closely by their Digimon and the kids.
"What are we gonna do?" yelled Jordan with panic.
"Just run our Digimon are to weak to digivolve." answered Tai.
   So that's what they did they just kept running until they couldn't run no more. But the kids were still right behind them.
"Now what are we gonna do?" asked Jordan.
"I don't know." answered Tai.
   They were standing in front of an old woodworking building when a saw was chucked out the window and narrowly missed Tai's head.
"What was that?" yelled the same guy from before.
   Then all these little ghost type Digimon came out of the hole form the window.
"This can't be good." yelled Jordan.
   The kids and Digimon started to run again. Jordan was looking for anyplace where they good get food. When she saw a Wendy's.
"Turn right Tai!" yelled Jordan and they ran straight into the fast food restaurant.
"They are still right behind us." Said Tai. "Look a few of the Bakemon are taking a those guys away and the rest of them are coming after us."
"I don't think I can run anymore I am so hungry." complained Agumon.
   Jordan had run to the register and ordered to two largest meals your could imagine witch took almost all of her money. She shoved the hamburgers into the two Digimon's faces.  Tai was noticing all the weird looks they were getting from everyone.
"Um hehe my little brothers are playing monsters." stammered Tai.
   The Digimon were almost done eating when the windows were crashed and all the little ghost Digimon came in along with about 10 grim reaper Digimon.
"Ok magnetomon digivolve!" yelled Jordan. 
"You to Agumon!"
                                Magnetomon digivolve to.....................Alexiamon
                                    Agumon Digivolve to..............
"What just a second!" yelled one of the evil Digimon.
   He slashed at Agumon before he could digivolve.
"Agumon, no!" yelled Tai while running to his little orange Digimon.
"Alexiamon get him." yelled Jordan
   She went to attack the evil Digimon but the attacked her. Alexiamon collapsed on the ground.
"No Alexiamon! You can't be...... you just can't I barley got to know you." Said Jordan while pouting. She was holding the lifeless Digimon's head in her lap.
"I hardly even knew you but I knew you were gonna be one of my best and most true friends, and I can never have enough of those."
"Hah, she won't wake up and soon she will turn into data and you will never see her again." boasted an evil Digimon
"No it can't happen, I love her to much!" screamed Jordan
                        Ok that's the 3rd episode. I would really like your opinion at

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