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Friend or Foe
Episode 04
By Patterpants

   Dust was clouding the air, from the building they had just destroyed. Jordan was coughing and crying at the same time with her lifeless Digimon's head in her lap. The leader of the Bakemon was laughing at the girl.
"Silly girl there is nothing you can do." boasted the leader of the Bakemon.
   Jordan just glared at the Digimon wither blue-green eyes. Then from her crest came a orange glow, dim at first then it was bright, so bright that Tai had to close his eyes. The light engulfed the two injured Digimon and when it disappeared Alexiamon and Agumon were restored to full heath. Tai's digivice started to react
                             Agumon digivolve to..............Greymon
"Get them Greymon!!" yelled Tai.
"Aleximon be careful." shouted Jordan to her Digimon while she was running after the evil Digimon.
"Nova blast"
"Lightning Horn"
   The two attacks hit the Bakemon and they disintegrated and all that was left were the Digimon the resembled a Grim Reaper. They attacked again but it didn't even phase them.
"Greymon you need to digivolve!" shouted Tai.
                             Greymon digivolve to..........Metal Greymon
"Jordan you have to let me digivolve to the next stage." said Alexiamon to Jordan
"I don't want you to, what if something bad happens? I don't think I could handle losing you." said Jordan with worry in her heart
   The attack hit the remaining Digimon and they disintegrated. Jordan stared at her Digimon while she de-digivolved back to Magnetomon. Metal Greymon de-digivolved back to Agumon and the both of them ran over to where Jordan and Magnetomon were standing.
"What happened?" asked Tai
"I....I don't know" stammered Jordan
"Well we better go before the police get here and yell at us for destroying a Wendy's Building." suggested Tai.
   So they left, they were walking in complete silence when Jordan broke it, "has anything bad happened when your Digimon tried to digivolve?"
"Well I wanted to make Agumon digivolve in to his ultimate form Metal Greymon and he turned in to Skull Greymon and he attacked us all." explained Tai. "Why?"
"Oh no reason I was just wondering." Jordan answered.
   In a faraway place. In a dark room, there was a mon sitting on the throne he was staring into a bowl of water, there were people moving in the water purple tinted water.
"Well it looks like one of the new Digidestined is afraid to have her Digimon digivolve past Champion." smirked Myotismon.
"Yes Myotismon it looks that way but to be sure how should we make it so her crest is not able to activated?" asked a little demiDevimon
"Yes that was very annoying that pesky little girl, if she wouldn't of activated it we would have eliminated two of them and only have 7 to go." complained Myotismon.
"well we can find away to destroy her." said Demidevimon "Why I could do it for you master."
"You would mess everything up, I have already called on a servant that is more capable than you." said Myotismon "Come forth."
   A door opened with a sudden breeze coming through the room slowly two figures came forward, one was about two feet tall and the other looked like he was almost six feet tall.  
"You called for us lord Myotismon." asked the lager figure.
"Yes, I need you to destroy someone for me. She is messing up my plans for total domination." said Myotismon with annoyance.
"I see your going to use me as a means to destroy this girl." said the tall figure.
"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO USE MY MASTER LIKE THAT." yelled the little monster.
"Sounds interesting." said the taller one with a flat voice
   The smaller one stopped yelling. Then the master of the little Digimon disappeared in a poof of smoke. The little one ran as fast as he could to get to the smoke before it disappeared.
   Tai had walked home Jordan home, the sun was slowly setting behind them, and the stars were slowly starting come out from the red velvety sky, Tai and Agumon were about to leave for home when Jordan stopped him, "Um......bye I guess I will see you later."
"Yeah bye." said Tai and he turned to leave
"Wait." said Jordan
"Yeah, what do you need." asked Tai.
"never mind." replied Jordan
   They were staring at each other when Tai grabbed Jordan's hands and they leaned in for a kiss.
"I thought we were leaving?" questioned Agumon
"SSSSSHHHHH" whispered magnetomon while putting her head under her leg.
   Jordan leaned away and started to giggle.
"What?" asked Tai.
"Look at our Digimon" whispered Jordan into Tai's ear.
   Tai turned around and looked at them magnetomon had her nose under her leg and Agumon was squatting on the ground and was covering both his eyes.  Tai started to laugh and Agumon spread his claws and peeked between them and magnetomon had lifted her head half an inch so her eyes were peaking out.
"Well I better go, talk to ya later." replied tai.
"Yeah call me sometime, bye." said Jordan
   With that Tai and Agumon left for the four blocks home, Magnetomon went to hop through the window but it was shut.
"It's ok I will sneak you in, my mom probably won't even notice."
   Jordan opened the door. Her mom and Mr. Motimya were sitting on the couch and were watching the news. Jordan hurried and snuck Magnetomon in to her room. When she walked back out on the news they were showing the attack at Wendy's.
"We caught the two kids that stopped this horrible attack leaving Wendy's shortly after on tape and we were able to identify them, they are a few of the same kids from before. They are hold on just a sec they are bringing me the names." replied reporter Jill.
   Jordan jumped in front of the TV.
"These story about monsters, crazy cooks." Jordan said with panic.
"Hay I want to see this." said Tammy.
"Mom it's just a load of crap, don't tell me you actually believe this stuff." continued Jordan.
   Then reporter Jill came back on with the names.
"I got to sneeze, AAAAAAAAAAAA-CCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOO!"replied Jordan
"Jordan that was the fakest sneeze I have ever heard." Tammy pointed out. "Is there something you don't want me to see on TV."
"Yes, No, Maybe, could you repeat the question." stammered Jordan
   Then Jordan moved out of the way expecting to me grounded for life. When her mother said, Oh look they discovered a new sickness, monkey flu."
  Jordan sighed with relief and went into her room, when she saw a small boy playing with Magnetmon.
"This is a really cool monster." said the little boy with amassment.
"Um there is a little boy in my room mom!" yelled Jordan
"My name is Davis and my Dad and your mom are going out." said Davis.
"That's nice but would you mind leaving." asked Jordan
"I don't want to." said Davis
"Please leave now." commanded Jordan
"Come on Davis, Jun we are going home." yelled My. Motimya
   They left and Jordan went and sat on her bed. She wrapped herself up in her yellow and blue bed spread, she stared at her bright yellow walls for a while when drowsiness took over and she fell asleep Magnetmon jumped up next to her and curled up in a ball then went to sleep. About 4 hours later Jordan woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She was so tired she went to shut off her alarm clock realizing it was off she headed back to bed. Then the phone rang again and she picked up the house phone and it was Tai.
"Hello" answered Jordan
"Hey, you won't believe this!" said tai with excitement
"What?" Jordan asked sleepily.
"My sister Kari is the 9th Digidestined."
"Really." replied Jordan with a yawn
"Yeah but Myotismon can't find out." said tai with a sudden tone of panic in his voice
   There was a loud sound in the back round of Jordan's house.
"What was that?" asked Tai
"I don't know, but I'm going to check it out. Call the others and let them know." said Jordan with worry.
"Be careful Jordan, I don't want anything to happen to you." Said Tai with more worry than Jordan
   Jordan hung up the phone and slowly walked to her door and cracked it open. She could see Bakemon taking he mom, brother, and sister out the door and one was coming to her room.
"Quick hide!" whispered Jordan with panic.
   So they hid under her bed.
"No one in here." said the bakemon "That must be the last of them."
   Jordan waited 5 minuets before she dared to crawl out from underneath her bed.
"You would think under the bed would be the first place you would look." said Jordan with a hint of relief.
   Jordan ran to her closet and changed into a pair of blue jeans, she grabbed her gray turtleneck sweatshirt. She grabbed her belt with the pouch that was connected to it, she put her digivice in side. She put on her tan leather jacket and grabbed her bag and put in a scarf, hood, some gloves and a muscle top.
"What's all that for?" questioned Magnetmon
"Tai told me that we might have to go back to the digital world so I'm getting prepared, just incase we have to go there, because I don't think that we will have time to come back to the house." replied Jordan
   Then she walked back over to her closet and grabbed a hat and a rain coat.
"What's that for?" asked Magnetomon.
"I don't want the bakemon to know your a Digimon." answered Jordan while slipping the rain coat on to Magnetmon.
   So they left towards Tai's house. Jordan looked toward the sky and saw fog surrounding the entire town. 
"Look at all that fog." muttered Jordan out loud.
"I know weird huh." replied Magnetmon.
"It's kind of freaky." replied Jordan
   They were on Tai's block when they saw him his sister and Agumon running out of the building.
"Tai wait up!" yelled Jordan while chasing after them.
"Shh we might get caught." whispered Agumon.
"Hurry I called Sora and she is on her way to meet us." said Tai.
   The young Digidestined kid Matt was running out of his building with his faithful companion Gabumon.
"What are we going to do." asked Gabumon
"I don't exactly know but I do know we need to get out of here." answered Matt.
"It's not going to be light out for a few more hours." said Gabumon.
"I know but I just can't sit around I have to do something, I don't care if it's running around I just need to do something." answered Matt.
   So that's what he did he ran until his feet were sore and collapsed with drowsiness.. Gabumon ran to his friend helping him sit up. They were sitting in the dark ally resting for a few minuets when a parade of  Bakemon ran by, chasing humans and capturing kids.
"That was close." Whispered Matt with relief.
"Your right that was to close." replied Gabumon. "Are you all right?"
"I'll be fine." said Matt
   He stood up but realized he was to tired to run so he sat back down.
"Let me rest a few minuets then we can go again." said Matt while taking deep breaths
   Matt caught his breath stood up again and started to run
"Matt your going to wear yourself out, then you won't be able to help anybody." said Gabumon with worry.
"I will stop whey I get far enough away from all this so I can relax." replied Matt.
"Fine as long as you stop then." commanded Gabumon.
   Matt ran and ran until he saw an abandoned building and he went inside. There was an old mattress, a chair, a TV, a VCR, a lamp, and some old candles.
"What is this place?" asked Gabumon
"When my parents split up I ran away and I lived here. Jordan brought me most of this stuff for me like the TV and the Lamps, but the rest of it I got form our storage room." replied Matt.
"You and Jordan are really good friends aren't you." questioned Gabumon.
"She is my best friend." answered Matt.
   Matt stared at Gabumon and looked at his sad face.
"Well she's my best human friend but your my best Digimon friend." replied Matt trying to make Gabumon feel better.
"Do you really mean that Matt?" asked Gabumon with hope.
"Of course I do, Jordan would never give me her fur to keep me warm now would she." answered Matt.
   Matt went and laid down on the mattress and fell asleep while Gabumon stood watch.
"I hope those guys hurry up I'm starting to get worried." said Sora with panic in her voice.
"I'm sure they will be here soon." said Biyomon reassuringly
"Awe Sora are you starting to get worried about me?" Tai asked jokingly
"Hi guys." said Sora with relief.
"What are we going to do now? we have a few hours until the sun comes up." asked Magnetomon.
"I don't know." answered Tai.
"I know a place we can go follow me." commanded Jordan
   After that she took off running, followed closely by the others. They had been running for 2 minuets when Jordan stopped.
"It's not that far from here." said Jordan while caching her breath.
   They waited there until everyone had cough their breath then they started to run again. They came to an old abandoned building. The windows were boarded up and had bars across it, there was an old door that had been chained shut before someone cut the chains. Jordan opened the door far enough so she could go through.
"What's here." asked Tai.
"When Matt's parents split up he ran away and came here to live, we used to hang out here all the time here." answered Jordan while causally entering the building
"Matt wake up there's someone coming in here." whispered Gabumon in to matt's ear.
   matt stood up and stared at the people entering the room. He grabbed an old piece of wood and held it like a bat. It was hard to see who it was because it was so dark.
"Howling blaster" the attack headed strait for the 3 people and 3 Digimon.
"Jordan look out." shouted tai
   He ran over to Jordan and pushing them both out of harms way.
"Jordan I'm so sorry I thought that you were evil Digimon." exclaimed Gabumon.
"It's ok." answered Jordan.
   Tai and Jordan had gotten up and were on there way over to the dirty mattress
"So this is where you used to live, it's kind of a dump." tai thought aloud.
"Yes I lived here and at the time it was allot better than with my dad so shove it!" yelled Matt
"Relax Matt." retorted Tai.
"Why did you even bring it up in the first place!" asked Matt
"Because I did ok, why is this bothering you so much?!?"yelled Tai.
"Both of you drop it, gosh why are you fighting there is allot more that we should worry about." shouted Magnetomon at the two boys
   The two boys stopped and stared at the ground.
"We might as well rest until morning comes, I'm so tired that that's all I can pretty much do." suggested Sora.
"She's right If you want you can all sleep and I'll take fist watch." offered Magnetomon
"Ok and I'll go after you." said Jordan with a big yawn
  The next morning Matt was the fist one awake. He look over at Magnetomon stretched out in a patch of sun light, Gabumon was sleeping at his feet, Tai was leaning against a wall sleeping with Agumon lying across his legs, Sora was curled up in a ball with Biyomon, but he couldn't find Jordan.
"Hay wake up Jordan's gone!!!" shouted Matt
   All of the others woke with a start.
"What?" asked Mangnetomon.
"Jordan she's not here." said Matt with worry.
"What do you mean she's not here?" asked Tai.
"What do you think I mean? Can't you get it she's not here!" yelled Matt
"Ok relax if you two get in a fight how are we going to help Jordan or any of the others for that matter." said Sora with a calming voice.
"She's right you guys we need to go and find her." said Magnetomon with panic in her voice.
"You guys don't understand, she is my best friend other than Gabumon, if something happens to her I couldn't handle it. I could barley handle my parents separating!" said Matt with Dismay
"Look Matt I understand how you feel I don't want anything to happen to her either but we have to keep our cool or we can't help her." said Tai back.
"Whatever." said Matt with a flat voice
"Owe my head." complained Jordan
   Jordan slowly opened her eyes. Her head was pounding with pain. Slowly she raised it. She went to rub it with her hand when she realized she couldn't hardy move it, she tried to move the other one, then her legs but there was no success. her eyes started to focus in the dim light. She could make out cuffs around hands, there were also cuffs around her feet. She tried to turn her body but she couldn't she could feel a cold ring around her neck keeping her from moving it.  
"What the heck?" questioned Jordan to no one
"Looks like it's not to hard to catch a Digidestined." said a high pitched voice with amusement
"What is your problem? Why are you doing this to me?" questioned Jordan
"Well my problem is you, and that should explain both your questions." said the evil Digimon..
"Quit being a coward and come out from the shadows!" yelled Jordan with frustration while trying to brake free form the wall.
   Slowly the creature walked out from the shadows. He was about 2 feet tall. His skin was a teal green, he had huge bug eyes. His lips were the same color as the rest of him, only it led into a beak. He had a long brown robe that was tied with a rope. He was carrying a staff with two heads carved into it, one was an old man and the other was a young lady.
   Jordan glared at the little beast as thought trying to burn a hole through it's demon sole. Then she noticed something behind it, she couldn't make out any details. All that she could tell was a thing with long hair, there was fur around his shoulder, and he was much taller than the tiny figure in front of him.
"Who's your friend." whispered Jordan with anger.
"Well your weak human eyes adjusted to the dark better than I thought." said the other one with amusement in his voice.
"Master let me destroy her, you shouldn't waste your energy, we have many more to capture." said the little imp.
"Very well I will watch." said the taller one with a yawn.
"Wait!!" yelled Jordan
"What?" questioned the little Digimon.
"Well I would like to know the names of my killers." said Jordan
"I am nurokumon, and my master is, shomomon." said the little Digimon
"How is it that I have never met you but you still want to destroy me." asked Jordan
"Quit buying time." yelled Nurokumon
   He grabbed his little staff then the old mans mouth dropped open, out of the wooden staff shot flames.

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