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Friend or Foe
Episode 05
By Patterpants

"I wonder what could of happened to her." questioned a worried Sora
   The three Digidestined kids and four Digimon were wandering around the abandoned warehouse in hopes of finding Jordan.
"Can you hear that?" asked Magnetomon "I can't tell where it is coming from."
"Hear What?" asked Matt with a new hope
"Someone screaming." said Magnetomon
   The little dog like Digimon stuck her ear to the ground and listened.
"Down there I can hear her." said Magnetomon
"How are we going to get down there?!?" yelled Tai in frustration
"Blow a hole." suggested Agumon
   The flames had hit Jordan, when they disappeared she fell limp hanging by her chains.
"Well I finished her off." Boasted the little imp Digimon
"It seems that way." said the other one "We shall take our leave."
"Not leaving so soon are you?" asked a small voice in the from behind
"Your still alive, but how?" asked the little Imp.
"How should I know."
"This is interesting." said the second Digimon while sitting back down
"This time you will die for shore." said the tiny Digimon while attacking her again.
   This time the flames didn't disappear they just stayed in a blaze surrounding her. Slowly the chains melted form the heat.
"She is down there I can feel her, she needs my help!" Shouted Magnetomon while pacing back and forth.
   The little Digimon couldn't take it, she started attacking the ground until she blew a hole big enough for her to fit through it was a tight fit but she made it, jumping in to the sewers below  but before she could leave Sora stopped her.
"Magnetomon we can't fit you will have to do it by yourself." said Sora through the little hole.
   Magnetomon just nodded and sniffed around to pick up Jordan's sent. As soon as she found it she took off like a bullet. She was running every witch way searching for the place where Jordan was.
   When the flames finally disappeared Jordan had changed, she had on a white skin tight muscle top with a orange and white skirt. She had on a pair of white gloves that went to her wrists, her tennis shoes were plain white and she had on a pair of ankle socks. Her hair was blowing in her own wind and on her forehead was a drawing of a flame glowing brightly, slowly it faded then disappeared.
"Wanna try that again or would you like me to do it to you." said Jordan with a menacing voice.
   Jordan glared at the little Digimon, he turned around to run behind his master when Jordan punched him across the back of his head.
"Me think's your last expression was more pleasing to the eye and less menacing to the head." said the little Digimon while rubbing his head.
   Jordan kicked him out of the way and walked to the Digimon that was sitting in the shadows.
"I don't remember doing anything to you that would of caused this attack on me." said Jordan with a calm voice.
"Your right you didn't do it, Myotismon called on me to do him a favor, he is the one that wants you dead." said the Digimon.
"Well I hope that this will not happen again or I will be forced to kill you." said Jordan
"We will see one another again but at a later time." said the Digimon
   The smaller one ran to him then they disappeared.
"Jordan where are you?" yelled Magnetomon while searching for Jordan
"I'm in here." said Jordan with a flat voice.
   The little Digimon ran to Jordan as fast so she could, as soon as Magnetomon saw her she ran and jumped on her knocking her to the ground. Magnetomon started licking Jordan's face.
"Ok, Ok I missed you to." said Jordan while pushing the Digimon away.
"What happened?" asked Magnetomon curiously.
"Long story." said Jordan "I'll tell you later."
   So they left the place, slowly they made their way to the opening that Magnetomon had made. Jordan could see 6 familiar faces looking through the hole. Magnetomon jumped up and out of the hole. Jordan stood down there for a little while until she voiced what she was thinking.
"Um how exactly am I supposed to get out of here?"
"Fly of course." said Magnetomon
"Oh yeah I'll just spread my wings and fly." said Jordan with sarcasm
"No, your a goddess." said Magnetomon to Jordan as if she was five and didn't know anything
"What do you mean she's a goddess?" asked Tai
"Yeah what do you mean I'm a goddess?" asked Jordan
"I mean when you were down there they attacked you and since I wasn't there to protect you, you had to find another way to survive so you did the only thing possible." explained Magnetomon.
"And what would be?" asked Jordan
"Well it's kind of like digivolving." said Biyomon
"Hay can we finish this conversation when she's out of the hole in the ground, were kind of drawing attention." said Matt while looking around.
   Jordan just stared up at her friends, but none of them tried to help. She decided to do the only other thing that came to mind, fly. She jumped but nothing happened.
"What are you doing?" asked Matt
"What dose it look like, I'm trying to fly." said Jordan
   She tried and tried again but nothing happened so she started to climb her way out. Slowly she climbed up the slippery walls, she fell twice but on the third time she made it.
"Well I don't think I'm cut out to fly." said Jordan while whipping off her skirt.
"Looks like you got a little dirty." said Tai while looking at his girlfriend
"Yeah looks that way, I wouldn't be so dirty if you guys had helped me." said Jordan
"If I could of helped I would of." said Tai
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound rude." said Jordan to Tai
   Tai walked over to her and they hugged, and Jordan returned the hug, Sora started at the two with bitterness until Matt finally spoke.
"Oh don't tell me you and him."
"And why not him?" asked Jordan
"Yeah why not me?" asked Tai with anger.
"I mean it's just Tai." said Matt with a disgusted face.
   Gabumon pulled at his leg, matt looked down at the Digimon, Jordan started flipping him off and when he looked back up at Jordan she made a peace sign. Tai started to laugh Jordan look away from but while silently giggling, while she turned around Matt flipped her off and when she looked at him he made a thumbs up. Tai glared at him but Sora started to laugh. As soon as they were done laughing the Digimon and kids walked back into the building so they would be out of sight.
"Ok now what about this hole goddess thing?" asked Jordan
"Well I'm not sure how it all works but I know there is four of them two god's and two goddesses." explained Magnetomon
"Well who are the other three?" asked Sora
"I don't know, I guess we just have to find out." said Agumon
"Well then why did I change clothes and that's it, that and not be killed by the fire?" asked Jordan
"Oh well I didn't know that they attacked you with fire, so that makes you the fire goddess." said Magnetomon
"Ok but do I get like any powers or anything?" asked Jordan
"Yes you'll slowly get those, I don't know it's really weird." said Magnetomon
   Then out side they heard a big explosion, the building started to rumble and boards fell form the rafters.
"That can't be good." said Jordan with a flat voice
"Lets go." said Tai while running out the entrance of the building.
   They ran towards the flaming remains of a building. Matt stood out there and just stared at it.
"I wonder how there gonna fix all of this?" Matt thought out loud.
"Matt, Sora will you guys watch my sister and make sure nothing happens to her and Jordan you come with me to see if we can free some of these people." commanded Tai
   Kari went with Matt and Sora while Jordan went with Tai towards the convention center where there were many Digimon guarding it.  They dodged behind a giant piece of building.
"Ok here's the plan, we make our Digimon digivolve and then we go in and kick all the other Digimon's butts." Tai explained
"That's your plan, your kidding right." said Jordan "You weren't kidding."
"Hey what are you doing here?" asked a bakemon that had flown over.
"Kiss me before we die." whispered Tai to Jordan.
"Flaming fists" Magnetomon attacked and destroyed the bakemon
"Did you hear him?" asked Jordan to the Digimon while laughing.
"I thought it was a good plan." commented Tai.
   They walked away from their hiding place because other bakemon which ad seen their comrade be disintegrated were heading that way.
"Mom I got to go and help them." said T.K to his mother.
"No T.K we have to get out of here. Come one we are going to miss our boat." commanded Nancy.
   T.K's mother was pulling him by the hand when he ran in to a familiar face.
"AAAHHH" shouted a Terrified Joe.
"Joe, yeah we found you." shouted T.K
"The boats have been stopped because of all this fog." said a voice over a speaker.
"Joe I could just digivolve to Ikkakumon and I could swim over there." suggested Gomamon.
"Ok lets do it." said Joe
                             Gomamon digivolve to..................Ikkakumon
   The two boys and Patamon hoped on Ikkakumon.
"T.K where are you going?" asked Nancy with panic
"Don't worry mom this is my friend Joe and he's taking me to Matt." answered T.K
"I met T.K at summer camp he almost cut my pinky off but it's ok." said Joe
"Bye mom." shouted T.K. to his mother.
   And they left. they were swimming across the ocean when Ikkakumon was attacked. Knocking Joe and T.K. off.  T.K. was slowly sinking towards the bottom when Joe reached down and grabbed him. T.K. grabbed on to the board that Joe had. Joe let go and he started to sink. When his crest started to glow
                              Ikkakumon digivolve to.................Izudomon
   Izudomon grabbed Joe and T.K.
"Sultans hammer" and he took care of the evil Digimon that attacked him.
   They were on their way again when they saw a body floating in the water. It was Wizardmon. Izudomon picked him up and started to take them all the main continent.
"We have to get out of here." shouted a man.
"Would you relax." yelled an annoyed Mimi. "At least your not in your pajamas."
"The mans right we need to get out of here right honey." commented Mimi's dad. "I'm gonna go and get those monsters."
"Oh honey be careful." said Mimi's mother with worried.
   With that Mimi's father along with a few other men left to attack the Digimon. Mimi's father drove away in a golf cart towards a giant Digimon.
"Palamon this doesn't look good." said Mimi 
                           Palamon digivolve to............ Togamon
   Togamon went to attack the Digimon Mimi's father was chasing. The Digimon attacked Togamon and she was knocked to the ground.
"Togamon no." shouted Mimi.
   Tears swelled up in Mimi's eyes but only one of them fell. Then her crest started to glow.
                                    Togamon digivolve to..........Lilymon.
   Well that's it so far, this break has been good I have been able to write 2 parts to this story, but I have to go back to school here in a lil bit, i'm just in luck I am not a senior like my bro he has tons of homework well I better be going homework, baby-sitting, and the phone is calling my name. Laters
                           Patterpants-AKA Jordan Friken A. Patterson
               Oh and if you have any constructive comments please e-mail me at

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