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My Shinra Heaven
Part 01
by Jupiter: Seifer's Babe

AN: Please do not flame me if I get the characterisations incorrect.  This is my first Final Fantasy VII fanfic.  In case it's *that* crap I will delete it permanently unless you can provide a good enough reason for me not to.  <FYI, I naturally know more FF8 than FF7>.  OK, for my story Rufus survived the explosion from Diamond Weapon's attack and did not die (Who would want the gorgeous Shinra president to die anyway?).
Disclaimer: Nothing's mine.  I want Rufus *gasps and faints. *
Dedication: To Rufus lovers, comme moi.  Yeah Tifa fans inclusive.

Tifa Lockheart rested her elbows on the table in the bar while she watched Barrett Wallace tiredly drink his sixth beer bottle for the night.  He was unquestionably exhausted after having a total of twenty fights in the forest; all which followed on from each other under a minute.  It was like an endurance test for the AVALANCHE leader.  Except he did survive each battle against the monsters without losing consciousness and used enough X-potions to heal himself in time for the next incoming fight.  Cloud Strife was there to help him to equalise the number of opponents yet was not worn out as he was.  Cloud was a mercenary with excellent stamina plus a high sword fighting technique.  Everyone agreed the ex-SOLDIER was born to be a skilled fighter and gifted for leadership.  Barrett was not the type to show his respect to Cloud clearly but in his mind, he thought Cloud was a great person.  The defeat against Sephiroth was proof of his greatness.  It was nearing one o'clock in the morning. Tifa knew time was running late and that everyone should be in bed.
"Is Marlene asleep?" Barrett drunkenly asked, his breath smelling of alcohol heavily.  Tifa motioned a gentle nod.  "Good.  She'd freak if she saw me like this."
"It's 1AM in the morning, you know," Tifa said in deep concern.  Barrett juggled his hand with the empty beer bottle.  His eyes half-opening then closing briefly.  Tifa helped him get up, jerking his arm upwards <My God, he is really drunk.  Why has he suddenly become addicted to alcohol? He normally does not drink this much>.

The one possibility for Barrett's over-drinking was that Shinra had disappeared into the light soon after Cloud's victory over Sephiroth.  It triggered real happiness and pride in Barrett's conscious.  For many years Barrett despised Shinra Inc.  All they did was ruin the planet because of that stupid thing they called 'The Mako Reactor.' The Mako Reactor made innocent lives worsen because of its energy it released.  Nothing improved.  During the present time, things turned out peacefully.  There were monster fights here and there in the forest, which Cloud took care of easily.  However in general, life was back to normal.  Or wasn't it? Tifa always brought that subject up when she spoke to Cloud of the future.  Sometimes she could tell he would think of Aeris.  He once said, "I feel Aeris sitting by my bedside.  Watching me.  What do you think this feeling is, Tifa?"
<I wouldn't know.  What I *do* know is that Aeris was a caring woman who had a heart.  Why did Sephiroth have to take her life? Cloud…he...loved her.  Didn't he? > Tifa allowed her long black hair to slide down the front of her white shirt as she closed the door to Barrett's room.  Thinking about the long lasting fight two months ago gave Tifa goosebumps.  Couldn't she think of something nicer other than the last battle? <I have to get some sleep.  Tomorrow's another normal day for me> Tifa shifted her body underneath the bed sheets and closed her eyes <have a nice dream>.

Rufus awakened underneath the rubble, pushing the broken glass off his dirtily covered suit.  How long had he been blacked out for? Was it a whole year? Why hasn't anyone found him yet? <The police were too blind to find me> He smothered his blonde hair to its usual slick style.  At least the hair didn't get ruined.  Rufus picked up the phone set he noticed by his feet.  The dialling tone had a deep monotonous sound.  Rufus placed the phone set back in its place then picked it up again.  It sounded normal now.  <I have to call Shinra HQ.  See where the others went to> Rufus quick dialled the phone number to Shinra Headquarters.  The dialling tone stopped when the operator answered.
"I'm sorry the number you have dialled does not exist.  Please try again."
<What the fuck is this? > Rufus slammed the phone set down angrily.  Great.  Here he was trapped in a torn down building, nobody managed to find him and the Shinra HQ phone number was no longer in the telephone books.  What the hell was going on? Things must have changed when Rufus was out cold.  He thought he died and gone to Hell.  Or was it Heaven? He wasn't afraid to admit that he was evil in some sense or another so he would have gone to Hell.  Did the Devil bring him back to life for a purpose? What purpose would he have? People probably assumed the Shinra President was a dead man.  Yet he was in the flesh.  Alive.  <I have to return to Shinra HQ myself then.  Hopefully I will find my partners there>.  Dusting off dirt on his grey suit, Rufus walked out of the roofless abandoned building.  It was time he found out what the real situation was for him.

"Breakfast is ready!" Tifa called as she laid the table with plates of buttered toast.  Two doors opened side by side.  A yawning Cloud Strife stretched his muscular arms out and walked towards the dining table, inhaling the delicious toast aroma.  Barrett grabbed the side of the door when he appeared at the doorway of his bedroom.  Whoa, he definitely had the pissed look from last night.
"Mornin' everyone," Barrett mumbled when he sat down.  Tifa smiled brightly and sat herself down to munch into her toast.
"Wow the bread is very fresh," Cloud complimented, chewing his food, "I was hungry after coming back from battling but was also tired too.  I saved my appetite for this morning."
"Barrett, you should have done the same thing as Cloud," Tifa suggested kindly.  Barrett replied with a grumpy 'I guess.'  "I did warn you about drinking during the night.  Look what you did to your body." Cloud waved his hand in front Barrett's dizzy visual <he should have stayed in bed>.  Poor Barrett.  He didn't want to drink himself to death because he was happy to have survived the fight against Sephiroth, did he? What for? There was no huge need to become overexcited and celebrate your victory till you collapsed in a weakened state.
"Don't develop a drinking habit, ok?" Cloud advised seriously.
"Sure thing, *daddy.* I'll keep my promise," Barrett mockingly replied in a little boy's voice.  He scoffed down the last piece of toast, drank his black coffee and marched back into his bedroom moodily as Tifa and Cloud looked on apprehensively.  The last time Barrett was this pissed off was last year - when he had the intention of going after Shinra.  For wrecking his life.  For intentionally getting close to destroying the planet.  Cloud looked at Tifa in concern.
"Why don't you talk to him? I'll clear the table," Tifa brought a sad smile to her face.  Cloud nodded and opened Barrett's bedroom door.  The stench of alcohol travelled quickly into the ex-SOLDIER'S nostrils when he saw the scattered mess.  Clothes draped loosely on the windows, empty beer bottles were leaning on one side on the windowsill and the curtains were still closed to give the dark environment.  Barrett's overweight body drifted over the bedside.
"Barrett, wanna tell me what's wrong?" Cloud leaned down to look up at his friend's grumpy aspect.
"Sorry for gettin' mad first thing in the morning," Barrett guiltily replied, "A bad dream must've affected my thinkin'."
"What was the dream about?"
Barrett rubbed his hands over his tired face.  He could trust Cloud, couldn't he? He was a good man <Would he kick my ass and think I was mad?> "OK.  It was about…Shinra." Barrett sounded like he was ashamed to have dreamt of such a subject.  Shinra was gone and why did he feel so weird about it? It wasn't like he regretted seeing Shinra go down in public.  Man, he felt a sense of victory brewing inside.  The HQ was practically empty after the Shinra President didn't return.  Everyone presupposed he was dead.  Even when Scarlet and Tseng didn't receive a phone call from him.
"What about Shinra?" Cloud of course hated to hear that name as much as Barrett did.
"I saw everyone there.  Rufus and his pathetic posse.  We haven't seen that bastard for a while.  When I was dreamin' it gave me this fishy feelin' …he's watchin' us and *ain't* dead.  Cloud, we don't know if he's still living or if he's up there." Barrett pointed his left arm up, "that's what is botherin' me."

Cloud had to admit he didn't pay attention to Shinra nor Rufus while he was on course to find Sephiroth.  All Shinra did was bump into him without apologising, which usually is settled in a fight.  The Turk members Reno, Rude and Elena occasionally met Cloud and his friends everywhere (they still did in matter of fact in the present).  Of course they ended up losing each time during battle.  Their main excuse was the fact they were only doing their job.  Cloud never placed a finger-tipped thought on Shinra since seeing Holy and the Lifestreams do their thing in saving the planet.  On that night, he only watched in wonderment and forgot everything that he had encountered.  When he spoke to Tifa about the possibility of Aeris having helped Holy, Tifa just said she didn't know if his theory was true.
"Barrett, we're not exactly psychic," Cloud answered thoughtfully.
"Knew you wouldn't take it seriously…" Barrett walked to the windowsill shamefully.
"WAIT.  You're being misled about what I said.  What I meant was…sometimes dreams can be predictably true in reality.  I believe what you're saying." The ex-SOLDIER petted his arm on Barrett's butchy shoulder, "If it makes you better, we can check out the status of Shinra HQ…or what's left of it.  That way we can tell if Rufus is still here."
"Are you okay with that?" Barrett asked sceptically.  Cloud approved in a nod.
"If you're out to do a little investigating on Shinra, count me in too." Tifa leaned against the half ajar wooden door, overhearing the men's conversation.

"Can I help?" The security officer, who had the nametag 'Harper' on his shirt, enquired to the visitor.  <He's new.  The normal guard I see isn't here.  The guards always said hello whenever they saw me> Rufus growled when he realised the officer failed to recognise him.  This was a good turnout.  A month of being blacked out and the first person Rufus greets doesn't know who the heck he is.  What the hell was going to come next?
"Don't you know who I am, officer?" Rufus roared and closed his fists tightly in a tantrum, "I'm Rufus Shinra." He knew it wouldn't work by saying who he was.
"Yeah and I'm Heidegger.  Tch, get real, loser." The security officer marched away from the so-called Shinra president, swinging his armed baton dangerously at Rufus.  Becoming twice as pissed off, Rufus tried again and blocked the officer's way <Don't let me get bad luck PLEASE>.
"I *am* Rufus.  Please get that into your rookie minded head.  I am *really* the Shinra President.  I was missing for about a year while keeping an eye on Diamond Weapon but that wretched monster attacked my base…with me in it.  The public must have already thought I died in the explosion." Rufus searched the reception desk for a phone, "Are Tseng, Scarlet or Heidegger here?"
"Tseng is in a meeting.  We believe Scarlet and Heidegger is missing.  Is that enough sufficient information?  I'm sorry, sir, you have to leave.  Unauthorised visitors can't pass this area." The security officer escorted the unknown blond to the exit.  < I gotta get to Tseng.  Think.  You need to shut this guy up> Rufus struggled against the officer's violent push as he neared the automatic doors.  It was hard to believe that there was one officer on duty.  When he was in control, there were about ten security officers guarding Shinra headquarters.  This security officer totally sucked.  He showed no manners to the Shinra President.
Rufus unintentionally back kicked the guard's lower shin and elbowed his face, grabbing the baton to mercilessly aim it to his nose. "Do you believe me now, officer?"
"What is wrong, Harper?" A voice popped out of the justly arrived lift.
<Finally> Rufus had never felt so pleased to see an old face since recovering after that explosion.  It had almost been like a millennium since talking to a colleague.  Tseng skidded on his loafers when he saw Harper restrained on the ground.  He nearly cursed out loud until he saw the 'restrainer.'
"Rufus? Is that you?" Tseng asked astonishingly.
"Tseng, I'm glad you're still around.  We have to catch up on old times.  This idiot here didn't believe it was me." Rufus shoved Harper up onto his feet.
"He's new," Tseng whispered.  <That shows> The Shinra President thought.  "Harper, open the meeting room again.  The President of Shinra needs to have a discussion with me." Harper shyly obeyed and entered the lift.  His expressions easily showing embarrassment.
<At last.  I'm back> Rufus smirked amorally.  The President was back and so was Shinra.  He didn't care about the Mako Reactor anymore.  One name had come to his mind.  Cloud Strife.  He was going to find that mercenary and get him back for wrecking Shinra's wondrous plans.  Oh how delightful could revenge be these days?

Shinra's main entrance hadn't had any change over the year.  The entire HQ still appeared large and powerful.  But where were the guards? Wasn't anyone on watch? Cloud, Tifa and Barrett crouched awkwardly outside the entrance, peeping through the double glazing glass.  It seemed tranquil enough to sneak in.  Cloud pointed to the lift and his friends nodded understandably.  They had to go up.  The incoming lift opened its doors smoothly as the three AVALANCHE members quietly went in the square shaped travelling object.  The bell to the 67th floor dinged sharply.  Cloud had his hand behind his back to reach for Ultima Weapon.  Barrett had his gunned arm ready to fire and Tifa readied her knuckle-breaking gloves.  It may be peaceful in the entire HQ but they had to be ready to take any actions.  The lift door slid open.  No sound vibrated down the long polished hallway.
"OK, Barrett you can check each room is either full or empty.  Restrain anyone if they suspect you.  Tifa and I will find Rufus himself.  If you see any guards coming near by, buzz my phone," Cloud ordered.  Barrett nodded and silently tiptoed into an empty office.  "We'll have to find Rufus' office.  Maybe he might be there."
"Right, let's go." Tifa paced Cloud's cautious footsteps while they carefully leaned against the wall, avoiding the moving security cameras on the ceilings.  Loud footsteps emerged from the corner where Cloud and Tifa were hiding.  They struggled to push their bodies against the concrete wall as the three Shinra guards walked past them swiftly.  Not noticing two uninvited visitors creeping past them.  So far none of the empty rooms had the familiar figure of the Shinra President.

Where the hell was that blond, arrogant brat? Was he freaking out in the men's room? <Rufus is smarter and more cunning to do such a thing> Cloud peeped through each office with one eye.  There were some guys in suits talking but they didn't have the resemblance of Rufus.
"Any luck?" Tifa asked with her head looking back from the lift they had just used.
"Nothing.  I can't understand how Shinra can continue being in power without the President.  Do you think there's a new Shinra President?" Cloud opened the next double doors leading to the other end of the hall.
"I think he's alive.  It's a hunch I can't get rid of," Tifa said, "Barrett might be right in anticipating that Rufus is indeed here.  Who knows? He could be watching us on those cameras right now." Cloud didn't seem to hear the last sentence Tifa just said.  Too pre-occupied in watching his forward steps.  <I will make sure Rufus dies when I see him face to face> Cloud thought with enraged opinions.  His last fight against Rufus resulted in the President fleeing the HQ.  If only he stayed.  He would have finished him in no time and would have killed Sephiroth earlier.  Maybe Aeris wouldn't have died too in the process.  <Aeris> Cloud smothered the teardrop from his right eye.  No point in crying now, Cloud Strife.  Tifa warned him to watch his step on the invisibly, thin metallic rope near his feet.  But it was of course too late for the ex-SOLDIER to respond.  His boots flew into the air and Cloud tripped to the ground.  A whirring alarm was triggered down the hallway.  <Shit> Cloud cursed.
"TIFA! CLOUD! GUARDS ARE ON THE…" Barrett's unclear voice horned through Cloud's phone.  Gunshots overpowered the sound waves and grunting voiced in between punching sounds.  Barrett was fighting some of the guards off.  After a long imaginative fighting scene, Barrett screamed painfully and his voice was cut off.
"They got Barrett." Cloud lost the signal on his communicator.
"What now?" Tifa asked worriedly.  The double doors opened suddenly.  More Shinra soldiers.  Cloud warningly swayed his sword in the air to push the soldiers away.
"Tifa, find Barrett," He said.
"Cloud?" Tifa hesitated.
"GO!" The soldiers fired their guns rapidly.  Cloud somersaulted in the air to naturally miss each bullet flying.

<I hope he's doing the right thing> Tifa kicked open the fire exit doors and zoomed down the stairs like she was a professional sprinter.  Where could they have taken Barrett? Rufus had to be alive and wanted to kill the good guys; namely the three AVALANCHE friends.  Tifa's heavy boots pressed hard against the wide steps going down.  Her breathing wasn't steady.  She could hear Barrett's voice nearing her.  Just a few more steps and she'd be there.  By the time she reached the bottom of the steps, Tifa flew into the double doors in a rushing movement.  The soldiers carrying Barrett away jogged into a securely locked room.  Tifa heaved powerfully against the padlock.  What were those guards gonna do to Barrett? What about Cloud? Should she go back?  There were two people who were her friends and they were gonna die if she didn't act sooner.
"DAMMIT.  OPEN UP YOU STUPID DOOR." Tifa searched around the hall to find any long hard objects lying on the ground <why do I have to suffer hard decisions?>.
"That room is strictly forbidden for non-visitors to enter."
A familiar voice jumped Tifa till her bones popped out.  She readily turned into a fighting stance to face the person.  Tifa realised her speed was outmatched as a cloth of chlorine was stifled on her face <oh crap>.  Her breathing and consciousness was losing control.  Rufus gently caught the young woman's unconscious body in his arms.
"President Rufus, we have the other two.  What should we do with them?" A guard's voice sounded in Rufus' walkie-talkie.  Rufus fished into his pocket and answered, "Throw them out of the premises."
"Let them go.  We have the bait.  Once they come back, our fight will be more challenging next time."
"Understood." The guard turned off his communicator.  Rufus looked down at the woman cradled in his arms.  He never thought she was this pretty.  <I think I know what to do with you, my dear> Rufus smiled cruelly.  This might be fun for him - and he didn't even plan to use bait in the form of Tifa.

What do you think? Is this okay? I will not go on if you hated it.

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