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My Shinra Heaven
Part 04
By Jupiter: Seifer's Babe

Summary: Rufus/Tifa pairing.  Rufus takes Tifa hostage in Shinra HQ.
Disclaimer: Squaresoft owns everything.

Reopening the doors to his quarters, Rufus peeped slimly in the darkly lit office.  She was asleep at last.  Tifa had been invariably sobbing throughout the whole night and did not stop to rest.  <She *was* telling the truth.  She does not want to die> Rufus saw her sleepy body rise steadily as she snored quietly.  Too bad she did not leave the office all afternoon since having refused to join in a lunch time dinner with the other employees at Shinra.  They would have wanted her to entertain them.  Tifa would wholly realise what they had in mind and it was bound to be dissatisfying for her taste.

<She doesn't deserve to make herself suffer in these conditions.  Tifa is worsening her imprisonment here> Rufus scuttled to the sleeping lady and carried her in his arms.  Guiding the body into his room.  He unsoundly placed Tifa on his king-sized bed and wrapped her in the thick covers.  Now she had a soft cushioning surface to sleep over.  <Her facial features look ravishing when in a sleepy trance> Unthinking, the President touched Tifa's cheek with a cold bare hand.  She did flinch briefly from the fingered touch (making Rufus panic) yet shifted back into the dreamy state.  The skin on Tifa's face had dried up stiffly from the sorrowful crying earlier today.  It was no surprise she was so tired.  Taking a last glance for the night, Rufus temptingly leaned forward to lightly plant a kiss among Tifa's unmoving lips, pondering whether she knew what her lips were feeling.  Hopefully this would help her sleep more cosily tonight.  It had to.  No other women he had intimacy with ever doubted his kissing abilities.  Covering in an another blanket, Rufus slept satisfyingly on the folded mattress he took out in the cupboard <I wished she kissed me back.  It would be an interesting turn-out>.

"WAIT UP, CLOUD!" Barrett shouted as he and Cloud sprinted past the sharp ended trees in the medium forest.  Morning had risen for the two friends and Cloud was in no mood to wait around any longer.  Today he was going to destroy Rufus Shinra - dead or alive.  He wanted to feel the President's leaking blood on his arms, slice his flesh till it was unable to heal and avenge Tifa's death.  Cloud was damn pissed for losing two people he cared dearly.  First Aeris then Tifa.  The 'girl-friends.' Barrett didn't wish to argue with his partner for any reason whatsoever.  He hated Shinra ten times as much as Cloud did and was inclined to aid in any way.
"For cryin' out loud, you gotta slow down for me." Barrett took deep breaths to gain more air.
"Sorry.  I keep picturing Rufus bleeding to death at my feet," Cloud said behind the bushes, "I'm not gonna let him go this time." He pulled Barrett down as he cautiously observed the quiet entrance door to Shinra HQ.  He knew they waited for him inside.  Especially Rufus; along with some of his favourite guards who thought they were tough with guns.  Not tough enough though unfortunately.  Barrett indeed overpowered the guards with *his* weapon.  Cloud half-crawled as he walked to the door, detecting the moving cameras above his head.  Facing upwards, he stared into the camera screen.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" Barrett followed Cloud's gaze, "Oh right.  Why don't we send Rufus a death threat or somethin'?" The ex-SOLDIER glanced in confusion.  "Cloud, where's the humour before dying or killing somebody? Come on, you could just make faces at the camera if ya wanted to.  I'm gonna curse his fuckin' ass."
Refusing the offer, Cloud instead resumed a vicious glare back up in the tiny camera at the top of the door <I'll find you first, Rufus Shinra.  You better be waiting>.

In the security block of Shinra HQ, Tseng growled ruthlessly when he watched the insulting facial remarks Barrett showed off to the front camera <Curse AVALANCHE.  Curse that pathetic Cloud Strife.  I'll see to it that you will be dead meat>.

Happily stretching his arms out, Rufus pulled up the binds on the window, permitting the deep blue coloured sky to fill the inside of his dark atmospheric bedroom.  He didn't have any problems sleeping on the hard floor underneath the folded mattress.  Coincidentally, he experienced a lovely dream after shortly kissing the sleeping beauty, Tifa.  Their lips were like a perfectly fit puzzle when they joined together although it was voluntarily cut short by Rufus.  Obviously he wanted to keep kissing her; unless she declined, which would be the likely result since she was held captive in the HQ.  Secondly, Tifa was asleep, she would not have known there was a tiny interference during her dreaming, would she? Rufus busily buttoned his black shirt until the sleepy female woke up in astonishment.  Tifa pressed her hands against the softness on the mattress.  No wonder she slept comfortably.

"Good morning, Miss Lockheart. Nice day today, isn't it?" Rufus greeted in a friendly tone.
 <A nice day for me to die.  Thanks for the encouragement> Tifa's head throbbed madly inside when she sat up straight, surprised to see she was in a bed.
"I carried you to my quarters.  It's not convenient for a special guest if they don't have the right accommodation.  I.e. a comfortable bed." Rufus flashed a smirk, "How did you sleep then?" How did Tifa sleep last night? What a friendly question.  It was all right for her.  She didn't have a nightmare on dying or being shot in the heart for real.  It was a wonderful rest.  Especially when she had been crying in the middle of the night, lacking enough bedtime hours.  She dreamt of Cloud saving her as if a knight.  Oh he was a knight in shining armour all right.  He had his Ultima Weapon handy and stabbed everyone in Shinra HQ over a hundred times.  A real overkill.  The next dreamy act was the best part.  Cloud had carried Tifa in his arms and 'lived happily ever after.' A happy ending to a happy dream.  However, there was one bit that puzzled her.  She couldn't remember if he kissed her once rescuing the damsel in distress.  Was that in the dream or another hallucination? Tifa bent down to touch her knees as she got out of bed.  Rufus peeked at her backside stretching the combat trousers while she bent her body <Yes.  Hmm…interesting.  She does have a nice backside.  The fighting skill enhances her physical features>.

"Do you mind, President?" Tifa turned her back, quickly sensing his eyes looking at a perverted view.
"Accept my forgiveness, please." Rufus bowed.  The AVALANCHE member snorted sarcastically at the President's acting.  He was now a bigger pervert.
"Tch, forgiveness my ass." Tifa marched towards Rufus and threw a rapid elbow strike to the shoulder.  However she immediately realised her strength hadn't returned fully throughout her days here at Shinra HQ.  It was like an invisible barrier formed round her, disabling her fighting techniques.  The elbow strike landed fittingly in Rufus' hand.  He grabbed Tifa's whole arm and pulled her more adjacently to him.  Tifa struggled to fight away the soreness on her skinny arm.
"Let me go!" She exclaimed, "you're hurting me."
"You shouldn't have attempted an attack.  Otherwise I would've grabbed for my gun." Rufus pointed to the leaning shotgun near his left leg.  <He's right.  Escaping the HQ is hopeless> Tifa thought agreeably <I'm stuck here till the day I turn fifty>.  Once the grip loosened, she pulled her arm away nervously.  The President moved into his office briskly without responding further.
"There's orange juice outside.  Drink some," He said, pouring the carton cased orange juice into two mugs.  Tifa reluctantly arrived by the desk and sipped the juice <Whoa.  SOUR>.  The sour taste burnt her tongue.

<He's mad.  I can tell> The bar hostess observed Rufus' shining silhouette by the window.  His face looked ahead without emotions or thought.  The elbow attack must have angered him first thing in the morning.  Bad idea to piss the President off before breakfast time, huh?
<I'm wondering…> "Uh, Rufus?" Spontaneously, he turned from his name being mentioned.  "I wanted to ask you…erm…" Tifa stopped talking when she saw the stern face.
"Go on," Rufus insisted.
"Last night, once placing me on your bed, did you erm…kiss me? I could have sworn it was in my dream but then something happened for real.  I felt a touch on my lips.  At first I thought it was someone else in my dream though I think it's doubtful." Tifa turned away shyly and saw her face turn bright red on the reflection of the table's shiny surface.  Rufus paced promptly in circles opposite the hostage <she did feel it.  That's great news>.  He failed to answer straightaway. "Well? Was it you?"
"Yeah.  It was me." His voice showed no shame inside.  Tifa's hand moved a little as she held the glass of orange juice and shoved hard on the table.  Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it be Cloud waking her up from a bad dream?
Funnily, Rufus grinned, "Did you like it?" He could tell she was embarrassed by the way she moved her eyes away when she looked down and hid her face behind the long black hair.  "You did, didn't you? Yeah, say it, Tifa." Rufus forced Tifa to look into his seductive blue eyes (AN - I think they are blue, sorry if that's wrong.  There aren't many zoomed up pics of Rufus on the Wired ;-).  Tifa hesitated a reply while she kept her eyes off the President.  Part of her mind wanted to look at his gorgeous features, the other part wanted to wriggle out of this embarrassing scene.
"Please tell me, Miss Lockheart." Rufus traced a line down Tifa's cheek, sending ticklish sensations down her neck.  He could have sworn he spotted her form a tiny smile on the lower lip.

"I, uh…I have to admit, it was quite comforting." Tifa shied her gaze but her face quickly lifted up with the help of Rufus' finger.  How could she have been foolish to think it was Cloud kissing her in the dream? It would be in twenty years time till he finally realised how Tifa felt towards him.  "Why did you kiss me?"
"I'm not sure myself." Rufus laughed, "I guess I wondered how it was to intimately touch you.  I didn't want to wake you up…" Tifa surprised herself when she placed a finger to his lips to shush his voice <Hey! What are you doing?>.  A drastic moment was soon to arrive if she didn't control herself.
"What is it?" The President had his turn on being puzzled.
"I need to do an experiment," Tifa explained thoroughly and looked deeper into Rufus' eyes, "It's easy to guess what the experiment is.  So uh…" Her dark maroon eyes closed as she awaited patiently <I don't care about anyone else.  Just wanna feel that kiss again>.  Tifa was unaware of Rufus' gleeful expression while he stood with his arms round her waist. <She wants me to kiss her.  How charming?> Rufus understood what the experiment was absolutely without a doubt.  Viewing the waiting beauty before him, the Shinra President leaned his face forward to keenly touch those lips in the same way like last night.  When Rufus began to kiss, Tifa thought her mouth would explode like fireworks.  <Holy shit, this was truly better than last night.  Ohmigod…> Her mind lost control when she indulged her body into the passionate lip work Rufus was demonstrating wonderfully.  Ticklish sensations passed from Tifa's waist to her spine as the President stroked his hands on her back gracefully in a circular motion.  <If only it was Cloud> Tifa thought sadly.  The sadness melted gladly when she felt another exciting touch <Rufus Shinra, people underestimate your behaviour.  You aren't so bad as people think you are>.
"Was the experiment good enough?" Rufus asked cheekily, breaking the heated kiss.
"Oh yeah.  I'm satisfied…" Tifa giggled, ruffling the President's glossy blond hair.

"WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS, PRESIDENT SHINRA?" Tifa and Rufus shockingly turned to the office door.  Damn, caught red-handed.  Tseng disgustedly looked at the President's hands round Tifa's curvy hips <I knew it>.
"Tseng, I didn't call for you!" The President glared angrily as he carefully left the hostage to confront his friend.
"You said you would kill her today but instead…I see you *arousing* the girl.  Why change the plan?" Tseng banged his fist on Rufus' left padded shoulder in a fiery temper.  <I should go, now that they're against each other> Tifa suggested in thoughts.  Although that was the intended plan, Tseng eyed her movements when he looked behind Rufus' head.  <OK, can't escape> Tifa sighed disappointingly.  She heard a fast swinging sound outside the office.  Was it possible that it was a sword sound? Rufus and Tseng were busy arguing verbally that Tseng didn't notice a sharp point poking deep into his neck.
"Children, why argue? We can settle this together in a gentler fashion."
Rufus and Tseng recognised the uninvited visitors standing outside the door.  The main speaker pointing his sword's pointed end on the backside of Tseng's neck.  <It's *you.* > The Shinra President groaned when he saw the visitor standing close by.
"Don't think of moving, Tseng.  Your neck is gonna get a piercing," Cloud warned.  He let out a small gasp when he saw the third person standing near the far end of the office.  Tifa stood firmly on her feet as she looked back at the ex-SOLDIER, unsure whether to scream for help or stay calm.

Barrett's loud voice approached the President's office, "Hey the guards are knocked out.  We can…Tifa?!" His loudness startled everyone when he saw Tifa alive and well.  The loudness caused  Cloud to lose his concentration while he held his sword behind Tseng, allowing him to slide away from the sword's pointed blade.  Tseng pushed past the President and used a pistol to aim at Tifa's head.  <Don't think about it, Tseng.  I warn you> Rufus grew angrier at his colleague.
"S-sorry, Cloud," Barrett quietened.  The ex-SOLDIER ignored the pleading and turned his attention to Tseng.  The tension building more and more as he saw the fear among Tifa's facial expressions.

Sorry, gotta end the chapter here.


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