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My Shinra Heaven
Part 05
By Jupiter: Seifer's Babe

Disclaimer: Squaresoft own the characters.  Pas moi.
AN#1: Yo, people I desperately need  nice reviews quickly.   Firstly because I'm suffering a horrendous cough and a nasty blocked up nose (it's caused Writer's Block for me recently ;_;).  Nice comments would cheer me up dearly please *begs on her knees* Onegai? If possible, when you review, please print your email address or sign in if you're a author too.  I can read more fics to enlighten myself.
AN #2: This fanfic is taking over me ~.^  TBH, I adore Seifer Almasy from Final Fantasy 8 (you probably knew that already) ; however do have trouble thinking of a decent story including him in it ^^;;.  It's strangely difficult.  OK, you don't wanna here me babbling about unsure story ideas so let's get back to the story ;-)…

Cloud had one eye on Rufus and the other on Tseng, "I have to say, Rufus, your plan on faking Tifa's death sure fooled me <He doesn't seem to be listening to a word I'm saying>."
"Good, aren't I?" The Shinra President admitted.  He walked nearer to Tseng, who wouldn't let the pistol move from Tifa's head <Dammit, the girl is in more serious danger.  Can't let Tseng pull the trigger>.  Tifa gulped in anxiety at the three men standing circularly nearby.  A moment of bliss had effectively released a devastatingly horrific effect in return.  <Why is Rufus angry at Tseng? It's not as if he cares for Tifa, is it?> Cloud suspiciously glanced to Rufus then Tseng.  Most of the time, these two would be standing side by side, smiling victoriously at their enemy. A tiny voice whispered to the ex-SOLDIER that the former scenario was a completely different thing.
"What are ya waiting for, Cloud? Slash the guys up!" Barrett shook his arms impatiently.
"If you do, I'll blow her head  up FOR REAL," Tseng retorted warningly and poked the pistol further into Tifa's skull, making her whimper.  He caught sight of Rufus' intensity among his arms.  "Rufus, are you gonna kill Cloud Strife and his fat-ass bimbo friend or not? Or do I have to do everything myself now that you've…developed a crush on the hostage." The final sentence was voiced in an uncomfortable mode.

"WHO YA CALIIN' FAT ASS BIMBO?!?!" Barrett shrieked in offence.  Cloud spun round to punch his friend to unconsciousness <Sorry for doing that, Barrett.  Losing your temper will worsen our chances on beating Shinra>.  He drew Ultima Weapon readily in his hands.  It couldn't be seriously true, could it? <Are Tifa and Rufus actually an item?> Cloud kept the thought to himself as he armed himself preparedly against the two Shinra employees.  <Run your mouth to embarrass me, Tseng.  Why don't you?> The Shinra President clenched and unclenched his gloved fists to rid the tension in his mind and body.  Would he be a laughing stock in front of his enemies? He could smell the apprehension on Tifa further from where he stood.  She wasn't enjoying this bait and hostage job.
<The gun must have a live bullet loaded> Tifa shifted her unsteady arms.  A back elbow ought to hit him hard.
"Don't think about hitting me or else the bullet's going straight to your brain." Tseng smartly worked out the hostage's next attack.  Damn this guy was smarter than Tifa contemplated.  During her time here in the Shinra HQ, she discovered Rufus wasn't as evil as her friends or the public assumed he was.  Well, apart from being a totally funky kisser in intimacy he assuredly cared for women.  Tifa wondered if he was a ladies' man outside his lifestyle as President <It doesn't matter, does it?>.  He did take care of her through the cold environment by lending her his jacket and served orange juice for breakfast.   When was it the last time Cloud did that kind of favour to Tifa? He hardly ever took care of his childhood friend in a similar way.  Always out in battling and brooding over Aeris' death from time to time.  When would he ever get a grip? (AN - I'm unsure whether Cloud really does brood sadly over Aeris' death.  Don't sue me if you think he doesn't)

"Tseng, the girl has done her part in the mission.  There's no need to kill her.  Cloud is who we wanna kill!" Rufus said, raising his shotgun.
"Don't tell me you've gone soft, President," Tseng spat in detestation, "you wanna let a girl live but you wanna kill a man.  Sounds unusual for someone like you to decide."
"WAIT!! Rufus, do you remember my plea on not killing my friends?" Tifa spoke suddenly.  How could he not forget? That was the night before.  Rufus didn't respond to her when she cried to him on not killing Cloud or Barrett.  It was indecisive for him then.  However, Tseng was present today and the President knew what he wanted done.  He wanted Cloud Strife and his friends dead.  <I earned Tifa's friendship for unwanted reason.  She would think I was always evil if I assassinated the other two> Rufus thought back to their private time together.
Tifa wasn't as frustrated or scared of him like before, "President, if you care for me…"
<Rufus cares for people? You've gotta be kidding me> Cloud struggled to determine who he should attack first while he listened to Tifa's ideas < I hope she have a plan up her sleeve>.
Tifa went on, "…why not start afresh? Forget about ruling the world or creating another Mako Reactor.  That sort of crap can't return to your fingers in one click.  The world is at peace now.  President or not, you're a good man.  You don't need to kill people or pollute the world to avenge your defeat two months ago.  That is why you wanna kill Cloud, isn't it?" <Whoa, am I a clever girl or am I sad?>

How the hell did she work out Shinra's reasons on killing Cloud and his friends? <It's a woman's gift> Rufus thought funnily <She said I was a good man>.  Tifa nodded to Cloud to pull his sword down.  His face expressing 'I hope you know what you're doing.' Barrett was close to gaining consciousness while he lay on the floor.  If he did wake up, his first action would be 'KILL SHINRA, KILL SHINRA' and he would start blowing the entire office till it collapsed into ashes.
"Don't listen to the bitch.  She's persuading you to let the enemy live!" Tseng alerted hastily.  The Shinra President's arm holding the shotgun levitated up and down in a wobbly wave as Tifa's words absorbed into his cerebral.  One didn't have to be evil all the time, did they? Here stood three enemies and the top wanted man was Cloud Strife.  Someone who screwed the Shinra President's life two months ago for destroying plans on controlling the entire world.  The enemies were present and Rufus had the opportunity of ending their lives.  Tifa's voice was like a Guardian Angel, advising him not to kill them.  Telling him that there was hope in a new life *without* taking away people's lives.  Could Tifa's suggestion be beneficial?
"Go.  Before your big friend wakes up," Rufus said to Cloud then aimed his shotgun to Tseng, "she goes too."
"President, you're making a huge mistake."
"Do it!" Rufus cocked his shotgun.  Reluctant to comply, Tseng removed his pistol off Tifa's head and Tifa ran to help Barrett's unconscious body up with Cloud's assistance.  Tseng fought the temptation to disobey his orders on not killing anymore but watched sternly as the intruders exited the office.  Tifa weirdly felt a reluctance to leave the building <oh no, don't tell me…am I sad to leave Rufus? I'm alive, right? What's so bad about that?>.  She glanced to Cloud then to Rufus in puzzlement.  Decisions, decisions.  Why did they have to be so hard? Tifa thought she could read the Shinra President's mind when she slightly tilted her face to look at him momentarily.  She just about caught a warmly cute smile on his clean-cut face (AN- ooh I love it when Rufus smiles).
Turning back, Cloud made a strict warning to the President, "If you dare hurt my friends, innocent people or do anything provocative, you're dead.  Hear me, Rufus Shinra? Be a good man while my friends and I still live <Not that I reckon you'll listen to me>."

As the three adversaries left, Rufus responded in thought <I'll keep that in mind, Cloud Strife>.  The office suddenly emptied without anyone else in the room.  Tseng was the leftover person standing here.  Yep he sure was pissed.  Rufus sensibly returned the shotgun to his desk, ignoring his employee's stare.
"Do you have any idea what you did, President?" Tseng slammed his fists on the table and looked at Rufus' calm facade, "You wasted the one chance on permanently putting the enemy's life to an end.  Give me a good reason why you let the hostage and her allies go." The President turned his swivel chair to the window, facing away from Tseng rudely.  "Rufus? Answer me.  Look me in the eye, coward." This caught Rufus' attention nicely.  He sloped his head to the right to resume hearing Tseng's complaints.
"Assassinating someone isn't what I had intended to do after all," The President replied, "She took me to an alternative universe.  Killing Cloud Strife would be pointless anyway."
"Listen to yourself.  Have you completely forgotten that he was the one that foiled our plans of gaining full control over the world? OK, Diamond Weapon's attack was the exception." Tseng walked back and forth disagreeably then remembered the President quoted 'she', "Who is *she?* Oh…you mean HER.  Tifa Lockheart."
Rufus smiled at the way Tseng hated mentioning Tifa's name <Tifa.  What a casually sweet name for a pretty lady>.  He dreamily imagined her and drifted his ears off Tseng's opinions.

But Tseng wouldn't let the President ignore his every word, "Have you fallen for her, President? She *is* an enemy.  Things wouldn't work out between you two.  It's not possible for a relationship."
"Oh? I'm sure she'd reject you on the spot too." Rufus smoothly touched his shotgun's roughly surfaced handle, loving the feel of his weapon.  He took a look at the ammo inside - two live bullets were loaded.  Originally the bullets were reserved for Cloud and Barrett or maybe Tifa however it seems there's been a change of plan.  Those two bullets were for a special someone.  Rufus raised one eyebrow curiously when he looked up to Tseng.
"President, what are you doing?" Tseng jumped a little at the cock of the gun, "You can't be serious.  You wouldn't kill ME.  T-take back everything I said about you or the girl.  Love her all you want.  It's not my problem.  P-p-please don't shoot me.  You need my assistance!"
"Pathetic." Rufus steered the shotgun at the target and keenly pulled the trigger.  The gunshot nowhere near to exploding his eardrums.  He leaned backwards on his chair as he looked down at the bleeding corpse on the floor.  "Oops." Three Shinra guards burst into the office and immediately trembled when they spotted Tseng's dead form.
"President, what happened?" One guard asked worriedly.
"Uh, I killed him," Rufus replied obviously, "You'll be too if you don't do as I say from now on.  Starting from today, we're gonna gain respect from society."
"Uh…but what about the new Mako Reactor Tseng had discussed?" The second guard queried.
"There *won't* be a new Mako Reactor.  Boys, please dispose the dead body will you? I've got an important liaison to prepare and attend." Stretching his arms widely, Rufus left the office <A very special liaison>.

<The next day>
Barrett gaped heavily when he opened his eyes on the bed.  Ow what a punch.   Parts of his memory were fuzzy since yesterday.  He hadn't seen Cloud nor Tifa for a few hours now.  What did happen anyway? He wanted to know.  The door opened to present a wide awake Cloud standing at front.
"Thanks for the punch," Barrett commented sarcastically.
"Anytime." Cloud smiled.
"So…did we get 'em?" Barrett asked slowly.
"Not quite," The ex-SOLDIER said, scratching his spiky hair strangely, "it's a long story.  Tell ya later.  Rest your head.  I punched you quite hard." He marched on his heel to leave the room.
"What about Tifa? Is she here?" By luck, Tifa's head peeked from behind the door.  "TIFA.  You're okay.  Thought you were a real goner!"
"I'm fine.  Rufus allowed us to go freely.  How generous of him?" Tifa clapped her hands gladly <OK, control your happiness>.

Much to the shock of Barrett and Cloud, who were open-mouthed while they watched her smile happily.  She wasn't this happy all the time.  Neither one of the men could believe Tifa said Rufus was generous.  <How about cruel and nasty?> Cloud thought expectedly.  Did the President drug her? But she looked perfectly healthy.  Her face didn't appear lifeless and the flesh all over the body parts was fine.  Even her weight stayed shapely.  Tifa folded in between her arms the pair of combat trousers Rufus had lent her not so long ago.  Smiling at the fashionable item.  She wasn't herself since coming back.
"Sorry, guys.  Can't help smiling." Tifa smirked sweetly.
"Where did you get those combat trousers?" Cloud pointed to the folded trousers in Tifa's arms.
"Oh these.  Well…Rufus gave them to me while I was in his office." The bar hostess timidly turned her back to Cloud and Barrett <lash out your curses to me, come on>.  She overheard Barrett gasp loudly in his bed and sensed Cloud's large eyes pinpointing her head.  The ex-SOLDIER'S sensitivity had been pricked by the specifying of a pitiful opponent.  There was something going on.  Rufus had acted more peculiarly than his frequent evil self.  He seemed…nicer; especially to Tifa.  Sure, Tseng did complain to the President on helping him eliminate the enemies.

"I need to talk to you outside." Cloud tugged on Tifa's arm, "Barrett, stay in bed.  Your bruise is still black." Closing the door and silencing Barrett's wailing, Cloud escorted his childhood friend to sit on a stool.  His athletic face turning stony and serious as always.

"What is it, Cloud?" Tifa leant her hands gently on her lap.  Cloud nervously swivelled his head from left to right.  Clenching his fists uncontrollably as he fought the urge to shout at her.  Shouting at a friend for loving a hated person wasn't the right route to reassurance.  No, not in Tifa's case.  The ex-SOLDIER sat opposite Tifa and looked into her eyes in concern.
"Tifa, I want you to be honest with me."
"Alright, I will.  But I have a good idea what you wanna talk about so…"
Cloud elevated his hand to stop her from going on, "When you were in Shinra HQ, did you and Rufus get to know each other well? I mean, you talk about him like he's no threat."
"He isn't a threat.  Firstly, he gave me those combat trousers to keep my legs warm.  He understood I was cold in his office.  The heating wasn't working.  End of story." Tifa stood up and directed back to her bedroom.
Cloud blocked the bar hostess' path <I know there is more to it than the lending of trousers> "You're hiding something." His voice turned a little closer to menacing.
"What? There's no more to tell.  I just proved to you that Rufus can care for people," Tifa argued and pushed Cloud out of the way.  The mercenary spread his arms further out.  "Dammit, Cloud.  Why bother pissing me off? Nothing happened between us, ok?"
"LIAR! Tseng said Rufus had a crush on you.  He's telling the truth, right? Say it's true, Tifa!" Whoa, he almost sounded like Rufus himself when he asked if Tifa felt the kiss during sleeping.  How could this be déjà vu? Tifa's heartbeat sped up through hyper panic mode as she looked at a waiting Cloud.

Ooh >.< Sorry another cliffhanger.  What do you think so far? Exciting or not? Rufus and Tifa will have another tender moment very soon,  just you wait.  PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED THE FEEDBACK FROM YOU LOVELY PEOPLE.

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