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My Shinra Heaven
Part 07
By Jupiter: Seifer's Babe

Disclaimer: Oh it's annoying to say all this good stuff is owned by Squaresoft.
AN- Thanks so much for reviewing kindly.  So it's good news for those who wanted a happy ending (i.e.  Sorceress Fujin, Forsythia79, Strife21, Rachel, Ann…okay everyone who's reviewed this fanfic, the list goes on) .  Enjoy the last chapter.

Rufus uncovered his hands off his head as he looked up to see the bar hostess standing by his knees. Tifa held out a stool up front resistively after the dancing bullets ended.  Three bullet holes penetrated into the wooden stool.  <Bad move, Barrett> Tifa hung the holed stool lightly in her left hand, shaking her head disapprovingly.  The Shinra President safely moved onto both feet to stand closely behind her.
"That was close," Rufus summarised.
"Too clo…" Tifa bent down in pain and dropped the stool used as armour <Damn, he did hit me>.  She viewed down to her white vest to pick out a heavily bleeding wound stain.  It was a gunshot.
"Tifa!" Rufus caught her as she fell back against his body <oh that looks deep>.
"Ohmigod! TIFA!" Cloud yelled Tifa's name desperately and temperamentally ruffled Barrett's shirt, "what the fuck were you doing?!"
"Saving her life was what I was doin'! She got in the way.  It weren't my fault!" Barrett shouted back, pulling off Cloud's grasp abruptly.  Rufus glowered his blue eyes to the other two AVALANCHE buddies <I don't call that saving one's life>.  Tifa had anticipated the gun shooting earlier on and punctually covered Rufus in time - after they had to break off their sweet moment.  She and Cloud most certainly forgot Barrett sleeping to heal the bruised face from Cloud's punch.  He slept normally and peacefully however decided it was his normal morning wake up call then woke up at yet another bad time for Tifa and Rufus.  Tifa grunted painfully while she sat down to stop the blood leaking into a red stain through her vest.  Her mind losing control and concentration.

<I didn't think the shot would be this harsh.  Ow> She pressed her hand against her lower abdomen, which ended up gaining more blood stains all over the palm.  Unfortunately there were no more kitchen tissues at the bar so Tifa had to handle the bullet wound manually; without any cloths, tissue or first aid.  She half closed her eyes sleepily.
"Get your hands off her.  It's your fault for kissing in the first place." Cloud poked Rufus' shoulder.
"I admit, the kissing wasn't essential but she wanted it too.  It's my fault *and* Barrett's fault," Rufus confessed unwillingly, "Geez, are you awake? We have to get Tifa to a hospital.  She's losing too much blood."
He carried Tifa's body mightily in his arms.  Cloud and a guilty Barrett nodded with uncertainty and followed the Shinra President out the bar.
"There's a brilliant doctor who I trust.  He'll help Tifa if I get to Shinra HQ in time," Rufus said optimistically though it didn't sound encouraging enough.  <I just hope you're right, Rufus.  We *all* want Tifa to survive> Cloud thought agreeably in secret.  He could only sigh in shame whenever his eyes darted to Barrett's huge body.  Barrett had a marked face of regret, which wouldn't leave in a long time.

Cloud, Barrett and Rufus stood in the corridors of the Medical Emergency area in Shinra HQ.  The fluctuating beeping of the support machine bouncing outside the walls.  The lights were dim enough to call it bed time for everyone.  Tifa had been put under aesthetic to relieve the pain inside so that the doctors could perform surgery and remove the bullet buried in between the stomach muscles.  No one was sure how long the procedure would take.  Morning had become afternoon recently.  Time was lost for the anxious men waiting around in an impatient pace.  As soon as Tifa came in, the EMT were ready to take her on a stretcher and straight to the surgeon's room.  Neither one of the patient's friends were allowed to enter during the operation obviously.  Everyone was thinking the same thing.  Tifa.  They wanted to know if she would be okay.  <I hope she makes a recovery> Rufus thought promisingly, glancing briefly towards Cloud and Barrett.
"She'll be fine," Rufus said.
"How many bullets went into her?" Cloud demanded, talking in a pessimistic intonation and not looking up at Barrett.  Apparently he was speaking to the AVALANCHE leader and not the Shinra President.  Five silent minutes later, the response came in.
"Dunno." Barrett honestly shrugged his shoulders.
"You must know, you were the one who shot her!" The ex-SOLDIER denoted harshly.
Rufus separated the two men before a fight commenced, "Quieten down, you two.  How do you think Tifa's gonna react when she sees friends arguing over her injury?" Cloud and Barrett looked at him peculiarly.  "I may not be closer to her as you two are <YET> but I'm smart enough to understand this isn't what a hospital patient needs once she wakes up from an operation.  Think about, boys."

In both their minds, Barrett and Cloud agreed on Rufus' point.  It was the truth anyway.  Personally upsetting Tifa in her hospital bed wasn't the right direction.  <Hang on.  All this started when Rufus came.  It was *his* fault…for falling in love with Tifa.  He can't love her.  He's tearing our friendship apart> Cloud thought.  Were the problems coming from Rufus' return to the public world? How could he not see that?
"Rufus.  I…hate…you. Did I tell you that?" Cloud commented coldly.
"Just now you did," Rufus replied teasingly, "well, of course I hate you too.  It's no surprise.  You know, I thought we could be friends if I stayed with Tifa."
Cloud pushed Rufus against the wall, "Tifa's accident happened because of you.  Everything is YOUR fault.  You shouldn't love her…"
"What? Rufus, you can't be serious.  Are you and Tifa an item?" Barrett screamed down the hall in panic.

As if like magic, a red light brightened above the surgeon doors, blinking furiously for attention.  The surgery was over.  The doors opened and a hunchbacked figure stepped into the hallway.  His half bald head bending down to cover the wrinkles on his face.  Rufus ran over to him, knowing he was the doctor he spoke off who could help Tifa.
"Dr Hiro, how is she?" He asked.  Dr Hiro removed his glasses slowly.  <Oh no, it didn't work, did it?> Rufus could tell by the solemnity on Dr Hiro's face, there was no success.
"The procedure to remove the two bullets was no problem at all, Rufus." Dr Hiro unbelievably smiled.
"Does that mean…she's ok?" Cloud budged next to Rufus as he overheard.  Dr Hiro nodded naturally.  "Oh right! I owe you one, Doc." He shook the doctor's hand firmly and appreciatively.
"You're lucky to have Rufus here or else he wouldn't have brought Tifa for surgery.  She would have been dead, mind you." The Doctor patted Rufus' shoulder and walked into another emergency room, "You can go see Tifa while she's resting.  Right, people let's get to work!" He sternly closed the doors in front of everyone's face.  His voice overheard by the receptionist outside the room.  Different voices spoke in only medical language that Rufus, Cloud or Barrett couldn't understand.

Without any worry, the three men skidded into the empty room where the surgery took place.  Tifa had a rough bandage plastered on the stomach as she lay flatly on the hospital bed.  Her eyes closed tightly.  The sleeping position reminded Rufus when he saw Tifa sleep beautifully on his bed while she was a hostage/guest.  OK, so there were the wires around her arms but still, she remained as the same attractive female Rufus admired in his heart.  No other woman kept their beauty after having undergone medical treatment - unless it was successful cosmetic surgery.  People would always look horrific after a dangerous accident.  The three men surrounding Tifa's bed didn't dare exchange words while they stared down at the tired body on the bed.  They stared for what looked like hours rather than minutes.  No-one counted the minutes they had been in the Shinra HQ Medical Emergency area.  A nurse arrived to join the party and removed the bandage off Tifa's stomach.  The flesh covered by her hospital clothes.  There were no blood stains lying anywhere on her body.
"She'll wake up anytime, boys," The nurse said, "the anaesthetic should have worn off by now." Carrying the scrunched up bandage in one hand, the nurse left the room quietly.  Coincidentally, the nurse's words were like words of a witch chanting a spell and Tifa steadily opened her eyes in the brightly coloured emergency room.

"Tifa? How are ya?" Barrett bent down to look at the bar hostess.  Tifa sat up from the bed to straighten her back fixedly, rubbing the tiring eyes to look closely towards the three figures watching her.  She touched her abdomen - solid and healed <Great>, smiling softly.
"I feel better.  Dr Hiro is an excellent surgeon," Tifa stated.  She smiled even largely when she saw Rufus standing to her right hand side.  "Thank you, Rufus.  If you hadn't taken me here…"
 <Oh great, more sweet talk.  I don't like the scene one bit> Cloud turned to the window and waited for the two so-called lovers to finish talking.
The Shinra President placed his index finger to her lips, "don't have to thank me.  The main thing is that you're recovering."
"Listen, Tifa I uh…" Barrett paused nervously.
"Apology accepted." She already worked out what he was trying to say.  It was instantly evident.  Barrett hugged Tifa gently to thank the girl for forgiveness in accidentally shooting her.  Breaking the hug, Tifa switched to the window where Cloud stood emotionlessly.  Doesn't he wanna hug her at least? Tifa was brave enough to stand up for Rufus, although Cloud didn't approve of them being together and had the guts to be injured or lose her life.  Whether it was the cost of her life or a nasty injury, Tifa wanted to make the point straight.  She loved Rufus completely and didn't wish for him to be hurt by anyone else close to her <Cloud and Barrett don't like Rufus and I can't blame them.  He is our former enemy but he's sort of changed…for me>.
"Rufus, would you mind waiting outside for a minute? I need to speak to Barrett and Cloud briefly.  Is that okay?" Tifa smiled warmly and touched Rufus' hand.  He nodded dutifully then exited.

"Thanks." Cloud had finally cut off his silence.  Tifa rolled her eyes at the ridiculous behaviour Cloud acted currently.  He did hate Rufus' guts like he was a dangerous creature.  It was too uncomfortable for him if his worst enemy was in the same room, listening to all the personal details Cloud had to say to his friend.  There were many things he had to say out loud to Tifa and they weren't friendly by the sound of it.
"Tifa, please answer me promptly when I ask you this…do you love Rufus?" Cloud questioned.
"Yes.  I do." She wasn't going to hesitate for a proper answer.  These questions were fast and easy, right?
"Do you wanna be with him for the rest of your life?"
"Uh…<you said don't hesitate> I guess."
Cloud sat by her knees, staring into her eyes, "You guess? You could get hurt again like today.  He is a dangerous man."

Barrett gulped his panicky mind while he watched the two dispute <she's pissed.  Oh Cloud, you've gotta stop upsetting her>.  If only he could say that loudly; yet didn't want to intrude.
"Don't you think Rufus taking me to the doctors was enough to prove he loves me? I'm absolutely certain he loves me, according to the last things he's done.  You know he has changed.  You don't wanna believe it!" Tifa fought the tears in her eyes, "How could you greet me like this after surgery.  I got shot, dammit.  And Barrett, how could lose your temper like that easily? You let your temper overpower yourself, hoping to shoot Rufus."
Why had Tifa changed her opinion? Just now, she was happy to hug Barrett and accept his apology.  Yeah that was the usual routine for friends who had disagreements.  You argue, forgive each other and then make up.  It didn't appear it was going in this way for these three though.  Tempers had flared out when Rufus left the room.
"There's one way to resolve our dispute," Tifa said solemnly, getting out of bed and joining in the standing circle.
"What's that?" Barrett asked uncertainly.
"Take over the bar, ok? It's not a hard job." Tifa buried her head in her lap.  Was she going to regret the decision? Barrett and Cloud both mimed 'WHAT?' as they heard the one way their friend had suggested seriously.

"You do know the consequences, don't you?" Cloud warned, "if you decide to stay with him…our friendship is over."
"I understand," Tifa answered.  Cloud nodded to the door, pulling Barrett's arm on his way out.   For more than ten years, Tifa had a long lasting friendship with Cloud and they rarely argued over minor things.  They had their highs and lows, apparently when Aeris came into the picture.  Tifa was tempted to shout at Aeris for ruining her and Cloud's close friendship they had held for many years but decided it wouldn't help the battle against Shinra or Sephiroth.  That time wasn't appropriate.  Rufus leaned casually on the wall when he awakened from footsteps <they're going.  Then this means one thing…>
"Rufus?" Cloud glared sharply, levelling his chin equally to the Shinra President's, "Promise you'll take care of Tifa for me.  It's your responsibility.  OK?"
"You have my word," Rufus extended his hand towards the ex-SOLDIER, who unwillingly took it and shook the President's hand.  Suddenly feeling half his tension leave after the handshake ended.  Barrett pointed to Rufus warningly without any words added in his voice.
"I have the feeling, she'll be happy with him," Barrett said while he walked to the exit of Shinra HQ.
"Yeah." Cloud began to see why.  Barrett let out a cheerful yes and ruffled Cloud's spiky hair.  Cloud hoped that he was right.  Things were going to be very different without Tifa hanging with them.

Tifa pulled up the mini-skirt as the last garment.  It was time for her to go.  The surgery was over and she was free.  What would happen now that she had lost two people close to her? <I'm sorry, Cloud.  Barrett.  Please find it in your hearts to forgive *me.*  I know you're angry because I love Rufus.  Just gotta accept I've changed> Tifa wept uncontrollably as she sat on the tidied bed <oh I didn't want to lose my friends.  Why? Why does love have to be so hard?>.  A strong arm wrapped round Tifa's shoulders.
"It's my fault they're gone," She wailed.
"Don't say such a thing." Rufus pulled her nearer to him, "Barrett and Cloud will always be your friends and I will always be here whenever you need me."
"Oh I'm in heaven when I'm with you, Rufus Shinra." Tifa lifted her face upwards to happily kiss Rufus' wonderful lips <I *really* wanna stay with you if we do this more often>.  The Shinra President was good at cheering her up each time they met each other.  It was a talent not men offered to poor Tifa (yeah, Cloud could be an example).  Rufus cuddled Tifa in his arms and stroked her smooth hair <I want to see you happy, baby>.  She meant so much to him and they were originally enemies too.  Love was a funny emotion.
"I love you, Tifa Lockheart.  Be mine forever," Rufus murmured to Tifa and they went out of the Medical Emergency area, holding their hands in joint harmony.  Tifa had never in her younger days felt bliss or true love.  She was about to experience heavenly love in Shinra style.

The End.
So, what do you think? OK, I had this ending in mind all the way and also didn't want to write too many chapters.  Hopefully, the chapters were good enough.  Was the ending okay? Save the flames, I'm *not* in the mood for those ~.^

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