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Tifa Strife Or Tifa Shinra?
Part 01
By Jupiter: Seifer's Babe

Disclaimer: Squaresoft own Final Fantasy 7.
AN: This is an alternative side story, which takes place just after Tifa, Cloud and Barrett escape Shinra HQ sans dying (you have to remember Rufus shooting Tseng, right?) Firstly, if you haven't done so, you have to read My Shinra Heaven to understand what's going on here.
Dedication: To everyone who reviewed My Shinra Heaven. Vielen Dank.  I hope ya like this story.

The room remained tranquil and silent throughout the whole of evening.  Tifa stared down at the pair of folded combat trousers lying on the untouched bed, wondering what to do with the clothing item.  She evidently recalled Rufus, President of Shinra, giving the clothes to her while she stayed in his office and fighting against the coldness inside.  Tifa knew she was strong enough to take care of herself in this kind of crisis.  She was able to defend herself and fight back when essential.  Although on that night in Shinra HQ, it was as cold as the Antarctic in Summertime.  Tifa had been trying to fight off the hospitality Rufus offered while she was a hostage.  She could tell he was acting friendly to please or comfort her during the stay.  The one thing surprising Tifa was how Rufus took notice of her discomfort in the cold and gave her his coat to wear for the night.  Plus those small sized trousers he let her keep.  That was the first time Tifa had seen the generous side of Rufus.  Caring and kind.  Not laughing evilly or bragging on ruling the entire planet once Shinra gained supreme power.  No.  She didn't hear any of that from him.  He didn't bother mentioning that sort of crap.  Well, yeah there was Tseng, who defiantly spoke bullshit on killing Tifa once Cloud arrived.  He clearly stated the hostage was the enemy and nothing more, nothing less.

Oh but Rufus had different views.  He agreed it was true Tifa was the enemy yet was captivated by her sweet beauty; under insufferable circumstances.  He loved seeing her sleep peacefully and when her face brightened up via smiling.  Tifa didn't understand why she had commenced in thinking about Rufus' formal hospitality towards a hostage.  Why the hell did she fantasise him in frequent situations? For example, why did she imagine smelling the powerful aftershave all round his neck? True, it smelt amazingly nice.  It wasn't as if the aftershave Rufus wore contained a wonder drug, did it? Was the dreaminess Tifa encountered part of the side effects? <But it sure made me excited> Tifa rubbed off the blush on her cheeks shyly.  Why couldn't she get high when Cloud passed by? Before even returning to Shinra HQ, her feelings towards Cloud remained the same since two months ago.  She still loved him - not that much anymore.  With or without Aeris' presence.   Speaking of Cloud, Tifa knew it was him walking into her bedroom by the loud footsteps coming nearer.
"Are you okay?" Cloud asked sympathetically.
"Yeah, I'm not hurt.  How's Barrett doing?" Tifa carried the combat trousers to the chest of drawers.
"Recovering.  That punch sure knocked him out cold." They both laughed uneasily.
"It was for the best.  Barrett would've ruined the rescue mission if he lost his temper." Cloud lifted his spiky blond hair higher into the air.

<I would have been dead too> Tifa silently responded, "Cloud, thanks for rescuing me.  I owe you one." She felt a tingle go through her skin when Cloud placed his hand on hers.  It had been a while since he did that.  When was the last time they held hands? Oh more than a decade, right?
"Tifa? Rufus didn't hurt you, did he? I swear, if he laid his hands on someone I loved…"
<What?> The bar hostess' eyes grew widely at the last word.  Did he say a special word or was she losing her hearing at an early age? Tifa's heartbeat sped up unexpectedly.  What a day she's been having.  First she was captured by Rufus Shinra, then she escaped unhurt with Cloud and Barrett and now…she heard her childhood crush say the word 'love.'
"Cloud, did you say I'm someone you loved?" Tifa queried softly, "does that mean…you really love *me* and not Aeris?" <Oops, shouldn't have said that.  He'll leave the room>
Cloud held Tifa's hand to his blue shirt, "Of course I love you.  It's always been that way.  Aeris was someone close to me.  I didn't love her as, you know a girlfriend.  I just didn't see myself having a relationship with her when she was still alive.  She was a little *too* attached to me."
"I had a crush on you for a long time, Cloud Strife," Tifa admitted, "Aeris was a love obstacle I couldn't get past.  I wanted to tell you I loved you sooner…"

"Don't worry.  It's in the past.  I *know* you're the one I love, Tifa.  Please…" Cloud stood up and fiddled into his trouser pocket tightly, taking out a tiny box into his hand.  <Is he doing what I think he's doing?> Tifa watched astonishingly.  The tiny box opened and displayed a small golden ring neatly sitting inside.
"Please marry me, Tifa Lockheart." The ex-SOLDIER knelt on one knee, holding out the simple-shaped ring in his hand.  <Shit, I'm dreaming again> Tifa looked unusually at the violet coloured ring box in Cloud's hand.   <it's something you've always dreamt of, Tifa.  Go for it> The angelic voice in her head insisted she should take the ring.  Tifa would have thought by the time she was a shrivelled old hag, Cloud would *then* ask for her hand in marriage.
"Y-y-yes.  I'll marry you." Tifa's voice sounded shaky for some reason when Cloud placed the ring on her finger.  They hugged each other sweetly for a longer lasting ten minutes.  Tifa could feel Cloud smiling joyfully as he looked over shoulder <Shouldn't I be smiling too?>.  Something bothered her while in the embrace.  It was as if there was a gap between Tifa and Cloud.  Another obstacle.  Could it be Aeris' spirit acting as a disturbance? But Cloud said he loved Tifa, what seemed to be wrong about that? Aeris meant nothing to him, right?

Rufus watched gracefully as the Shinra guards cleared away Tseng's lifeless body out of the office.  Shooting his former friend and employee was like a weight loss for him.  The heaviness had left his mind  Who said one needed to go to Yoga or Tai Chi classes to achieve peace and relaxation? Most of his thoughts drifted back to Tifa.  What made him choose to let her go? He couldn't work it out straightaway.  Did he lose control of his touchiness towards Tifa?  Before Tseng screwed things up, Rufus and Tifa were together and kissing gloriously.  The hostage enjoyed the affectionate moment and didn't try fighting the Shinra President whatsoever.  Rufus hardly had women controlling their resistance to his charms.  Every female fell for him where ever he went.  But Tifa was different.  She didn't fall for his charms on the first day at Shinra Inc.  Most of the time she was angered by him for capturing her.  Although Rufus undoubtedly knew off by heart that Tifa wanted him to kiss her once waking up that morning.  <Does she like me?> He thought wonderingly.  If Rufus wanted to know how Tifa felt about him, he had to ask her in person <I know *I* like *her*…a lot.  I want to see her beautiful face again>.

<24 hours later>
The simple design of the white wedding dress hugged Tifa's body perfectly, showing the curves and matching her long dark hair.  The self reflection was as if a mannequin inside a clothes shop.  Was Tifa posing as a mannequin? <Oh please, I'm a young woman who's feeling unbelievably lovesick> She wondered if this was the right decision to choose.  It had been her childhood dream to marry Cloud though he didn't feel the same as her over the past weeks.  Then suddenly he finally notices Tifa and proposes to her in return.  How about that for weirdness? Part of Tifa's head couldn't help feeling sceptical on Cloud's behavioural change.  Wouldn't the proposal be proof of Cloud's love confession? It had to be.  To get married was something a couple had accepted as commitment.  Barrett was totally ecstatic for Cloud and Tifa's marriage plans.  As they didn't have enough money to hold a big ceremony, they decided to hold a small elopement sort of wedding in the chapel situated at Nibelheim.  The wedding dress Tifa wore was for borrowing purposes only.  When she mentioned having a wedding, the shop owner willingly allowed the female customer to have the best wedding dress free of charge and for the special day.  Cloud decided it would be best to get the special day over and done with by making the date TODAY.  Tifa did think it was a quick decision however her *fiancé* insisted he wanted to really show he loved her.

<I'm lucky> Tifa thought optimistically.  Moments of happiness usually had a side effect most of the time.  Why oh why did that always happen? That would mean something bad was soon to occur in the wedding ceremony.  What could it be though? Tifa's brain went down to a low depression level.  A sharp vision formed in her head unwillingly…NOT of Cloud but of someone else.  Rufus.  She imaginatively smelled his aftershave nearby and the ticklish touch of his grey jacket touching her bare skin while they touched each other.  Shocked, Tifa shook her head to wake up in reality.  What the hell was that for? She should be thinking of Cloud, shouldn't she? <The kiss.  Ohmigod.  Tifa, you're going crazy over Rufus here> She pushed herself to stop fantasising the Shinra President arousing her in a big way (AN- Oh we girls want Rufus to arouse us, don't we? ~.^).  They both didn't go that far when they kissed.  Not when they were caught by Tseng.  Tifa used the small finger to touch her red coloured lips, remembering Rufus' own lips meeting her own.  Warning signs rang uncontrollably as she felt her body act internally crazy in the fantasy.
"Tifa? Can I come in?" Cloud's voice spoke behind the door of the changing room, "I'm ready when you are.  The Priest is waiting outside."
"Sure," Tifa replied hesitantly.  The same question repeated over and over again  - was this the right decision? However there was also another more important question she asked herself.  Did she love Cloud deeply or…did she love Rufus?

Standing up in full figure, Tifa breathed in smoothly to release the tension <Tifa Strife sounds fine, doesn't it? Tifa Lockheart Strife.  Nah, too long.  Why not keep your normal surname? I've always liked Lockheart but I'm getting married though.  So Lockheart won't be used often>.  An added thought spread back into thoughts, which startled the bride-to-be.  She thought <How about Tifa…Shinra?>

AN#2: Consider this a Rufus/Tifa/Cloud love triangle.  There should be about two or three chapters altogether.  I started this fanfic because I'm bored for the moment and the fact that I got many reviews for my last FF7 fic.  In addition I believe, you reviewers thought My Shinra Heaven had a brief ending and I can sometimes sense if people aren't *exactly* satisfied.  Hope ya like this so far and that you'll be able to see another way of how Rufus and Tifa get together.  In case you thought this side story was pointless, I can delete it.  No problem.



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