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Tifa Strife Or Tifa Shinra?
Part 03
By Jupiter: Seifer's Babe

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, *ya know?* (okay, wrong game)
AN: Firstly, prior to anyone who believes my chapters for these fics are too short, let me say that My Shinra Heaven and the side story are designed to be *short and sweet.* This is a simple romance story, ok?

"It isn't like you to be accompanying an enemy, Barrett.  For that I thank you." Rufus spoke above the loud helicopter whirring as he jumped down onto his feet, hitting the muddy grass.
"Well, it ain't like *you* to fall in love with an enemy." Barrett moved his gaze unwarily at the President's effort to acknowledge his co-operation <this is my fault, he's here.  Cloud's gonna flip when he finds I was the one that told him about the wedding>.  Why didn't he just stay in Midgar and sulk guiltily over helping his worst enemy? Brooding would make him at ease rather than shiver nervously on what Cloud was intending to say on his return.

The most likely comments the ex-SOLDIER would shout out breathlessly to Barrett could be "What the hell made you lead him here? How could you tell him about the wedding?" or simply, "Why did you help him?" Shit, this wasn't a good idea to tell everything after all.  Maybe he wanted to kill Cloud and Tifa altogether and his lovesick thoughts were unreal - just a diversion for Barrett.  <I have ta keep watch on him.  My arms ready to shoot anytime Shinra tries to ruin stuff> Barrett stomped behind Rufus' pace while they searched for the chapel situated in Nibelheim.

Second thoughts did pull through now and again in Barrett's mind about Rufus.  Firstly, if he didn't fake his innocent loveable feelings, he wouldn't show off this heavy amount of frowning emotion across his pale face, would he? NO, he wouldn't.  The AVALANCHE leader hardly saw Rufus in shear pain or struggle because he barely expressed it towards his enemies.  It usually included serious mockery and evil laughter; yet the Shinra President didn't seem to be in the mood to joke this time.  How cool was that?
"Ya making a mistake to go to Tifa," Barrett warned belatedly.
"I take risks all the time." Rufus gazed at the exterior of the chapel, "I'm not afraid to die by Cloud's sword.  I was supposed to die two months ago in that explosion Diamond Weapon pulled off." He exhaled unenthusiastically without reason.
"I wish ya did die," Barrett afflicted, fisting his hand very adjacent to Rufus' face.
"I'm not surprised." Rufus only laughed in reply.

Tifa clutched her hands fixedly on Cloud's jointed arms while she bent down to sob.  Her make up had begun to smudge in severe conditions, causing uneasiness for the Priest.  He wasn't sure whether to discontinue the ceremony for now or permanently.  Cloud helped Tifa to stand in equal body level to his and wiped the tears off her face.
"What is sorry for? You haven't done anything wrong," he intoned softly.  Tifa slapped off Cloud's touches on her arms, looking in teary eyes at her fiancé.  How should she explain the reason? What would his reaction be? Would Cloud stab himself with Ultima Weapon or shoot his head? It would break his heart when he found out the truth.
"I cannot marry you!" Tifa spat out forcefully, her voice echoing soundly in the chapel.  Cloud naturally became aghast and responded in stuttering gasps as he heard Tifa. "It's too early.  We should forget the whole idea of marriage.  It won't work for us.  I should have realised that earlier or we wouldn't be in such a dilemma."
"I thought you loved me." Cloud childishly remarked <what is happening today? I thought it would be the happiest day of my life and where the hell is Barrett?>.
"Loving you was too long ago, don't you think?" Tifa glanced to the puzzled Priest, who watched in dismay at the so-called soap opera scenario being played in front of his eyes, "I do apologise for wasting your time.  Your job here is done."

Motioning in understandable agreement, the wise Priest took off his robe and exited in the backdoor monotonously.  Hey, this was a free of charge elopement.  It wasn't meant to be very ceremonial, was it? Tifa was the first to see this wedding was in no proper position to succeed.  The engagement night happened to be before the actual day, which was without a doubt abnormal for couples to opt to.   All engagements had to develop and the wedding date were made at a much later time.  NOT 24 hours later.  That would be a serious rush rather than a commitment in relationships.  Tifa wriggled her ring from her finger and gently placed it in Cloud's palm.  Adding a silent apology to the motion.  <Why have you changed? Who do you love?> Cloud thought questionably.
He needed to know, "So, who is he?"
Tifa tilted her head weirdly, "You don't have to so rude!"
"In case you've forgotten, Tifa, you were the one saying yes to this.  I asked, you answered.  Things had gone smoothly and then suddenly.  Poof!! My fiancée's thoughts to marriage disappear on the actual day." Cloud ripped the black bow tie round his white cotton shirt in a massive huff.  OK then, the grumpy, broody ex-SOLDIER was back in business.

"The truth is, getting married is too early.  We have lots of things to in our lives.  We're young people! <we shouldn't be shouting.  It's hopeless>." Tifa threw the bouquet on the ground, not bothering to care where it landed.  Who cares whose flowers they originally belonged to? There never was going to be a wedding.  Not for these two.
"I love you." Cloud attempted to save their relationship before really accepting the ring back in his hand perpetually.
"No you don't.  I'm used to us being friends.  Even with Aeris' girlie, lovesick behaviour round you, you still treated me as a *friend.* It's a child's play if Aeris and I fought over you for love." Tifa sat on the bench and leant one arm against the handle.  She saw the heavy frowning deepen further on Cloud's face.  His blue eyes showing disappointment.  Some wedding this turned out to be.
"Who is the lucky guy?" He asked coldly.  The former fiancée turned away while she fought the difficulty in telling him who the real lover was.  In fact, she wasn't sure who the lucky guy was.  "Tifa, you have to tell me.  Is it someone I know?"
"We just bumped into him recently.  How's that for a give away clue?" Tifa smiled weakly, knowing Cloud was about to get pissed in an immensely angry style.

It didn't take him that long to work out who the mystery person was in his friend's life.  Scratching his nails deep into his scalp, Cloud rolled his eyes when he worked out who Tifa was supposedly in love with.
"RUFUS SHINRA?! Oh God, you're kidding.  Does he know how you feel?" He asked.  Tifa shrugged her shoulders.  "It's impossible.  He's not the kind of person to love or care for others.  He's crazy on ruining our world!!!"
"HE CARED FOR ME WHEN I WAS IN HIS OFFICE…" Tifa silenced immediately as she noticed the sudden volume alteration in her voice, "He…kissed me - and I liked it." Here she went again with constant fantasising of Rufus Shinra.  Kissing her passionately with those hot lips of his and massaging her in heated arousing.  Holy shit, why couldn't Cloud do this to her if he had the chance? The ex-SOLDIER couldn't possibly give this kind of excitement in a relationship with Tifa even if he tried.  Adolescent times hardly involved kissing between Tifa and Cloud.  They always shared things through friendship style.  True, he was only sixteen when he joined SOLDIER, which was a teen age.  He was too busy admiring Sephiroth and his excellent skills instead of fantasising over girls.  <Rufus' smell.  The aftershave.  It isn't as strong as the brand Cloud sometimes put on> Tifa grinned out of nowhere.

Her skin becoming sensitive when she imagined Rufus stroking her skin warmly.  The smile melted away as Cloud interrupted the fantasising.  Bending down to face Tifa's front.
"As a close friend and nothing more, I say you shouldn't love him," He stated in a posh theoretical point.
"Cloud, do you remember if we DID kiss or not?" Tifa questioned consistently, "you're saying I shouldn't love Rufus because you're jealous.  You're experiencing the same thing as me when I saw you and Aeris together."
"Am not."
"Am to.  Look at yourself.  You're damn right pissed because I called off this marriage.  Geez, for someone who's good in fighting but bad in the knowledge of love, you're fucking stupid!!!" Tifa covered her mouth at the unwanted rude word.  She rarely used these taboo words in front of anyone she knew.  Hearing Cloud disagree completely on a relationship with Rufus made her veins boil to the skin surface.
"CLOUD, TIFA!" Barrett's recognisable loud voice approached the chapel entrance.

The two unmarried *friends* simultaneously looked to the door.  The bright light shining into the corridor and the noise from outside floating inwards.  Barrett's obese figure silhouetted against the sunlight as he stood by the doorway.
"Listen, ya should get going.  Someone wants to see Tifa…" His voice fell out of sound when a quick shove to the stomach struck.  Another fast shadow zoomed past him and headed inside the chapel.
"HEY, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Cloud shouted to the well-known face.  Rufus held Tifa's hand in his gloved palm, looking into her richly maroon eyes.  The touch was so amazing.  Tifa didn't want the touch to leave her.
"My dearest Tifa, it might sound crazy coming from someone like me but I love you.  I want you to be in my life," Rufus pleaded.  <Oh he's charming> Tifa blushed a rouge red.  Cloud eyed Barrett sharply as he ignored the sloppy romance tension between the two people standing near him.  The AVALANCHE leader responded with an apologetic expression.  No words had to be sad for these two friends.
"Rufus, I like you too," Tifa confessed, "the way you cared for me back at your office was a whole new you.  No-one's seen you like this before except myself." She indulged the soft finger stroke from the Shinra President, somehow making her happier again.

Unfortunately, these two were unaware of someone behind them.  Cloud had his sword ready in both hands and aimed it perfectly to Rufus' figure <This time you WILL die>.  The sharp end pointed distantly at the blond haired figure covering Tifa's face.
"YOU'RE FINISHED, RUFUS SHINRA!!!!" Cloud raised Ultima Weapon above his head and charged towards Rufus angrily.
<NO> "PLEASE DON'T!!! CLOUD, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tifa screamed and held onto Rufus' coat sleeve.

Yes, it's a cliffhanger.  At least I have an idea for the next (maybe final) chapter, which will come soon. *yawn* I've been on the PC for three hours and sense Writer's Block kicking in.  Give me credit while I sleep.


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