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Tifa Strife Or Tifa Shinra?
Part 05
By Jupiter: Seifer's Babe

Disclaimer: Nope, nothing's mine.
AN: For those who read through my latest reviews would have seen there were two reviews, which contained anti-Rufus content from the same person.  Ignore that silly BAKA, ok? I am not killing anybody :-D.  Good news, eh?

Tifa stared into her bloodstained hands as she rose onto her feet.  The rich redness giving a slight polish in between the gloves.  The blood on her hands and on Rufus' body both released a sharp smell in the air.  Unbelievably, she could tell the smell was not of nearing towards death.  Something inside all five senses told her the weak person lying nearby was still alive.  NOT dead.  Just badly injured.  <Oh Rufus> Tifa detested the deep wounds and scratches spread over the tired blond crouching on the floor.  He was an unrecognisable person in his injured state.  Cloud had his sword hanging up front while he eyed Tifa standing next to Rufus <she should not be here>.
"How…could you?" Tifa could only say and lightened the blood stains on her hands, "Why, Cloud?"
"Are you siding with this psycho?!?!?" The ex-SOLDIER threateningly pointed Ultima Weapon to his friend's nose.

Tifa groaned at the insulting noun Cloud had referred Rufus.  Suppose things went a little wacky from about now, she would not want to fight her childhood friend.  She initially intended to *kill him* if he let Rufus die, which he did seem close to doing in this moment.  <Rufus will not die!!! Not when I am here> Tifa clenched her gloves angrily and aimed her maroon eyes to Cloud.
"If you wanna kill Rufus, you will have to get through me," She sadly replied and turned to Rufus, who was hardly conscious.  <hang in there, Rufus>  She commenced into a beat rush and somersault towards Cloud, hitting his face and stomach perfectly to slide him back on his boots.  The first thoughts asked Tifa why she chose to fight someone extremely close to her.  It was pointless to fight, was it not? <No…no, you have to fight for a reason.  I don't care whether Cloud is my friend.  He is trying to wreck my newly found happiness with Rufus Shinra.  He doesn't know the President as well as I do> Tifa answered the tiny voices in her head.  That was the obvious reason for opposing Cloud, wasn't it? Dammit, why did life and love have to be complicated? <I don't wanna fight you, Cloud but you won't listen to me so this is the only way to get you to listen> Tifa jumped off the floor to miss a lower sword slash.  Counter attacking, she roundhouse kicked in the air to strike Cloud's face.  Quick flying blood spat out of his mouth in the process.  Was Cloud losing the unnecessary fight?

While jumping away to further her distance from Cloud, Tifa occasionally looked back to see how Rufus was doing.  His position and condition didn't alter for some time while she fought.
"Please stop this!" Tifa tried to encourage the ex-SOLDIER desperately as she gracefully missed each slash attack being thrown at her.  Cloud realised he had a deep cut on his lower lip and a clear footprint that showed off a boldly dark bruise on the left cheek.  Dizziness conquered his cerebral and blurred his eyesight dreadfully.  He could just about picture Tifa's figure floating opposite his physique.  <he's got blurry eyes.  I can tell by the uneasy sway of his body> Tifa flipped her long hair behind to glance better at her opponent.  Hurting him would perhaps be a good enough sign to prove she wasn't in the mood to mess around with anyone who opposed her.  <Doesn't he wanna give up? I have to save someone's life here and he still wants to take me on> Tifa shook her head and luckily dodged a weak kick to the hip.  Whoa, had she become stronger than before? Most of the time, her punches would make the opponents limp or lose their breath for a second but seeing Cloud look in really bad shape was a big difference.

<I didn't mean to hit him that hard> Tifa excused kindly, "You're weak now.  Give up the fight." Her voice turned serious, "Rufus is gonna die if I don't get him to a hospital!!"
"Don't really care about that bastard.  Get out of my way so I can finish him off…HEY BARRETT, WHERE WERE YOU?!?!?" Cloud directed to the waken Barrett Wallace.
"You hurt me pretty bad, Tifa." Barrett knocked the side of his head with a knuckle to demonstrate.
"Had no choice," Tifa said naturally, "Look, no more fighting.  Please? Everyone's in bad shape.  I hate seeing people get hurt."
"Are you referring to him as well?" Barrett kicked Rufus' right elbow.  Tifa swung a chair to her boss' obese body aggressively.  "OW THAT WAS A GOOD HIT!!!" He patted his chest supportively when he felt himself crouch down painfully.  <Can't believe the two closest people in my entire life are acting pathetically.  May as well forget them and help Rufus> Tifa hated crying whenever she saw a dead corpse or someone she knew in a bad state.   Kneeling down slowly, she used her glove to clean off the dried blood on Rufus' face.  His blue orbs fluttered open briefly and he recognised Tifa looking down at him.
"Tifa? What…?" Rufus coughed.  She produced a wonderfully encouraging smile in reply.  Thank goodness he was still here.
"Don't worry.  I'm taking you to the nearest hospital.  They'll treat your wounds," Tifa spoke comfortingly to the President, taking no notice of Cloud or Barrett rolling their eyes.

Rufus smiled and suddenly lost consciousness as he leant his head on Tifa's knees.
"Rufus? Rufus? Oh no…please.  Hang on!!" The bar hostess took one of Rufus' arms and wrapped it round her shoulders <yeah, I can do this.  Yes I can!>, "We have to go NOW." She struggled to leave the chapel with the weight on her shoulders.  No point in giving up in an emergency.  The closest person to her right at this time was the unconscious man leaning very closely to her shoulder.  She had to get help for him fast.  Turning back, Tifa saw Cloud and Barrett refuse to follow her lead.
"Don't you want to get a check-up? Or do I have to injure you much more?" She questioned.  The two men stared back stonily.  "Fine!! Go to hospital whenever you want.  I've got more important things to do." Letting out an angry 'humph', Tifa solitarily carried Rufus by one arm to the nearest hospital.

She wished her friends would appreciate the President's kindness that he had developed towards her.  Why did they have to be very overprotective? Tifa understood Barrett and Cloud were acting protectively against Rufus because they did their duties as friends.  Yeah fine…but Tifa was a big girl and could most definitely take care of herself in problems, big or small, dangerous or not so dangerous.  Why else did she learn how to fight anyway? She still couldn't believe she was the only one who didn't receive much damage than her friends did.  She couldn't be bothered to commend herself for damaging Cloud and Barrett.  Cloud the most, actually.  <He must think I've gotten stronger over the past two months to give him a cut lip like that.  I'm happy I'm stronger.  Nobody can mess with Tifa Lockheart as much, can they?> Somehow, making her own body laugh didn't appear to succeed.  Sitting in the waiting room made her patience sink further and further and her body shrink into a tinier form.

Tifa pondered in a broody state, rethinking on today's events.  Her classic lovesick brain made her say yes to Cloud's proposal.  How stupid? If she hadn't said yes, neither the elopement nor the showdown between Rufus and Cloud would have existed.  Rufus wouldn't be in the ER, would he? He travelled from Shinra HQ to Nibelheim - just to see Tifa again.  He DID love her.  It was definitely true.  Tifa knew that in her heart.  He does care for people; doesn't always show it in public.  Especially not to Cloud.  They didn't get on like brothers.  Then again, Barrett wouldn't get on with Rufus either.  When Cloud proposed, he showed real sadness in his eyes and didn't appear as the tough mercenary Tifa distinguished.  He was someone who wanted to say sorry and make up for the apology. Tifa's normal reaction to the proposal was of course of happiness.  Though, she didn't seem VERY ecstatic when she wore the ring on her finger.  Strangely, she became depressed and remembered Rufus and the things she talked about to him.  He acted seriously too, to elaborate more interestingly.
He didn't crack up when Tifa mentioned Cloud never noticed her.

<Rufus is a friend to me.  No…more than a friend.  I…I think I'm in love with him.  When he touches or kisses me, I feel so protected and warm near him.  That feeling isn't there whenever Cloud is close> Tifa tapped her leather boots impatiently as she sat on the metallic folding chair.  How much longer did she have to wait? She imagined Rufus in thick bandages all over his head and body, lying still on the patient bed.  Would he be scared? <Nah, Rufus is tough.  He is the Shinra President.  Power must mean a lot to him>.  Nothing mattered to Tifa for the moment.  Not even Cloud nor Barrett.  They were tough guys.  They could handle themselves, no sweat.  What concerned Tifa was the man who possessed control over (nearly) the whole of the world and let himself be hurt by the enemy - because he loved a woman.  So what if he had gone soft.  It was nice to know an enemy had efficient feelings towards another.

"Excuse me, are you the one who brought President Shinra to the ER?" A chubby nurse in a cream white dress appeared by Tifa's side.
"Yeah.  How is he?" Tifa queried sternly.
"The anaesthetic hasn't worn off properly.  He's resting from the operation.  Are you his girlfriend?"
"Uh…yes." Tifa's face went red.  Was it okay to lie? Who would care whether a normal woman was the President's girlfriend? Oh, Cloud would.
"Ha, you're a lucky woman to be picked by Rufus Shinra.  He's got luxurious blue eyes and a sexy hairstyle that would make girls melt to their feet (AN- calm down, ladies ;-).  For a beautiful woman, everyone's gonna be so jealous when they see you on TV with him." The nurse smiled, "Come on, since you're his *girlfriend,* you get the honour in seeing him.  It's likely the anaesthetic will have worn off at this time." She escorted Tifa into the double doors under the Emergency Room banner.  Passing by running nurses and occupied doctors.  <Rufus' girlfriend? I like the sound of it.  Ha> Tifa giggled excitedly.

"Mr Strife, take these painkillers every four hours.  Understand?" the doctor recommended.  With a plaster on his left cheek, Cloud nodded responsively and slid off the patient bed.  His teeth almost felt like they would fall out because of Tifa's kick.  <Darn, how am I gonna swallow these tablets when my jaw isn't moving straight? Tifa sure kicked my ass back there> The ex-SOLDIER waved to Barrett in the hallway.
"Man, you look a mess.  Tifa hit ya hard, eh?" Barrett joked absurdly, "we're in the same condition."
"Have you seen her?" Cloud asked weakly.
Barrett shook his head unfortunately, "Don't ask me.  You and I both know where she went.  Why don't we just let her be?" He peeked above Cloud's spiky blond hair and immediately recognised Tifa's long brown hair as her back turned.  She looked like she was on someone's lead.  "Tifa!!" He pushed past a wobbly Cloud, who took a longer time to understand where his friend ran off to.

Tifa's hair swayed to the side when she looked back at the specifying of her name.  She wasn't surprised to see those two arrive in hospital; two hours later.
"Why doesn't it shock me to see you two here?" She commented nastily, her hands leaning on her hips.  She caught Cloud lagging in the darker background.  "Cloud, how's your face? I recommend cosmetic surgery.  It's cheaper for men."
"Cool it.  Don't get mad at us, ok?" Barrett interrupted.
"Young lady, I'm sure your boyfriend wants to see you when he wakes up," said the nurse escorting Tifa.  <Boyfriend? So it's true> Cloud looked away with melancholy.  He wished he didn't spot his ex-fiancée.
"Right.  My *boyfriend* is waiting for me," Tifa added mockingly and looked again to Cloud and Barrett, "Get out of here.  It won't work for the three of us if we're not in an agreeable environment <I'll miss you guys>." She paced hurriedly down the hall of the Emergency area.
"Cloud, let's go.  She wants it like this." Barrett pulled on Cloud's free arm.  The ex-SOLDIER watched Tifa fade away.  "Dammit, be a man.  We have ta go home." Not fighting the pull, Cloud followed Barrett to the exit.   Praying silently that his childhood friend would be happier with a new love <take care, Tifa>.

The doors to the eerie smell of the operation room opened widely as Tifa and the friendly escorting nurse strode in to the patient.  Rufus was sitting up on his pillow.  The black bruises had disappeared magically on his face and he was back to being the gorgeous man women drooled over.  Tifa skipped over to his bedside, jumping into a massive hug.  Rufus released a tiny pant at the pressure of the embrace.
"Sorry, does it hurt?" Tifa apologised, "I'll hug lighter next time."
"It's okay.  I'm much better than before.  Nurse, thanks for escorting Miss Lockheart.  That will be all," Rufus said, touching his hand on Tifa's hips.
"The doctors will be outside if you need anything, President Shinra." The nurse bowed and left the room.  The room emptied in front of Rufus and Tifa's eyes when the nurse's presence vanished.  They were really alone.  Together…in private.  Tifa sat near Rufus' knees and looked into his blue eyes deeply, caressing his hands smoothly <he's *really* cute.  I will be the envy of women all over Midgar when they find out I'm the President's girlfriend>.  She giggled softly.
"What's so funny?" Rufus asked, stroking Tifa's hair.
"Nothing.  Just thinking about you." She bent her head into his chest as if it was a really comfortable pillow <I feel safe with him>.

Rufus pulled Tifa's face up to look into the darkly attractive maroon eyes of hers.  Tifa's muscles lost control in the kiss and she responded happily, fiddling her fingers in Rufus' blond strands.  No-one was here to stop these two.  Cloud and Barrett were likely to have gone already to leave Tifa and her new *boyfriend* alone peacefully.  There were no obstacles in Tifa's way.  Consider her a lucky girl to be in the arms of a powerful former villain who had a caring side.  Knowing Rufus, he would undoubtedly protect Tifa with all his heart.  He had finally found someone he loved.  Though he had to be sure.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rufus questioned.
Tifa touched his face, "I love you.  That's all that matters to us both, right?" She hugged him for a second time but with more affection.  Rufus' question had been answered.
"I love you too, Tifa," he whispered until they both kissed again.

See, a happy ending.  How's that? I find it cool to see Tifa kick Cloud's butt for hurting Rufus.  Give her a big applause *author and reviewers applaud Tifa Lockheart.* R & R, people.
Gosh, I'm already thinking of doing a ff8 fanfic.  Maybe a Seifuu or a Quifer (the latter might be slightly difficult).  Yeah I wanna do a story, which has Seifer as the leading character.


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