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The Deliverance of Colin Town
By Elly Leaverton
Cast In Order of Appearance

This story is dedicated to Reku Fuyunaki artist and author of “Gundam Wing: Ground Zero”, my favorite of the Gundam Wing manga.

Special thanks to my editors: Sara Lang, Frank Reinart and Heavyarms Kai.

Miss Lena Relena Peacecraft
Harry Grant Heero Yuy
Doctor Millie Beau Sally Po
Captain Troy C. Reynolds Trieze Kushrenada
Sheriff Tex Martin Zechs Merquise
Father Kat Tracey Quatre Raberba Winner
Doug Trapper Duo Maxwell
Hilda Shopkeeper Hilde Schbeiker
Wild Kate Catherine Bloom
Trent Harton Trowa Barton
Wailing Fox Chang Wufei

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