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Normal Life
Part 1
By Hitodama

It was the year after colony 201. Peace was achieved by the famous Gundam pilots and Vice Foreign Minister, Relena Dorlin. The pilots have worked as preventers for five years now. Meanwhile Relena had disappeared four years ago. She had claimed she was tired of leading the Cinq Kingdom and being a diplomat. Relena had left without a trace except for a small video, which had said she was leaving the position of ruler to her brother Milliardo and that she wished that no one would look for her. Of course everyone looked for her despite her wishes. After the search, which lasted two years, everyone gave up on finding her and went back to their normal lives.

All of the pilots had decided to take a vacation from working. After Quatre’s and Duo’s incessant pleading they decided to go out to into the country on the outskirts of the Cinq Kingdom. After piling into the small van they had, the pilots went on the road. After two days of driving the pilots ran into some bad luck.

"What’s that sound?" Asked Trowa.

After listening for a minute Quatre replied, "I think it’s the van."

" No way man! I bought this van with a guarantee. This baby is the most reliable vehicle I’ve ever owned." Protested Duo, who was driving at the moment.

As if to counter Duo’s words, the van suddenly made a loud grinding sound. Seeing a stop sign ahead Duo put his foot on the break. The break apparently didn’t want to listen to Duo because nothing happened.

" What the….." Duo said, when Wufei abruptly cut him off.

" Look out!" Wufei shouted, causing all the pilots to snap their heads up towards the small dirt road they were on.

At the very small intersection, a very large cement truck was crossing. Unfortunately since the van unable to stop, it was heading on a crash course collision with the large truck.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" All the pilots shouted. Right when they were about to impale the truck, Duo swerved the van completely to the right, causing them to miss the truck by centimeters. This relief was not to last though. Since the break didn’t work the van ended up crashing into a metal telephone pole. The impact sent all of the pilots except Duo flying out of their seats and onto the grassy plain. Being former Gundam Pilots, they survived the ordeal with relative calm. After a few grunts and groans, the pilots got up and surveyed the damage.

"Whohoo! That was fun!" Duo shouted, his happy go-lucky self once more.

"A reliable vehicle, huh Maxwell?!" Wufei said in an angry tone.

"Look, I didn’t know it would do that. Sorry. Really I am!" Duo said pleadingly.

"Stop bickering. We need to find a phone." Ordered Heero.

The boys realized they were very far out in the country. There didn’t appear to be any civilization for miles and miles. The only sign of human life was the small dirt road they had been traveling on. They decided to follow it, since it was most likely that they would reach a house or shop fastest that way. After several hours of walking it began to get dark.

"We’ll have to camp out." Quatre said tiredly.

"No way man! We don’t have sleeping bags, or lights, and I need my pajamas!" Duo replied.

All the other pilots sweatdropped at his comment. They all were about to gag the braided idiot when Duo started to say something.

"Hey guys! Look over there!" Duo pointed to his left.

All the pilots squinted and saw the small outline of a house. Forgetting temporarily to kill Duo the other pilots ran toward the house.

"Wait for me!" Duo called as he followed them a few feet behind.

When they arrived at the house they saw just how large it was. The big white house was two stories and had a long front porch. The pilots could see flowers surrounding the porch and a small rose bush growing up the side of the house. Despite it’s size, the house itself looked very old and quaint. After admiring the house for a second the pilots went up to the door and rang the bell.

"Coming!" A woman shouted from inside the house.

The door opened a crack "Who’s there?" The owner of the house said.

"Excuse me, ma’am. Our van broke down a few miles south of here and we would be grateful if we could use your phone." Heero said in his monetone voice.

The door flew open, catching all the pilots off guard. After regaining their senses they looked up. All of the pilot’s jaws fell to the floor when they saw who was standing there.

"Relena!" All of them shouted still in utter shock.

Relena smiled. It had been a long time since she had last seen them. Over the years she had missed them more and more. Trowa with his small words that always had a larger meaning to them. Quatre with his kindness and willingness to help others. Wufei with his views on justice and integrity. Duo, being his happy lovable self. And then there was Heero…….she had missed him the most. His dark eyes were always in her mind, like she could see his very soul through his eyes.

"Hello. It’s been a while hasn’t it?" Relena said conversationally.

Right before Relena was going to invite them in, a small figure appeared at her legs. It was a little girl. She had beautiful blond hair and deep brown eyes. The child appeared only to be about two or three.

"Oh. Everyone, I would like you to meet my daughter, Anna." Relena said politely.

"What?!" All of the pilots yelled.

"Come inside and I’ll explain everything, okay?" Relena said, while trying to control the giggles threatening to come out of her mouth because of they’re astonished faces.

All the pilots nodded and came inside. Each of them was still astonished. Sitting down at the table the pilots finally snapped out of they’re trances.

"Now where shall I begin?" Relena smirked, looking at Anna.

To be continued………..

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