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Normal Life
Part 2
By Hitodama

"Now where should I begin?" Relena smirked, looking at Anna.

Relena then remembered what time it was. She would have to wait to tell the pilots what had happened to her. Standing up Relena made her way to Anna.

"Come on sweetie. It’s time for bed." Relena told her daughter.

"Do I have to Mommy?" Anna asked cutely.

"Yes honey, I promise I’ll make you pancakes tomorrow if you go to bed now." Relena said.

"Okay!" The child yelled and bounded off toward her room.

"Excuse me a moment." Relena said as she made her way to Anna’s room.

The pilots only nodded. Realizing what had happened, they faced each other. Duo was the first to speak.

"Okay, does anyone else think this is weird?" He asked seriously.

"It is rather odd finding Miss Relena after four years. And with a daughter no less." Quatre said, while trying to figure things out.

"Ah, Ah, Quatre. You shouldn’t call her MISS anymore. We don’t know whether she’s married or not." Duo said, his grin broadening.

"Chances are she is married. She does have a child after all." Trowa pointed out.

This information brought Heero out of his own thoughts. He hadn’t thought about the fact Relena could be married. It would be a logical assumption since she did, indeed, have a kid. The thought of a man with his arms wrapped around Relena made Heero very angry. I will kill him and…Heero abrupty cut that thought off. I do not care about Relena! She is a pain in my side! Heero knew he was lying to himself though. He did care about Relena, no matter how much will power he had, his heart was winning. Stop that, Yuy! She is probably happy. She probably has a loving husband, she has a daughter. He pushed all thoughts out of his head when he saw Relena return to the room.

"Okay, she’s asleep. It’s very late; you need your sleep as well. There are two spare rooms upstairs. There are two beds in each room, and one of you can sleep on the couch." Relena said while walking to the closet.

Relena pulled out a pillow and comforter and set them up on the couch. She then went into the kitchen and made some roast, potatoes, and some drinks.

"You all must be hungry. I made this for you. Eat it, then go to bed. I will explain everything tomorrow when we have time." Relena set the plates and glasses in front of them after she spoke.

Not arguing, the pilots immediately dug into their food. Relena watched in amusement. They haven’t changed very much since I last saw them. Stifling a yawn, Relena took their plates away once they had finished. After she put the dishes away, she came out of the kitchen.

"I hope you all will be comfortable. I’m going to bed. See you in the morning." Relena said as she went to her own room.

The pilots just sat there for a moment before getting up. After a heated argument, they decided Duo would get the couch since he snored. Each had their own thoughts of what was going to happen tomorrow as they fell asleep.

To be continued……

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