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Normal Life
Part 3
By Hitodama

The next morning Duo, who was snoring on the couch, woke up due to the smell coming from the kitchen. The smell of Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and French toast wafted in from the kitchen and attacked Duo’s senses. Getting up, he yawned and stretched. Without thinking, Duo rammed into Relena trying to get to the food she was making. This caused both of them to land on the floor with loud sounds of the banging of pots and pans; they ended up entangled in each other’s arms and legs. At that precise moment, the other pilots walked into the kitchen.

"What the Hell??!!" All of the pilots screamed when they saw them on the floor.

"Um…’s not what it looks like…..I swear!" Duo started cursing when he found he couldn’t untangle himself from Relena due to the maple syrup and starch sticking them together.

"Argh….Duo get off me!" The former queen of the world screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Duo what were you thinking?!" The cute pilot of Sandrock yelled.

Heero not amused at all by the situation, walked quickly toward them. Looking at the two he suddenly felt the urge to kill Duo and take his place. Whoa, banish that thought, Yuy. Just get them separated, that’s all! Without a second thought he pulled Duo up off Relena by the collar. The next thing they heard was a loud "RIP". Turning they saw a part of Relena’s blouse missing. Luckily the rip still left Relena decent, except now Relena had a very low cut blouse that revealed almost everything.

The part of the blouse that had attached itself to Duo had long since dropped off him. Each of the pilots stared at Relena’s face with a blush, or rather below her face. Heero had to mentally slap himself to stop drooling. He then noticed all the other pilots doing exactly what he had been doing. He then sent them his best death glare. The others paid no attention to him. This annoyed Heero greatly. Noticing what the pilots were staring at, Relena quickly excused herself and ran to her room.

"Look it’s not what you think." Duo started as the pilots turned their attention to Duo, with glares aimed strait at him.

"Care to explain why you were on top of Relena?" Trowa asked.

"Well….you see…I was hungry…and when I tried to get to the food, she was in the way….we ended up crashing into each other…and then you guys came in." Duo explained slowly.

"That is a very lame story, Maxwell." Said Wufei, who was still glaring at Duo.

"True. But knowing Duo, he’s probably not lying." Trowa said with no emotion.

"Right. I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie." Duo quoted himself.

Relena returned to the kitchen with her face as red as a tomato. The pilots were somewhat dissapointed she was wearing a large sweater. Without glancing at them, she grabbed a mop and amonea, and began cleaning the kitchen floor. Watching her do this made the pilots feel sorry for her. They all glared at Duo with daggers. Duo got the point and walked up to Relena.

"Hey Relena. Sorry about bumping into you like that. Do you need any help?" Duo started to grab the mop from Relena.

"Don’t worry about it Duo. Go sit at the table. I’ll serve breakfast after I’ve finished cleaning up." Relena said snatching the mop away before Duo could get it.

After Relena finished cleaning, she served the pilots their breakfast. The pilots inhaled their food and suddenly they realized Relena hadn’t eaten.

"Don’t you want anything to eat Relena?" Trowa asked with curiosity.

"Oh no. I’m fine. I’m going to wait for Anna to get up before I eat." Relena answered quickly so as not to worry them.

The mention of Anna made the pilots wonder again. All the pilots were still wondering if Relena was married. They hadn’t seen a husband last night or this morning. Maybe he was on a trip or maybe she wasn’t married. All these thoughts ran through the pilots brains when Relena interrupted their reverie.

"So what do you guys want to know about my life?" Relena asked, startling them.

"Well… Anna really your own Daughter?" Quatre asked shyly.

~ Flashback ~

< "So Miss Peacecraft, you would like to adopt a child?" > Asked the orphanage mistress.

< "Yes. I know I have been missing from the Cinq Kingdom, but I am now on my own, and I believe a child could make me happy." > Relena replied.

< We have a strict policy here. In order to adopt a child, you are usually supposed to have a husband or wife and be able to financially support the child, as well as be kind to him or her." > The kind lady explained.

< "I realize this. I am asking you to make an exception. I have no husband, but I can support a child on my own income, with plenty to spare. > Relena said.

< I’m sorry Miss Peacecraft, but it is preffered that the child have two parents. Also due to your former stature, it would be hard to file a report, with you as the parent." >

< Please Ma’am. I can be reported with another name. I swear I can care for the child as much as two parents could. Please, I’m begging you to make an exception. Please." > Relena was close to crying.

The mistress got up and headed toward a door with Relena following. It was there Relena began to learn the joys of parenting.

~ End Flashback ~

"Yes, Anna is really my daughter." Relena answered finally, after realizing that she indeed was her daughter, since she was given the right to love her with her whole heart as a true mother would.

"Who’s the dad?" Duo asked with a smirk.

Before Relena could reply, Anna came skiping in the room. She was as cute as a button. Anna had just stopped at her mother’s feet.

"Mornin mommy." Relena leaned down and placed a kiss on her daughter’s head.

"Everyone introduce yourselves to Anna." Relena said.

"Quatre Raberba Winner."

"Trowa Barton."

"Wufei Chang."

"Duo Maxwell."

"Heero Yuy."

At the mention of Heero’s name, Anna abruptly got up. She walked over to Heero. Standing in front of him, she smiled.

"Hi daddy!" Anna said.

"WHAT?!?!" All the pilots yelled.

Author’s note: Oh gee, what happens next? Why did Anna call Heero daddy? Look for the next chapter to find out. ^_^

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