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Normal Life
Part 4
By Hitodama

~ Flashback ~

"Mommie?" Little Anna spoke. "Yes, Anna?" Relena asked, while changing her daughter’s bed sheets. "Where is my daddy?" Anna asked quietly. Relena couldn’t meet Anna’s questioning gaze. Relena hated to not tell Anna the truth, but she couldn’t let her daughter’s heart brake so young. "He’s away, working." Relena finally answered. Someday I’ll tell you you’re adopted Anna. Relena thought to herself. "Why hasn’t he come home yet mommie?" Anna asked. "His job takes lots of time." Relena said. "Now that’s enough questions! Time for bed." Relena said, to distract her daughter. "Ok. But I have one more qwestion." Anna said. Relena silently giggled at Anna’s speech. Then Relena sighed. "Alright. What is it?" Relena asked. "What’s daddy’s name?" Anna asked Relena. Relena really didn’t like this question. Who could she say the father was? Someone smart, someone brave, a kind soul. Relena thought hard for a moment. Her thoughts suddenly went to the man who had always held a place in her heart. "Heero Yuy…" Relena whispered out accidentally. "I like his name!" Anna shouted, bringing Relena out of her thoughts. Oh no! Heero isn’t her dad! What will he think when he finds out…wait a minute! I’m never going to see him again…surely there won’t be any harm in saying it’s him. It’s not like I’m ever going to see him again…

~ End Flashback ~

Relena snapped out of her reverie. Looking up she saw a very happy Anna hanging on Heero’s pant leg, and five very astounded faces looking strait at her. Picking Anna up silently, Relena took her oblivious daughter to her room. Once they were locked in her room, Relena spoke. "Anna, that man you just called you’re daddy, please don’t call him that anymore…." Relena asked. "Why Mommie? He’s my daddy!" Anna replied giggling. "Honey, daddy likes to be called Mr. Yuy ok? That’s his nickname." Relena lied. She hated doing this, but she was in enough trouble as it was.

"I like daddy’s nickname!" Anna said sweetly. "Good. Now call him that from now on, ok? He’ll love it if you will." Relena said. "Ok mommie!" Anna smiled. "Alright it’s time for you’re nap." Relena said, tucking her child under the covers. It was actually a few hours before Anna’s naptime. But Relena wasn’t going to take any more chances. "Thanks, mommie." Anna said, and she was soon drifting to sleep.

Time to face the music… Relena thought as she exited the room.

"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT!?" Duo shouted when Relena re-entered the room. "Nothing." Relena replied. Grabbing her coat Relena said. "I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back later." Before walking out, and shutting the door. I need time to think. Relena thought.

Once Relena had left on her walk the pilots decided to talk. "Heero do you know anything about this?" Duo said, winking, and jabbing Heero in the ribs. "No." Was Heero’s less then enthusiastic reply. Why did Relena’s kid call me her dad? There is no possible way I could be her father! Shaking his head, Heero came out of his thoughts, and turned to the others. "Are you sure you don’t know what’s going on Heero?" Quatre asked quietly. "NO!" Heero practically barked.

Just then, Anna entered the room. "Where’s mommie? I heard a noise." Anna asked while yawning. "Mommy went for a walk." Quatre replied. Heero got an idea. He didn’t like tricking the child but he needed an answer. "Anna, what did you’re mom tell you about me?" Heero asked the little girl slowly. Anna stood thinking for a moment. "Mommie said, you worked all the time on….something…missions, I think…" Anna said slowly, trying to remember everything her mother had told her. "Did she say anything else?" Heero questioned, while the other pilots looked on. "Mommie said, you were my daddy! Then she said…. to call Ywy." Anna said, mispronouncing Heero’s name. The other pilots held back a laugh, while Heero sat thinking. We are going to have a LONG talk, Relena.

To Be Continued……

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