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Normal Life
Part 5
By Hitodama

Relena returned from her walk with her head hung low. She could feel five pairs of eyes boring into her skull. Relena mentally winced at what she knew would come. Taking a deep breath she slowly sat down at the couch. "So what’s up?" Relena asked casually. Praying to God that the pilots had forgotten about what Anna said.

"Relena….why did your daughter call me her dad?" Heero asked, surprising everyone by showing some emotion in his voice. Though no one could guess what that emotion was. "Because I told her that." Relena said in the most monetone voice she could muster. "Why?" Heero asked, his cold voice once more back in place. "Come outside and I’ll explain." Relena said. Without waiting for an answer she walked out the door. Shrugging, the pilots followed.

"Okay…I assume you want the truth?" Relena asked. "It would be nice." Duo said grinning. "Well, a while back, Anna, asked about her father." Relena started. At this statement the all of the pilot’s eyebrows went up. "Oh yeah. Who is the father Relena?" Duo asked. "I don’t know." Was Relena’s honest reply. The social worker who had allowed her to adopt Anna, gave her no information on the birth parents, because of the fact Relena could easily locate them if she wanted too. Using a whole new identity to adopt Anna, had left Relena without any options, but agree to know nothing about Anna’s birth parents.

"How could you give birth to a child, and not know who the father is??!!" Duo blurted without thinking. Relena thought about this for a second before busting out laughing. The pilots all gave her a weird look before she calmed down enough to explain. "I adopted Anna!" Relena practically shrieked in between giggles. The pilots simply put their heads down and a pink tint illuminated each of their faces.

Regaining his composure the fastest, Heero, asked the question that had been bugging him. "Then why did Anna call me her father?" He asked again. And Relena could tell by the look in his eye, he wasn’t going to give in until he received an answer, and a good one at that. "At the time I had just adopted Anna. One night she asked who her father was. I happened to be thinking of you and the other gundam pilots, so your name slipped out. Anna thought you were her dad, and I didn’t think I would ever see you again, so….." Relena hung her head down lower than humanly thought possible. Ashamed for what she had done.

Heero, however couldn’t have been happier. The girl of his dreams was alive, and single. He tried to stop these thoughts that were coming up for the corners of his mind. The past few days had been heaven. And now he knew why. A part of him died when Relena had gone missing. He had killed his emotions once again, when he had found out. Yet, here he was, with his angel once more. Heero fought a battle within himself since he had met her, and now seemed like a good time as any to say how he felt. Looking down at her, he could tell what she was feeling. Without a second thought to what the others might think, Heero bent down and kissed her.

Relena was just about to say her hundreds of apologies to Heero, when out of nowhere she felt lips on hers. Relena looked up to see it was Heero. This shocked her, and she was unable to move, not that she wanted too. She had dreamed of this since she had met him. She decided not to argue and put her arms around his neck, not breaking off the kiss. Heero took this opportunity to slide his arms around Relena’s small waist. Both of them were lost in the moment.

The Gundam pilots just stared in complete shock. One by one, they picked their jaws off the porch deck, and slowly tried to make sense of what was happening. Not getting any ideas, the pilots, minus Heero, went inside. After a long while, Relena and Heero came up for air. "I-I, um.." Was all Relena could manage to say. Heero smirked at her. "Relena, I’ve never been good with my emotions. But you taught me how to care and made me weak." Heero said. Relena just continued to stare. "However, you also taught me how to love. I’ve been pushing my emotions back, always trying to busy myself with something else, to get my mind off of you. It never worked." Heero stopped and smiled at Relena, who’s jaw was now occupying the deck, just as the pilot’s had a minute before.

Relena decided to tell Heero the truth. If he cared as much as he said, then he wouldn’t laugh. She honestly hoped he felt the same. "Heero, I-I, I want you to know that…I l-love you." Relena stuttered on the word love, not knowing how he would react. "Ashiteru. Relena. " Heero said, with caring in his voice. "What does that mean?" Relena asked with hope hidden in her voice. "It means I love you." Heero said as he bent down to kiss her again. After the kiss, Relena asked Heero a question. "What about Anna?" Relena asked Heero. "If you want me to, I can stay and love her as much as I love you." Heero replied. Relena’s only answer was a long kiss that lasted the rest of their lives.


A.N. Okay people. Do not flame me. I’ve been under a lot of pressure and couldn’t think all that well. Sorry about the OOC. Tell mewhat you think. Thanks.

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