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Gundam Wing Dance
By Talon


*FADE IN into a low lit stage. Five figures stand before a row of steps. I'm Your Friend sung by Ai Orikasa plays. After the guitar solo, the five figures run up stage, in single file. A spot light beams on them revealing the actors as Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, and Quatre Reberba Winner. They are dressed as usual attire.

They begin to dance, shifting their feet and bodies left and right rapidly. They spin around completely in a circle. They walk backwards, near to the end of the stage, then back to the center.

I'll be your friend!

They step to the left, then back to the right. They bend their bodies to the left and right. Duo smacks both Wufei and Heero with his long braided hair in the face. Duo keeps dancing, while Wufei and Heero freeze and look at each other. They then look at him. They push him backwards.

Duo stumbles and look at them. The line moves to the right, and Duo struggles to get back into line. They continue to dance; Duo gets back into the rythme. After a few more dance steps, they jump, landing with their feet far apart. Duo stomps on Wufei and Heero's feet. They both jolt and jerk away.

Wufei and Heero grabs Duo and throws him off stage. He lands with a clatter, on his stomach.

Duo stands back up, looking up at the stage with the others dancing. He glowers and runs to the side steps. He runs up the stairs to get back on stage. The other pilots shift to his side, blocking his path. Quatre and Heero push Duo out of the way. Duo catches himself on the rail and looks up at them. They dance off into their routine.

Duo runs to the other side of the stage, but the other pilots block his path again. Duo looks around, and steps back. Duo has a vexed look on his face. He looks around one last time and runs off to the bottom center of the stage. He puts his hands on the stage and jumps into the stage, belly first.

He stands back up and joins the others. Wufei and Heero pushes him out of line. He looks back at them, and tries to get back in step. They dance away from him. Duo is forced to get behind Quatre.

They dance in unison. At the end of the song, they sidestep out.

Duo runs back to the mid-center of the stage. He kisses his hand and waves out to the audience, smiling. The other Gundam pilots rush back out and pull on Duo. They pick him up and carry him out.

They love me!

Fade out.

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