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Gundam Wing Fanfiction

Welcome to the Gundam Wing Fanfiction. Do you have a story or know of one that 

would be fun to have here? E*mail it to me and I'll see about putting it up!


FierySableFireflies in Japan

          Relena hares off to Japan to take a brief vacation from the press and her job for

          the first time in four years. But does she have some other reason for wanting to

          leave? And who else would follow? (1xR)

Fireflies in Japan

Rated : PG  --   Romance   ---   Last Updated : Finished


FierySableThe Soldiers of Earth

          Hilde and her reflection after the war's end. It's been a long fight and she's been

          thinking a lot, about life, about war, and about a certain braided baka. (2xH)

The Soldiers of Earth

Rated : G  --   Romance   ---   Last Updated : Finished


FierySableA White Christmas

          A Christmas Union (1xR) 

White Christmas

Rated : G  --   Romance   ---   Last Updated : Finished


GameGirlFlirting With Danger

          Relena takes a chance. (3xR)

Flirting With Danger

Rated : G  --   Romance   ---   Last Updated : Finished


GameGirlPainting the Town Red

          Duo shows Hilde how Americans have fun. (2xH)

Painting the Town Red

Rated : G  --   Humor   ---   Last Updated : Finished


GameGirlReunited At Last

          When Trowa finds a picture of Catherine as a child with her brother Triton, he has

           a bad dream and thinks he must be Triton.

Reunited At Last

Rated : PG  --   Drama   ---   Last Updated : Finished


Hitodama -  A New Life

          After the war, Relena disappears. When the boys find her 4 years later they are

          in for a surprise... (1xR)

Chapters : 01    02    03   04    05

Rated : G  --   Drama/Romance   ---   Last Updated : Finished


Elly Leaverton -  The Deliverance of Colin Town

          AU - The wild west,  Gundam Wing style 

The Deliverance of Colin Town

Rated : G  --   Action/Adventure   ---   Last Updated : Finished


Elly Leaverton -  Doctor S and Prodessor A

          Starts before the Gundams were built and moves throughout the rest of the series. 

          Romance between Doctor S (L3) and Professor A (?)

Doctor S and Professor A

Rated : PG  --   Drama/Romance   ---   Last Updated : Finished


SAW458 -  A Day of Quatre

          It's Quatre's birthday, but his friends aren't with him... or are they?

A Day For Quatre

Rated : G  --   General   ---   Last Updated : Finished


Talon -  Gundam Wing Dance

          Random Silliness

Gundam Wing Dance

Rated : G  --   Humor/Comedy   ---   Last Updated : Finished


Talon -  Three Times the Trouble

          After a motorcycling accident, Quatre has to deal the possibly wounded Heero, a

          nurse's mean husband, and the OZ soldiers.

Chapters :  01   02   03   04  

Rated : G  --   Humor/Comedy   ---   Last Updated : Finished


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