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The Music of The Storm : PROLOGUE

The Music of The Storm
By Amidala

Yes, I know the chapter is short. It's supposed to be. This is one of my few attempts at pure
fluff, I hope you find it appealing. If you don't, that's your own opinion, but I do not
appreciate comments such as "you suck". If you think I "suck" please don't hesitate to tell me
Enough of that; let the story begin!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One of the three Maguanac soldiers looked up to the sky, brow furrowing.
"Looks like a storm is brewing, Rashid."

His companions looked to the sky as well, each surprised. Sure enough, the clouds were moving in
a way that could only mean a sudden storm, and not a sand storm either. The sky was turning far
too black for it too be an ordinary sand storm, and they were well past the hurricane season.
"Odd. We aren't due for a storm like this for another three months, at least," Rashid
murmured, "Master Quatre will be pleased, however."

The three shifted their heads so they could look at each other properly, smiling at the thought
of their young Master, and only then did they hear the sounds of feet running. From the sound of
it, someone was running *away* from someone or something. A small girl burst out of an alley way
and ran into the large soldier that was Rashid, leader of the Maguanacs. Her small package was
tossed to the side as she lost her grip on it. Then she backed up, hurriedly murmuring apologies
in a strange dialect of Arabic that they recognized to be of their enemies.
"Girl! What are you doing here? Who are you?" the first soldier barked.

She looked up at them, auburn hair falling loosely into frightened green eyes. The soldiers'
demeanor relaxed a bit as they realized how scared she was, and the second kneeled down so he was
eye level to her.
"I am Abdul. What's your name, child?" he asked, kindly.
"Ma ... Makoto, sir."
"Makoto? Well, Mako-chan, what are you doing here? Where are your parents?"

Tears welled up in her big eyes.
"We were attacked. Momma and dad are ... they're gone! And I'm all alone and lost. All
I've got is my bag."

Makoto pointed at the pathetic looking sack that did not look like it would hold out much longer.
A shared look between the soldiers and they agreed silently to take her back to the palace. She
needed a home, if not a family, and they all knew that Quatre would hate them forever if they did
not extend their kindness, even to an enemy. Besides, she was young and lost, what could she
possibly do to them? Rashid gently picked up the bag and solemnly handed it to the scared girl.
"Well then, Makoto, would you like to come with us? You could live with Master Quatre in
his large house. There will be many toys and children for you to play with," he offered.

She looked at him with wide, hopeful eyes.

Makoto thought for perhaps two seconds before she nodded.
"Thank you, kind sir. I accept your generous offer."
Abdul picked the young girl up, looking as tired as she did, there was cause to doubt that she
would make it on her own two feet. The three soldiers shared a look over the top of her head, as
well, for she had unusually refined manners for a child.
"How old are you, Mako-chan?"

She yawned hugely behind her small hand and rested her head on Abdul's shoulder.
"Five ... "

With that small word she drifted into the land of dreams, sleeping more soundly than she had in a
week. The three Maguanac were ready to drop from shock, though their training forbade it.
The girl was five?! And had traveled all this way? For if they were right, she was from a city
at least two suns worth of traveling away from their own. Abdul looked down at the little girl
in his arms.
"Do not fear anymore, Mako-chan. We shall not let any harm come to you," he whispered.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"WHAT?!" the king shouted at his soldiers.

Abdul instinctively covered the girls' ears and winced.
"You dare bring this girl to me, and tell me that she is of our enemy tribe?!"

Rashid stood in front of his fellow soldiers and bowed deeply before the king.
"Forgive me, Lord. It was my idea, and as my subordinates they were only following my
orders. It is all my fault. But my Lord, she is only a small child. Surely she can not harm us.
Perhaps she can even be used against our enemy someday."

The king opened his mouth to give another rant, but quickly shut it again. He recognized the
values of his appointed head Maguanac and knew that the man had a good head on his shoulders
when it came to battle strategies. He sighed and sat back in his throne.
"Perhaps you are right. Lock her in the dungeon tonight. I'll deal with her in the
"No, father, please!" cried a small voice.

The king looked down at his small son, who was currently standing in one of the many entryways to
the throne room, looking horrified.
"Father, please," he repeated, "let her stay in the servants quarters, at least! She is
so small, she would never last!"

Once again the king sighed, knowing that he could never deny his son anything. He nodded.
"Very well, Quatre, she shall be placed in *your* servants quarters. I want little to do
with her."

Quatre sighed and smiled in relief. He nodded happily.
"Thank you, father. I'll take her - "
"I *will* take her. I shall look after her. Abdul, follow me, please."

The soldier nodded and followed the young prince to his quarters, where his servants would take
care of the little girl. The king sighed warily and looked down at the remaining two.
"She may stay now, but heed this warning: One move from the that indicates her to be our
enemies' spy, and you shall all lose your heads."

Rashid nodded gravely.
"It is understood, Lord."
"Good. Now leave me."
"Yes, Lord."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Makoto ... Wake up, child."

The little girl squirmed and wrinkled her tiny nose. The old woman smiled, a smile that a
grandmother would bestow upon her favorite grandchild. It pained her to wake the child, but she
would have to become acquainted with early rising and a long day. She shook the child some more,
gently, and finally the emerald green eyes opened.
"Welcome to the land of the living," the woman greeted.
"Where ... ?" Makoto asked sleepily.
"The palace. Your new home, child. I am Dalraa, the head of Lord Quatre's servants. You
will report to me daily for your chores and my orders come before everyone except Lord Quatre and
the King. Is this understood?"
"Not really. However, I shall try my best to live up to your expectations."

Dalraa smiled.
"That's what I like to hear. Come with me, now, I'll show you where you'll be living.
Then I'll give you a tour and explain your duties to the King and his family. Also, your language
is forbidden in this city. If anyone overhears you speaking, you'll be a dead girl. So you must
learn our ways of speaking, and quickly."

Makoto nodded solemnly and stood, holding out her tiny hand to Dalraa. The old woman smiled
patronizingly and took the hand, watching from the corner of her eye as the little girl toddled
around, looking from place to place of her new home in awe.
<I hope you'll be happy here, little one. And I pray no one will find out the truth of
where you come from.>

~Owari, chapter 1~

Well, how did you like it? PLEASE review!!! I *need* the reviews.

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