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Music of the Storm 

Chapter 03

By Amidala


Hello all ... here is chapter four, the big ball! It's probably not longer than the others, and I
doubt this will present a pattern of long chapters, so don't get your hopes up too high.

Yes, I know I said this story is on hold, and it still is. I realized I'd finished this chapter
and forgotten to post it, so here you go =^-^=
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Makoto looked around her in wonder as she entered the ballroom. Abdul bowed to her and she
returned the gesture, pausing before stepping forward to look around once more. The huge room
as she knew it seem nonexistent. Lamps adorned the walls and fine silk table clothes were
draped in graceful patterns over the tables. The guests were dancing, laughing and eating.
Everything seemed so perfect that it made Makoto's heart ache, remembering that on her fourth
birthday things had been like this. But there was something amiss. Looking around, the young
girl noticed almost immediately Quatre's position in the room, high on his throne, looking ...
well, bored would be putting it lightly.
"Poor lord Quatre ... " she sighed in sympathy.

The blond king sat upon his throne, Trowa beside him, while simpering girls swooned at his feet
in vain attempts to gain his attention. One particularly good looking blond girl with a rather
strange hair style had made her way to the front of the line and the brown haired guard all but
threw Quatre at her. She could almost hear the king's surprised yelp as he was forcefully
seperated from his throne. Watching at the heated glaring going on between the two, Makoto
figured that Quatre was being forced to dance with the girl, and did *not* want to.
"It would almost be funny, it he didn't look so damn miserable," she muttered, slipping
into her usual speech pattern, "Now to figure out how to make *that* girl *me*."

There was no one here she had to impress, so she did not bother with the rigid speech pattern of
the high class. Moving along the walls so as not to attract unwanted attention, she headed for
the balcony where she could get a better view of Quatre and see the stars at the same time. The
sky was slowly being misted by clouds, giving the sky that much more mystery. She loved it like
that. With no real sense of reality or time to keep her from being relaxed, Makoto sat on the
ledge of the balcony and stared up at the huge moon that hung over the desert.
she prayed, not caring that a tear or two slipped down her cheeks.
"My lady?" asked a concerned voice.

Jumping slightly at the intrusion, Makoto whipped around to give a snide remark and came face to
face with ...

Whatever she had planned to say died on her lips as she quickly looked away in an attempt to hide
the blush on her face. It was surprisingly easy not to bow on impluse as a slave would do, but
to turn and offer him one that would be fitting of a supposed high class lady.
"naam, my lord?"

Quatre, who had been watching her for a good three minutes, bowed back, enchanted. Because
Makoto was looking at the ground, however, she did not notice that. The young king stepped
forward and tilted her head up.
"If I may, why are you standing out here alone?"

Makoto flushed at his gentle touch and looked up at the sky again.
"I like the stars ... "

The blond boy smiled at her back. He had seen her flush and found it absolutely adorable. Of
course, her exotic features helped her in the looks department, but he also liked the fact that
she was not falling all over him.
he thought

He moved to stand beside her, glancing at her profile as she stared at the stars. The innocent
awe in her eyes was all he needed to see to know that he was falling in love with her.
"Would you like to dance?" he asked her suddenly.
"naam," Makoto responded immediately, then blushed when Quatre chuckled.

To hide her embarassment, she started back to the ballroom, but he took her hand and stopped her.
She looked back at him, curiosity written on her face. He shook his head and motioned for Trowa
to close the curtains, a task promptly done, but not before Quatre could see the knowing smile
gracing his guard's face.
"If you don't mind terribly, I'd like to dance out here, privately."

Makoto nodded and postitioned herself for the dance and he joined her. The music could clearly
be heard throught the thick curtains and pulsed through their veins as they moved in synch with
each other, looking into the other's eyes the entire time. They danced for a seeming eternity
... then the twelve gongs sounded; it was midnight.
Makoto thought furiously,
pulling away from Quatre.
"What is it?" the king asked, trying to pull her back.
"I have to go."
"la! You can't! I don't even know your name!"
"I am sorry ... " she whispered.
hen she ran.
"Wait!" Quatre shouted after her, breaking into a run, "min Fadilak! Come back!"

Makoto sent up thousands of apologies as she ran faster, quickly getting away from him through
one of the shortcuts only servants knew about. She could hear him shouting orders for his
soldiers to look for her, and prayed that eventually he would forgive her. But she did have
chores and could not afford to lose her cover now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Makoto! You are late!" Saia scolded, without her usual vigor.
"naam, Saia. I am sorry."

The stern lady sighed and turned away, calling over her back as she left.
"You know what you have to do. Do it."

Makoto blinked as Saia walked away, presumably back to the ballroom to begin cleaning up after
the guests and preparing for tomorrows dance. She joined the others who were put to the task of
cleaning up the kitchen, throwing herself into the cleaning and listening silently to the gossip.
"What's wrong with Saia? The poor woman seems so sad tonight."
"She loves our King."
"Surely she knows it is impossible!"
"Ah, but love can do strange things to a woman's heart."
"And haven't you heard, Karaan? King Quatre has been giving orders for a girl to be
found. He's so in love with her."
"Who is she?"
"That's the thing! No body knows!"
"Isn't it romantic?!"

The Aswad Naar girl sighed, knowing that she could not possibly be that girl, not after running
away like she did. Hearing of Saia's love for the king made her heart ache in sympathy, despite
her hatred of the woman.
she sighed.

And all the girls noticed a distinct bounce in her step as she imagined dancing with Quatre for
the rest of the night.

~Owari, chatper 4~

So, what d'ya'll think?

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