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Music of the Storm

Chapter 04

By Amidala

Welcome one and all, to chapter five! This is the last chapter! (I'm sure you're all so
disappointed ::grins::) There will be no more! I know, it took a really long time for me to
finally get this out, and I'm very sorry about the delay, but here you have it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"But Master Quatre -- "
"No objections!" Quatre interrupted, "There were to be three balls, anyway. I have found
the girl I wish to marry, I will not let her get away!"

The advisors sighed and gave up, knowing that they were fighting a losing battle. When Quatre
made up his mind about something, he would do what he wanted to achieve that end and that was
final. From their posts beside the young king, Trowa and Duo shared laughing glances.

Ah the beauty of love, Trowa chuckled to himself.
"Very well, Master Quatre," sighed an old man, "The announcement shall be made. But will
you not tell us who this girl is, to have you so enraptured?"

Now Quatre seemed to blush and he looked down.

"I do not know. She did not tell me her name before she left. That is why this ball must
be had, and she must attend."

Trowa and Duo fought to keep from laughing and tried to smile fondly down at the young blond
without falling over. The advisors did not seem as amused, but they knew better than to chide or
outright argue with their monarch; especially not with the over-protective Maguanarcs, who were
fiercely loyal to the boy, at their posts around the hall.

"Well then, what are you waiting for?" shouted one of the younger council, "You heard
your king. Get the lazy servants roused! We have preparations to make for tonight!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The announcement for the second ball was made later that morning. All of those invited to the
first ball were re-invited, and it was made clear that those who could produce no reason for not
attending would be stoned to death in the market square. Makoto winced when she heard this,
quite sure that Quatre had *not* made that a requirement, and resigned herself to going.

"Perhaps he really does want to see me again," she sighed happily, but laughed at her
silly thought, "la, la. I'm just being overly optimistic. There's no way ... "

Saia was not in a very good mood. All day long she yelled, scolded, and handed out more chores
than ever before, and punished those under her for absolutely no reason. Makoto chalked it up to
her being in love with their king, but she still believed that to be no decent reason for the
older woman to take out her frustrations on them. A little voice in the back of her head
reminded her that she was being selfish and uncaring, so Makoto stopped that line of thought and
focused instead on her cleaning.
The announcement for the second ball was made later that morning. All of those invited to the
first ball were re-invited, and it was made clear that those who could produce no reason for not
attending would be stoned to death in the market square. Makoto winced when she heard this,
quite sure that Quatre had *not* made that a requirement, and resigned herself to going.

"Perhaps he really does want to see me again," she sighed happily, but laughed at her
silly thought, "la, la. I'm just being overly optimistic. There's no way ... "

Saia was not in a very good mood. All day long she yelled, scolded, and handed out more
chores than ever before, and punished those under her for absolutely no reason. Makoto chalked
it up to her being in love with their king, but she still believed that to be no decent reason
for the older woman to take out her frustrations on them. A little voice in the back of her head
reminded her that she was being selfish and uncaring, so Makoto stopped that line of thought and
focused instead on her cleaning. Even so, the other maids talked, and she found it hard not to
pay attention to them.

"Do you think that girl will show up again?"
"Of course! She's been summoned! She can't refuse!"
"Maybe Lord Quatre will have her punished."
"What are you talking about?"
"I heard that he's so mad at her for running out on him, that he even yelled at his
advisors today."
"Well I heard that he yelled at them because they were trying to stop him from seeing her
"Oh, you don't know anything. Listen: Lord Quatre wants her to be his bride! I heard him
talking to his advisors today. He told them all that he had found the girl he wants to marry and
refuses to let her get away!"
"But how is that possible? She could be millions of miles away by now."
"gha' bi! There's no way. And don't you look smug! That girl's not the only one coming
back, all the original guests are, too. Get back to work! We've much to prepare."

Makoto sighed and continued scrubbing, though more dejectedly and with less efficiency
than was usual for her. All the talk from the other servants had her head swimming with
questions. Did Quatre really want her back? Or did he just want to punish her for running from
him? Would she be hanged? Would he propose marriage? She sighed and let her wash-rag fall from
limp fingers as she settled back on her heels in a kneeling position. She would go, whatever the
consequences, and if punishment was her fate, she would be stoned in the market square either

Once again were Rashid and the other Maguanac on guard duty, giving the guests their
leave of entry into the brightly lit halls of the palace, not once being able to take part in the
festivities going on inside. Duo and Trowa were both attending to Lord Quatre, this time saving
him from many a female who would throw themselves at him and pretend to be the girl he was
looking for. Quatre, of course, was smarter than they wished, however, and had devised a plan
for them. When one claimed to be she he had been searching for, he would ask her why she had
been standing outside alone. None of them knew the answer.


The braided guard turned from where he had been watching a small, black hared servant of the Lady
Relena's with a start. Quatre gave him a teasing smile, promising him that this would not be
forgotten, and Duo grinned ruefully.

"Yes, Lord?" he asked politely.
"That girl ... " the blond pointed discreetly at a young girl he was sure was the One,
"Bring her to me."
"Oh? And you can not bring her yourself?"
"Duo," Quatre sighed with a pleading note to his voice.

The other boy laughed and his violet eyes sparkled with his mood. He nodded and held his
hands up and a placating gesture.

"Very well, Lord, it shall be done!"

And he stealthily left his lords side to search for the brunette in a light blue dress that was
huddled against a wall. She did not take notice of his approach until he stood at her side, a
hand held out in offering.

"My Lady," he said smoothly, "Lord Quatre wishes to be granted an audience with you."

Makoto looked up at him, surprise showing through her green eyes, but she quickly remembered her
proper manners and bowed, looking demurely at the floor. She reached for the offered hand.

"I would be delighted to be granted his presence."

Duo grinned to himself. That had been far easier than he had hoped it would be. He led her
through the throngs of people, some talking to others, some drinking or eating, and still more
dancing, to where Quatre and Trowa stood. There he bowed and she immediately copied the

"My Lord Quatre, your Lady, as requested," Duo said solemnly, grinning over Makoto's
bowed head.

The blond gave him a glare that might have been effective if it had actually been from one who
was malicious, and turned his attention to Makoto. He tipped up her chin so that she was forced
to meet his eyes.

"Lady, would you like to dance?"
"naam," she murmured.
"On the balcony, perhaps?" Quatre asked, hoping for the answer he desperately wanted to
"I ... I do like the stars, Lord."

With a kind smile and a heart far lighter than he could remember, the young king led
Makoto out to the balcony, a different one than they had been on last time. Once again the
curtains were closed for privacy, and they danced. They danced three straight dances before
sitting on one of the low railings to sit. They talked of various things, and the blond was
quite pleased to see that Makoto was one who could hold an intelligent conversation. Then he
brought up family, and told her of his mother's favorite head piece, and showed it to her. She
handled with with such care and reverence that he took it back and placed it upon her head.
Makoto protested, but he held firmly to his actions and in the end she had no choice but to
accept it. When he asked about her family, however, her words became slightly strained, and she
wanted to change the subject. Quatre seemed to understand this, for he stood from the railing
and walked back into the main hall. Makoto hung her head, thinking she had chased him away, but
he soon came back with a violin.

"Would you do me the honor of allowing me to play for you? I have been practicing for
many years, but as of yet only my personal guards have ever had time to listen to me."

He sounded so mournful that Makoto would never have been able to say anything but "yes".
And so he played for her. He played until it was nearly twelve, and she was enraptured the
entire time. When he finished she clapped and laughed joyously.

"You're wonderful, Lord Quatre," she cried, "I've never heard anyone play as sweetly or
as passionately."

He blushed lightly and quickly turned the subject of attention back to her.

"Do you like it here?"
"naam. ... It feels like home," Makoto replied.
"Feels like?"
"I mean ... It is home. It has been for many years. But I was not born here."
"Oh? Where are you from?"
"Far away," she replied, trying to avoid the answer.
"Won't you please tell me?"

Then from far off, the twelve gongs sounded once again, interrupting them as it had the
night before. Makoto pulled away from Quatre, looking about frantically. She backed up to the
curtain, and Quatre knew that he would lose her again. He held out his hand to try and get her
to stay, but she gave him a rueful smile.

"I am Aswad Naar ... your enemy," she whispered, and disappeared.

Quatre once again ran after her, but with half a heart. Surely if she'd felt anything
for him, she would have stayed. Then again, she was afraid, that he could tell. She was afraid
that he would have her arrested or killed because she was from their greatest enemy's tribe. And
her fears were not totally unreasonable, for often that had been the punishement if one of them
were captured; but Quatre knew that he would never be able to hurt her. Aswad Naar or not, he
loved her.

"Lord Quatre!" shrieked the voice of Relena, "Oh what a wonderful party this has been!
But your presence has been most missed. Pray, come and dance, enjoy yourself at your own party!"

And in a move that might have been punishable by death were he any other person, Relena
grabbed Quatre's arm and all but dragged him into the hall to dance with her. She was not the
last he danced with, either. Soon nearly all the girls were waiting to get in a dance with him,
a dance that he did not want to have with any of them. Only when he saw a bright gold flash was
he able to tear himself away from the crowds. A young girl with auburn hair piled into a messy
pony tail was collecting empty goblets to bring back to the kitchens. Quatre followed her.

"Makoto! Hurry up! We must wash them before you can bring them back, and your laziness is
not helping us! I'll not take responsibility for your actions!" shouted a passing servant: Saia,
he realized.
"naam, Saia."

Quatre watched the girl speed her steps and quickly, though gracefully, make her way to
the kitchens. There she deposited the dirty goblets and grasped a tray of clean ones.

"laa, Makoto. Go clean the floors. They'll be needed clean for the guests to exit from."

Without another word, Makoto picked up a bucket of soapy water, and a rag. It was a
slight turn to her left to walk out from the kitchens, but that was all Quatre needed to see his
mother's crown still resting upon her head. She walked as hurriedly as she could, while being
careful not to spill the water, to the main entry hall. She hummed one of the tunes that Quatre
himself had played for her not too long ago. Quatre grinned widely when he realized that, still
following her. When she had scrubbed for five minutes or so, he walked loudly up behind her.

"My Lady," he said.

She stopped scrubbing and stood, but did not turn around. "My Lord."
"Where are you from?"
"Far away."
"Why do you not stay with the other guests?"
"I like the stars."
"Will you not face me? And tell me your name?" Quatre asked quietly, walking even closer.

Makoto turned around, very slowly and apprehensively, and came face to face with her
king. The very king who had defended her as a young boy when his father might have killed her.
The same blue eyes that she so adored shone down upon her now, not in hatred or anger, but with

"I am Makoto, Lord."
"And I am Quatre, not Lord, Makoto," the young blond whispered, closing the distance
between them and claiming her lips in a kiss.


Gah, that was long! I'm sorry I went on and on like that, but hopefully you can all rest easier
now, knowing that this story will not plague you any longer. Reviews are welcome and flames will
be used as fuel for burning old school papers.
Oh, and one thing for those of you who actually liked this: There will be the tiniest of
epilogues to wrap things up, should you so desire.

Go to the Epilogue
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