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Music of the Storm


By Amidala


All right, so I lied. You have to put up with this before I finally stop plaguing you. =^-^=
Yes, it's short (what more can you expect from me?), but it's an epilogue. Hopefully it'll wrap
things up a bit.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I have found my bride. We wish to be married within the month. Spare no expenses for it,
we have more than enough money stored within the palace. I want lilies brought in from the
country closest to us who may have them."
"Lord Quatre?!" the old men gasped collectively, "But that country is the country of the
Aswad Naar!"
"I know," the young blond said solemnly, "I wish a peace treaty drawn up with the leader
of their country, as quickly as possible. Ask for an alliance with them, if they will have us,
and bring them both a gift of arms and gold ... and news."
"News, Lord Quatre?"
"naam. Tell them that their princess who was lost many years ago is safe and resting
within our halls. Should they wish to see her, it will be arranged without hesitation upon her
consent to go back."

Standing in the shadows of the throne, Makoto fought to keep herself from laughing. It didn't
really help to have her friends, and now Maids of Honor, Hotaru and Michiru standing behind her.
When she had told Quatre about them, he'd immediately bought them from Relena and given them a
new home in the palace where they would never be mistreated again. At first he was going to set
them free, but they had asked to be allowed to stay with Makoto, and by their own choice they
were her personal attendants.

"n -- naam, Lord Quatre. It shall be done," said the youngest of the advisors, "But will
you not tell us who your bride is that would cause you make these decisions?"
"Never mind that," hissed another to him, then said in a louder voice, "Where is this
princess of theirs? Why have we never seen her?"

Quatre chuckled.

"You have seen her, she was but a baby when she was brought here. Father wanted to leave
her in the dungeons, but I pleaded with him to allow her to live as one of our servants. Even I
did not know who she was at that time," he turned, "Makoto? Please enter."

Makoto glanced back at her friends, who gave her smiles of reassurance, and took a deep breath.
Gathering all her courage, she stepped as lightly and gracefully as she could into the throne

"May I present to you, Makoto: princess of the Aswad Naar, and my chosen bride."

The advisors did the one thing they could think of. They fainted.

"Oh dear ... perhaps that was too much of a shock for them," Quatre murmured guiltily.

Makoto laughed happily and walked to him, throwing her arms around his neck and sitting on the
arm of this throne. Michiru and Hotaru giggled softly behind them, from the display of their
affection as much as Duo's attempts to win Hotaru's favor. Trowa had done something no one had
expected in a million years: he'd asked for Lady Une's hand in marriage, and she had accepted in
place of her father. Looking around, Makoto could only smile in content.

"la, they needed their perspectives changed, love," she said softly.

Quatre looked at them on the floor, nodded once, and turned to kiss her.


Translation: IT'S FINISHED!
Yes ... sadly (I'm sure) this has finally come to an end. There will be no more. I can hear you
all wailing from here, but keep up hope, and remember: never take anything that I say too
seriously. =^-^=
Oh, and for you Assassin and ESPer fans, I have heard your words, and I am planning a short
sequel, rather than just an epilogue.

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