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Sailor Pilots
Chapter 02 : Back to Basics
By GameGirl


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!


"Sailor Pluto," Serena mumbled, "might I ask why we're dressed like this?"


"When you go to the other world you'll want to play the part," she replied, "you'll blend in better this way."


"Hey, I kind of like these clothes!" Mina said.  The girls were all dressed in Sanc Kingdom attire.  "They're pretty snappy!"


"Are you sure this girl's my cousin?" Serena asked.


"Yes," Sailor Pluto answered, "she's not a descendent of the moon family."


"Well, she cant' be." Serena said, "Queen Serenity was an only child so she's got to be related with me through my other family."


"Relena is on your mother's cousin side," Sailor Pluto said.  "If I were to trace the genolgy right now it will take me quite some time so let's get on the training, shall we?"


"What kind of training?"  Ami asked.


"Forget everything you learned as a sailor scout," Luna ordered.


"Serena's already have!" teased Raye.


"Knock it off, Raye!" Serena cried.


"You mean everything?" Lita said, "Everything?"


"Well, maybe not everything," Luna said, "You may need to remember you have to fight for love and justice and protect others.  That thing is important.  But in this world you won't transform into sailors."


"Well, into what will we transform into?" Raye asked.


"You'll be pilots," Artemis said, "just like the boys are."


"But we cant' fly planes!" Mina shouted.


"No, not that kind of pilots," Artemis sighed.  "Like the gundams in this picture here."


"Oh, but how will we do that?"


"It shouldn't be too hard," Ami said.  "I'm ready for something different."


"You are?" Raye asked. 


"Of course," Ami replied with a smile, "I was waiting for us to do something more technical."


"Me too," Serena added.


"Besides, we'll get to meet these cute guys!"  Mina sighed, about to swoon.  "Can I be partnered up with the guy with the braid?"


"You mean Duo Maxwell?" Artemis asked.


"Is that his name?" she asked, "Oh, his name sounds so cool!"


"Sorry, you're not," Artemis said.


"And why not?" she demanded.


"Ami will be."


"Huh?" Ami mumbled.  "Me? With him?" Ami blushed, "but he looks like he doesn't know how to read!"


"Then you can teach him!" Lita said. "I bet he's got a good sense of humor!"


"I wanted to be partnered with Duo!" Mina whined.


"We're partnering you with Quatre Rabera Winner," Artemis said.




Artemis moved his paw to the blond haired boy, "him, he's the only heir to the Winner fortune. He's quite wealthy."


Hearts popped into her eyes, "wow! That boy knows how to dress!  He looks so snazzy!  Purple over pink goes real nice!  He's cute and rich! I'm in love!"  She went on and on how cute she thought Quatre was and how lucky she was to be partnered with someone so cute and wealthy and the like.


"Raye, we'll partner you with Trowa Barton," Luna instructed as she pointed to him in the picture.


"Him?" she whispered, "just how much gel does he use?!"


"He has a sister named Catherine Bloom," Luna said.  "She's kind of protective of him so be careful."


"Want me to use a charm on her?"


"No, no!" Luna cried, "just get to know her so she'll let you get close to Trowa.  You can find them in the circus. She's a knife thrower and he's a clown and acrobat."


"Great, I get partnered with a girl talented with sharp objects and a clown," Raye groaned.


"Hey, he's pretty cute to me, Raye," Serena said, "look at those gorgeous green eyes!"


"Hands off," Raye snapped, "he's mine!"

"Rerrrrrr," Serena growled.


"Okay, Luna, there's two guys left," Lita said, "Which one do I get?"


"You get Wufei Chang," she pointed to the boy with the black ponytail.


"Why him?" Lita asked, with a frown, "He doesn't look very approachable."


"He looks more approachable than the other guy," Luna said.


"Good point.  He does."


"So I get the unapproachable one?" Serena asked.


"No, Serena," Luna said, "your job is to keep Relena out of danger.  And yourself.  You get within a foot of Heero Yuy, you'll be in danger."


"Yeah, I agree," Raye said, "you might trip over him and he'll kill you for it!"


"He doesn't look so tough to me!" Serena groaned.


"Besides, Serena," Mina said, "Your life partner is Darien."


"We'll continue this later," Luna said, "now let's start the new training. For now on, you're pilots like the others."


"Wait for me!  Wait for me!" Rini shouted, carrying Diana on her head. "I’m a sailor scout too! Don't start with out me!"  She skidded to a halt, "okay, what did I miss?"


"Nothing really," Serena replied.  "You're just in time for our new training as a mobile suit pilot."


"A what?" Rini mumbled.


"No, Rini won't be a pilot," Luna said.


"But I'm a sailor too!" Rini wailed.


"Of course, I know that," Luna said, "but we'll find something else for you to do.  Don't worry Rini, we'll think of something."




"Let's begin your new training," Sailor Pluto said, "starting with the guns."


The five teenage girls and one younger girl exchanged glances, "Guns?"


"Not you, Rini, just the others."


"Oh, okay good!" Rini said in relief,  "I'm too young to carry a gun!"


"You can't even get your pink wand to work," Serena sneered, "you little brat!"


"I can't help it," Rini said, "It's your fault I'm the way I am!"


Sailor Pluto set up a firing range and the girls began to use a variety of guns.  Lita was the only one who knew who to do it right.


"Ami," Lita said, "if you want to hit the target you'll have to keep your eyes open!"


"But I don’t' want to shoot anyone!" she cried, "I change my mind.  I don't want to do this!"


Lita sighed and looked at Raye, "no Raye! You're holding the gun too low!  Mina, you're holding it too high.  Serena, quit playing with your gun or you'll shoot yourself!" she groaned, "how come I'm the only one that knows how to use these things?  Should it be so hard?"


"Oh, we have a long way to go," Luna sighed.


It took hours for the girls to get the gun part down.  Then they went to fencing.  That took some time too because Serena was afraid of being poked.  After that they went to the gym to work out and then Pluto taught them how to infiltrate buildings and what not.  They did this for days until they got it right.


"Man, I'm so sore," Serena complained.  "No more training, please!"


"Yeah," Mina said, leaning against Serena as the two blond girls sank down, "I can't take it!"


"You weaklings!" Lita roared, "Come on!  I can do it and so can you!" She jogged in place, "all right, Luna, what's next?"


"You can all relax now," Luna said, "the training is over."


"Over?" Lita gasped, "but we just started a couple days ago!  I want to be the best there is!"


"Relax?" Raye whispered, "thank God!"


"We have something we'd like to give you," Artemis said, "for a job well done."


"Take out your transformation pens and throw them in the air," Luna ordered.


"Aren't we supposed to say something?" Raye asked. 


"No," Luna replied, "Serena, you take your broach too."


They shrugged and threw their transforming objects in the air.  They glowed with blinding light as the Serena's broach and the other's pens seem to get bigger.


"What's happening?" Ami asked.


"It's too bright!" Mina fumed, "I can't see a thing."


When the light dimmed, five feminine looking mobile suits stood in a row.  They looked a lot like the gundams, except they weren't masculine looking like the gundams and the golden headpiece on the gundams looked different on these ones.  It was their tiaras and they were color coded with the moon and planetary symbols on the shoulders of each mobile suit.


"Dude," Lita moaned, "how cool can you get?"


"Can we take them for a spin?" Serena asked.


"You'll destroy the whole city, Serena!" Raye shouted.


"You girls have a new mission," Luna said.  "You will have to meet these boys."


"What about me?" Rini asked.  "What about me?"


"There is also someone you have to keep your eyes on," Sailor Pluto said as she set her rod down and a light emeted from the orb and onto a wall like a projector. 


Rini fixed her eyes on a young girl with pink-orange red hair wearing a beret and fancy attire, "who's she? I like her hair!"


"Says the girl with pink hair," Serena snickered.


Rini ignored the comment.


"Her name is Mariemaia Khushrenada and she's the daughter of Treize Khushrenada," Sailor Pluto explained.  "Rini, she has a plan to rule the world and I want you to be a spy for us and see if you can get close to her."


"How?" Rini asked. "Come up to her door and say 'I'm your biggest fan!'"


Sailor Pluto smiled, "that's a great idea!"


Rini bit her lip, "are you serous?  You want me to pretend to like her?"


"You just said you liked her hair, Rini," Serena said.


"Oh go jump in a swimming pool of spaghetti, Meatball Head!" Rini snarled, whipping her head around.  Then she looked back at Sailor Pluto, "she'll probably make me do something wrong if she wants to rule the world!"


"Can't I show Rini the nice lady who took care of me instead?" Diana asked.


"You can meet Sally Po if you'd like," Sailor Pluto said, "but you have to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get any innocent people hurt.  She won't listen to grownups but maybe a child can reach her."


"Sailor Pluto a good point, Rini," Ami told her.


"I suppose you're right," Rini said, "Okay I'll do it.  But I don't have to like it!"


"Now everyone get in your mobile suits," Pluto instructed, "and I will transport you to the next dimension."


"What about me?" Rini asked, "Do I get a car or something?"


"No, but you get a new wardrobe," Pluto said and pointed her staff to the young girl. She changed her blue and red schoolgirl uniform into fancy light blue dress.


"Okay," Rini said, "this makes it easier."


"Come on, let's move it!" Lita shouted.


There was a flash of light and they were gone.



"I kind of like this thing," Serena said, moving her gundam across the fields.  "Whoo-hoo!  Look at me, I'm Pilot Moon! Champion of love and justice and stomping over grass!  Hey, I wonder what this button does," she pressed a red button on the dashboard and she heard some weird noise, like the sound of an airplane taking off. "What the heck?" her gundam changed into a jet and took off. "Wow!  I didn't know this thing could fly! Whhhheeeeeeee!"  She went spinning around, "Wheeee!" her voice started to trail off weakly and her face turned green, "Oh, I need to land!   I need an airsick bag! Land!  Land!"  She pressed the button again and jumped out of her gundam to throw up. 


"Let's not do that again," she groaned, rubbing her head.  When she got to feel better, she hid her gundam and went to get a feel of the new world. 


Relena was walking down the street dressed in a pink pantsuit.


"It's her!" Serena gasped, "I guess it's time I go introduce myself." She started to approach her.  "Well, what am I supposed to say to her?  'Hi, I'm Serena, your long lost cousin from the twentieth century!'"  She sighed and let her pass.  "Great." She turned around and tripped, whining.


"Huh?" Relena turned around and saw Serena lying on her stomach, "Hey, are you all right?"


"I think I hurt myself!" she cried, not knowing that it was Relena that saw her.


"Let me help you," Relena said and pulled on her arm. 


"Thanks," Serena said and raised her eyes at her savior.  Her voice was stuck in her throat.


"My name's Relena," Relena introduced, "who are you?"


"Serena," she whispered.


"Nice to meet you Serena," she said, "are you okay?"


She nodded.


"Good," Relena said, "well, I'd probably get going.  I have a meeting.  Take care of yourself."


"Bye," Serena mumbled as Relena left.  She had a feeling that she should have let her go but she was too stunned to say anything.  She shrugged it off. What exactly could happen in a meeting?


She walked down the street and turned around the corner. She saw the back of someone working on something.  Curious, she stepped closer.  Her foot made contact with a rock, pushing it forward.  It startled the person and he whipped around, holding a gun on her.


'It's him!' Serena screamed in her head, tossing her hands in the air, 'Luna was right, he is dangerous!'


"What did you see? He demanded.


"I didn't see anything!"


"I should kill you," he said.


"Please don't kill me!" she implored, falling to her knees to beg. "What have I ever done to you?"


He went over that sentence.  No one has ever asked him that before.  He dropped his arm, "leave now before I change my mind."


"Oh, thank you!" Serena thanked and ran away.  'If I ever see him again,' she thought.



'…Her again, it would be too soon.' Pondered Heero.


Rini was transported at the best place: Mariemaia's headquarters. She was walking with hear bodyguards to her home.


"Well," Rini said, "Might as well and get this over with." She looked at her hands, feeling something warm. It was a plate of cookies, "Cookies?  I don’t' remember making cookies.  Oh, I see, I'm supposed to give these to her.  I'd better get an award for this!" she grumbled, cleared her throat and tried to approach Mariemaia.  "Mariemaia!  Mariemaia!"


"Huh?" Mariemaia turned around, "do I know you?"


"Mariemaia does not want to be disturbed," one of her bodyguards said, "now go and--"


"It's all right," she said to her bodygard, "let her approach.  Why don't you leave us alone?"




"I'm Rini!" Rini said with fake cheeriness, "here, I've made cookies for you!  I think you're the greatest!  It's awesome how a kid like you can get this far!"


Mariemaia took the cookes, "Oh, it wasn't too hard.  How would you like to come in?"


"Would I?" she gasped, "Could I?"


"I invited you," she said.  "Now Rini, tell me a bit about yourself." The two girls walked into a nice room.


"Wow, this is your room?" Rini asked.





"Have a seat, Rini," Mariemaia offered, "what about a nice cup of tea?"


"Wow, thanks!" Rini sat down at the table with her, "how do you like the cookies?  I baked them myself!" Rini wanted to throw up.  'I can't believe I'm saying all this!'


Mariemaia took a tactful nibble of a cookie, "Very nice, Rini."


"Can I work for you?" the words were jumping out of Rini's mouth beyond control. "You have so much charisma and confidence, I mean…Wow!"  'I've only seen her for a few minutes and already I'm loosing my head.' Rini thought.


"Sure," Mariemaia replied, "I don't see why not.  I'm sure I can give you some new clothes.  You can be my right hand man, or woman.  It's nice for you to come see me Rini.  People seem to underestimate the youth too much."


"Yeah," Rini agreed.  "Exactly."


"But I will prove them wrong," Mariemaia said.  "I will be victorious." She poured her some tea.  "In fact, I'm already on my way.  Right now Vice Minister is on here way."


"Really, how did you go about that?" Rini asked as she about to sip her tea. 'That Meatball Head is supposed to keep an eye on Relena!"


"Quite simple really," Mariemaia answered, "her tea was drugged. So how's the tea, Rini?"


Rini looked down at her cup, "Oh, I was just blowing on it."  If she had some in her mouth right now she would have sprayed it all over Mariemaia.  "A little too hot!" she blew on it. 


Mariemaia smiled, "oh, excuse me for a moment while I go to the next floor to get my seamstresses.  If you want to work for me Rini, you'll need to wear the armor of the company." She winked and left the room.


"She was going to kill me!" Rini whispered.   She spotted a houseplant and poured the tea on it.  "I should have stayed out on this mission."


Mariemaia returned later with her seamstresses, "now I want you to give her the best makeover!  Remember, she's going to help me rule the world so make her look great!"


The seamstresses took Rini's measures and studied what colors looked best on her.  They took her hair down from the silly buns and pigtails.  The process took a while but when they were done, Rini looked somewhat like Mariemaia's twin.  She wore the matching outfit, cape and burette and her hair was pulled back with a purple bow.


"Wow, this is nice," Rini breathed.  "You know how to dress."


Mariemeia shook her hand, "This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship."


'What in the world have I gotten myself into?' Rini wondered to herself.


To Be Continued.  Next Chapter: Who To Trust

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