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True Soul Mates
Part 01
By Kiyana




Tsukino Usagi sighed as she watched Tenoh Haruka and Kaioh Michiru play. Haruka was on the piano while Michiru was on the violin. Michiru was teaching her how to play the violin, but she preferred to play the flute which Meioh Setsuna had taught her. After the battle with Chaos, Usagi had moved in with the Outer senshi at her other friends insistence. "Usagi-chan!!" Tomoe Hotaru called. "Hai?" Usagi replied. Hotaru laughed excitedly, "Its time to go to school!!" Usagi had to laugh at that. Only Hotaru and Mizuno Ami would be excited about going to school. Though her grades had improved greatly since moving in with Michiru and Setsuna because they made her study constantly. She was even worse than Luna. "Alright. I'm ready. Lets go," Usagi replied. The 4 of them walked to Haruka's car and got in. Just as Haruka started the car, a large portal appeared. Before they could do anything, the portal swallowed them and the car.

Heero Yuy sighed as he watched Duo Maxwell and Wufei Chang fight. He could tell that Trowa Barton and Quatre Rabarba Winner (Sorry if it is spelled wrong!!) were getting annoyed as well. Quatre, annoyed, now that was suprising. Quatre was one of the most patient people there were. All of the sudden a shriek was heard, "HHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRROOOOOOO!" Duo and Wufei immediately stopped fighting and looked at each other in horror. All of the sudden a sandy blur was seen streaking towards Heero. All of the sudden it attached itself to Heero. The blur turned out to be a girl with sandy-blonde hair. She was holding on to Heero's arm and it didn't look like they were going to pry her off anytime soon. "Relena get off of me," Heero managed to say. he was trying to refrain form taking out his gun and shooting her. If he did that then Zechs would kill him. If Heero didn't kill him first. Relena released his arm and said, "Did you miss me Hee-chan?? I missed you! I know you missed me." Duo burst out laughing at Heero's predicament. Relena had her
eyes closed and her lips puckered up for a kiss. Even Trowa's lips twitched into a smile. The Perfect Soldier afraid of a pacifist? It was too comical. Duo ran up the stairs and came down seconds later with a camera. Heero glared at Duo promising death if he took a picture.

The car that the 4 girls were in landed in front of a mansion. Haruka yelled, "What happened." Sailor Pluto appeared looking sheepish. "Umm, I'm sure you're wondering what happened, right?" Seeing everyone's nods she continued, "You are in a parallel world were a war had been going on for a while. Anyway, you are here to find your true soul mates. My father insisted that I stay with you as well. Anyway. This will be our home for the next year. The inner senshi already know of this development so they aren't going to be worried when you don't show up at the Shrine." Usagi nodded, "Kay, but what about school." Before Setsuna (she had de-henshined) could answer a shout was heard, "Omae o korosu Maxwell!!" The 5 girls looked at each other in confusion when 2 boys ran out of the house next door.


The couples for this story are:
Haruka/Wufei Michiru/Quatre Hotaru/Duo Setsuna/Trowa Heero/Usagi (my fav!)

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