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Welcome to the Kenshingumi's "Rurouni Kenshin" Fanfiction!

Welcome to the Rurourni Kenshin Fanfiction. Fanfics will be organized in alphabetical order. ^_^


Ranma1517730129 Along the Stream

          Yahiko's fear prompts him to tell Sanosuke the story of his life before the Kamiya 

          Dojo. Maybe this should be Angst first?

Along the Stream

Rated : R  --   Drama/Angst  ---   Last Updated : Finished


Ranma1517730129 A Lesson in Etiquette

          Yahiko gets a lesson in sword etiquette from Kenshin. Kaoru supervises. 

          Nuff' said.

A Lesson in Etiquette

Rated : PG  --   Humor/Parody  ---   Last Updated : Finished


Ranma1517730129 Flower Blooming in a Time of War

          "Yahiko are you listening?" Kaoru tells a story. Yahiko learns a lesson. 

          Old wounds are opened to let the healing begin.

Flower Blooming in a Time of War

Rated : P G-13  --   Drama/Angst  ---   Last Updated : Finished

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