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The Assassin and the ESPer
Part 01
By Amidala

Makoto slowly became aware of leaning into the warmth of the body holding her. She was grateful
to the person who was currently saving her from falling off the bridge into the cold waters
beneath, but had no strength to tell him or her that.
"Don't speak, you're much too exhausted," the boy said, for his voice was far too
masculine to be female and not deep enough for him to be a man, //What happened back there, hmmm?
It's not often one chooses the park to pass out in.//

The girl moaned softly and buried her face in the crook of the boys' neck as if to ward off the
voice. She could practically *feel* him frown in worry. Working on reserves, she managed to
force a whispered sentence out of her dry mouth.
"I ... can ... *Hear* ... I can Hear voices ... onegai ... make them stop ... "

The boy stiffened in shock, and that was the last Makoto knew before drifting off to
unconsciousness again.
//An ESPer? And her powers developed only now? How peculiar ... // Nagi thought to
himself, half excited, //Crawford should have a look at her ... perhaps we can even help develop
her powers.//
//Tsk, tsk, Nagi-chan. Are you thinking of actually *helping* a strange girl? Brad will
not be happy.//

The brown haired boy rolled his eyes playfully, knowing the telepath was just teasing him, but
was unable to resist his retort.
//Urusei, Schuldich. If you must know, I am, and I don't really care if Brad likes it or
not. She can't just be left here. She'll die, slowly but surely, as more and more people shun
her. And I will not stand by and watch. Not when I know what the feeling is like.//
//All right, all right, no need to get mellow-dramatic. We'll bring her to the house,
I'll have a peek in her head, and we'll see just how powerful an ESPer she is.//

Nagi grinned to himself and pulled the unconscious girl closer to him as he walked away from the
bridge to the back alleys of Tokyo. Making sure no one could see him, though it was night, the
assassin boy moved swiftly towards his friend's car. And sure enough, there was the black
vehicle with Schuldich behind the wheel, reclining and smoking. The brunette boy shook his head
and grinned to himself.
//Oi, wake up and start the car, or I'll start it for you. And put that clove out. I
don't know if she's allergic or not, but we are *not* gonna find out the hard way.// he Thought
at the telepath, who grinned and flicked his cigarrette out the window.
//Whatever you say, sergent.//

Nagi just rolled his eyes and Opened the car door, still half a block away. He could hear the
car start and purr like a kitten, with Schuldich waiting for him to get in. Gently lowering
himself onto the seats, making sure the girl did not bump her head or hurt herself, the
telekinetic Closed the door and the German man drove off.
"So where'd you find her?" Schuldich asked him, glancing in the rear view mirror.
"On the bridge at the edge of the park."
"The Quiet one ... "
"Aa. She's an ESPer, I'm sure. I couldn't hear *her* thoughts, but she claimed to be able
to hear others."

Schuldich nodded.
"I'm fairly sure she can. I experianced the same thing she is; anxitey, pain, and I
passed out, when I first learned that I was a telepath."

Nagi looked at his friend, surprised. He had never really thought that Schuldich had ever had
problems with his telepathy, due to the fact that he was so at ease with it now. Looking back on
it, there were times when he had first met Schuldich that he had witnessed moments of weakness
when the thoughts became too loud, too strong, for his friend to handle.
"So telepathy and ESP are the same, except for the projecting thoughts part?"
"Pretty much. Also, ESP is somewhat like Empathy, so I wouldn't be surprised if she can
tell when someone is hurt or upset."

The telekinetic nodded and looked down at his female charge.
"Do you think Brad'll be really pissed?"

Schuldich shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road as he turned a corner.
"I don't know. But ... if I have to ... I'll stick up for you."
"Domo, Schu-niisan."
"Nichts zu danken."

The rest of the ride to their large mansion was fairly quiet. Schuldich even forwent listening
to his usual loud music in favor of a soothing, more classical station, something Nagi was glad
for. It was not that he minded the louder music, but with the girl in her condition, he did not
think the loud music would be very good for her. Apparently, neither did the telepath, or it
would be on.
//What's her name, Schu-niisan?//
//Makoto. Kino Makoto.//

Looking down at the girl, Nagi realized that the boys name fit her. She was beautiful, but she
had the right build for a good martial artist.
//That's 'cause she *is* a martial artist.//
"Get out of my head, Schu-schu," the telekinetic snapped playfully, locking down his
mental barriers.
"They're getting better."
"Your barriers. It's about time, too."

Ignoring the playful bribe, Nagi moved Makoto into a more comfortable position against his chest
so she was lying with her head in the crook of his neck and rested his head on the back of the
seat. Not really knowing, or caring, what the time was, the telekinetic soon found himself
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A bright flash woke Nagi up from his sound sleep. Blinking in an attempt to clear the fog from
his eyes, he immediately became aware of Schuldich standing over him with a camera.
"You know that you can't black mail me. I'll just destroy the camera," the telekinetic
announced with a huge yawn, rubbing his eyes.
"Ahh, but you can't."
"Can't what?"
"Destroy the camera. To do that would be to destroy all the images of that meteor shower
two nights ago," the orange haired man grinned wildly.
"Damn you ... " Nagi hissed.

He carefully shifted Makoto around so that Schuldich was carrying her as they entered the large
mansion that was their safehouse. Farfello was watching some cartoon about five boys with large
meccas that blew up large bases, grinning like the insane man he played during missions. In
truth, though the Irishman did have a sadistic side, he was not in the least bit insane. Rather,
he was very smart and did *not* have a thing against God. He just carried out orders very well
and had been an actor at one time. Brad was in the kitchen, a cup of coffee on the table and the
newspaper in hand.
"What have I told you about helping strangers, Nagi?" he asked without looking up.

Nagi blushed and hid behind Schuldich.
"Eh ... you haven't?"
"That is besides the point. The point is: she could be a possible liability."
"Demo Brad! She's an ESPer. She could also be an asset."

The older man lowered the newspaper so he could look at Nagi, who was peeking out from behind
Schuldich, who carried the unconscious girl. Looking her over, he nodded slightly.
"She has an atheltic build. Are you sure she is an ESPer?"

The telekinetic nodded vigorously.
"And will she mind living with assassins?"
"How am I supposed to know that?"

Brad smiled vaguely.
"All right. We'll ... "keep" her. For now. The minute she becomes a problem, we will
dispose of her, or find something to threaten her with."
"You know Brad ... you're cruel sometimes," Shuldich sighed, "She can't *do* anything to
us. Who'd believe her? She hears voices, for cryin' out loud. They'd sooner throw her in an
"I say we keep her," Farfello put in softly, "She could be used to find the kittens."

Brad sighed and took off his glasses to wipe at his eyes.
"I said we would keep her."
"But you also said we might kill her. I won't let you do that," Nagi announced, coming
out from behind the German.

The oracle studied the telekinetic for a while. Nagi glared right back at him, not backing down.
Finally Brad nodded.
"She stays in *your* room, and I do not want to see her in my office."

Nagi smiled and rushed over to briefly hug the older man, pulling away before he was pushed away.
He smiled widely and nodded.

~Owari, chapter 1~

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