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Fear Not the Dark
Part 06
By Amidala

Oi ya … I haven’t looked at this story in so long, I think I’ve even forgotten what the plot of it is. *sighs* Well, I hope you enjoy it just the same =^-^=

"She's Manx's daughter ... she's Manx's *daughter* ... *she* is Manx's daughter ... she is *Manx's* daughter ... *she's* *Manx's* daughter!"

Youji sighed irritably as he watched the younger man pace the floor of the mission room, where Ken hadn't moved since the revelation had been made. Personally he didn't care if Makoto was the Queen of Sheba and Goddess of the World from another planet trapped in the body of a young girl. He just wanted to know all her secrets, and he wanted to know *now*. Part of being a spy meant that nothing could be kept from him, but Makoto seemed to be better shut away from the world than the Japanese treasury in the Emperor's Palace. Aya, on the other hand, was very interested in her being Manx's daughter, though he was damned if he'd show it. He wanted to know whom her father was, why she had been "orphaned", and how the hell she went from being the daughter of a Kritiker agent to the Senshi known as Sailor Jupiter.

"Are either of you even listening to me?! She's Manx's daughter! Do you know what that means for us?" Ken cried, waving his arms about.

"That we get more money to keep her safe?" Youji asked, purposely looking bored and holding up his pointer finger, in classic American teenager style, by the side of his head.

Ken glared at him as best he could, but it made no difference because the blond man was looking at the wall in front of where he sat. Sighing loudly instead, the brunette dropped down in the chair located behind him.

"No, baka! It means that we're gonna have Manx even more on our cases, and that Makoto's special. Imagine what Schwartz would do if they got their hands on her! Not only is she Sailor Jupiter, with magical powers to rival and possibly out-do any of their own, but she also happens to be the daughter of one of the second highest ranking officials of Kritiker, their number one enemy."


Now the younger man looked at Aya, who had spoken for the first time. "Nani?"

"We will look after her," Aya said in his quiet way that demanded obedience, "If Youji won't then you and Omi and I can. I will not allow her to fall into Schwartz's hands, no matter what the conditions. I suggest that from now on we start keeping better tabs on her while she's in Koneko. Omi can look after her at school."

With that said, the redhead pushed off the wall that he liked to lean against and walked softly up the stairs. Youji watched out of the corner of his eye and Ken turned his head so he could stare incredulously at Aya's back. When they were sure that the redhead was out of earshot, Youji and Ken looked at each other.

"Aya speaks?"

Makoto, with Omi at her side, looked through the supply closet. She whistled lowly in appreciation.

"Maybe we should enlist Ami-chan as a doctor here. She'd have a field day, and could probably patch us up better than we can."


"Mizuno Ami. You know her."

"Mizuno-san?!" Omi asked, staring at Makoto, slack-jawed. "You know her *that* well?"

"Is it that strange?"

Omi had the good grace to blush and lower his eyes in embarrassment, but he stuttered anyway, looking for words to redeem himself and still make his point known. He couldn't find any.

"I thought so," Makoto smirked, never once having looked up from the closet. "Now, Aya-kun uses a katana, Ken has the rip-off Wolverine claws, Youji gets the pretty wire of death, and you've got all these wonderful little shuriken. What am I supposed to use? A golf club?"

Faint laughter reached them from below, where sharp ears had picked up on every word. Makoto guessed it was either Ken or Youji. Omi just grinned and shrugged.

"I guess you could, if you wanted to. Keep searching through there, though. I'm sure you'll find something."

Makoto sighed and leaned against a wall, idly twirling a bandage between her fingers. She looked down suddenly as she realized the bandage had gotten stuck from too much twisting and shook it out. Then she grinned as if she'd thought of something horribly funny.

"Can I be Spider-man?" she asked, and proceeded to whip the bandage at Omi.

"Oi! No fair! I don't have a hover craft!"

"I'm sorry for you. This is me being sorry for you," the younger said and continued whipping in Omi's direction. Soon the bandage had twirled completely around Omi's arm and he was forced to the floor while Makoto struck a victorious pose crying, "Ai wuiiin!" in Japanese-accented English.

Omi sighed and nodded his consent. "Yes. Yes you do. Can I get up now?"

Makoto grinned and helped him up but found herself on the floor soon after. Her head had narrowly missed hitting the ground due to Omi's quick reflexes, and because he had been the one to trip her.

"Mean!" she accused him.

He grinned infuriatingly. "No, even." This time it was Omi who pulled Makoto to her feet, making sure to stay away from a possible trap like the one he had made for her. When it was clear that there was no danger, he released her and stepped back. "Have you ever considered a whip, even if you can be Spider-man?"


"Well, this whole thing started because you whipped me. So I figure you could be Cat Woman and use a whip. Or perhaps you could make webbing out of your powers?"

Makoto slumped against the wall, looking thoughtful. She brought her hands up to gaze at them, as if looking for something before shrugging and setting them back down behind her back.

"I really don't know. I know that I have certain attacks, which I've used for years now, but I've never tried to make my own. I don't even know if we can do that."

Omi leaned on the wall as well, standing near to Makoto but no too close, and smiled at her. "Even so, you're far better with a whip than I've seen. But that might be because none of us can use it, and I've never seen anyone else use one."

Makoto stuck her tongue out, "Thanks for the confidence booster."

"Do itashimashita."

She sighed, "Men." She pushed off the wall and headed in the direction of the kitchen. "I'm hungry. I'll make some lunch and then see what I can do about webbing. If all else fails, I'll train with the whip. Oh yeah, and one more thing."

"Nani?" Omi asked, and immediately wished he hadn't as the ground rushed up to meet him.

Makoto's voice floated back to him as she walked down the stairs. "Now we're even."

"I didn't know you were a cook, Makoto-san," Omi said later, still rubbing his arm where he had caught himself from his fall.

He watched her add a bit of salt to a pot of soup, tasting it to make sure there was enough.

"Yeah, I used to work in a restaurant. With Aya-san, actually. He was a waiter and I usually did either cooking or bussing. Generally it was both, because the place was always short-staffed. I think it still is."

Makoto grinned slightly at the memory, but it was a pained smile. Meeting at her old work place with Ran had been what brought her to the flower shop, but she was determined not to fall into depression. Her talk with Rei had been the deciding factor in her decision; she had promised to return to them, and she couldn't very well do that if she were dead. Omi watched her carefully, wondering if she knew that Manx was her mother and that they had been given special instructions to make sure she stayed alive. He figured she didn't.

"Well, you're very good. Maybe now we won't spend as much on take- out. Aya-kun's not horrible in the kitchen, and Youji-kun can make a few things, but the most Ken-kun and I can make is toast."

She chuckled. "Well, that'll change. Cooking became a hobby of mine after I quit my job. This'll give me the time I need to stay good at it. ... When do you expect Aya-san, Youji-san, and Ken-san will be back?"

Omi glanced at his watch. "Soon. They just went to make a few deliveries, which shouldn't take very long. How long do you think you'll need?"

"If I've timed it right, then I'll be done before they come in. You can make my life easier by setting the table." Makoto grinned.

The boy obliged and in a matter of minutes had the table set for five. It wasn't fancy and he could never pose as a butler, Makoto thought, but it would do. After all, it was just a lunch for the "family". She smirked at her soup, chuckling inwardly at her though patterns. It seemed she was already becoming used to her new life, despite the fact that she wanted to hate herself for it. Makoto tasted the soup one more time before turning off the flame. The rice was nearly done in the rice cooker, and the noodles and vegetables needed about two more minutes to completely soak up the flavor of the oil she was frying them in.

"They have five minutes, or we start without them," she told Omi.

At the Gates of Time, Sailor Pluto frowned softly at her mirrors, troubled slightly. It wasn't that the future was changing to something different that bothered her. On the contrary, it was the lack of change that bothered her. It was almost as if the future had come to a complete standstill.

"Pluto calling Uranus and Neptune," she said, pressing a com-button on the console in front of her. The screens that connected her to the stations of the two Outer Senshi flickered with their activation. "Pluto calling Uranus and Neptune. Answer me if you're there."

"Uranus here," said a smooth tenor voice. The image of the sandy- haired Senshi of Uranus flicked onto the screen.

"Neptune here," answered a soothing alto. Her own image flickered onto the formerly blank screen. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"The future."

"Has something change?" asked Uranus, immediately on the alert.

"No," Pluto said, shaking her head. "That's the trouble. It is almost as if the future has become completely stagnant. Nothing is happening, not even that which should happen. Have either of you felt or seen anything?"

Both Neptune and Uranus looked deep in thought. The aqua-haired Senshi of Neptune consulted her mirror talisman, looking for some hint of an answer. From her station, Uranus grappled with her own computer trying to find something, anything, that would give them a clue.

"Jupiter ... " Neptune suddenly whispered.

"Nanda?" both Pluto and Uranus demanded.

"She had been discovered," Neptune said, watching her mirror. "The White Hunters needed a Senshi to face off against their opponent, Schwartz, who have joined with the Darkness. One of them knew Makoto from before, and he manipulated her into revealing her identity as a Senshi."

"Did she -- "

"No," Neptune said sternly, interrupting Uranus. "She did not reveal anyone else. Just herself. But she is still weak from her earlier imprisonment, though she is healing quickly. She has contacted Rei, but she can not give away her new location. Setsuna -- she found her mother."

There was a stunned silence. Then Pluto frowned and turned back to her mirrors, which were still unmoving. She placed her hand on one and found that it had not shown her these events because it had been -- sealed, almost -- for days. The Guardian of Time turned back to her comrades, looking solemnly at them.

"So the Earthly darkness and the Darkness have come together. I will go down to help Makoto when she needs it. But we must work quickly to stop this. The future must not remain stagnant."

~Owari, chapter 6~

Well, now it comes down to a vote: should Makoto become a Spider-man rip off (like Ken with his face Wolverine claws) and be able to make webbing with her powers, or should she become a Cat Woman rip off and use the whip? Only your votes will make the choice, because I’m never going to get around to it =^-^=;; I’ll hold the voting until I post chapter seven, at which time I will have made my decision.

Oh yeah, and a side note: I’m still waiting for at least one more review on HP/SM crossover, so if you want to read the next chapter, I plead with you to review it!

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