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Blooming Secrets
Chapter 02
By GirlChama

Hi again. If you're here then you know that I have finally updated this story. Yay! In all actuality it has been updated several times, but only chapter one, because I kept changing it around. If you start reading this chapter and you are confused go back and read chapter one over because it has changed drastically from its first layout. Hopefully, this will be the last time that I change anything but don't rule it out as a possibility ^_^;; Also, don't ask when chapter three will be out X.x;; I have the outline done, but you see how long it took me just to get out chapter two X.@

Many thanks to Kula-Diamond for her help with this chapter in a small, but very important, aspect of the story. Also, many thanks go to Amidala and Keiko-chan for their constant harassment for me to get this chapter out. They proved to be great motivations ^^;;;;

Standard Disclaimers Apply

Blooming Secrets - Chapter Two

The people of Juuban, Tokyo strolled along the sidewalks hither and thither on their lunch breaks. Some were returning to wherever they had started from an early lunch break. Most were hurriedly rushing to find some place to eat before all of the restaurants were packed, therefore they paid little attention to the sleek motorcycle that pulled in front of the Crown Arcade with little heed of the municipal parking garage down the block. Being as small as it was, though, few people even thought badly of it.

Its two occupants stretched their legs as the vehicle came to a stop and was gently eased onto the kickstand. The back rider slid off before the driver, stretching his arms over his head before he pulled his helmet off of his head and held it in both hands. He smiled to the driver as the taller of the two followed suit, exposing a mop of brown hair that fell into jade eyes carelessly. The shorter took the moment to brush a stray lock of dark blond hair behind the closest ear.

Then the taller turned to the building and stared at it, his expression quickly forming into a fond one, a small smile on his face as he stared at it. Then he looked to his younger companion who stared at the building as well. The young's expression, though, showed confusion but tolerance and he smiled nervously to the older.

They stepped toward the double sliding glass, preparing to walk through easily, when the younger stopped the older, speaking, "Ken-kun..." Ken turned back to the younger and saw a small, worried smile on his face.

"Ne, Omi? Something wrong?"

Omi shook his head, standing still in his spot, then continued, "No. Nothing's wrong. I just want to say that I am glad you are meeting back up with your friend, but-" He paused as if to unsure how to continue. Ken stared at the blond, his brow furrowing in confusion. Then Omi sighed and said, "You know what kind of jobs we have. Are you sure it's safe to become reacquainted with her? Is that going to be fair to her?"

Ken could only blink at the words, surprise evident on his face. Then he took a moment to smile cheesily and nod before saying, "You're right. It is dangerous and it might not be fair to her, but Mako and I go a long way back. I know I made a mistake with Kaze, but- I can't explain it. I trust Makoto, and I know she would never do anything like that to me. Besides, I'm not going to tell her anything. I just want to be friends with her again."

He turned away only to have Omi catch up to him and grin, saying, "You don't have to explain things to me. I just wanted to make sure you know what you're doing..." Ken smiled and nodded to the younger as they passed the arcade games. When they reached the stairs, Omi fell into step behind the older of the pair and sighed silently. "You won't always be so naïve."

Ken reached the top of the stairs with a slight bounce in his step. Looking around he noted a few of the renovations that had taken place in his absence. It had been years since he had even stepped inside the arcade, much less the parlor he stood in now. His wandering eyes finally fell on Makoto, sitting closer to the back of the arcade with her head bowed.

Her hands held a cup of something he could not define from this distance but she held to it protectively and he winced slightly. At Omi's insistent cough, he stepped forward and allowed the blond to take a step up next to him. Without another moment wasted he stepped forward, watching as Makoto looked from her teacup to the window, wearing a plain blue sweater. A jacket was resting on the table, half-falling into the seat next to her. She lifted the teacup to her mouth and took a sip before lowering it back to its saucer.

As she set the teacup down, their motions caught Makoto's eye because when she looked up her gaze was trained directly on them. Ken noted how haggard she looked, but some of the severity of her expression was displaced when she smiled to them, moving to stand.

Ken came to a stop on the other side of the table as Makoto stood, and they embraced each other quickly and tightly, causing Omi to smile from behind Ken. Catching sight of Omi, Makoto's eyes widened to their normal width and she loosened her grip on Ken.

"Hello there," she spoke, disengaging herself from Ken's embrace. She smiled to him gently and said, "I remember you from last evening..." Then she paused thoughtfully and said, "Or should we say this morning? Tsukiyono-san, ne?"

"Yes, that's me. It's good to see you again, too, Kino-san. How are you feeling?"

With the beginning of the conversation they slid into their seating, Omi and Ken on one side while Makoto took up her original seat across from them and in the middle of the booth. She shrugged, replacing her hands around her teacup as after doing so.

"I've been better. I've been worse..." She said and then lifted the teacup to her mouth, taking a swallow of the rose tea. Upon lowering it she smiled gently to the blond young man and spoke, "Thank you for asking, though." Omi stared at her calmly, though inwardly wondering if she could really have gone through something worse than finding a family member only to discover them on the verge of death. Ken wasn't the type to associate himself with shallow people, but when it got down to it, Omi didn't know much about Ken either.

Whatever questions might have been forming for any of them were held at a pause when a perky redhead bounced up to the table, balancing a serving tray against her hip. Omi turned to look to her and upon registering her features he glanced back to Makoto and then back to the girl.

"What can I get you guys?" she asked happily, pulling a pen from over her ear and looking to the newcomers.

"I'll just have water, thanks," Ken said, glancing from her to Makoto.

"All right, and what about you, cutie?" she asked, adding a wink to Omi. Omi blushed gently and asked for a plain soda before looking to Makoto nervously. A small, but growing, smile was on her face and her eyes were darting between Omi and the waitress. Makoto turned her full attention on the waitress when she spoke, "You want some more tea, Mako-chan?"

"Please, Unazuki," she spoke and pushed her teacup to the girl.

"Rose," the two spoke at the same time, both in question and answer. Makoto smiled to her and Unazuki grinned as she picked the cup up and spun it onto the tray, managing not to spill a drop for what the others could see.

"Be back in a jiffy!" she said and turned away, sauntering back to the counter where the other beverages were. Omi's blue gaze followed her until he felt a swift kick under the table from Ken's general direction. Wincing slightly he glared over at Ken, but saw that the brunette was already looking back to Makoto. Omi sighed silently and looked to Makoto, somewhat embarrassed as she offered him a sympathetic smile.

"How are you feeling, Mako-chan?" Ken asked with a conspiratorial grin.

Makoto sighed but she said nothing as her hand came to the place her teacup had been resting and then flexed gently. She shook her head, bowing it slightly and sighed.

"So how exactly did you two meet?" Omi asked, trying to dispel the tense atmosphere. As he played with the napkin in front of him. He looked up from his ministrations innocently as the two remained silent. They seemed confused on how to answer the question, causing him a slight bit of confusion, himself. As they shared a glance between themselves, he continued, "I mean," he began, catching their attention again, "weren't you two sweethearts or something?"

Omi was impressed by Makoto's reflexes as a spray of water left Ken's mouth in surprise, or shock one. Her head snapped to the left, despite her weary appearance then she sat up straight, unfazed by Ken's actions. Then, undaunted, she began to chuckle and very shortly her laughter began to ring through the parlor. Omi and Ken exchanged glances in which Ken scowled at the younger boy before hiding his face behind his water glass. When Makoto's laughter subsided she hastily gulped down some of the hot tea and then chuckled until she had to sigh to calm herself. A slight blush tinted her face and she openly grinned to Omi, causing more of her weary demeanor to fade. It made her seem almost beautiful.

Saying nothing of her fit of laughter, she turned to Ken and cocked her head to the side, asking, "Do you want to tell him, or should I?"

The color had faded from Ken's cheeks enough for him to lower his glass and with a wry grin he glanced to Omi before saying, "Go for it."

With a nod, Makoto turned her full attention on Omi, taking a drink of her and then placing the cup on the saucer and pushing it away. She continued to stare at him, giving him a small smile before her eyes darted to Ken and she lifted a hand to her chin, using her index finger to tap her chin thoughtfully.

"Where to begin?" she wondered with a grin. Then she clasped her hands and lowered them to the table, exhibiting well cared for nails and skin. "It started really before either of us were in primary school. Our mothers worked as volunteers at the daycare we attended, but they ended up being more motherly to the others than us. After all," and she grinned somewhat cockily, "Ken and I always could look out for ourselves. But being that our mothers became friends we got to visit each other more than just in daycare..."

"Yeah, it didn't hurt that you were a total tomboy," Ken added, nursing his glass of water.

"Well, I guess it's uncool to be seen with a girl when you act like a total dork anyway..." Makoto flashed a cheeky grin to Ken before looking back to Omi and continuing before Ken could interrupt. "Ken had to start school before I did and for two years, I really didn't see that much of him, but then I started the same primary school as him and we got to know each other again."

"You're only eighteen?" Omi asked, surprised by this revelation.

"Yes, why?" she asked, innocent to the question. The glance that he sent her body was not missed and Makoto blushed. "Yeah, I know... I'm a little old looking for my age... but I have my reasons..."

"Self-induced?" Omi wondered silently as Makoto bowed her head in embarrassment and then continued to speak.

"Over the years we were able to keep in touch and we were great friends, but..." and her face took on a solemn expression, "After my parents died I just stopped caring. I didn't care about school, or how anyone viewed me, and I didn't care about my friends... Nothing mattered anymore..." She sighed and clasped her hands before her mouth in silent reverie. "Have you depressed them, yet, Mako?" she wondered silently and dropped her hands.

"That doesn't explain why you just up and left without ever calling or anything... Mom and I thought you died right along with your parents," Ken said and he frowned. Makoto's mood had spread.

She offered a wistful smile in reply and then quickly replied, "I know, but I had things to deal with. I couldn't stay in the house anymore by myself. I put a lot of the spare furniture in storage, after I moved into my new apartment. I had to sell some of it until the insurance company paid the policy that papa had taken out." Makoto reached for her tea again and sipped it again, this time slowly and in no hurry to pick up conversation.

"What ever happened to Tomoko? Do you know?" Ken asked, venturing into conversation that Omi was going to be hopelessly lost in.

"The last I heard she had published a book and it really made a good profit..." Makoto said with a bit of awe and surprise in her voice.

"Wow, that sounds great," Ken said, nodding in approval. Makoto shared his nod, her eyes focused on her cup of tea, as if the two were grasping for conversation.

"Yeah, I should call her sometime and let her know that you're around. She'd probably be glad to hear from you, being that she had a big crush on you, you know..." Makoto said, slowly drawing her eyes from her cup to Ken's face. At his blush she grinned and then grinned to Omi.

"She did not," he denied quickly and frowned.

Omi grinned at this new turn of events as Makoto spoke, "Sure she did. I'm surprised she didn't dedicate that book to you... Regardless, if you don't want me to call her, then I won't..." Makoto said and crossed her arms over her chest. With a derisive sniff, Ken crossed his arms over his chest as well, but smirked to her good-naturedly, causing her to wink at him.

"Whatever happened to dreams of J-league, anyway?" she asked quickly and she noted that Ken's face began to form into a frown. Mimicking it, she continued, "I never would have thought of you as the flower shop type. That was always more of my area, you know?"

"Yeah, I know..." he replied and then looked up to her. "Things happened. It fell through. I took a good job with decent pay; met some cool friends..." That said, he turned to Omi and punched the younger boy in the shoulder gently, causing the both the blond and the red head to smile good-naturedly.

"You must have worked there for a while then, to afford such a sharp bike, huh?" Makoto asked and then slid over to the window, glancing down to the street where she could see a few people glancing at Ken's motorcycle as well.

"Well... You know..." the brunette replied somewhat sheepishly, and reached to the back of his head to scratch it. To change the subject, and hopefully drain some of the color from his cheeks, he asked with a smile, "How's the cooking coming along? You were always a great cook. Did you decide to enroll into chef school after all?"

Makoto grinned and nodded excitedly, reaching for her teacup as she spoke, "Yeah, I even-" She stopped abruptly and the grin on her face was gone. Omi and Ken watched her while she seemed to go blank for a moment. They looked to each other and then back to her, only to see her face contort into an expression of horror. "Oh God!" she cried, drawing her hands to her eyes. "My appointment with the financial aid administrator was this afternoon! Today!" Her hands snaked from her eyes to her bangs and showed that both jade eyes were wide with apprehension. "This is not good! What time is it?"

Omi spared a glance to his wrist, saying, "It's about- one o'clock. What time was the appointment?" The question was cut short as Makoto released a moan of dismay.

"The appointment is at one-thirty... I'd never even make in time if I tried from here. I'd still have to go home, get a shower, change clothes, get all of papers in order, and be at the college. How could I have forgotten?!" she cried in dismay, burying her face in her hands.

"I'm sure it will be okay," Omi said quickly, reaching out and placing a hand on Makoto's shoulder, surprised at its firmness. He continued quickly, though, "With everything that's happened since yesterday, I am sure they will understand if you can't make it."

Makoto nodded, but it was evident in her eyes and expression that she did not truly believe that anymore than if he hadn't said anything at all. With a sigh she ran her hands over her face one more time before dropping them back into her lap.

"I don't even know how to feel about all of this!" she said quickly before slamming a fist onto the table. The cups and glasses bounced slightly, but she paid no mind. "This woman that I don't even know just saunters into my life... and she's my grandmother? Why?" She ended her statement quietly, a growing look of discomfort on her face.

Omi and Ken shared a quiet glance, but Ken looked back to Makoto when nothing was communicated between them. He stared at the red head, unsure of what to say to comfort her, but he could not sympathize with her plight.

"I understand what you're going through," Omi said with a gentle smile to back his words. Makoto looked up as Omi's hand grasped hers and squeezed. "This has happened to me, too."

"Really?" she asked, a small and sad frown on her face. She held onto his hand, her own pain momentarily forgotten. Omi nodded, aware that she was silently urging him on, but he remained silent, caught in his own memories. "He seems sincere, too kind to lie to me right now, and he is Ken's friend. I won't pressure him, though..." Makoto nodded then, and the movement caught Omi's eye. With a small smile she spoke, "You don't have to say anything." Then she reached for her cup of tea, releasing his hand. "It's just good to know you're not- you're not alone." As she slowly sipped the remnants of her cooling tea, her face became somber, but her voice had broken.

Ken looked at the interplay between them and smiled slightly, suddenly very glad that Omi offered to come with him today, and even more glad that he accepted the offer. He had been unsure at first as to whether or not his presence would be appreciated, but it would be better to have Omi try and comfort Makoto logically than have him just allow her to cry on his shoulder until she was drained and too tired to do anything.

"I was adopted a long time ago," Omi spoke, catching everyone's attention. Ken grimaced as the young blond man spoke, but he made no move to interrupt him. Makoto did not miss the silent expression Ken gave, but she said nothing. Undaunted, Omi continued, "I didn't know it but when I found out, I was devastated; feeling that everything I had ever known was a lie. I found my real father on the verge of his death, and eventually he died. My mother had been dead for years. I guess I should be glad that I had loving parents to support me while I was growing up..." He reached for his soda glass with a sigh, training his eyes on the table top.

Makoto frowned a bit sadly, guilt rising up in her and she nodded. Then she reached for her teacup and the two took a drink from their glasses at the same time, both without noticing the other.

"The thing is," Makoto spoke as she lowered her glass. She used a free hand to brush away a stray lock of auburn hair. "Momoe-san may not live. I want her to- God, how I want her to live, but what if she doesn't? It's the waiting that kills me..." Makoto looked to both of them with a strong gaze. Her tears from only a moment earlier were banished and she had replaced them with a quiet strength.

"Is she trying to fool us or herself? Or both?" Ken wondered silently.

Silent tension filled the booth around them, each lost in their own thoughts and staring at another member sitting at the table when `no one was looking.' Omi would glance at Ken and Ken to Makoto. Makoto stared at her teacup, not trying to play subtlety.

"Why does she have to make it so hard on herself?" Ken wondered as he stared at her, his agitation growing. Then he sighed mentally. "Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh judging her... I know she's lost people, but so have I. So has Omi, for that matter!"

"Can I see the shop?" Makoto asked, looking up from her tea. She turned to look to Ken first and she was almost surprised by the severe expression on his face. Blinking back a swell of emotion, she added, "I mean, I don't want to impose or anything, but..." Her words were lost to her as Ken and Omi turned to one another, silent understanding going between them. Makoto smiled slightly, watching as Omi's mouth quirked, followed by Ken's eyebrow twitching ever so slightly. She herself had used the same communication, something short of telepathy, to communicate with close friends from time to time. "Just how close are they?" she wondered, setting her teacup on the table and waiting for the verdict.

"I don't see why not," Omi spoke, turning back to her with a grin. From beside him Ken sighed, but he smiled as well, making Makoto wonder just who had been on what side. Had their even been a side to the discussion?

Makoto turned to look at Ken when he spoke, "Yeah. I think that if Momoe-san were with us right now she would have already invited you." At his statement Makoto smiled. Her smile quickly transformed into a grin and she inclined her head somewhat sheepishly.

"Can we see it now?" she continued, her hand tightening subtlely around her cup.

There was no use hiding the smirks growing at the corners of their mouths. Ken and Omi didn't bother to try. But their smirks quickly transformed into smiles as they looked to one another and simultaneously nodded.

Makoto grinned and lifted her teacup to her mouth quickly, throwing the rest of the contents back. As she set the cup back onto the table she grinned, sparing Omi a glance. He blushed gently under her intense grin, but she did not notice. She had already switched her attention elsewhere. When her eyes fell on Ken, she spoke quickly, "I'll get the bill then!" Then she pushed the cup away gently and slid out of the seat, stretching her arms over her head as she stood to her full height, sweater stretching with her.

"But, I thought-" Ken spoke quickly, causing her to turn back to the pair. Her arms dropped to her sides as she fixed her gaze on him once more, causing him to stop in mid-sentence.

"You thought that I would actually make you pay for a few drinks?" Makoto asked, arching an eyebrow at him. Ken smirked and sighed, dropping his face into one of his hands and watching her. At his actions Makoto grinned and shook her head before clasping her hands before her. Her eyes narrowed gently and she shrugged, speaking, "Maybe later, Ken-chan." With that she winked to him and then turned away, walking casually toward the bar.

Ken and Omi silently mimicked her earlier motions, finishing their drinks and sliding out of the booth in the process. Then they stood side by side at the table and waited for Makoto to return. Omi crossed his arms behind his head and watched Makoto as she stepped up to the counter.

"She's tenacious," he spoke. His blue gaze followed her and then he looked to Ken. The brunette was smiling and following Makoto's form with jade eyes.

Omi watched with a grin, thinking, "Exactly how much does he feel for her?" When Omi fell into Ken's line of vision, he caught the grin the young boy gave him before turning to greet Makoto as she returned.

"Ready to go?" she asked, dropping her hands to her sides.

"Sure," Omi replied and side by side, he and Makoto, moved toward the stairs that they had both ascended earlier. As Omi moved down the stairs, Makoto glanced over her shoulder and smiled to Ken, silently mouthing, `Thank you.' He smiled and nodded before she turned and began to descend the flight of stairs.

Downstairs, Omi was waiting at their foot before he turned toward the door. Makoto stepped off with a bounce and a sigh. The tall red head glanced to the games and her eyes scanned them for a moment. Ken watched her silently before glancing to the door and falling in step next to her.

"Bye, Mako-chan!" a male voice shouted, catching the trio's attention. Ken watched as a grin broke onto Makoto's face and her hand launched into the air. In the midst of the games a tall blond man was standing, equaling Youji's height easily, and wearing the apron of an employee. Ken sighed silently and looked away from him to Omi, catching another grin from the youngest of their group.

"Bye Motoki-san!" Makoto returned, but she did not stop walking. Instead she turned back to Omi, skipped forward a few paces and fell into step beside him.

"Furuhata Motoki?" Ken thought silently. He cast a glance back to the blond man, to see him hunched over a game, helping a patron with their strategy. "He sure has grown since we first came here..."

Ken was only a few paces behind them, watching as they spoke quietly to one another. For a moment Makoto reminded him of the girl he had known years ago and he felt a smidgen of relief. When they stepped outside, though, she had regained her somber face.

"How are we all going to get there?" Omi asked, gesturing to the motorcycle as Ken approached. He frowned, automatically seeing the problem that his two-seater motorcycle did nothing to remedy.

"I'll take a cab," Makoto said quickly and without any sentiment. She turned to the others for their approval, but neither seemed ready to give it.

"No!" Ken said adamantly, grasping the handle of his bike. He and Makoto disregarded Omi for a time as they locked gazes. She arched a single eyebrow, daring him to argue with her. In accordance, he fixed a hard gaze on her and she sighed, rolling her eyes and looking away.

"Are you going to make Omi ride the bus?"

"No, but-"

"Are you going to ride the bus?"

"No!" he said and then he sighed, feeling frustrated over the whole situation.

"Give me directions, I'll take a cab and see you guys there in a little while... and don't you give me that look Ken. I already feel like I'm imposing as it is..."

"But that's crazy!" Omi said. He stared at her, surprised by her sentiments. She grinned at him, somewhat wryly. When she turned to look for a nearby taxi her mouth ticked and he knew she was fronting. Then she turned back to Omi and cocked her head, stilling grinning that cheeky grin.

- - - - -

When Makoto's blue and white cab arrived in front of the flower shop, Ken and Omi were waiting for her. After waiting for it to slow down and pull next to the sidewalk, they stepped toward the car and Ken opened the door. They waited for a moment as Makoto paid the driver and then stepped out, smiling to both of them as she slipped her change into her pocket. The young woman thanked the driver and then slammed the door, stepping back from the car so it could take off easily.

When she turned around, she no longer looked to Ken or Omi. Her gaze immediately fell on the two-story building in front of her. The bottom half was nearly hidden behind a plethora of display shelves, all full with a bright variety of flowers; most Makoto knew but there were some she didn't.

She stepped forward, her face lighting like a child in the presence of a candy store. In much the same way, her hands began to graze the wares, inspecting them and smelling the aromas they offered. Ken stepped toward the door while Omi walked over to stand beside Makoto as she took the leaf of one plant in her hand. Her fingers rubbed it lightly and then she flipped it over, inspecting the underside.

"Pass inspection?" Omi asked cheerily and Makoto grinned at him wryly, a deep chuckle coming from her throat as she allowed the leaf to slip through her fingers again. She nodded to him and slipped her hands into her pockets.

"Of course..." she said, while continuing to grin at him. Omi nodded and laughed as well, watching as she glanced back to the shelves of plants. Her eyes roamed over them again, not as thoroughly as the first time and then she looked back to Omi a slightly surprised expression on her face. "They all look well-cared for, in fact."

"Of course," Omi answered and then gestured toward the door. Makoto grinned and chuckled again at his response. They reached the door side by side and Omi let Makoto pass first. Ken stood in her way, though, barring complete entry.

"Is something wrong?" she asked. Her eyes were wide with innocent confusion. From behind her, she could feel Omi's confusion as well, but her question had covered all bases and he remained silent. In response to the question Ken nodded and Makoto glanced over her shoulder gently to Omi.

When Ken began to speak, Makoto turned back to face him and listened, "Mako-chan, I want you to be careful when you come in the shop..." His face was so serious that Makoto mimicked it.

Before he could explain himself, Makoto asked, "Man-eating plants?" The question caused Omi to chuckle, but Ken simply sighed.

"No, there are two other guys... They were at the hospital last evening, too. There's Ran... He's pretty okay," Ken said, making a wavering motion with his hand and nodding left and right. Makoto arched an eyebrow and allowed him to continue speaking, crossing her arms over chest as Ken's face darkened. "You remember the guy that kissed your hand?" he asked and Makoto nodded, softening a bit. "Watch out for him. Kudou Youji is the biggest flirt in all of Tokyo and he doesn't care who he flirts with..." Ken finished with an annoyed expression so severe that Makoto did not release the quirky comment that had been forming. Omi, however, did not hesitate to respond to the statements.

"Ken-kun! You shouldn't say things like that!" the younger of the two spoke, causing Makoto to glance over her shoulder in surprise. Omi was staring at Ken with vehement defiance. The red head glanced back to Ken gently and then looked back to Omi, grinning.

"Well, it's true and-"Ken began, but his words were quickly cut off by Makoto.

"Don't worry, Tsukiyono-san," she spoke gently in an attempt to break the tension between the two. Then glancing to Ken again she extended the grin to him as she slid her hands back into her pockets. At his confused expression, she spoke, "Ken-chan's just trying to be my big brother again..."

She turned to Omi as Ken's face reddened and he inclined his head. Then with another, larger, grin she turned back to the door and brushed past Ken opening it herself. She held it open from the inside, ignoring the chattering behind her and explained to Omi, "I had some problems with a guy a few years ago. It ended badly... When we broke up Ken was there to pick me up."

Omi nodded in understanding, a smile breaking onto his face as he passed Ken, extending the gesture to him. The youngest of the trio left Ken and Makoto by themselves and the two stared at each other, Ken's blush diminishing as she smiled at him. "Thanks for looking out for me, Ken-chan," Makoto spoke.

"You're welcome, Mako-chan," Ken spoke, sharing the same gentle smile. Then Makoto leaned forward and inclined her head, causing him to blush at their proximity.

"But I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself." At once she grinned and pulled away, turning and moving into the shop before he could reply verbally. He was sure the surprised look on his face said enough, though. Ken sighed and bowed his head, stepping inside and allowing the door to close with a ringing bell sound.

She had moved as a person fully intent on continuing in her walk, but as Ken looked up again, he had to stop himself from running into Makoto's back. She had stopped in the center of the doorway and he could see from behind as her head turned to the left and the right slowly, taking in everything around her. From in front of her, Ken could see Omi's grin, pleased at Makoto's surprise.

"You like it?" Ken asked from behind her and for a moment Makoto could only nod.

"It's gorgeous," she spoke and took a few cautious steps forward, as if afraid to break the spell this place had already set over her. Just before her there were two tables, the one to her right had a register and was smaller than the other. The one to her left was covered in scattered supplies and flower clippings. Staring at it made her hands itch to clean it up and organize it a little... She could sense Omi before her, grinning at her, but her eyes continued to stare around the shop in wonder. "This was Momoe's store?" she thought silently and took another cautious step forward, toward the table with the register. She passed Omi and turned so that her back was to him and looked at two tall racks of plants bolted to the floor just before a large window. Beyond that, there were several coolers all around the room, filled with flowers beyond their fogged glass doors.

After a few moments of pacing she began to relax and turned back to Ken, asking, "Where are all of the customers?" Confusion was written over her features and her arms were held lightly poised at her sides as if ready to spring. The shop, she had noted in her study, was relatively empty beyond the workers. Four were not really necessary for the number of customers present...

"Most of them come in after school," Omi spoke knowledgeably, pulling an apron over his head that had been previously hidden. They spoke in quiet tones that had been augmented by the environment. Makoto could only blink at this new bit of information before she turned to look at Ken and then back to Omi.

"They're students?" she asked while her eyebrows rose in surprise. Then she thought for a moment and it didn't seem all that surprising... "They're four handsome young men working in a flower shop of all places. Why wouldn't a girl be interested?"

Ken and Omi sighed in unison, though, instead of answering her straight out. They simply nodded and continued tying the aprons that now covered the front of their bodies. At their answers Makoto laughed uneasily and then grinned, saying, "You must get a lot of business then with so many handsome employees." She placed her hands on her hips as she said so, expecting one of them to blush, but neither did.

Instead Omi spoke, "Most of them don't buy anything, anyway..." causing Makoto to shrug as if she had tried her best to comfort them about the idea. They still weren't happy about the fact.

The two went off to work, leaving Makoto to explore the shop as she liked. She knew that Ken was aware of how much she knew about flowers. It made her wonder if Omi was trying to be polite in letting her move off on her own. She had barely moved a step in the direction of some shelved roses when a flash of moment caught the corner of her eye and she turned her head from the neck to see the source. Stopping just short of the shelf she paused and watched as the young man Ken warned her about, Kudou Youji, stepped out from a door leading into the back part of the building.

His hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail with a few thick blond strands framing his face. Sunglasses were tucked into the top of his apron and he was glancing around with subdued interest, it seemed. Makoto looked away and back to her original destination as he glanced in her direction. She didn't need to be caught staring.

The roses before her; red, white, yellow, and pink, were softly fragrant and she leaned forward to smell one of the deeper red roses. It was sweet and smelled like a regular rose, but she didn't appreciate it as much as some of the other flowers in the shop. Roses were for Mamoru and Usagi... Besides, she wasn't really looking for anything in particular as it was.

Without much thought for the man that she had been trying not to stare at, Makoto turned back in his direction. She had been trying to catch a glimpse of more of the flowers, but one in particular stood out above the rest. A small white lily was directly in front of her face as if it was growing straight out of the floor. It took her only a moment, though, to realize that a hand was holding the flower out to her. A hand connected to an arm, which connected to a shoulder, and she followed the connections until she saw that it was Youji holding the flower out to her.

"Hello," she spoke numbly, staring at him with wide, surprised eyes.

"For you, lovely maiden," he spoke and bowed slightly, proffering the flower. Makoto smiled gently and took the hint, reaching forward for the flower. She grabbed it just beneath the flower, fingers delicately grasping the stem. But as her fingertips brushed his, he placed his free hand over hers, causing her attention to snap to his face. "Kino-san," he spoke solemnly, while a serious expression reigned on his face. The fact that his tone was gentle, as was his touch, kept her from getting nervous. "Please tell me if you need anything during this time that you're going through," he spoke eloquently and Makoto's surprise was slowly replaced with understanding.

"He's talking about Momoe-san. I don't want people to keep bringing it up, really... but I know that I can't hide from it. At least he's offering. That's very sweet of him, considering that I don't know him. Or is he really that much of a flirt?" Makoto thought silently. She was almost positive that Youji could feel how tense her hand had become with the conversation.

"I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you," Youji added.

Makoto continued to stare at him until she extricated herself, no longer comfortable with the scene. She stared at the flower while Youji lowered both of his hands. The stem was rolled between her fingers for a moment before she looked back to Youji with a small smile on her face.

She spoke sincerely, "Thank you very much for your offer, Kudou-san. I'll be sure to keep it in mind." He smiled and nodded gently. Then he watched with verdant eyes as she wove the stem of the plant through her loose knit blue sweater.

"Excuse me, won't you?" she asked gently and bowed from the neck before moving past him with a smile. Youji's eyes followed her for a moment until she turned around to the other side of the shelf of plants he stood next to. Omi's form was slightly discernible from his sight and Makoto stopped next to him. When Youji looked away, he glanced toward Ken, feeling the younger brunette's eyes burning holes into him. He was gratified in his curiosity to see Ken's dark green eyes staring at him, warning none too carefully. Youji suddenly wished for his sunglasses, but he was composed without them. He gently arched a single slender eyebrow at Ken, smirked, and then turned away to go back to his dallying. Ken continued to frown at his back as he watered a peace lily. A moment later as the water continued to pour over the plant's pot he realized that Youji's smirk could have been for his folly.

Makoto stood next to the slightly smaller blond and watched him as he sprayed a greenish liquid from a spray pump onto the waxy green leaves of English Ivy. The plant was small but sprouting well and the way Omi handled the small and delicate leaves with such care impressed Makoto.

"What are you using?" she asked, referring the solution in the bottle he held.

"Liquid Seaweed," he replied easily as he looked away from the plant to spare her a smile. Makoto nodded her approval and continued watching for a moment, a small smile growing on her face.

"When I was younger my father used to save his hair clippings. Then he would bring them home and mix them into a small compost pile that we had on the roof of our apartment," her hands moved emphatically as she spoke, but she never truly looked at him, as if lost in the memory she was recalling. "He said that the protein in the hair would make the plants stronger, so I guess it worked."

When she began to laugh it was synchronized with Omi's and he continued to work with the plants as they shared the small gesture between themselves. "It wasn't even that funny," Makoto thought, but she grinned at him gratefully. "It's good to laugh, even at something so simple."

She stepped past him to let him continue working so she could continue to wander about. This shop was completely amazing. There were gorgeous flowers, and not just flowers, but nearly plants of all types short of trees and poisonous things. She had already lost count of the types of plants. "Do they grow them here, or do they ship them in? Just how big is this place? What did Momoe-san do here? Was she just the figurehead?" Questions ran through her mind before she could even hope to control them.

At the end of the shelf was a small plant almost by itself and away from the others. It mainly consisted of small blossoms that were each attached someplace on a vine of the plant. Sometimes they grew in clusters, but mostly they were solitary and they looked like small white bells. Her eyes grew wide as she turned to it and stared at it, studying it intensely. "Lily of the Valley..." Makoto thought silently and reached out to stroke one of the soft blossoms.

"This is out of season isn't it?" Makoto asked as she stood up straight, still watching the plant. Then she turned to Omi, and noticed that he was already facing her with a slightly curious expression on his face. She pointed to the flower and said, "It's probably a little more expensive than some of the others, right?" she asked.

"Yeah," Omi said and lowered his arms before he moved toward her, still carrying the spray pump with him. Makoto smiled as he spoke, "You must know your plants." He watched as a small blush spread over her cheeks and she bowed her head toward the plant again. "I guess there is more to Makoto than Manx was letting on..."

She blushed modestly and nodded, then looked back to the lily, replying, "This is my favorite flower." The color began to fade from her cheeks and she took one of the slender vines between her fingers, rolling it as much as it would allow. Omi smiled nervously, suddenly feeling as if his work had come under careful inspection under Makoto's careful eye. After a moment she smiled brightly and then turned back to him while still holding the plant. "It's lovely, and very well cared for," she offered. Omi smiled brightly, feeling better about the situation with her seal of approval.

A ringing sound interrupted whatever conversation might have been about to occur and Omi slipped his free hand into his pocket to pull out a small black cell phone. After taking a look at the caller ID his eyes widened slightly before he looked back to Makoto. His surprised expression had vanished as though it had never been there.

"Excuse me for a moment, Kino-san," Omi spoke and then turned away from her, lifting the phone to his ear as he opened the connection. Makoto smiled as he greeted his caller and then turned away to continue her perusing. She moved past him and into the main part of the shop, oblivious as his eyes trained on her form, just watching her as she moved around.

Through the connection Omi could hear Manx's ever collected voice. At the same time, though, it seemed strained and hard. In the background there was a clamor of voices that it made it hard to distinguish her words from the others.

Makoto paid little attention to Omi's conversation and began to walk back toward Ken. He was coming inside with a large bag of potting soil held on his shoulder. She caught the door for him and smiled brightly as he looked to her.

"Thanks Mako," he spoke easily, sparing her a smile for her help.

"No problem, Ken. Need any help with anything?"

"No thanks," he spoke with a slight shake of his head, his body poised in a less than normal position for better balance. He knew that she was strong, and she knew that he knew so she chose to say nothing. "Why don't you look around the shop some more?" he offered as he stepped next to Youji and turned to face Makoto. The brunette and the blond both turned to look to the young woman and waited for a response.

In reply Makoto linked her fingers behind her back and stretched her arms downward before she shook her head and said, "No that's all right. I already know I'm in love." Then she grinned a smile that mirrored Ken's. Youji simply smirked and nodded gently.

The playboy was opening his mouth to add to the conversation but Omi's cry of, "Oh no!" cut them all off. They all turned to look to the youngest of the group as he clutched his phone to his ear with both hands. His back was still facing them, but he was hunched slightly, as if pained.

Makoto frowned sharply in worry, but she was not alone. She could sense the confusion from the others. They were the only ones in the shop now, as it was, and all attention could be focused on Omi.

"Yes, thank you. We'll be there as soon as possible," Omi spoke and then turned sharply as he closed the connection. He did not seem the least surprised that they were all facing him. "That was Manx." The other two males in the room were visibly alerted at the name, but because Makoto was a few paces closer to Omi, she could not see their expressions. "Momoe-san has gone into cardiac arrest."

All eyes turned to Makoto who stared at Omi. Her face visibly paled by a few shades and she swallowed roughly. As her eyes closed her body listed forward, but she did not fall. Ken dropped the bag of potting soil and stepped toward, but Makoto raised her right hand quickly to block him.

"I- I'm all right..." she spoke quickly, and while her tone was strong it sounded far from all right to the brunette only a few paces away from her. When Makoto opened her eyes again, she glanced to Ken with a severe expression. Her face was still pale. "I have to go," she said and she swallowed again, before turning toward the door.

Makoto was already out of the door before she heard Omi's cry of, "Kino-san!" with Ken's complimentary cry echoing it. She was on the sidewalk motioning for a taxi by the time they caught up with her. Instead of allowing her to get the car, Ken grabbed her wrist and whipped her around quickly to face him.

"Don't run away from us," he said quickly. The tears on her face made his heart drop into his stomach and he released her. She did not look to him, though, as she regained her momentarily lost composure. Then she glanced to him, while trying not to notice Omi's worried expression.

She spoke in a passionate voice, "I'm not running away from anything. I'm running to my grandmother!" A taxi did pull up to the sidewalk and stopped as Makoto began to reach for it.

"No, Mako-chan. I'll take you," Ken said quickly and Makoto slowly turned to face him. Her hand was poised on the door as she considered the option.

"All right," she said and Omi took her place at the cab. "Let's go quickly now," she spoke and Ken nodded. He grabbed her at the wrist again and the two began to move toward the shop again. They quickly darted into the alley between the flower shop and the neighboring one, heading to the parking lot behind. As they did, Omi held the door of the car and turned back to Youji.

"Youji-kun, get Aya-kun. We've got to go to the hospital. I'll hold the car, but hurry."

- - - - -

The walk through the hospital was quicker than it had been in the early hours of the morning, but it was no more cheery than it had been the first time. It was still deathly quiet, and entirely too cold for Makoto's liking. The pervasive smell of medicine and cleaners had invaded her nostrils immediately upon entering so she had cracked her mouth slightly to breathe through her throat instead. This smell would be on her forever.

For a moment she and Ken were standing in the elevator moving upward to Momoe's floor. Upon entering it they had seen the others enter the hospital itself, but Omi had urged them not to hold the elevator and Makoto had been all too eager to oblige him. The pair stared at the bright red numbers of the floor count as they moved upward. They were at floor three when Makoto began to wring her hands.

She swallowed roughly as she felt the elevator come to a slow halt. As a slight shake passed through her body she felt her stomach drop, but she did not stop moving. The doors were only slightly opened when she squeezed her body through and into the hallway, breaking into a quick sprint in the direction of Momoe's room. Though she had a head start, Ken kept up with her with what seemed like ease.

Manx was waiting for them as they approached, but she did not move to meet them. The shorter red head of the two now present, she had changed into a pair of brown slacks and a brown leather jacket, but Makoto was too absorbed with her goal to truly notice Manx's attire. As Makoto reached for Momoe's door Manx pointedly placed her arm in between the taller and the door.

At Makoto's incredulous expression Manx explained generously, "The doctor is already inside. If you go in, you'll only be in his way." Her face was not rude, but Manx was firm in her decision. Makoto could only stare at her in horrified fascination.

She stared down at with wide eyes and all but shouted, "That's my grandmother in there! I don't know what kind of hidden agenda you are playing by hiding me from her for the past ten years of my life, but you are not going to stop me from seeing her when she needs me!! Now get out of my way!" Manx simply stared for a moment, then she lowered her offending arm from between Makoto and the door and took a step back, switching her blue eyed gaze from Makoto to Ken as the taller woman stepped toward the door. Ken stared at Manx, slightly confused. She smiled to him; the small smile that said she was hiding something. He could not frown at her outright, though. Her words had held a ring of truth, however insignificant at this point.

Makoto grabbed the door handle, still staring at Manx and then twisted it gently. When the door began to open of its own accord Makoto stepped back, releasing the handle. She watched with wide green eyes as Dr. Yuuyou stepped from the dimly lit bedroom. His head was bowed and she was surprised to see him just yet. Her breath caught in her throat as he glanced up, obviously surprised to see her as well. Yuuyou's eyes locked on her for a moment and in that one moment time seemed to stop. She stared at him with wide eyes, her lips slightly parted in hopeful anticipation. Then as quickly as they had shared that look he bowed his head and looked away from her gently.

"I'm sorry," he spoke.

Makoto's eyes widened further, but the rest of her body seemed to go lax.

"She was too far gone..."

The red head before him stared at him, but she did not see him. She could hear the words he was speaking but they seemed garbled and hard to understand on her ears. At the same time she felt as if a stiff breeze might blow her over.

A deep breath entered her as if was the first she had ever taken and she stared at the jacket that Yuuyou wore, her head bowing by itself. From behind her, she felt a hand on her shoulder, but she could not turn to see its owner. Tears blurred her eyes as she looked to the pink carpet, worn almost to the point of Berber.

"Mako..." Ken's rich voice spoke from behind her. At the same time the hand on her shoulder squeezed it and she felt the first hot tears dribble over her face and straight down to her chin where they dripped onto her sweater. She turned from the neck to glance at him, silent, but her chin was trembling. She was positive that while he was trying to be strong for her, his expression matched her own. Still, with the same brotherly affection they had shared ten years ago, he slowly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her to him. "It's going to be okay, Mako-chan."

His gently murmured words set off the reality. This was really happening.

Yuuyou knew.

Ken knew.

Makoto knew...

Her arms wrapped around his waist with a fierce strength that nearly knocked him back, but he steadied them both quickly. Ken found nearly his entire body occupied a moment later with Makoto in his arms and her face buried against his chest as she sobbed openly. His eyes began to water as he looked down at his friend; a tower of strength to those around her, now shaken to her core by someone she barely knew.

"I swear, Makoto. It will be all right."

End Chapter Two

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