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    "You've been all around the library but you 

couldn't find anything to read?" asks a sour 

voice behind you.

    More accustomed to the sudden 

appearances of dimension phantoms, you 

spring around. However, there is no one and 

you hear a female chuckle moments before 

bookshelves around you begin to fall towards 

you. You cry out in alarm and begin to run, 

and notice with alarm that the dominoing 

shelves are still pursuing you. You make 

wild turn after wild turn, passing the dimensional 

doors one by one till you find yourself a plain 

looking door.

    You glance back to see a bookshelf preparing to 

drop on you and make your choice. You fling open 

the door and run in and the shelf barely misses you. You sigh in relief 

as a glance around the room shows you that you are neither in a new 

dimension or in a room with more shelves. Instead there is a door at 

the end of the room where a glowing red 'exit' sign is hung. You smile 

and begin to head for the door when your path is blocked....

   "Where do you think you're going?"

   You gasp that it is Lady Kayura from Ronin Warriors and she

smirks at you. She tells you that the only way you can leave is

if you take a few moments to look at the paintings on the walls.

You look around in surprise and she chuckles and tells you that the pictures are the

doorways to the mirror dimensions of the authors in the library. As you look at the pictures

you hear a slight chinking sound and you glance over to see that she is gone and you hear

her voice from up above call.....


         Welcome to the Links Page




    P.G.B. - A wonderful Sailor Jupiter page where you can get 

    very nice Sailor Jupiter fanfiction. Page is run by NeoJupiter




                   Voices - A great Sorato (Digimon Sora/Matt) 

                  site! Unfortunately, Kilua is no longer going to 

                  be running the site due to her unhappiness with 

                                            02's ending.




            Crossover Dimension - A site that is coming along

                            very nicely. Page is run by Tyler





  Anime Pitstop - The search engine  I am registered with.





                                                                                                                      A Chosen Path - A wonderful SM/RW crossover section.

                                        Run by GameGirl





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