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Call of Heroes
By Dera Gallilean


        Rich brown hair gently flapped against a white silk robe as Natsuti Koiji, High Priestess of Tahane kneeled before the simple gold alter in the lavish courtyard. Said to be more beautiful than the temple of Erutan, mother of the nature elves and goddess of spring; the courtyard bloomed with hundreds of species of the flower kingdom, and a dozen fountains sat in the shades of graceful willow and sakura trees. Under one such tree sat a priestess with dark green hair in light meditation, a copper staff beside her showing that she was the gatekeeper of the courtyard.


        "Oh goddess Tahane, giver of knowledge and light. Please continue to light the paths of your people here. Allow us to see through the dark deceptions of Resa, that we may not fall into his paths," prayed Natsuti softly. "Please give us knowledge to fight the arrows of Hetad, his brother. May we please have strength to fight his evil sleep."


        Relena's eyes opened as she came out of her meditation and she looked towards the praying woman across from her. Sensing the fervency of the High Priestess' prayers, she stood up quietly and prepared to leave so she would not disturb her. However a feeling of power rushed into the courtyard before she could make a step and knocked her to her knees.


        Crimson eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in awe as a blue pillar of light suddenly shot down over the alter and High Priestess. For a moment there seemed to be a soft music filling the air and golden spirits dancing around her.


        "Behold Tahane has come!" they had seemed to sing. "Behold her light! Behold her knowledge!"


        Then Natsuti stood and turned to Relena, smiling reassuringly at her and revealing unnatural green glowing eyes.


        "Listen well young Setsuna." commanded Tahane. "And remember."


        The young priestess nodded in awe and bowed her head reverently.


Beware the north from which the witch calls

To storm the gates of waters' walls.


Gather together of every race and form

'Ere your country land is torn.


These you must gather to win this fight

Before darkness overcomes your light.


Knight of Light - Mage of Stealth

Daughter of Forest - Forgotten King of Wealth

Lover of Wind - Shadow of Fire

Priestess of Peace - Warrior for Hire

Flirter of Death - Enchantress of Silence


'Ere but one fail to join this plight

Surely the darkness will win this fight.


        Setsuna looked up when Tahane fell silent and gasped when she found her standing right before her.


        "Give this staff to the Priestess of Peace," ordered Tahane, holding a golden staff an orb of white crystal atop it. "Remember, I am always with you."


        A flash of blue light snapped away from Natsuti's body and back to the alter where the blue column still stood, and then both it and the column vanished back up into the heavens where it came from. Before her, Natsuti gave a moan and wavered on her feet and Setsuna opened her arms just as the High Priestess fell forward into her arms.


        "High Priestess?"


        For a moment Natsuti stared up at her in confusion and then recognition came into her face.


        "Setsuna, we must send for the Priestess Relena as soon as possible."


        "I will see to it," promised Setsuna to the weak woman in her arms.


        "Thank you my sister," whispered Natsuti softly before her eyes fluttered closed in sleep.




Author's Note : This is the prologue for a mass crossover story and AU story set in a fantasy setting. (It's what happens when you watch to much Lodoss War and play Final Fantasy) I don't know how much I'll be able to write in between other projects and such, but I'll try. (Besides working on the 10th Warriors sagas, I will be starting college courses on the 23rd.)  I shall place a small chart below to explain things.


gods and goddesses
Tahane - goddess of Knowledge and Light
Ceape - goddess of Peace and Hope (Daughter of Tahane)
Resa - god of War and Darkness
Hetad - god of Death


Crossover Characters
Natsuti Koiji (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors)
Setsuna (Sailor Moon)
*Relena* (Gundam Wing) only mentioned so far

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