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Call of Heroes
Part 01 : Taking of Winds, Anguish of Waters
By Dera Gallilean


        White water lilies, sparkling with dew gently waved back and forth in the salty sea breeze the wafted in through the courtyard. Among them stood dozens of people of the various peoples of the continent of Reath. There were High Elves with fair golden hair, C'Tarls with silven coats of fur, Mages of the various cities and countries, Dwarves with long gray beards, priest and priestesses of the higher orders, Fairies no bigger than a child's doll, royalty from neighboring kingdoms, and Holy Knights from various kingdoms who could no attend.


        In general, almost everyone there represented their countries interests in the union of the rulers of Suiko and Getsuei. All but two. The Lilly Fairy known as Mimi who was the bride's best friend and subsequently her Maid of Honor, and the Hold Knight of Korin, Seiji Date who was the groom's best friend and Best Man. Shin Mouri, Prince of Suiko, the kingdom on the east coast of Getsuei, shifted nervously, waiting for his bride to come down the isle.


        "Settle down my friend. She will be here soon," Seiji reminded his friend with smile.


        "I know," sighed Shin, still casting looks back towards the large doors. "I have just been having these feelings since last night that something dark was looming over this wedding."

Seiji frowned.


        "A premonition, perhaps?"


        Shin made an annoyed noise and shook his head.


        "I'm not sure. I even spent all night before the alter of Rentrot asking for guidance."


        "Perhaps you should have sought wisdom from Tahane, instead of the god of seas and trust, my friend. Rentrot is not as knowledgeable about the workings of the dark as his bright sister."


        "I would have," sighed Shin. "But our Priestess was suddenly called to the temple on urgent business."


        "It is ill tidings when the Priestesses of Tahane gather in such a manner," said a small voice.


        The pink haired Lilly Fairy landed on Seiji's shoulder with a solemn sigh.


        "All that flying in place makes my poor wings tired," she moaned and then looked at Shin in concern. "Sora told me of her worries about this day as well."


        "She did?"


        "She did. She said she had a nightmare last night about a dark shadow appearing during the wedding and striking you down, dear Prince," said Mimi sincerely. "She has been praying to Diwn for your safety. Last I saw her, she was a nervous as a C'Tarl in the royal canine."


        Seiji and Shin chuckled at her analogy and Mimi looked at them in confusion. However, before she could say anything the soft voice of the lutes began to play. All talking ceased and eyes turned to the large doors at the end of the isle as they were opened. Mimi flew back to her side of the isle and all worries were temporarily forgotten by both men as the young bride began her walk down the flawlessly white satin carpet.


        "Beautiful." gasped Shin appreciatively as a smile made a home on his face.


        Seiji smiled but didn't respond as the young woman in the silver dress walked down the isle. Soft chestnut hair curled out from beneath a veil made of finely woven mythril as only the dwarves could make and a healthy tan show from the slightly revealed skin of her arms where the silver gloves ended and the sleeve of the satin silver dress began. Look further, one could see small delicate feet occasionally stepping down as she lifted the hem of her dress with her left hand to make her walk easier. And finally in her right was the magic bow of her family that had been passed down for over twenty generations.


        Shin extended his arm when she reached them and carefully took her arm in his with genuine love. Together, they made their way up the stairs to where the Priest of Ionun stood with a smile of joy.

"People of Reath, we gather today under the gods and goddesses to view this blessed and awaited union of Prince Shin Mouri and Princess Sora Takenouchi. If there be any here who have any reason why these two should not unite under the name of Ionun, speak now."


        For a moment all was silent.


        "I have every reason."


        Shin's eyes widened in alarm he turned around with Sora as a bolt of red energy shot down into the middle isle and revealed a young man in black and gray. Instantly, the warriors of the audiance went for the swords, but the young man shot his hands outwards and a strong wind shot away from him, knocking anyone standing up behind him to their backs. Shin instantly pushed Sora behind him and lifted the sacred trident of his family.


        Dark eyes glimmered in amusement at the couple before him and he raised his hand. Red energy shot from his extended hand at the couple and Shin prepared for the blow. However, Mimi was suddenly before them and the blast was deflected of a soft green light.


        "I know who you are Nagi. The dark mage are not welcome here. Leave this place at once or dire consequences shall occur," exclaimed Mimi angrily. "Without this union all of Reath will be in danger of chaos."


        "But the end of all things is what I want, foolish fairy." said Nagi and once again raised his hand.


        Once again the red energy lanced out, stronger than before and Mimi cried out as her shield was overpowered and she was blasted back against a stone pillar.


        "Mimi!" screamed Sora, following after her to help.


        "Sora, no!" shouted Shin, seeing Nagi immediately raising his hand to attack her.


        Sora looked back instinctively and she gasped as the bolt bore down on her. However, a green armored blur leaped before her, a glowing sword in hand and pairing the evil attack, splitting the bolt in two around them. Seiji glared at Nagi and raised his sword upwards.


        "I must say, I didn't expect there to be this kind of opposition when I was sent here," said Nagi with a frown. "But don't think I won't win. I am more powerful than any of you are."


        A dark mist began to seep into the room and Mimi suddenly rose from the ground, despite an ugly wound on the side of her face. People began to fall down to the ground around the room and Mimi began to glow a bright pink color.


        "Mimi, what's going on?" asked Sora, next the fairy.


        "A sleep fog. You, Prince Shin, and the knight will be safe," answered Mimi solemnly.


        "Chur Yo Ha!" shouted Shin suddenly, causing them to look up and see him attack the dark mage.


        Shin held his trident steady as the holy water shot from it's tip and towards Nagi. However, a crimson shield rose up around the evil youth and the waters parted around him harmlessly.


        "Rai Ko Zan!" shouted Seiji suddenly from where he stood, sending a flash of holy light from his sword.


        However, this too was easily deflected by the mage. Seeing that the mage was distracted for the time with Shin and Seiji, Sora raised her sacred bow and pulled back the string. Instantly a red light began to glow in the form of an arrow and Mimi wisely raised her soft green shield over them.


        "Sinkyuu Ha!" shouted Sora when the arrow held as much power as she felt necessary.


        Sora watched with pride as her arrow sped through the air undetected and passed through Nagi's shields, but frowned when it veered only meters from a killing blow to his head. Instead it grazed the size of his face, cause him to gasp sharply in surprise and turn his head towards her.


        "So the rose has thorns," said Nagi with grudging respect. "I guess I shall have to dethorn you quickly."


        "Leave her alone!" shouted Shin angrily, charging towards Nagi with his trident.


        Nagi smirked and waved his hand at Shin and Seiji and both found themselves being thrown back by an invisible hand. Mimi fluttered in front of Sora protectively and raised her hands upwards in a swift motion. Instantly, the ground beneath Nagi erupted in light and shot upwards. This time, Nagi screamed in pain and was holding his right arm when the light faded.


        "I am a High Fairy." said Mimi angrily. "I have more power than you thought. Leave or I will continue to attack you."


        Nagi stared at her in anger a moment and then sighed, "I'll leave."


        Mimi nodded and relaxed slightly and was caught by surprise when Nagi blasted her.


        "But I am taking your precious Princess with me!" shouted Nagi, angrily.


        Sora screamed out Mimi's name as the fairy smacked back against the pillar and crumpled to the ground. Mimi's eyes fluttered open and filled with sorrow.


        "I am sorry Sora. I tried to protect you and failed." she whispered.


        "It's ok Mimi. Just don't die!" cried Sora, falling to her knees next to her small friend.


        "Sora! Run!" screamed Shin's voice from behind them.


        Mimi's eyes fluttered closed and Sora found herself lifted off the ground and her surroundings suddenly tinted purple. In vain, she smashed her hands against the sphere that held her and glared down at Nagi while tears streamed down her cheeks.


        "Let her go Nagi!" shouted Seiji, running with Shin towards him with their weapons drawn.


        "I'm afraid not. She's going to be the next sacrifice for Resa on the solar equinox." Nagi said with a grin. "Perhaps we can continue this game another time."


        Nagi and Sora vanished and Shin felt her heart break in half. He screamed out in anguish and Seiji found himself looking over to where Mimi had been cast. A small Lily now stood against the pillar a small testament to the passing of the fairy.


        "Don't worry, Shin." said Seiji darkly. "We'll get Sora back and avenge Mimi's death."




Author's Note : I am inspired tonight, and so I wrote part one! ~_^ But no promises on when I'll be able to get part 2 out. As always, review!!! Sayonara! -- Side note. I don't hate Mimi! I think she's one of the more fun characters of the show.


gods and goddesses

Tahane - goddess of Knowledge and Light

Ionun - god of Union

Ceape - goddess of Peace and Hope 

(Daughter of Tahane)

Resa - god of War and Darkness

Rentrot - god of Trust and Water

Hetad - god of Death

Diwn - god of Wind


Crossover Characters

Shin Mouri (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors)

Seiji Date (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors)

Sora Takenouchi (Digimon)

Mimi (Digimon)


Japanese Phrases

"Chur Yo Ha!" - Super Flow Thrust

"Rai Ko Zan!" - Thunder Lighting Thrust
"Sinkyuu Ha!" - Vacuum Breakthrough
For those familiar with Yoroiden Samurai Troopers - Those are Shin, Seiji, and Touma's original attacks.

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