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Call of Heroes
Chapter 02: Knights, Priestesses, and Elves
By Dera


A large crimson sphere sped over the rose tinted mists of the Triground Valley that lay between the lands of the Suiko, Ancient Fanellia, and the Goblin Kingdom, causing the mists to billow like the foam at the keel of a ship. Within the sphere, Nagi stood over his unconscious prisoner in an anxious manor, watching for the danger he knew was out in the mists. Not the danger from Suiko's ruler or his Holy Knight companion who were most likely pursuing him, but someone who Nagi had trouble getting past on the way to Suiko.

Someone he feared as much as the woman who had hired him to kidnap the Princess of Gensui. A wolf howled from somewhere in the mist and Nagi's eyes shifted nervously as a second howl answered the former call.

"The Dragon Knight is on alert already," murmured Nagi. "I should have tried to go through Gensui or Ancient Fanellia."

A third howl rose into the air and was joined by two in synch. Nagi felt his skin crawl and instinctively strengthened his shields. Suddenly a hand of steel wrapped around the crimson sphere which Nagi rode in and raised him upwards. He cried out in fear as the familiar red mecha's hand lifted the sphere to the face plate and stopped.

Then, almost tauntingly slow, a red haired knight materialized from within the metal suite. The Knight appeared deceptively frail and innocent at first glance. However her armor and sword dismissed any idea of her harmlessness.

A long thin rope of braided hair swung down over the thin looking red and white armor she wore and on her right hand was a gauntlet with a red gem. In that hand, she held a long broadsword with a hilt that leafed outwards like the wings of a ruby red dragon.

"Nagi, I thought I forbid you from traveling my realm again," she chastised, glaring at him with her crimson eyes.

"Please forgive me, oh Knight of Fire Dragons. I only crossed because I am being pursued by two evil men who seek to take my sister," lied Nagi quickly.

The Knight continued to glare and Nagi felt himself loosing whatever hope he had of getting away, go.

"You are lying to me," said the Knight angrily. "That is the princess of Gensui. I demand that you release her this instant!"

Nagi's eyes widened and he looked down at his unconscious captive, knowing that if he didn't return with her his Mistress would have him killed. However, he also knew that the Dragon Knight would also kill him if he didn't let the girl go. It was only a choice of whether he wanted to die now, or hoping that he'd be able to weasel out of death later. He decided to go for the latter.

"Alright, I will give her to you if you let me go unharmed," bargained Nagi, falling to a knee before the knight.

"Despite the fact that you are in no position to bargain, I will allow you to leave unharmed," answered the Knight. "Send her to me."

Nagi lifted his hands in obedience and Sora's form lifted from where it lay and floated out of the sphere and over to the Knight's waiting hands. When Sora had landed securely in her arms, the Knight once again glared at Nagi.

"Be warned Nagi. The next time you journey into my realm I will have no choice but to destroy you. I cannot have you disturbing my land."

Nagi bowed low within his sphere towards the red haired warrior, "I will head your warning Dragon Knight. May we never meet again."

The Knight nodded and Nagi found his sphere being lowered down to the mist covered grounds. He cast one last glance at the princess in the Dragon Knight's hands, and then set off over the misty terrain as fast as his magic would allow. Behind him the wolves howled in unison and the Dragon Knight smiled.



The Island of G'hilt lies in the Rostm sea between Reath and the North Eastern desert continent of Ikorn. It is an island that all males are forbidden to tread upon. For it is this island that houses the Temple of Tahane where all the goddess's priestesses are sworn to remain virgins for their entire life. In return, the island is kept in a state of perpetual spring by the hand of Tahane's cousin, Hana, goddess of Spring and Summer.

Renown for their council, the Priestess often left G'hilt to live in the world's kingdoms. For five hundred years this process had been normal and the priestesses were never called back to G'hilt. But now, a new era had dawned and the current High Priestess, Natsuti stood upon the dais of the center of the temple mount looking out at the hundreds of women gathered at her urgent calling.

Natsuti turned around to four of her best friends who were the High Priestesses of some of the other goddesses. To the far right was the raven haired Rei, who was High Priestess of the fire and vision goddess, Ifer. Next to her was the chocolate haired Tifa, who was the High Priestess of the goddess of warriors and honor, Lefi. Left of Tifa was the honey haired Relena, who was the High Priestess of Ceape, goddess of peace and hope. And finally to Relena's left was the chestnut haired Catherine who was the High Priestess of Nanashi, goddess of silence and purity.

With these four behind her, Natsuti felt that she could accomplish anything. However, times called for one of them to leave. She turned away from her smiling friends and looked towards the steps where the Priestess Setsuna was now climbing in her golden ceremonial gown. Natsuti smiled down at her as the green haired woman slowly made her way upwards.

Harps and flutes began to play along the walls and all talking in the field before the temple ceased. Natsuti watched as Setsuna climbed up the final steps and then stood slightly being Catherine. Then with a sigh she turned to the women who were awaiting for her to speak.

"Welcome home my sisters!" she called, opening her arms upwards. "I have called you all together in this time in history to tell you of a visit from the spirit of Tahane!"

A small murmuring ran around the crowd and Natsuti stood silently till once again all was still.

"Tahane sent us a warning. A witch from the North is gaining power for Resa as we speak. Word has come that she has already struck at the lands of Suiko and that unless ten specific people be gathered together all of Reath will be lost. High Priestess Relena is one of them."

Once again the crowd began to murmur and Natsuti looked back at Relena to see her looking down at the ground with an unreadable expression. A lone horn played a long note and the crowd settled down again, allowing Natsuti to continue.

"Tahane also gave us a staff to be given to the Priestess of Ceape."

Setsuna and Relena stepped forward and Natsuti turned to them.

"Sister, the rod," requested Natsuti. "Please give it to the Priestess."

Setsuna nodded and timidly raised her hand up into the air. There was a blinding flash of light followed by a collective gasp of awe. Setsuna's hand now held a golden staff with a white crystal atop it and she held up high for all to see before handing it to Relena. All eyes looked at Relena for her reaction and Relena looked at the rod in silence before she turned to the people.

"Tahane works in mysterious ways," exclaimed Relena to the crowd. "I do not know why I should be chosen for this fight, but for the glory of all things good and peaceable, I will do my best to protect our world!"

Cheers rang up from the priestesses and Natsuti smiled fondly at her friend. She would miss Relena, but she had a feeling that something great would happen thanks to Relena's sacrifice.


Two days later all the priestess had begun their journeys back to their posts. For Natsuti, the temple had suddenly become a very empty place. Natsuti walked down the hall towards the open yard at a leisurely pace to where the Relena's escort would be arriving any minute.

She entered the courtyard to find Setsuna standing with a young woman who's back was currently facing Nasuti's direction. With a few gentle strides, Natsuti walked over to where the two stood and smiled at Setsuna.

"Miss Makoto, this is the High Priestess, Natsuti," informed Setsuna quietly.

The young woman turned and upon seeing Natsuti promptly fell to one knee.

" 'Mec ter g'tah lahon," greeted the young woman, bowing her head in reverence.

Natsuti blinked and looked down at the young woman bowing before her.

"Life and longevity to you," whispered Catherine coming up beside Natsuti with Relena and Tifa. "It's the greeting an Elf is to give to their elder."

The young woman looked up at Natsuti and smiled timidly, "It is an honor to meet you High Priestess. I did not know I would be seeing you when I came to pick up the Priestess Relena."

Realizing that the young woman was Elven, Natsuti relaxed and smiled back.

"I am always here to see my sisters off."

"Te'hoi ter lahon!" exclaimed a voice behind them.

The young Elven woman leaped to her feet in surprise and Rei came out of the south garden attached to the courtyard. As soon as the elf caught sight of the Priestess of Ifer, she ran forward to meet her and caught hold of Rei in a hug.

"Welcome Makoto, noble daughter of Areth and Hetad.," greeted Rei, with a smile as she returned the hug with a squeeze. "It has been a long time."

"Mec ter g'tah lahon," returned Makoto as she pulled out of the hug and smiled. "It is wonderful to see you as well Rei, High Priestess of Ifer. I did not expect to meet a familiar face so far from home."

"Oh, I see now," whispered Relena, observing the interaction. "She's part nature elf and part dark elf."

Natsuti looked over at Relena with an amused smile.

"What?" asked Relena with a bashful grin. "I was taught that nature elves had blonde haired, green eyes, and fair skin and dark elves have gray skin, blue eyes, and black hair."

"They do," whispered Catherine.

"I wonder how her parents were able to get away with the bonding ceremony," murmured Tifa, curious as to how they had avoided being caught in such a forbidden act.

Natsuti contemplated her friend's words a moment and then raised a small hand, causing the three women to quiet respectfully.

"About fifty years ago a fraction of Dark Elf and a fraction of Nature Elf split from their clans. It is said that the two then merged and set up a new clan on the island of Turdak 'Naer," recalled Natsuti glancing over to here Makoto and Rei were still talking. "The mixture of the Elven bloods created a breed of stronger, peaceful warriors. They are spoken of almost reverently in Ikorn."

"Truly, the High Priestess of Tahane lives up to her sovereign's name."

The women turned to see the brown haired elf smiling at them with the hint of a smile on her face.

"Your kind words honor me," continued Makoto and placed a compatible hand on Nasuti's shoulder.

"I only speak the truth daughter," said Natsuti with a smile. "Now before you leave with sister Relena, I want to ask you a favor."

Makoto's smile vanished and she nodded solemnly, "I will do anything in my power."

Natsuti nodded, "I knew you would, that's why I asked for you."

Makoto's cheeks tinged a slight pink and Rei gently ribbed her teasingly, causing Tifa, Catherine, and Relena to grin.

"Makoto, my one request as that you do everything in your power to aid sister Relena in her quest to find the ten of prophesy. The well being of this world depends on the gathering of these people."

"I vow upon my mother goddess, Areth," said Makoto gravely, her eyes not wavering from Natsuti's face. "To not only do everything in my power to aid Relena, but to bring her back to you four safely. I will protect her and this world with my life, even if it means the spilling of my own blood."


"Ke-ya!" shouted Seiji as he pushed his heals into the horse's flank to urge it to keep up with Shin next to him.

"Do you really think he'd risk going through Ancient Fanellia?" shouted Shin, keeping his eyes forward.

"I don't think he'd risk going through Gensui or the Dragon Knight's lands, do you?" responded Seiji, looking over to his solemn friend. "Don't worry. We'll catch him."

Shin nodded and momentarily thought about the flower he carried under his shirt. Yes, he'd save Sora no matter what he had to do. Mimi's death would not be in vain.




Author's Note: One semester down! Yes! I now have no college work to worry about till January. In celebration, I give you part 2 of the Call of Heroes. Comments are welcome (even flames if you feel you must flame me) so please review and tell me if things are good. Thanks. ^_^



gods and goddesses

Ifer - goddess of Fire and Visions

Tahane - goddess of Light and Knowledge

Lefi - goddess of Warriors and Honor

Areth - goddess of Earth

Ceape - goddess of peace and Hope

Resa - god of War and Darkness 

Nanashi - goddess of Silence and Purity


Crossover Characters (In order of Appearance)

Hikaru ( Magic Knights Rayearth )

Rei ( Sailor Moon )

Tifa ( Final Fantasy VII )

Catherine ( Gundam Wing )

Makoto ( Sailor Moon )


Elven Phrases ^_^

'Mec Ter G'tah Lahon - Life and Longevity to You

[Elven Greeting to Elders]

Te'hoi Ter Lahon - Blessing and Peace to You

[Formal Elven Greeting]

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