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Not Quite Human
Author's Note By Dreamcatcher

To clear something out, this story is NOT a crossover
with any of those "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
movies that probably everyone has already seen. (I'm
sure you have all three movies lying around in your
video collection gathering dust somewhere. If not, you
probably sold them at a yard sale a long time ago!
^_^) I'm actually referring to the cartoon show, which
was really popular during the mid and late nineties;
around the same time the movies were made. I loved the
cartoon when I was a kid. They're mean, green fighting
machines with a never ending appetite for bizarre
pizza combos: the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

He's the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
As the leader, he accepts full responsibility for the
safety of his three brothers. Leonardo wears blue and
his weapons are twin katanas.

He's the smart mouth and jokester of the Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles. He always has some rude remark
or joke about almost everything. Raphael wears red and
his weapons are twins sais.

He's the brains behind the Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles. He's responsible for inventing several tools
that the Turtles use, such as their Turtle-Coms, the
Turtle Van, the Turtle Blimp, and the dimensional
portal generator. Donatello wears purple and his
weapon is a simple wooden staff, or bo.

He's the goofball of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
He likes to have fun, whether it's going to the
movies, skateboarding in the sewers, watching TV, or
making and scarfing down the Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles' favorite food: pizza! Some of Michelangelo's
favorite expressions are "Exactamundo," "Awesome,"
"Tubuloso," "Primo to the extremo," "Holy Guacamole,"
and "Cowabunga!" Michelangelo wears orange and his two
favorite weapons are a pair of nunchucks and a
grappling hook.

He's the surrogate father of the Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles. Splinter is a mutated rat who wears a pink
kimono. He used to be a human man named Hamato Yoshi.
He was one of the greatest ninja masters at the ninja
school he taught at, that is until his rival, a man
named Oroku Saki, framed him for attempting to
assassinate the dojo's master sensei. He was forced to
leave Japan and had to live in the sewers of New York
City and...well, I'm sure you know the rest.

She's the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' only human
friend. April is a star reporter for the Channel Six
News. She's willing to take any risk to get a good
story; even if there were a chance she'd be risking
her own life.

He's one of the two major threats to the Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles and the rest of the world.
Shredder, formerly known as Oroku Saki, was
responsible for framing Hamato Yoshi many years ago.
He is also responsible for creating the mutagen that
made the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Splinter
what they are today. Now as the Shredder, he plots on
taking over the world with his army of Foot Soldiers.
(Think of the Foot Soldiers as like Talpa's Dynasty
Soldiers: very easily defeated by the heroes.)

He's the other major threat to the Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles and the rest of the world. Krang is a
body-less brain from another world called Dimension X,
where he is the ruler. Although he doesn't have a real
body, Krang does have a robotic body that he controls
by means of a small remote control compartment within
the robotic body. He also operates a giant mobile
vehicle called the Techno-Drome. Krang's plot is to
bring his army from Dimension X over to Earth, so he
can take over the planet.

He's one of Shredder's two mutated creations. Bebop
was once a human henchman, but he was mutated with a
wild boar stolen from the Central Park Zoo. The
mutation did make Bebop very strong and aggressive
like a wild boar, but as Donatello said about him and
Rocksteady in the first episode, "The mutation didn't
up their IQs any!"

He's the second of Shredder's two mutated creations.
Rocksteady was once a human henchman, but he was
mutated with a wild rhinoceros stolen from the Central
Park Zoo. The mutation did make Rocksteady very strong
and powerful like a wild rhinoceros, but as Donatello
said about him and Bebop in the first episode, "The
mutation didn't up their IQs any!"

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